-Caveat Lector-
November 07, 2004

“Everything has changed since 9/11, so there is a different context in which this inauguration is being planned,” Terrance W. Gainer, chief of the U.S. Capitol Police, told the Washington Post.

The only thing that has changed since 9/11 is that we no longer elect our rulers, they are appointed and steal elections. The Bush war dictatorship has promised numerous terror attacks over the last three years but terror attacks are no longer necessary because the Bushcons do whatever they want without resorting to staged attacks designed to stampede frightened Americans into supporting endless war and surrendering their civil liberties. Of course, since a prolonged state of fear is required, there will be phony terror attack warnings for the foreseeable future.

“Law enforcement authorities do not have specific information that al Qaeda or another terrorist group is targeting the inauguration. But the events will attract political leaders from throughout the country and the world and will be staged outside symbols of American democracy, officials said.”

Not “symbols of American democracy,” but symbols for a police state. As should be apparent to all Americans—with the exception of “red” voters who actually believe Osama and al-Zarqawi are out there, who believe Osama and Saddam are twins separated at birth—democracy in America is dead and not coming back anytime soon. It is now a partial police state—as evidenced by the fact I am allowed to write this without jackbooted thugs in SWAT uniforms breaking down my door and stealing this computer—but give them time. For as the “red” zombies chanted, Four More Years. Now that Bush owns all branches of government, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will be completely eviscerated and thrown on the scrapheap of history.

Of course “al Qaeda or another terrorist group” are not targeting the inauguration. CIA or Pentagon false flag ops, with plenty of help from Mossad, do not target leaders, unless they are disposable Democrats, such as Tom Daschle (sent packing on November 2) and other Democrats. Recall Daschle receiving an anthrax letter in October, 2001. Said Sen. John McCain at the time, “I’m not afraid. Not at all. I feel perfectly safe.” Of course McCain felt safe—he is a Republican and no CIA-Fort Detrick anthrax letters were sent to his office. Now that Bush has stolen another election, and Democrats are completely marginalized (having lost even more seats in Congress), there will probably be no need to send them anthrax letters or shoot them as they play golf on their exclusive courses, that is unless they start acting up and filibuster Bush’s Supreme Court nominations, something they say they will not do, having received the message loud and clear from the Borg Hive that resistance is futile and they will be assimilated or suffer the consequences.

“Officials said the inauguration will be the culmination of a series of high-security events, including the summer political conventions, the Sea Island, Ga., summit of leaders from industrialized nations in June and the funeral in Washington that month of former president Ronald Reagan.”

In other words, no eggs will be thrown at Bush’s motorcade, as last time, and our Caesar will actually walk to be “sworn in” on the steps of the capitol. As the campaign leading up to the theft of election 2004 showed, demonstrators will be harshly dealt with, as they are in all dictatorships. In the months ahead, as outrage over the filched election and escalating mass murder in the Middle East intensifies, we can likely expect a return to the good old days when soldiers fired on demonstrators with live ammo, as they did at Kent State on May 4, 1970. Nothing sends a message like murdered students.

“In addition, officials said the new Joint Forces Headquarters-National Capital Region is prepared to pre-deploy 4,000 active-duty combat forces in the District—a significant departure from past inaugurations.”

It may very well be a “significant departure,” but it is an ominous sign of things to come. Let there be no doubt—we now live in a military dictatorship. Americans need to wake up to this fact. Unless they take their government back from the Bushcon criminals and the Christian Zionist Republicans, things will only get worse. This will not be an easy task since the government learned an important lesson during the Vietnam War—popular resistance to insane policies can and does effectuate change. However, this time around, the fascists who have seized control of our former republic understand this and are burning the midnight oil, preparing legislation (Son of Patriot and more draconian laws) to outlaw and subvert the right of the people to “petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Grievances will no longer be tolerated. In fact, you may end up in a domestic Camp Gitmo or be deported for demanding change from a government determined to realize Mussolini’s maxim: “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” Most of us know what happened to those Italians (and Germans) who complained about fascism.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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