-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.1/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 1</A>
The Laissez Faire City Times
January 4, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 1
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
CIA Cocaine Smuggling Crack Epidemic

a book review by Uri Dowbenko

"Dark Alliance" was originally the title of a series of newspaper
articles by San Jose Mercury reporter Gary Webb (August 18, 1996). It
had a strong lead, a powerful introduction, and it's still an accurate
summary of the story.

"For the better part of a decade, a Bay Area drug ring sold tons of
cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled
millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerilla army run by the
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, a Mercury News investigation has
found. This drug network, federal records show, opened the first
pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and black neighborhoods of
Los Angeles, a city now known as the crack capital of the world. The
cocaine it brought into the United States fueled the crack explosion in
urban America and the simultaneous rise to power of the murderous gangs
of black L.A."

Did the Nicaraguan Contras really use cash from cocaine sold in the US?
Did CIA- sanctioned Nicaraguan drug smugglers flood the inner cities of
America with crack cocaine? The answer to both questions is Yes.

In its new book-length incarnation, Dark Alliance by Gary Webb is a
heavily referenced history of how the CIA engineered the high-volume
U.S. cocaine invasion in the 1980s. This is a classic market study.
Saturate the market with low-cost cocaine. Produce mass market "crack"
in South Central Los Angeles. Make big bucks. Go to jail (if you're not
protected by a high-level CIA coverup.)

"Freeway" Ricky Ross, a young entrepreneurial black guy, and hundreds of
other crack dealers are in jail. Danilo Blandon and Norwin Meneses are
the Nicaraguan CIA assets who keep getting "get out of jail free" cards.

Dark Alliance is a bombshell of a book, meticulously researched and
entertainingly written. Investigative reporter Webb delivers the goods
-- solid evidence about Contra/CIA/cocaine trafficking. First, there was
the newspaper story, supplemented by website documentation and evidence,
and then the book. Webb writes that "unlike all the previous stories
about the Contras and cocaine, this one couldn't be killed off in the
traditional manner, by Big Media ignoring it or relegating it to a news
brief. Millions of people were finding out about Dark Alliance anyway,
even though not a word had appeared in the so-called national press."

Enter the Internet and the San Jose Mercury Website which spread the
information quickly around the world, before it could be "spiked", or
put out of circulation by CIA asset-publishers. "Because the story had
what I called a high unbelievability factor, I wanted to use the
Mercury's Web site, Mercury Center, to help document the series," writes
Webb. "I wanted us to put our evidence up on the Internet, so readers
could see our documents and reports, read the grand jury transcripts,
listen to undercover DEA tapes, check our sources and make up their own
minds about the validity of the story. After seeing the government's
reaction to the Contra-cocaine stories of the 1980s. I didn't want to be
caught in the old `officials-say-there's-no-evidence' trap."

The story received rave reviews. HotWired wrote, "Dark Alliance is
making digital and media history. The Mercury News is demonstrating for
perhaps the first time how the Web and the traditional press can fuse to
good effect -- and that there's still a chance to break modern media's
parochial instincts and return some power to journalists outside
Washington and New York."

Webb writes, "If there was one thing scarier to corporate journalism
than the series itself, it was the image of the future where Big Media
was unable to control the national agenda."

On his own website computer consultant J. Orlin Grabbe writes that "a
democratic revolution similar to Gutenberg's is taking place today in
the transmission and presentation of news. The Internet in general and
the World Wide Web in particular undermine the authority of the priestly
caste of editors presiding over the New York Times. The Internet's
information transmission mechanisms bypass and make a mockery of the
highly selective news filters imposed at CNN. Original news, research
and opinion -- both the good and the bad - - often goes from the
producer to consumer unadulterated."

Grabbe's own research on former DEA agent Cele Castillo produced a story
called "The Coke Was Stored in Hangars 4 and 5".

Once Webb's story hit the fan, a cover story, counterattack and media
spin were launched by the CIA-connected Mega-Media Cartel. Webb found
out that the "journalist" attacking his credibility and the verities of
his story was Washington Post writer Walter Pincus, who bragged about
being on the CIA pad in a story called "How I Traveled Abroad on CIA
Subsidy". Surprise! Washington Post's veteran national security reporter
is a former CIA operative and propagandist. Webb found out that Pincus
had served his masters well in the past, for example, by unfavorably
reviewing Philip Agee's best selling expose about the agency, CIA Diary.

After publication of his article, Webb suffered retaliation at work. He
was transferred by executive editor Jerry Ceppos "to the West Bureau in
Cupertino, the newspaper's version of Siberia." He later quit.

Former AP reporter Bob Parry who first broke the "Iran"-Contra story was
also fired. According to Webb, "Robert Parry, one of the AP reporters,
who wrote the groundbreaking story, said his editors sat on the piece
for weeks and edited it heavily, only to spike it at the last
minute.When it was accidentally transmitted over the AP's
Spanish-language wire, his editors rewrote the story once again and all
the alleged involvement of CIA operatives were deleted before it was
released to the American public. Parry later discovered that the AP's
Washington Bureau chief was having regular meetings with Lieutenant
Colonel Oliver North, who was running the Contra program at the time."
So much for Associated Propaganda, er, I mean Press.

Another corroboration of Webb's work comes from LAPD whistleblower Mike
Ruppert. In his testimony before the Senate Select Committee of
Intelligence, Ruppert states that "on November 15, 1996, I stood at a
town hall meeting at Locke High School in Los Angeles and said to
Director of Central Intelligence John Deutch, `I am a former Los Angeles
Police narcotics detective. I worked South Central Los Angeles and I can
tell you emphatically and without equivocation that the Agency has dealt
drugs in this country for a long time.' I then referred Director Deutch
to three specific Agency operations known as Amadeus, Pegasus and

". . .The CIA did not just deal drugs during the Iran Contra era. It has
done so for the full fifty years of its history. I will give you
evidence which will show that the CIA and many figures such as Richard
Secord, Ted Shackley, Tom Clines, Felix Rodriguez and George Herbert
Walker Bush, who was DCI when I first became exposed to Agency drug
dealing, have been selling drugs to Americans since the Vietnam era.

"...The evidence will also show that the CIA has infiltrated and
established illegal relationships with a number of police departments
around the country. One of the purposes of this has been to protect CIA
drug operations from law enforcement. I have personal knowledge of this
activity in Los Angeles and New Orleans and have documented such a case
in New York City." (Ruppert's website: www.copvcia.com.)

The punchline of Webb's book is astounding. "When CIA Inspector General
Fred P. Hitz testified before the House Intelligence Committee in March
1998, he admitted a secret government interagency agreement. `Let me be
frank about what we are finding,' Hitz said. `There are instances where
CIA did not, in an expeditious or consistent fashion, cut off
relationships with individuals supporting the Contra program who were
alleged to have engaged in drug trafficking activity.'

"The lawmakers fidgeted uneasily. `Did any of these allegations involved
trafficking in the United States?' asked Congressman Norman Dicks of
Washington. `Yes,' Hitz answered. Dicks flushed."

"And what, Hitz was asked, had been the CIA's legal responsibility when
it learned of this? That issue, Hitz replied haltingly, had `a rather
odd history...the period of 1982 to 1995 was one in which there was no
official requirement to report on allegations of drug trafficking with
respect to non-employees of the agency, and they were defined to include
agents, assets, non-staff employees.' There had been a secret agreement
to that effect `hammered out between the CIA and U.S. Attorney General
William French Smith in 1982,' he testified."

"A murmur coursed through the room as Hitz's admission sunk in," writes
Webb. "No wonder the U.S. government could blithely insist there was `no
evidence' of Contra/CIA drug trafficking. For thirteen years -- from the
time Blandon and Menesis began selling cocaine in L.A. for the Contras
-- the CIA and Justice had a gentleman's agreement to look the other

So was it just another conspiracy against black people? Webb doesn't
believe it. He writes that "the Contras' cocaine ended up being turned
into crack was a horrible accident of history, I believed, not someone's
evil plan. The Contras just happened to pick the worst possible time
ever to begin peddling cheap cocaine in black neighborhoods. That, I
believed, was the real danger the CIA has always presented -- unbridled
criminal stupidity cloaked in a blanket of national security."

Despite his extensive research, Webb's conclusion may be naive -- or
maybe just ignorant. Extensive cross-corroborated evidence by government
whistleblowers proves that CIA has been involved in a major criminal
conspiracy, most notably trafficking in drugs, since its inception. For
more information, read Rodney Stich's ground-breaking book Defrauding
America, a veritable encyclopedia of "Spooks Whistleblowers and Fall
Guys" involved in US state sanctioned criminal activities.

CIA certainly is the embodiment of "unbridled criminal stuipidity
cloaked in a blanket of national security," and Webb's book contains the
essence of a powerful argument for repealing the National Security Act
of 1947. This pointless relic of the Cold War era remains a rationale
for criminal conspiracy and coverup. The escapades of Dark Alliance are
simply a case in point.

In an era when technological transfers to China by "defense" contractors
like Hughes and Loral are commonplace, "National Security" is like the
punchline of a bad joke.

Are you laughing yet?

DARK ALLIANCE: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion by
Gary Webb (Seven Stories Press, 548 pp..$24.95)


Uri Dowbenko is the CEO of New Improved Entertainment Corp. He can be
reached by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 4, 1999

The Laissez Faire City Times is a private newspaper. Although it is
published by a corporation domiciled within the sovereign domain of
Laissez Faire City, it is not an "official organ" of the city or its
founding trust. Just as the New York Times is unaffiliated with the city
of New York, the City Times is only one of what may be several news
publications located in, or domiciled at, Laissez Faire City proper. For
information about LFC, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Laissez Faire City Netcasting Group, Inc.
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