-Caveat Lector- .............................................................. Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Business Roundtable statement on Global Climate Change (heads up!) Date: Friday, November 05, 1999 12:09 PM The Business Roundtable Statement on Global Climate Change BONN, Germany, Nov. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- The Business Roundtable released the following statement today on global climate change: "The leading U.S. corporations that belong to The Business Roundtable are concerned about global climate change and about meeting the world's environmental and energy needs in the 21st century. We are concerned and we are taking action -- action in the marketplace, action in the research laboratories, and action in the public policy arena. "The BRT believes technology must be an essential part of the solution to address our concerns about climate change. Promoting and accelerating the emergence of new and breakthrough technologies is the most effective response to these concerns. "Member companies of The Business Roundtable are making significant progress in creating a cleaner, more energy efficient environment through the development, large-scale commercialization, and global dissemination of innovative long-term technologies. They require billions of dollars of investments in R&D, infrastructure and commercialization, and require years, if not decades, to successfully bring to the marketplace. "To accelerate the development of these new technologies, The Business Roundtable has launched two initiatives. These technology initiatives are based on a BRT report released last summer, The Role of Technology in Responding to Concerns About Climate Change. The report illustrates the enormous potential of exciting technologies being developed in every sector of the economy. It also details the technological, cost, infrastructure, and market challenges that must be overcome before these technologies can be successfully brought to the marketplace. "As our first initiative, the BRT will host a Technology Summit in May 2000 to bring together government leaders, the national laboratories, the private sector and members of leading research universities, with a goal of reaching consensus on actions to accelerate technology development and transfer. The summit will focus on identifying new structures, systems and processes to improve technology transfer, and foster more cooperative and productive relationships between industry and government -- a need that has certainly been expressed repeatedly and forcefully here at COP5. "The Technology Summit has received enthusiastic support from the private and public sectors, and the US Congress. A consortium of national laboratories in the United States will be invited to participate. The Roundtable is forming a Steering Committee, chaired by Lawrence Papay, senior vice president and general manager of Bechtel, to provide leadership and strategic guidance. To date, Lucent, General Motors, Exxon and American Electric Power have joined as members of the Steering Committee. "Next, the BRT is working to identify regulatory, trade, informational, infrastructure, tax, and other obstacles that impede, discourage and even halt rapid technological innovation, commercialization, and dissemination. Currently, we are in the process of surveying BRT member companies to identify obstacles in each of these areas, and will be developing a white paper offering concrete, practicable recommendations to clear the path for innovation. We anticipate completing this report early next year. We hope this report will complement the conclusions and recommendations in the special study of technology and obstacles to innovation being developed by the IPCC. "It is the Roundtable's hope that our technology initiatives will chart a course that will enable the public and private sectors to harness the great potential of technology to help address our concerns about climate change. "The Business Roundtable is excited about the promise innovative technologies hold, and we are deeply committed to turning this promise into reality -- to make the 21st century the most environmentally conscious and prosperous we have ever seen." To obtain more information about BRT, visit its web site at www.brtable.org. SOURCE The Business Roundtable CO: The Business Roundtable ST: Germany IN: ENV OIL SU: 11/05/1999 11:00 EST http://www.prnewswire.com A. 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