-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: February 25, 2001


IGNORE THE LAW: Democrats are incensed and outraged. The source of their
outrage? President Bush is enforcing the law. That would be the same democrat
hypocrites who spent weeks being incensed and outraged because they pretended
to fear that John Ashcroft, as Attorney General, would not enforce the law.
As was observed during the Ashcroft nomination fight, the democrats didn't
really fear that Ashcroft would not enforce the law, what they really feared
was that he would. Democrat reaction to a series of Executive Orders signed
by President Bush on February 17 proves the truth of that observation. "This
is no way to set the tone for bipartisanship," huffed Senator Paul Wellstone.
Which is very revealing -- apparently to Wellstone, enforcing the law is
"partisan", joining the democrats in ignoring the law would be "bipartisan".
Which proves another truth about democrats -- they are more comfortable
ignoring the law than enforcing it. Unions are also incensed and outraged,
and have been more threatening in their reactions than democrats. The four
Bush Executive Orders overturned Clinton-era orders and policies that
significantly favored labor unions. One such Clinton policy encouraged
federally funded construction projects to favor union over non-union
contractors, and one Bush Executive Order is aimed at fostering a more open
and competitive process to award federal contracts. The AFL-CIO responded
that such open and competitive contracting would "hurt consumers and the
public" because "you won't have the opportunity for more orderly resolution
of labor disputes". In addition to that veiled threat, unions also threatened
lawsuits to overturn the Executive Orders.

But the primary area of dispute is Executive Order # 13201 implementing the
1988 Supreme Court case of Communications Workers of America v. Beck (487
U.S. 735). In Beck, the Supreme Court ruled that the National Labor Relations
Act "does not permit a union, over the objections of dues-paying nonmember
employees, to expend funds collected from them on activities unrelated to
collective-bargaining activities." The focus is on non-union members who are
required to pay what are called "agency fees" in lieu of dues. Because
non-union members receive the benefits of collective bargaining, it is
considered fair for non-union members to contribute to paying the cost of
that collective bargaining. Fair enough. But the dispute arises when unions
spend those dues and agency fees on things other than collective bargaining
-- such as on political ads and contributions to political parties and
candidates. During the past election, it is estimated that unions spent about
$800 million in soft money and in-kind political activities, 95% of that on
behalf of democrats. However, it is also estimated that 40% of union members
voted for Bush, and one could assume that the percentage of non-union members
(the subjects of the Beck case, whose money from agency fees comprised part
of that $800 million) who voted for Bush was at least as high. So the issue
is one of fundamental fairness -- why should a person be forced to pay to
support a political candidate, party, or ideology that he or she opposes?
"...to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of
opinions which he disbelieves, is sinful and tyrannical..." -- Thomas

On April 13, 1992 -- following an unforgivable 4 year delay -- President
George H. W. Bush issued Executive Order 12800, requiring employers to post
notices in their workplaces advising employees of their Beck rights. EO 12800
stood for less than a year. Within weeks of taking office, on February 1,
1993, President Bill Clinton issued EO 12836, revoking Bush's EO 12800. As of
1996, eight years after the Beck decision, a survey found that 78% of union
members (and probably a like number of non-union members) still had never
heard about their Beck rights to demand an accounting of how their fees were
used and their right to demand a refund. The Clinton administration, the
National Labor Relations Board, and labor unions have successfully kept
employees ignorant about their Beck rights. Naturally unions and democrats
don't want to lose the gusher of money that unions extract from unknowing
workers and spend on democrats. Which brings us back to President George W.
Bush's EO 13201 of last weekend, ordering once again that notices be posted
in the workplaces of federal contractors, advising employees that they
"cannot be required to join a union or maintain membership in a union in
order to retain their jobs." And further that employees "who are not union
members can object to the use of their payments for certain purposes and can
only be required to pay their share of union costs relating to collective
bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment. If you do not
want to pay that portion of dues or fees used to support activities not
related to collective bargaining, contract administration, or grievance
adjustment, you are entitled to an appropriate reduction in your payment. If
you believe that you have been required to pay dues or fees used in part to
support activities not related to collective bargaining, contract
administration, or grievance adjustment, you may be entitled to a refund and
to an appropriate reduction in future payments." Note that Beck, and thus EO
13201, is limited to non-union members. Union members still have no such
protection. And EO 13201 requires notices only in the workplaces of federal

But because of the way the labor laws are written and interpreted, the only
practical protection that workers have to defend their Constitutional rights
is recourse to the National Labor Relations Board. But the NLRB has "a
decidedly pro-union bent" (the words of a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
judge), and it is unlikely that the current members of the NLRB will go out
of their way to help workers exercise their rights as defined by the Supreme
Court. So unless Bush also engages in a thorough house-cleaning, it is likely
that employees who pay union agency fees will continue to see large portions
of those fees used to support left-wing politicians and causes that at least
40% of them find abhorrent.

DEMOCRAT SCAM: Over the past century, democrats have engineered the perfect
scam. They have hit a few minor bumps along the way, but for the most part
they have been able to foist this scam on the public virtually unimpeded.
Elections have become contests to see which candidate can pry more of our
money loose from the grasping clutches of Washington and bring it back to the
home state. And democrats are waging an ongoing campaign to assure the utter
subservience of the American people in perpetuity. They see their losses in
this past election as just one of those minor stumbling blocks, to be
overcome by the ignorance and greed of Americans. And in the meantime, they
intend to make sure that absolutely nothing gets done in Washington that will
in any way impair their agenda.

Here's how the scam works. There are two essential elements -- graduated
income taxation, and a regulatory bureaucracy that can impose, without
accountability, inefficiencies and consequent cost increases in the free
markets. Costs go up, and some people suddenly find themselves unable to
provide certain basic needs for themselves and their families. "Not to
worry", comes the response from the ever-so-thoughtful left, "We have a new
government program to help you pay for those basic needs. After all, no one
should be deprived of those basic needs. We'll just have to hike the income
tax rate just a little bit (or institute just a small sales tax or user fee
or some other tax that we can call by a different name) to help pay for this
new program, then all will be well." But as our income is reduced by a few
dollars more every week to pay that small sales tax or user fee or other tax,
more people find themselves unable to provide for a few more basic needs.
"Not to worry", comes the response again from the ever-so-thoughtful left,
"We have another new government program to help you pay for those needs.
We'll just have to hike your taxes just a little bit more to help pay for
this new program, then all will be well."

So it goes. The government takes more of our money, imposes more hidden costs
through regulatory hurdles, then comes up with a new way for the government
to provide what the people should provide for themselves -- but can no longer
afford because the government has taken their money to pay for the last "free
give-away". Gradually, dependency on government grows. And by the way, if you
want to get your share of those new government goodies, you'll have to alter
your behavior just a little bit to satisfy the politically correct ideologues
who created the program. You can no longer afford a home because of rent
control, endangered species, and land use restrictions? "Not to worry", comes
the response from the ever-so-thoughtful left, "You can live in government
subsidized housing. But of course you'll have to abandon your Second
Amendment rights to own a firearm, and abandon your Fourth Amendment rights
to be free from warrantless searches (so we can be sure you aren't exercising
your Second Amendment rights). It's all for the greater good of the
community, especially the children, you understand." You can no longer afford
food or health care for your children? "Not to worry, you can sign up for any
of a multitude of government welfare programs. But of course you'll have to
agree to frequent and unannounced visits from caring and compassionate social
workers, so we can be sure that those kids we're now paying for are being
raised properly. All for the greater good of the community, especially the
children, you understand." You can no longer afford to have one parent stay
home and raise your children, because both parents now have to work to pay
all those taxes? "Not to worry", comes the response from the
ever-so-thoughtful left, "You can put your child in a government subsidized
and approved day care facility, where your little toddler will learn proper
love and devotion to the almighty government and to the government subsidized
and approved day care provider, and will learn proper suspicion of the
oppressive and archaic patriarchal family unit.

All the current talk from democrats about how the government "can't afford" a
large tax cut, and that the budget surplus should stay in Washington so the
politicians can allegedly pay down the debt, is just another variation on the
same theme. That was revealed by none other than so-called moderate former
Vice Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman. In a speech on the Senate floor,
Lieberman condemned Bush's tax cuts as a "fiscally irresponsible" and
proposed -- what else? -- more spending. "I fear that we're going to end up
in a race to see who can give more away -- a race that will ultimately put us
in a position where the American people will not be able to take care of
themselves." Your see? Allowing you to keep more of your own money will make
you unable to take care of yourself. So good old Joe proposes to have the
government take care of us. Sure, Joe does propose a modest ".broad-based
progressive tax cut, one that is directed at the middle class.". Whenever you
hear a democrat use the words "progressive tax cut", hold on to your wallet,
because that means more income redistribution, from people who the democrats
think don't deserve to keep their own money, to people who didn't earn it.
But primarily Joe wants to increase spending: "I think we have the
opportunity to make some investments in a limited, restrained and targeted
way." Here we go again, democrats proposing to "invest" your money (because
they are so much smarter than you). Tom Daschle and Dick Gephardt claim they
want to set aside $2.9 trillion of the projected $5.6 trillion budget surplus
for debt reduction, and then divide the rest into thirds: one-third for tax
cuts, one-third for additional debt reduction, and one-third for new
spending. In case you missed it, debt reduction was allocated twice in the
Daschle/Gephardt plan, a total of $3.8 trillion. Which democrats will no
doubt promise to set aside in one of their magical mythical "lockboxes". And
of course those reliable left-wing republican Senators Jim Jeffords and
Lincoln Chafee can't wait to board the Daschle/Gephardt Lockbox Express.
Lieberman ended his Senate speech with a standard whopper that "fiscal
discipline has played a critical role in the growth of our surplus". That
budget surplus wasn't from all the excess taxes you have been paying, you
see, it came about because Congress has exhibited fiscal discipline and cut
spending. Right. When was the last time anyone can remember a single solitary
federal program actually receiving a smaller budget from one year to the
next, or actually terminating its operations? And the biggest farce is that
we keep voting for these people.



Communications Workers of America v. Beck (487 U.S. 735):


Executive Orders:



Executive Orders Federal Register references:

EO 12800: 57 FR 12985

EO 12836: 58 FR 7045

EO 13201: 66 FR 11221

Mr. Kim Weissman

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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