-Caveat Lector-


      By EcologyNews Service

      reprinted with permission of the author

      By Geri DeStefano, PhD & Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
      EcoNews Service
      Vancouver, BC

      VANCOUVER - Question for 1999: Are Comet Lee and the seer
      Nostradamus the year’s greatest memes, or are they augurs of
      transformational change? Or a bit of both?

      Artist David Brin tells us that “Memes are raw ideas. Pure concepts
      like conquering genetic codes, seem capable of thriving in and via host
      organisms, this time human minds.

      “What would such a "living idea" be like? Well, for one thing it would
      survive by making its host think about it. In contemplating a concept,
      in effect keep it alive. For example, some time ago I read a notion --
      very one we're discussing now -- the notion of memes. You could say this
      idea was successful at "infecting" me, because I've continued thinking
      about it, giving it continued existence, or "life."

      “But a virus or bacterium that just sits inside its host doesn't
      much. An effective pseudo-organism must do more. It must reproduce.

      “How would a living idea proliferate?

      “By getting its host not only to think about it, but to make and spread
      copies... by telling other people! And now, if you've been paying
      you'll realize that's just what I've been doing the last few minutes
for one
      particular meme... the meme of memes! By telling you about it, I am
      the memic equivalent of coughing on you. Infecting you with the
      transmissible, self- replicating notion of these infectious ideas. If
it's a
      successful self- replicating notion, some of you will go out and tell
      about it. And so on.”

      Comets, the ancients said, augur change. If that is true ­ as metaphor
      as reality ­ what more auspicious a beginning for a comet to appear than
      the very time that seers like Michel de Notredame (Nostradamus) and
      prophetic traditions like the Aztec calendar say may inaugurate a
period of
      great cosmic change on our planet.

      The last total solar eclipse of the century took place on August 11,
      and two days later, on August 13, came the Aztec calendar Day of
      Destiny. Why the Day of Destiny? That was the date on which one module
      of time in the Aztec Calendar ended, and another began. According to
      researcher John Mini, the Day of Destiny indicated “a major cataclysmic
      event that will transform values. Sources of stability break and fall
      There's an overthrow of old political structure, and a rebirth of a new
      There's a possibility of a global financial meltdown and a massive
      redistribution of wealth that accompanies a new financial system.”

      Mini, author of Day of Destiny, tells us: “The Aztec shamans taught us
      how there's going to be a tremendous confluence of ecological, economic,
      social, political and psychological forces that are going to come
      like a tidal wave on August 13, 1999. They say we can use this tidal
      to manifest our dreams, wishes and goals. It's a day where we can turn
      our dreams into reality.”

      Now, this tidal wave of change was not (yet) literal and actual. But
was it
      metaphor, a sign from ancient sciences for the forces of universal
      transformation acting in our lives?

      For on August 11, 1999 ­ the day of the solar eclipse and Grand Cross ­
      and two days before the Day of Destiny, Comet Lee emerged from the
      other side of our Sun, on reported trajectory 77 millions miles from

      In its brief journey behind the sun, Comet Lee spawned both a vocal
      disagreement in comet research about the nature of comets, and a roller
      coaster ride among interpreters and believers in the Nostradamus comet
      1999. Comet Lee had lessons for all.

      The saga of Comet Lee [C/1999 H1] began with its first discovery on
      16, 1999 by Steven Lee, an amateur astronomer and night attendant at the
      Anglo-Australian Observatory in New South Wales, Australia, while at a
      Star Party with other aficionados. Lee, who sports a Rip Van Winkle-like
      beard and sandals, seemed both modestly pleased and irritated by his
      discovery of a comet, ensuring his astronomical immortality.

      Although Comet Lee’s discovery scenario was chillingly similar to one of
      the Hollywood Deep Impact movie plot-lines, Lee himself apparently had
      no idea that his Comet Lee might move into public notoriety ­ as the
      possible King of Terror prophesized in the 1500s by Nostradamus.

      King of Terror refers to a now-famous Nostradamus quatrain. Nostradamus
      [Michel de Notredame, 1503-1566, a learned physician and astrologer to
      the French court] tells us in his quatrain, Century 10, Quatrain 72:


      L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois, Du ciel viendra un gran Roy
      d'effrayeur. Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois. Avant apres Mars
      par bon heur.

      English translation:

      The year 1999, seventh month, [September, under modern calendar]
      >From the sky will come a great King of Terror. To bring back to life
      great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

      Interpretation is the heart of hermeneutics, the study of prophecy, and
      interpretation of Nostradamus’ quatrains is a refined art. In his 1996
      “Nostradamus 1999: Who will Survive?” (Llewellyn, 1996), Paulus took a
      novel approach. Nostradamus, he tells us, randomly reshuffled his
      quatrains in order to hide their meaning and avoid investigation by the
      Inquisition. Paulus had painstakingly reassembled the quatrains in the
      order of meaning that Nostradamus may have originally intended.

      The prophetic scenario that Paulus described was itself an alternate
      ­ of natural chaos and human fear. A meteor in the tail of a comet
      Earth in September, 1999, causing a tidal wave that engulfed both coasts
      of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the coasts of the Pacific Rim. This
      devastation is followed by several years of a “debris winter,” with the
      barely visible. And then comes a 27-year World War III, described in the
      quatrains almost battle by battle.

      Along with other students of Nostradamus, Paulus interprets the “King of
      Terror” as the comet that triggers a period of human tribulation. The
      the quatrains say, becomes visible shortly after the solar eclipse of
      11, 1999, when it emerges from the glare of the Sun. Nostradamus tells
      that many will see the brightness of the comet, but few will understand

      For, again by deciphering Nostradamus quatrains, Paulus told us that
      within the tail of the comet will be hidden a meteor, about one-
quarter mile
      in diameter. The comet approaches Earth in late August and early
      September, appearing almost as brilliant as the Sun, giving the illusion
      that we have two suns.

      It is then ­ perhaps in late September 1999 ­ that a cataclysmic
      between the meteor and the Earth may take place, the equivalent of
      130,000 Hiroshima bombs. Interpreting the quatrains, Paulus believes the
      meteor may land around the North Atlantic Ridge, close to the juncture
      the North Atlantic and African tectonic plates. The result is a tidal
      2000-3000 feet in height, which swamps the Atlantic coasts, and
      submerges half the British Isles under the sea. Travelling under the
      Pole, the tidal wave engulfs the coasts of cities and countries along
      Pacific Rim. Massive earthquakes, set off by the meteor’s landing at a
      tectonic juncture point, magnify the destruction. Nations are
      Cities within 200 miles of the coastline are destroyed. Our
      global economy is shattered. Humanity is set back to a medieval

      Oh, and Nostradamus quatrain also says the King of Terror brings back
      the King of the Mongols, a world leader who will wage decades of world
      war among the power blocs of nations. Paulus suggests the King of the
      Mongols might be an Islamic military- religious figure, known as the
      “Mahdi”. Other students of Nostradamus suggest that the entire quatrain
      the King of Terror and the King of the Mongols ­ refers to this war-like
      world leader who first appears on the public scene in September 1999.
      One Nostradamus scholar believes the Kings of this quatrain refer to
      Islamic nuclear missiles in a Pakistan-Indian or other war. Another
      interpretation raises the spectre of a war launched by the Chinese
      (“Mongols”). The Taiwan-China confrontation began, coincidentally on
      9, 1999. Still other observers believe the “King of Terror” refers to
      electromagnetic pulse (“EMP) mood management and mind control
      weapons that can affect the moods of target human populations. These
      same EMP weapons can be used for tectonic warfare - triggering
      earthquakes in a target enemy's territory. Perhaps the great Taiwan
      earthquake(s) that defused this face-off were in fact triggered by acts
      tectonic warfare?

      The consciousness school of Nostradamus interpretation tells us his
      quatrains are to be understood on the symbolic level. Nostradamus is
      really telling us about individual and collective transformation; about
      collective evolution. Interpret Nostradamus as though it were the
      of a dream ­ the dark and conflicted products of our subconscious minds
      seeking expression. In this context, for example, Nostradamus reference
      to “Mars” in his King of Terror quatrain is really to a transformation
of the
      human experience to positive evolution. Another student notes that
      in Nostradamus time meant “enlightenment, and that the King of Terror
      may in fact be an agent of enlightenment.

      Then again, parapsychological research tells us that psychics can
      accurately access events in the future (precognition), as well as
events in
      the past (retrocognition). Like other psychics, Nostradamus may have
      been in fact accessing visions about cataclysms of the past, rather than
      events of the future.

      In other words, the key word in interpreting Nostradamus is, you guessed
      it, uncertainty. Will we have a comet? Will we have a bloody global
      warrior? Are we really talking about the deep transformation of the
      subconscious? Will we have none of the above? Take your pick.

      So what does this dark vision have to do with Comet Lee C/1999 H1?

      One independent research organization, The Millennium Group, began
      systematically scanning new comets, and concluded that Comet Lee
      might be a candidate for the King of Terror.

      The origin of the Comet Lee controversy seems to have occurred when
      researcher James B. Ervin apparently took Paulus’ book to heart, perhaps
      in total personal immersion, undertaking what he called a “personal
      journey” to find the King of Terror. Ervin tracked the skies for comets
      would fulfill Paulus’ projections. Eventually, Ervin found Comet Lee,
      that the comet’s early trajectory in the period April-August, 1999 was
      exactly that which a hypothetical King of Terror might have to take:

      Millennium Group’s Ervin wrote, “The Nostradamus' prophecies seem to
      indicate that the comet in question must originate from the southern
      ecliptic plane, and then take a northwestern track around the Sun during
      its perihelion, where its orbit will be invisible due to occultation
and Solar
      Glare until early August, 1999. C/1999 H1 Lee, it seems, does just
      exactly that.”

      The controversies surrounding Comet Lee’s trajectory, however, were
      many, and the truth remains murky. At the heart of the controversy is
      precise nature of a comet itself. The traditional model of a comet ­
      embraced by NASA, the US space agency, as dogma holds that a comet
      is in essence a dirty snowball, which sheds matter as it enters a solar

      Not so, said the Millennium Group, citing scholarly research on the
      plasma discharge theory of comets. Comets are actually asteroid bodies
      surrounded by electrically charged plasma. When they enter a solar
      system, they interact as capacitors with the Sun, and can trigger
      electromagnetic phenomena such as solar flares. For example, when
      Comet Lee passed through the ecliptic plane of the Sun on June 21, 1999,
      measurements of sunspots varied visibly on monitoring instruments,
      indicating an electromagnetic interactivity with the Sun.

      Thus, said the Millennium Group, the unexpected solar explosion on June
      1 ­ word of which was withheld from the public until June 7, 1999 ­ may
      have been in fact triggered by Comet Lee. (NASA, when contacted about
      this seven-day lapse in reporting replied that the explosion took place
      Memorial Day holiday, and their tracking software broke down; an
      explanation that has met with some skepticism among NASA critics).

      So how did all this affect Comet Lee and the Nostradamus predictions?

      The standard ephemeris or projected trajectory of Comet Lee shows that
      its near approach to Earth would be more than 77 million miles.
      to NASA, the comet will not hit the Earth or come any place close to it.
      This also means that debris or an asteroid associated with the comet
      could not endanger the Earth. Such "debris" would be left in the comet's
      orbit and would basically follow the orbit. If the comet's orbit doesn't
      intersect the Earth's orbit (and it doesn't), it is not possible for
debris to hit
      the Earth. The closest the comet will come to the Earth is about 77
      miles (the Sun is 93 million miles from Earth) at the end of September

      But NASA also added, “Comet Lee (or any comet) will not cause coronal
      mass ejections [solar explosions]. And Comet Lee's orbit is not affected
      by them.”

      Thus we are back to the heart of the argument as to what comets really
      are. If Comet Lee is in fact primarily an electromagnetic body of
      and not a dirty snowball, then a change in trajectory is possible, says
      Millennium Group. During the comet’s trajectory behind the Sun (June
      21-August 11) and afterward, the comet could gather plasma mass, or
      could cause solar explosions which could slow it down, and alter its
      present course, coming closer to Earth. NASA’s flat denial of a comet’s
      solar interactivity is not comforting, however.

      And feisty Steven Lee, the comet’s discoverer, on July 1 wrote
      sarcastically, “Let me use my predictive powers.... ommmmmm...... the
      comet is going to carry on along it predicted path and no bits will
fall and
      hit the Earth.”

      Contradicting the Millennium Group, he added: “Now let me get this
right -
      a 2km diameter ball of "something" (but not ices and rocks) with no
      discernable magnetic field is able to "suck" out bits of the Sun (CMEs),
      but only when the comet crosses the ecliptic. So what causes CMEs at
      other times when there isn't a comet around to do so? And why when they
      cross the ecliptic - why not when they cross the Sun's (magnetic)
      (the ecliptic has to do with the Earth's orbit, not the Sun magnetic

      Lee continued: “One of the tests of a theory is how accurate its
      predictions are. The comet crossed the ecliptic on June 22 - rather a
      way away from June 1. Do you remember a spoon-bending con-man by
      the name of Uri Geller? When he visited London, quite by coincidence Big
      Ben broke. Not passing up such an opportunity he claimed responsibility
      for the event. Great publicity! The situation here seems much the same.
      CMEs happen all the time - there are bound to be several while the comet
      is around. There will be much the same number of events when the comet
      isn't there, but why let an opportunity slip by?”

      In rebuttal, the Millennium Group’s Ervin and Earl L. Crockett on July
      1999 said, “Anyone who categorically asserts that Comet Lee will not
      strike the Earth, or that it will not pass anywhere near it, is stating
      - not fact. No one, and this includes NASA/JPL, can accurately predict
      Comet Lee's post perihelion ephemeris because of the Sun's (early *)
      arrival into Solar Maximum. Remember, the ephemeris of C/1999 H1 (Lee)
      is not locked into stone, an alteration could occur if this comet is
      by a: CME [solar explosion], Solar Flare, Asteroid, Sungrazing Kreutz
      Fragment, or a host of other possibilities. This is the reality of the
      situation, and any person or any organization [that] tells you
otherwise, is
      clearly shielding you from the truth. However, I do want to go on the
      as stating one thing (loud and clear) right now. I am not predicting
      Comet Lee's orbit will be altered during perihelion, I am simply
stating that
      it is a possibility which must be given the full consideration it
      anything less would be grossly negligent.”

      In a word, do we have scientific, psychic, (and moral) certainty or
      uncertainty about Comet Lee and Nostradamus? No way: so much is in
      flux that it looks like the possible birth of a new paradigm to us.

      Let’s look again at the psychic end of the puzzle of Comet Lee. What can
      we say of Nostradamus prior accuracy as a predictor? Futurist Alfred
      Webre’s 1999 book Earth Changes (http://www.UniverseBooks.com)
      shows that on the rare occasion where Nostradamus used a proper name,
      it is possible to verify the accuracy of his predictions, objectively
from the
      content of the quatrain itself. In quatrain I-25, Nostradamus predicts
      discoveries of scientist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) by name, as well as
      modern medical developments that will challenge Pasteur’s assumptions
      as the twentieth century draws to a close.

      Quatrain I ­ 25


      Perdu trouve, cache de si long siecle, Sera Pasteur demi Dieu honore:
      Ains que la lune acheve son grand siecle, Par autre vents sera

      English translation: The lost thing is discovered, hidden for many
      centuries. Pasteur will be celebrated almost as a god-like figure. This
      when the moon completes her great cycle, but by other rumors he shall be

      Earth Changes states: “Nostradamus reports a number of accurate
      precognitions in this quatrain. Foremost is the literal, accurate
naming of
      scientist Louis Pasteur, several hundred years before Pasteur’s birth.
      Pasteur’s rediscovery of the germ theory of disease gave him demi-god
      status in the medical community for most of the twentieth century.
      Pasteur’s doctrine contended that microbes that invade the body cause

      “A contemporary scientist to Pasteur, Andre Beauchamp, contended that
      disease was not caused by microbes, but by changes in the terrain of the
      blood and immune system within the body. Beauchamp’s theory, which
      Pasteur secretly embraced on his deathbed, has been vindicated by
      recent research. It is as though the entire Pasteur-inspired
      twentieth-century view of disease has been proved wrong.”

      Earth Changes concludes, “The Pasteur quatrain illustrates a unique
      aspect of Nostradamus precognitions. His quatrains can foresee quite
      complex events and developments in human history, and the development
      of human science. Nostradamus’ quatrains are multi-dimensional
      precognitions, not just single dimensional visions of future events.”

      Again, from the para-science evidence, the classic 1974 book, The Age of
      Cataclysm (http://www.UniverseBooks.com) notes that twentieth century
      psychics like the American Edgar Cayce, have channeled psychic visions
      of devastation very similar to that of Nostradamus ­ coastal areas
      the British Isles and Japan half-submerged. These visions do not,
      provide a specific cause, whether by a comet or otherwise, for the

      So was Comet Lee C/1999H1 the Nostradamus comet? Or was it all a

      Given the swirling, emotionally charged uncertainties ­ scientific,
      sociological, and psychic - perhaps that is not the most productive
      question we can ask.

      As of early July, Comet Lee’s officially projected path would take it
along a
      safe distance from Earth in August and September 1999.

      Yet, in a Comet Lee update, researcher Crockett said, “Using the
      principles of Jim McCanney's Comet Plasma Discharge Theory, The
      Millennium Group has now successfully predicted the Sun's high activity
      following Comet Lee's passing of the ecliptic (see Update 3), and the
      CME's [solar explosions] of July 16/19, 1999 following perihelion on
      11, 1999.

      “Is it now time to consider that Comet C1999 H1 (Lee) might in fact
fool all
      of the NASA establishment dirty snowball astronomers, and reappear from
      behind the Sun in blazing glory during the full eclipse of August 11,
      Now wouldn't that be great?”

      On August 3, 1999, after Comet Lee was sighted coming out on the other
      side of the sun, NASA stated, “News Flash: Comet Lee has been
      observed post-solar conjunction. It is at it's expected location in the
      and thus, it is in its predicted orbit. This orbit keeps it well away
      Earth. At magnitude 7.2 (and fading), it is not unusually bright nor is
      visible to the unaided eye. One wonders when those making the dire
      predictions will actually have to take into consideration observational
      scientific fact in their thinking. Of course, if they did that, they
      make such outlandish predictions!”

      Then after three anomalous objects were photographed near the sun
      during the August 11 eclipse, one Millennium Group researcher wrote,

      “Now just a few questions to end with:

      “Is this the comet? It appears to be in the correct position and
      suggests a comet indeed.

      “Is there more film of these objects, that we could take a look at? I
      doubt that we will ever see the rest of this film. So we are once again
      to ourselves to come to our own conclusions.

      “What was the person told that edited this piece of film? Was he/she
      anything? It must've needed to be up in a hurry as this was a NASA feed.
      But of course absolutely still possible to be done. I wonder if the
      was told nothing, as to keep the info in the inner circle. Again, just
      conjecture - you decide.

      “If this is a comet, then what are these objects in its apparent tail?
To be
      honest, I personally am not a follower of Nostradamus, and have not
      followed his writings. But considering the previous piece by Colonel
      Ervin, when I saw these images and identified what I believe to be a
      comet, and at least two accompanying objects in the tail, I got goose
      bumps real quick. I suppose the argument could be that I am seeing
      something that I want to see. But believe me, I do not want to see this
      believe him. Take a good look yourself and let us know what your opinion
      is. I am interested.”

      A later comment from an observor says, “The mysterious objects are
      evidently the planet Venus, and a nearby star. The third object (Object
      definitely appears to be some type of light artifact - although I'm no

      A Millennium Group researcher responded, “If you are right about Objects
      A and B, then we're two down and one to go. Oddly enough, Object C is
      the one that really has us wondering.”

      So ­ Comet Lee & Nostradamus: Memes or augurs of change?

      Someone said that Comet Lee as the 1999 Nostradamus comet may have
      been an expression of the Wisdom within the Light ­ whether as meme or

      Having passed through Nostradamus’ “1999 window”, we can now more
      fully realize that it is not necessary for us to participate in any
      Apocalypse, predicted or otherwise. With all change comes the
      opportunity for the really important inner changes through the
affirmation of
      life. War and destruction may be just one way in which the forces of
      react to the ever-growing forces of life and love in our Universe.

      Let us re-examine the ancient wisdom ­ that comets augur change ­ both
      inner change and change in our outer environment. We know inner change
      is happening when we see life freshly with new eyes, a paradigm shift in
      our own personal worlds. A new personal dimension can emerge from the
      melee of our perceptions, emotions, and insights around Nostradamus’
      visions, Comet Lee, and the various Kings of Terror and of the Mongols.

      This new dimension of personal freedom and love ­ which is ours for the
      asking - may be this comet’s and this time’s ultimate true meaning.

      Useful links:

      Comet Lee Information Page

      Aztec Day of Destiny

      Comet Lee and Nostradamus

      Steven Lee and Comet Lee

      Millennium Group: Comet Lee

      The New Meme


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