-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


This matter is one of absolutely awesome historical significance because the
de facto actual ruling government of a nation—a nation like Poland, or a
nation like Russia, or a nation like the USA—has been destroyed based on the
premise that Osama bin Laden was guilty of the 9/11 attacks.  As Hitler
proved to the world prior to World War II, it is a historically significant
event to see the destruction of any government.


But the significance of the destruction of the government of Afghanistan far
exceeds the ordinary.  This is because in Afghanistan not just any government
was destroyed but a Muslim government was destroyed.  And the destruction of
this Muslim government was not carried out by just any person but by
President George W. Bush, a war leader who has made his Christian identity a
keystone of his public image.  In other words, for the first time in many
long centuries, a Christian ruler destroyed a Muslim nation.

If that does not resonate with you now, it will resonate with history as long
as there is history to resonate. Just as we never really saw any of the dead
bodies or body parts of the five thousand people slaughtered by the terrorist
nineteen, neither have we seen the carnage heaped on the soil of Afghanistan.
       But the carnage is there.  And the carnage will continue because
Afghanistan, one of the most unstable nations in the world, has been deprived
of the only source of stability it has known in decades.  Such things history
will not forget.

Why was the government of Afghanistan destroyed?  One reason: All that
carnage had to occur because Osama bin Laden was guilty of the 9/11 attacks.
Without bin Laden’s guilt, there simply is no way to justify the government
of the USA overthrowing the Taliban.

There is much evidence that, in the absence of the conclusive proof to the
contrary, will lead reasonable people to suspect that Saddam Hussein instead
of Osama bin Laden provided both the instructions and the money behind 9/11.

An article in the Washington Post by Peter Finn on November 5, 2001, entitled
“Hijackers Depicted As Elite Group” contained information startling
information that caused me to think the unthinkable. The article was sub
headed, “Officials note differences from other terror cells.”  The article
went on to say, “European investigators say they increasingly believe that
the Sept. 11 hijackers and their support network in Europe made up a
carefully chosen and tightly insulated group that had little if any contact
with other al Qaeda terror cells in Europe…”

Contact is an either/or thing.  You either contact somebody or you don’t.  To
say “little if any contact”, as the Washington Post reporter said, is just
another way of saying that there is no conclusive evidence there was any
contact between the Sept. 11 hijackers and other al Qaeda terror cells in

The Washington Post article continued, “There is still no firm evidence of
how many of the Sept. 11 hijackers visited Afghanistan….”

The only thing the Washington Post reporter could find to prove there was ANY
connection at all between Afghanistan and the 9/11 attackers was this:
“…U.S. intelligence officials have said Atta, the suspected ringleader, made
the trip, probably in 1997 or 1998…”

“Probably in 1997 or 1998…”?  If the evidence the federal government is
depending on to justify the annihilation of the Taliban could not even
pinpoint the year the leader of the attackers visited Afghanistan, how
dependable could their “evidence” be?

The Washington Post article continued, “Mohamed Atta, suspected as a leader
of the hijacking plot, was a city planner, fluent in German, English and
Arabic, who held advanced degrees.  During the years he lived in Hamburg,
Germany, he supported himself with a variety of legitimate jobs.

The article continued to flesh out the portrait of Atta, “Atta, who traveled
extensively within Europe and between the United States and Europe before
Sept 11, is the suspected bridge between the hijackers and al Qaeda’s
leadership.  But little solid information has emerged on who Atta met on his
trips to Spain this past January and July. And a trip to Prague in April
remains equally mysterious.  Atta met an Iraqi intelligence official,
according to Czech officials, but the purpose of the meeting remains unclear.”

Unclear indeed.

While there is no “firm evidence” about any contact between any of the 9/11
attackers and bin Laden, there is irrefutable evidence that Mohamed Atta, the
leader of the attackers, had numerous meetings with Iraqi Intelligence agents
prior to the attacks.  On November 9, 2001, CNN reported, “Suspected
terrorist hijacker Mohammed Atta contacted an Iraqi agent to discuss a terror
attack on the Radio Free Europe building in the Czech capital, Prague, Czech
Prime Minister Milos Zeman told CNN.”

The information offered by the Czech Prime Minister included details that
left no doubt Atta was connected to Iraq: “…the April meeting [2001] was
actually Atta’s second with Iraqi agents in Prague.  The first meeting was in
June 2000, and in both meetings the Iraqis were operating under ‘official
cover’ as diplomats.”

In the face of clear and undeniable evidence that the leader of the 9/11
attackers was meeting regularly with Iraqi intelligence agents prior to the
attacks, President George W. Bush has made the hunt for Osama bin Laden and
the destruction of the Taliban government of Afghanistan its single military
objective.  That decision becomes even harder to understand when the evidence
linking Saddam Hussein with the 9/11 attackers is examined.

There is voluminous evidence indicating that Saddam Hussein was connected to
the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, not least of which is the fact
that the 1993 bombing occurred two years to the day after Iraq was forced to
withdraw from Kuwait.  Examine the significance of that fact.  If Saddam
Hussein was behind the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center that failed to
bring down the towers, do you know enough about Saddam Hussein’s ego to allow
you to understand why he would have targeted the same target once again?

Why did the terrorists focus on the Twin Towers?  If the terrorists wanted to
inflict maximum terror on the American people, the four planes could have
been hijacked on any given Sunday and, rather than six thousand people dead,
four separate cities would have approximately 100,000 fewer NFL fans come
Monday morning.  The Twin Towers were obviously the terrorist’s primary
target.  The Towers were attacked first, and the most experienced pilots flew
the planes that hit them.

Conventional wisdom answers the question Why The Twin Towers? by saying that
the Twin Towers were the symbols of America’s financial power and, to the
terrorists, the symbols of America’s financial tyranny.  But that answer does
not fit the emerging terror profile.  If the real goal of the attack was
inflicting terror on American citizens, the conventional answer offered for
Why The Twin Towers? does not fit well into that picture.

But there is another scenario where the Twin Towers fits perfectly well. That
scenario is one where Saddam Hussein was simply proving that he could finish
what he started.

Why have you never seriously examined this possibility?  The answer is
obvious: the administration of President George W. Bush has done everything
the unprecedented war powers granted to him could do to keep you from going
there in your mind.  No wonder.  The official wartime “party line” espoused
by President George W. Bush, the one that says Osama bin Laden was the
mastermind behind 9/11, begins to implode like the World Trade Center itself
as soon as light is shined in the direction of Saddam Hussein.


Enormous insight into the World Trade Center bombing was gleaned from a
“National Interest” article by Laurie Mylroie published in Winter 1995-96
called “The World Trade Center Bomb: Who is Ramzi Yousef? And Why It
Matters”.  Formerly of Harvard University and the U.S. Naval War College and
currently with the Foreign Policy Research Institute of Philadelphia, she was
co-author of the bestseller, Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf
(Random House 1990, and has just completed a sequel, Study of Revenge:
Saddam’s Terror Against America, January 1993-??.  She writes, “According to
the presiding judge in last year’s trial [of the 1993 World Trade Center
bombers], the bombing of New York’s World Trade Center on February 26, 1993
was meant to topple the city’s tallest tower onto its twin, amid a cloud of
cyanide gas.  Tens of thousands of people were expected to die.”

Hardly anybody today is aware that the outcome of the 9/11 attack was
precisely the same goal as the 1993 bombing: to bring down both the towers,
killing thousands of people.  Surely the parallel between the goal of the
1993 and the obvious goal of the 9/11 attack has to be seen to be enormously
significant.   But the administration of President George W. Bush has chosen
to ignore the parallel.

Laurie Mylroie continued to examine the leader of the 1993 World Trade Center
bombing, “Ramzi Yousef’s plots were the most ambitious terrorist
conspiracies ever attempted against the United States.  But who is he?  Is he
a free-lance bomber?  A deranged but highly-skilled veteran of the Muslim
jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan?  Is he an Arab, or of some other
Middle Eastern ethnicity?  Is there an organization—perhaps even a
state—behind his work?  These questions have an obvious bearing not only on
past events but on possible future ones as well.  It is important to know who
Ramzi Youself is and who his ‘friends’ are, because if he is just a
bomber-for-hire, or an Islamic militant loosely connected to other Muslim
fundamentalists, Yousef’s ‘friends’ could still prove very dangerous to the
United States.  It is of considerable interest, therefore, that a very
persuasive case can be made that Ramzi Yousef is an Iraqi intelligence agent,
and that his bombing conspiracies were meant as Saddam Hussein’s revenge for
the Gulf War.  If so, and if, as U.S. officials strongly suspect, Baghdad
still secretly possesses biological warfare agents, then we may still not
have heard the last from Saddam Hussein [emphasis mine].”

In light of 9/11, the words written by Laurie Mylroie in 1995 should make
every citizen in the USA pause and consider why today our bombs are raining
down with the purpose of entombing Osama bin Laden in the “closed” caves of
Afghanistan while, at the same time, Saddum Hussein sits undisturbed in

November 20, 2001

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