-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:482575">Conspiracy Theory Literature
Posting-Frequency: 21 days
Last-modified: Jul 4 1997
Version: 1.1
URL: http://www9.pair.com/xpoez/faq/ctl.html
Maintainer: Xavier Poez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright: public domain
Archive-name: books/conspiracy-theory


   By Xavier Poez, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
   HTML version of this file is available at http://www9.pair.com/xpoez/.

     * introduction
     * overviews
     * worldwide conspiracies
          + secret societies
          + WW I & II, Nazism, etc.
          + Cold War
          + United Nations, NWO
          + government revolutions
          + terrorism, sabotage
          + religion
          + media manipulation
     * money manipulation
          + world bankers
          + Federal Reserve bank, IRS
          + 1929 Great Depression
     * assassinations
          + death of Kennedy
          + death of Lincoln
     * US government
          + NSA
          + CIA
          + mind control: CIA's MKUltra
          + Mena drug trafficking
          + Vince Foster & Whitewater
          + NASA coverups
          + Oklahoma bombing, TWA800
          + presidential directives
     * US military
          + Nazi relocation: project Paperclip
          + secret weaponry/HAARP
          + Montauk/Philadelphia experiment
          + FEMA, Mount Weather
          + Area 51/antigravity research
     * other
          + AIDS
          + cancer
          + free energy
          + aliens/UFOs
     * real/confirmed conspiracies
          + radiation poisoning by government in experiments
          + psychic research and remote viewing by CIA and Soviets
          + chemical poisoning of Gulf War veterans
     * how conspiracies work
          + pyramid structure
          + pawns & dupes
          + double agents
          + agent provocateurs
          + middlemen
          + elite
     * aspects of human nature that lead to conspiracies
          + conspirators:
               o ego
               o greed
               o fear
               o vice
               o megalomania
          + pawns/dupes:
               o naivete & gullibility
               o closemindedness
               o black & white thinking
               o cynicism, apathy
               o "moving target" mentality
               o inability to say no
               o herdlike mentality
               o short attention span, lack of curiosity & questioning
               o fear
     * key methods of advancing conspiracies
          + secrecy
          + greed, bribery
          + guilt, anxiety
          + victimhood
          + intimidation, terror, paranoia, blackmail
          + manipulation
          + infiltration
          + disinformation, lies, revisionism, coverup
          + assassinations
          + suppression/censorship
          + "trojan horse", "bait and switch", "shell game"
          + "frog boiling"
          + "pump and dump"
          + plots within plots
          + decoys, smokescreens
          + problem, reaction, solution (thesis, antithesis, synthesis)
     * resources
          + web sites
          + newsgroups
          + mailing lists
          + periodicals
     * bibliography



   This is FAQ that I am interested in further editing and improving. The
   topic of conspiracies has become more prevalent in the American psyche
   and I've not found a free compilation or overview of classic
   references. I don't consider myself an expert in this field, just a
   hardworking and curious layman, and I would appreciate any insight
   that others can offer. I know that a FAQ is a very iterative process
   in which early versions are only marginal and incomplete, whereas
   later versions can become extremely comprehensive with the help of
   reader input.

   With your help, I can really improve the quality of this document. I
   am committing to keeping it free for unlimited distribution at all
   times. If you know some good references for any of these sections, in
   the interest of educating humanity, please send them to me.

   Note: I am not going to try to collect every reference that exists. In
   particular I prefer to collect references to other authoritative
   collections that contain references themselves. I intend to keep a
   short list of web sites in this FAQ, which I don't intend to be
   exhaustive either, but which points to the premier sites. If you have
   one of the most comprehensive sites on the net, I would like to hear
   about your pointer, however, if you are working with subtopics, please
   submit your URL to the site maintainers of the more "master" sites.

   I will generally not attempt to resolve the truth or falsity of
   various issues, but simply remark on the contents of "conspiracy
   theory literature" or CTL and let the reader decide.


   The field of CTL is rather vast, with some references mentioned here
   focusing on specific angles and others focusing on general overviews.
   References I have found useful for overviews and references are
   [Epperson85], [Vankin95], [Icke95]. [Mullins85a] and [Still90] cover
   the NWO. [Moench95] is in cartoon format but is surprisingly

secret societies

   CTL frequently focuses on the theme that secret societies exist around
   the world and are used to manipulate world politics, the media, and
   economics [Still90], [Miller]. These societies may be involved in
   "black magic" [King76]. Other societies such as the Trilateral
   Commission and the Committee of 300 [Coleman] are used to manipulate
   world politics and the media. The most notorious is known as the
   Illuminati [Wilgus] that arises out of Freemasonry [VanHelsing95].

   These societies are always interested in more power and use subtle and
   hidden means to obtain it. For example, they recruit members in key
   positions of power, not necessarily in open or public view.

WWI, WWII, Nazism, etc.

   A theme of CTL is that WWI, II, and Nazism were planned by those in
   power. The idea is that arms manufacturers benefit enormously from
   sales of armaments during a conflict. See [Higham83]. Moreover,
   bankers that loan money to governments to finance wars can make large
   sums of money when the money is paid back with interest (profit). Some
   authors claim that bankers actually arrange for wars to be started
   using a secret network of agent provocateurs. See [Mullins85b].

   Other authors claim that Hitler was not the mastermind of his movement
   but in fact a pawn in a greater drama in which he was utilized to be a
   suitable enemy for nations of the world to mobilize against each
   other. Hitler and Nazism had many occult ties which are often noted by
   the same authors. See [Icke95, Quigley81, King76, Brennan74,

   Another CTL claim is that the Jewish race and Israel is used as a
   useful pawn by conspirators to obtain political goals. See

Cold War

   Some CTL suggests that global bankers planned the confrontation of the
   West and East during the cold war to increase profits due to
   government loans spent on defense and armaments, and a way of
   infiltrating Russia with their own pawns subservient to their agenda
   during the Bolshevik revolution. See e.g. [Sutton81].

United Nations/NWO

   CTL refers to the United Nations as an agency ultimately working for
   the enslavement of the human race through subtle means. It asserts
   that even though well-meaning people are involved in the effort, the
   hidden agenda is ultimately to create a global tyranny through slow,
   imperceptable implementation. The codeword for this arrangement is
   "New World Order" referred to by political leaders (e.g. president
   Bush), perhaps some unwittingly, for decades. Nations are encouraged
   to give away their sovereignty to a higher authority in the same way
   local citizens have given their rights away to their national
   governments. See [Jasper92].

government revolutions

   According to various CTL sources, government revolutions are planned
   and instigated from behind the scenes by secret societies. The
   upheaval allows them to seize power and manipulate the population,
   such as implementing martial law, seizing assets of "revolutionaries",
   etc. The French revolution is held up as an example of a revolution
   that was driven from behind the scenes by Freemasonry lodges. The
   Bolshevik revolution is given as another example. The American
   Revolution is considered variously by CTL authors to either be in
   defiance or in line with the world conspiracy. See [Sutton81] for the
   Bolshevik revolution or [Hall79] on America.

terrorism, sabotage

   A major CTL theme is that terrorism is used by secret societies for
   secret agendas. For example, a secret society might handily murder
   many enemies all at once if they are all on the plane at the same
   time. Supposedly this is sometimes the case when one secret society
   discovers another secret society's secret airline plans of its
   members. Another claim of CTL is that terrorism creates a fear that
   allows governments to crack down on people and take away their rights,
   allowing greater control. See [Skolnickxxx]. Another example would be
   the Oklahoma Bombing conspiracy, which supposedly was used to polarize
   the public against militias, who were successfully educating them
   about their rights and the machinations of the world bankers.


   According to much CTL, religions are used to brainwash the masses and
   they are infected with much propaganda and disinformation. In one CTL,
   the Catholic Church is rumored to have a large storage of secret
   material stored in the Vatican. Other claims are that the Christian
   religion was heavily manipulated at the Council of Nicea to remove
   doctrines of reincarnation, masculinize it, etc. and that the record
   of Christ's life has been distorted for control purposes. See

media manipulation

   A key conspiracy theory relates to the control of the media. CTL
   suggests the media is controlled by various interests that force a
   lack of objectivity even when the media appears to have it. A bias
   toward the rich is a common suspicion about the media. However, CTL
   suggests that a government itself desires to manipulate the media to
   keep the population in the dark about its agendas and operations. For
   example, much CTL suggests the CIA doesn't merely get information from
   reporters and editors, known as its "assets", but that it actively
   influences them in the information they convey to the public. Various
   methods can be used such as payments, appeal to "national security",

world bankers

Federal Reserve Bank, IRS

1929 Great Depression

   A major CTL theme is on the illegitimacy of the currency system in the
   country. It insists that world bankers can impose a kind of a hidden
   tax on currency via inflation and interest rates. It asserts that the
   federal reserve system is an inherently corrupt and parasitical
   system, draining away wealth from the country via interest payments on
   the national debt.

   CTL states that the IRS is an illegitimate agency that was never
   legally approved by law. CTL suggests that world bankers snuck in the
   laws to support both the Federal Reserve and the IRS to implement a
   system of hidden taxation on the entire American public.

   CTL insists that the depression of 1929 was artificially caused by
   world bankers who wished to put the American economy under a greater
   yolk, and seize the country's gold and assets at reduced rates. See
   [Mullins85b], [Emeryxxx], [Koteen89].

   Particularly of interest to CTL are developments that affect the way
   the population uses money or the way that it is backed. For example,
   the move to the Gold standard and the moves away from it by Nixon are
   seen as highly relevant. Also new electronic developments in the flow
   of money [Kurtzman93] are watched closely by CTL writers who believe
   that the world order wants to impose a global currency for purposes of

death of Lincoln, Kennedy

   A major CTL theme is that Lincoln and Kennedy were both on the verge
   of introducing a currency that would be free of manipulation, control,
   and profit by the world bankers, and were assassinated just prior to
   implementing it. A speech that Kennedy gave at Columbia University
   just prior to his assassination supposedly stated, "The high office of
   the President has been used to foment a plot against the American
   people. Before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of his
   plight." [Andrews86]. See [Piper95], [Keith92] for information on the
   Kennedy assassination.

   One view is that the presidents may have been killed for multiple
   reasons. A higher level conspirator (like a world banker, e.g.
   Rothschilds [Perry94]) might have his own reasons, and convince a
   lower-level conspirator (like an assassin or mobster) to kill Kennedy
   for other reasons (such as hating his policies on crime, etc.)


   The NSA, or National Security Agency, is the subject of much CTL. CTL
   sometimes states the NSA is a front for concealing secrets about
   aliens, or operations involving them. Other scenarios are that the NSA
   is a "trojan horse" to create an authoritarian government system.
   Officially, the National Security Agency is in charge of creating
   cryptographic devices for the military and government to allow secret
   communications. The agency was concealed from existence for decades
   from its inception in the 50's. The NSA has a "black budget" in the
   billions of dollars per year. See [Bamford82].


   CTL claims that CIA agents are involved in many unauthorized projects
   such as secret drug running to finance covert operations involving the
   overthrow of governments, etc. See [EIR], [Levine93].

mind control: CIA's MKUltra

   CTL states that the CIA was involved in a research program to
   investigate mind control. This much is part of the public record, in
   fact Congressional hearings were called to investigate the program in
   the 70's. However CTL states that the program simply went underground
   and that it is still active. Supposedly one useful aspect of mind
   control is to train assassins to kill subjects in a sort of hypnotic
   trance, so that they can't remember the event or recall the command to
   kill. See [O'Brien95].

Mena drug trafficking

   Recent CTL focuses on Clinton's record in Arkansas and suggests he
   conspired with the CIA to allow drugs to be trafficked through Mena,
   Arkansas. CTL states he took bribes and moved up in the power
   structure as a result of it. The funds are supposedly used for
   extremely covert CIA operations that are so subversive they can't be
   sponsored with taxpayer money. See [Reed94].

Vince Foster and Whitewater

   CTL claims Vince Foster did not commit suicide but was murdered to
   cover up some kind of crime. One theory is that he was trading nuclear
   secrets to Israel via a secret connection to the NSA. Another view is
   that he may have known too much about Mena, Arkansas and was
   considering making some decision that would threaten the secrecy of
   the whole affair.

NASA coverups

   A major CTL theme advanced by Richard Hoagland is that NASA knows
   about the existence of aliens and/or alien artifacts on different
   planets, but suppresses the information. Supposedly there are teams
   that airbrush photos or review them for unauthorized detail prior to
   releasing them, and secretly stockpiling photographs that reveal
   anomalies. Some CTL claims NASA was involved in faking the entire
   Apollo moon landings. See [Brian].

Oklahoma bombing/TWA800

   CTL states that the FBI/BATF have refused to reveal evidence about the
   Oklahoma city bombing to jurors so they don't reveal that they had an
   infiltrator into the group and that they could have averted the
   disaster. In the TWA800 crash, CTL insists the government shot down
   the plane accidentally during a military training exercise. See

presidential directives

   Thousands of "presidential directives" have been passed by various
   presidents, and particular ones are highlighted by CTL as intending to
   take away rights from the population in the event of emergencies. The
   view is that a national emergency or economic collapse would be staged
   and that the directives would then go into effect, allowing a
   totalitarian government, or at least martial law, to take over.

Nazi relocation: project Paperclip

   CTL states that many Nazi scientists were secretly relocated to the US
   and given new identities after WWII by the CIA or secret military
   agencies as intellectual assets, and went on to experiment in secret
   weaponry and/or mind control research projects.

secret weaponry


Montauk/Philadelphia Experiment

   A theme of CTL is that governments are developing horrible secret
   weaponry without knowledge of their citizens, such as biological
   warfare, earthquake weaponry, electromagnetic pulse weaponry, HAARP
   (High Altitude Auroral Research Project), mind altering and control
   techniques [O'Brien95], etc. A particularly famous experiment is known
   as the Philadelphia Experiment that was supposedly developing time
   travel as a means of radar evasion during WWII in the "Philadelphia
   Experiment" related to research at Montauk point in New York. See

FEMA, Mount Weather

   FEMA stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. CTL suggests
   that it is a "trojan horse" for the New World Order, which will use it
   as an instrument to take over the government after a staged disaster.
   CTL claims FEMA has obtained billions of dollars and channelled them
   into underground cities which the Elite will migrate to in the event
   of ecological disaster, abandoning the rest of humanity to a dying
   surface. Other theories suggest FEMA would become a new government of
   the country and rule with martial law over the population. FEMA is in
   charge of a large but secret and concealed facility called Mount
   Weather that is an underground duplicate of the above-ground
   government structures for use in extreme emergencies.

Area 51/antigravity research

   Various authors insist that the government has captured alien
   technology and have reverse engineered it for military purposes (i.e.
   weaponry or flight technology, so-called antigravity devices).
   According to these theories, a point in the Nevada desert called Area
   51 holds this secret technology and alien spaceship fragments deep
   underground. See [Cooper].


   CTL suggests that AIDS was a planned disease used for population
   control or to wipe out undesireable elements (drug users, homosexuals,
   blacks). It was supposedly released in tuberculosis drug trials in New
   York. CTL also insists that books revealing the truth about AIDS have
   been suppressed from the mainstream.


   CTL states that various cures for cancer have been discovered and
   invented but suppressed by the mainstream medical establishment which
   makes large sums of money for the treatment of the disease. One
   significant story involves a scientist Rife who invented a powerful,
   unconventional microscope. See [Lynes87].

free energy

   CTL states that sophisticated energy devices have been invented to
   provide cheap and plentiful energy, but that they have been suppressed
   by agencies with agendas of maintaining the status quo, such as oil
   companies or the military. See [Engdahl93] for information on oil


   Another claim of CTL is that aliens have seeded the human race in
   ancient times and that the gods referred to in ancient legends and the
   Bible are actually referring to these aliens and their technology.
   According to [Sitchin76] the aliens were involved in genetic
   experimentation to create a slave race, i.e. humanity. CTL also claims
   that religions and historical world events have been manipulated by
   aliens to suit their own agenda. See [Bramley90].

real/confirmed conspiracies

   A number of writings in CTL have started out branded as "conspiracy"
   without any mainstream credibility given them but eventually admitted
   by the U.S. government. Three notable examples:

     * radiation poisoning by the government of subjects in medical
     * psychic research into "remote viewing" by the CIA.
     * the chemical poisoning of Gulf war veterans.

how conspiracies work

   An interesting overview of how conspiracies tend to work is given by
   [Icke95]. He proposes a typical pyramid structure in which a secret
   organization is hierarchical, and knowledge among the members is
   greatest at the top and least at the bottom. Members on the bottom are
   pawns and dupes, who can be manipulated through their beliefs and
   vices. The tendency of members to fight among each other is useful to
   their controllers as it keeps them focused on a narrow view of
   reality, precluding the discovery that they are pawns. "Dupes" outside
   of the group are people who can be tricked into following the group's
   agenda because of their ignorance or belief system.

   Another major mechanism is that of double agents and agent
   provocateurs. The former might infiltrate the government but work
   under the agenda of some other secret group. They tend to focus on key
   positions in government involving the most power and the least public
   view. Provocateurs are useful in creating diversions and distractions
   or the illusion of problems where there are none, so that "solutions"
   favorable to the conspirators can be introduced.

   In the middle of the pyramid are the middlemen, who function like
   managers in handing down commands from the upper echelons into the
   lower hierarchy. They are better informed and aspire to climb the
   pyramid. The Elite at the top of the pyramid have the full agenda and
   care only about their own power.

   Perhaps most critical of all to the whole framework is a vast,
   unsuspecting, uncritical general public composed of people who would
   rather watch a sitcom or sporting event than participate in holding
   the government accountable for its actions, yet continue to send it
   tax money to finance its plans. Authors sometimes refer to this class
   as the "sheeple" for their timidity. Convincing this class of its
   inability to effect any change is another key ploy required.

   Toward the ends of herding the "sheeple", the media must be controlled
   using various means. Stories that are critical or expose anything the
   Elite is interested in need to be snuffed out or muffled with
   smokescreens. The earlier players such as "pawns, dupes, double
   agents, agent provocateurs" etc. are ideally involved in part in the

aspects of human nature that lead to conspiracies

   A pattern arises in CTL in which conspiracies arise because of
   particular weaknesses in human nature.

   Conspirators are motivated to control those below them by their ego,
   greed, fear, vice, and megalomania. They have the feeling that the
   whole world is corrupt and that they might as well live with it, and
   deal with it in that fashion. They can be readily manipulated by their
   higher controllers through their mistaken but rigid belief systems.

   Pawns and Dupes are subject to conspiracies because of their
   psychological weaknesses as well. Some are witting accomplices, others
   are unaware but nevertheless useful. They are naive and gullible and
   do not seek to question the world as they perceive it. They are
   closeminded to alternative explanations to events other than that
   which they are fed. Their thinking is black-and-white and is incapable
   of seeing a more sophisticated reality beyond "friend" and "enemy".
   This "knee-jerk" reaction can be cultivated by their controllers.
   Their cynicism and apathy mean that they are unlikely to try
   alternative approaches.

   The "moving target" mentality insists that whatever is labelled an
   "official" conspiracy, i.e. one that is reported in the press, is not
   really a conspiracy. That is, conspiracy theories are considered
   inherently ridiculous by the word "conspiracy" alone. The inability to
   say no means that their freedoms are taken away without complaint, but
   merely docile submission. A herdlike mentality is useful to the
   controllers, who can then manipulate the masses more readily. A short
   attention span and lack of curiosity mean that the victims are not
   able to extricate themselves from their psychological prison. Finally,
   fear prevents a pawn or a dupe from "blowing the whistle" when they
   discover a conspiracy.

key methods of advancing conspiracies

   A pattern of CTL is that conspiracies are furthered through specific
   techniques. These range from the somewhat minor to extremely sinister.

          All conspiracies are furthered through secrecy. The people
          aware of aspects of the conspiracy might be silent for
          different reasons, however. People high on the ladder may wish
          to maintain their control. People lower on the ladter may wish
          to preserve their own particular "piece of the action".

   guilt, anxiety
          People who are deep in guilt or anxiety can be manipulated to
          be silent about particular information that would reveal the

          People who see themselves as victims, "losers", or worthless
          and expendable by nature will not try to challenge a status quo
          that affirms their position of oppression.

          People involved in or peripheral to the conspiracy are paid off
          not to say anything, or to say things that minimize or conceal
          the conspiracy, etc. The conspiracy will "contract" with people
          to secretly provide services useful to the conspiracy, etc.

          The conspiracy is always furthered through manipulation. People
          are manipulated to do things they might not otherwise through
          all the psychological techniques available. Some of the
          participants are aware that they are being manipulated but feel
          powerless to shake it off. Others are manipulated in a way that
          they do not perceive or are not aware of.

   decoys, smokescreens
          A ploy used by conspirators would be to create spectacles that
          throw people off their track or keep them occupied with minutia
          that is not relevant to the key problems of the country. One
          example of this may have been when Gary Hart was about to run
          for president, with polls suggesting he had a lot of
          popularity. Conspirators would arrange to discredit him with
          something that seemed scandalous but actually had no relevance
          to his potentially sophisticated ability to govern/lead the

   suppression, censorship
          The tools of suppression, censorship of information are
          critical to the maintenance of a conspiracy. Sometimes this
          goes under the guise of protecting "national security" within
          the government. However it might involve using other techniques
          of intimidation on reporters who are coming near to the truth,
          or other variations.

   disinformation, lies, revisionism, coverup
          "History is written by the victors". A very key aspect of
          perpetuating a conspiracy is the use of disinformation or lying
          to distract or mislead the public, those at the edges, and
          those within the plot. One aspect of this would be manipulating
          the media of the country, it's "eyes and ears". The public's
          perceptions of a reality free of the conspiracy is crucial to
          maintain. The insider's perception that their own agendas are
          being served at all times, without further knowledge of the
          deeper plots, is also key.

          When there are "leaks", they must be covered up by agents of
          the conspiracy or unwitting dupes who believe they are
          ultimately serving their own best interests through the

   intimidation, terror, paranoia, blackmail
          People may be aware of the conspiracy but terrified of
          revealing it due to the perceived tactics of the
          coconspirators. Or, they may be blackmailed into participating
          or staying silent.

          Bribery is always one obvious means of manipulating
          coconspirators, pawns, or dupes. The bribery might be in the
          form of money, or some other vice-payment like sex or drugs.
          Whatever the human psychology is susceptible to, could be used.

          Conspiracies are furthered through the infiltration of agencies
          by agents of the conspiracy. For example, those that would seek
          to undermine the government would insert themselves into key
          positions of power. Their loyalty would not be to the
          government but to the secret society of which they are a part.

          Assassinations are particularly useful to furthering the goals
          of a conspiracy when they come in conflict with outsiders.
          Outsiders who oppose key elements of the agenda are simply
          eliminated. The public, being unaware of the conspiracy as a
          whole, attribute the assassination to spurious causes such as
          "lone nuts". Assassinations of those about to directly reveal
          the conspiracy are the most crucial. Assassinations disguised
          as suicides are also useful in misleading the public and
          perpetuating the conspiracy.

   "trojan horse", "bait and switch", "shell game"
          A common theme of the CTL genre is that conspirators use
          familar techniques to achieve their ends. A favorite is the
          "trojan horse" scheme in which the public is tricked into
          thinking something is a gift when it is in fact a devious plot.
          A "bait and switch" would involve similar aspects. A "shell
          game" is a game of deception and distraction in which the
          subjects are mixed up about the true outcome, but play perhaps
          because of their own greed. These ideas are frequently played
          out in the legislature of the country, a power nexis, in the
          form of laws that do not have the consequences the public

   "frog boiling"
          Another common theme of CTL is that of the delayed plan.
          Conspirators who wish to take over the world, for example,
          would be very patient and implement their plan in gradual,
          minute, indetectable steps. The term comes from the observation
          that frogs, when exposed to boiling water, jump away from it
          immediately, but when they are put in a pan and the water is
          slowly increased in temperature, they may sit and boil to

   "pump and dump"
          Another common theme of CTL is that pawns and dupes are subject
          to a "pump and dump" situation in which they are favored by the
          conspirators as long as they are useful, and then they are hung
          out to dry (or in the worse case, murdered) when they no longer
          serve the needs of the conspiracy. Hitler would be one example
          cited by CTL-- he was at first assuaged and supported by a
          hidden conspiracy, and then abandoned to die when he was no
          longer useful.

   plots within plots
          CTL emphasizes the concept that not everyone in the conspiracy
          is working toward the same ends, and that frequently subgroups
          are utilized to work against each other. An example of this
          would be the Kennedy assassination, in which one CTL book
          suggests that a rogue element of the CIA was on the scene and
          believed that an assassination was only going to be staged, but
          that it would be unsuccessful. Their unknowing contribution to
          the final assassination would have supported the overall
          agenda, and their guilty complicity would only endanger
          themselves in any attempt to reveal the betrayal.

          Another example would be the following: the FBI might have an
          informant working in a terrorist group. The informant is in
          fact a double agent for the conspirators. The FBI thinks that
          the informant is going to allow them to seize terrorists in the
          nick of time, planting a bomb, thereby being the heroes of the
          day. The informant misleads the agency and plants the bomb
          anyway. The FBI, through its support of the infiltrator, or at
          least lack of opposition, would inadvertently allow a situation
          they would not have initially accepted (i.e. existence of a
          terrorist group).

          Another example would be with the BATF during the Oklahoma
          Bombing. CTL suggests that they were aware of an informant
          within the bombing group. The informant may have tricked them
          into believing they could defuse the bomb at an opportune
          moment, thereby gaining favorable media publicity. The BATF
          would then be motivated to cover up the details of the bombing
          to hide their own negligence, a situation that would be useful
          to preventing the real story of the conspirators from coming to
          light. The conspirators, supposing they were really world
          bankers, might have been motivated to discredit militias
          spreading knowledge about them via the bombing.

   problem, reaction, solution (thesis, antithesis, synthesis)
          A key component of CTL documenting the gradual introduction of
          the NWO asserts that the conspirators focus on a single
          technique again and again: that of "problem, reaction,
          solution". The conspirators create a fake problem, such as
          terrorism. The public reacts and calls out for a solution, and
          the conspirators present a pseudo-solution into a form that
          increases their own power, such as a government crackdown. The
          solution is bogus because the problem is bogus, but this point
          eludes the public's perception. See e.g. [Icke95].


   For a list including these and other resources, see

     * Good starting points for conspiracy related research are
       http://www.parascope.com and http://www.webcom.com/~conspire/.
     * The newsgroups alt.conspiracy and alt.conspiracy.jfk cover related
     * The SearchNet mailing list focuses on NWO, military, monetary,
       HAARP, UFO, current news, and other various conspiracies of
       interest to posters. Send "subscribe snetnews" in body of email to
     * The A-albionic mailing list is run by the A-albionic research
       company that specializes in conspiracy literature sales. Send
       "subscribe prj" in body of email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
     * The Conspiracy Research mailing list is dedicated to trying to
       build up solid research and FAQs on conspiracy subjects. Send
       "subscribe ctrl [yourname]" in body of email to
     * The Agendas mailing list is dedicated to discuss the validity of
       various conspiracy theories and global agendas. Send "subscribe
       agendas [firstname] [lastname]" in body of email to
     * The Spotlight newspaper focuses on the international elite
       conspiracy, tracking groups such as the Bilderburgers etc.
     * Media Bypass magazine is a small-circulation magazine that focuses
       on information not found in the mainstream media.
     * Conspiracy Nation is posted to alt.conspiracy regularly by editor
       Brian Redman and has many back issues on conspiracy-related



     * Andrews, George C. Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, Llewellyn
       Publications, USA, 1986.
     * Baigent, Michael et. al. Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Dell Publishing,
       New York, 1983. ISBN 0-440-13648-2
     * Bamford, James. The Puzzle Palace: A Report on NSA, America's Most
       Secret Agency. Houghton Mifflin, 1982.
     * Bramley, William. The Gods of Eden. Avon Books, New York, 1990.
       ISBN 0-380-71807-3
     * Brennan, J.H. Occult Reich. Futura, London, 1974.
     * Brian, Bill III. Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the U.S. Space
       Program, The NASA-Military Cover-Up
     * Chomsky, Noam. World Orders, Old and New. Pluto Press, London,
     * Coleman, John. Conspirators' Hierarchy: the Story of the Committee
       of 300. ISBN: 0-922356-57-2.
     * Cooper, William. Behold a Pale Horse,
     * Emery, Sheldon. Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People.
     * Executive Intelligence Review Editors. DOPE, INC. ISBN:
     * Engdahl, A Century of War, Dr Bottiger Verlags-GmbH, Germany,
     * Epperson, A. Ralph. The Unseen Hand: an Introduction to the
       Conspirational View of History. Publius Press, Tucson, Arizona,
       1985. ISBN 0-9614135-0-6
     * Hall, Manly P. America's Assignment With Destiny: The Adepts in
       the Western Esoteric Tradition, Part Five. Philosophical Research
       Society, Los Angeles, 1979.
     * Higham, Charles. Trading With The Enemy, Dell, 1983.
     * Icke, David. And the Truth Shall Set You Free. Bridge of Love
       Publications, London, 1995.
     * Jasper, William F. Global Tyranny...Step by Step. The United
       Nations and the Emerging New World Order. Appleton, Wisconsin,
       Western Islands, 1992.
     * Keith, Jim. The Gemstone File. IllumiNet Press, Avondale Estates,
       Georgia, 1992. ISBN 0-9626534-5-4
     * King, Francis. Satan and Swastika. Mayflower Books, London, 1976.
     * Koteen, Judi Pope. Last Waltz of the Tyrants. Beyond Words
       Publishing, Hillsboro, Oregon, 1989. ISBN 0-941831-26-4
     * Kurtzman, Joel. The Death of Money. Simon and Schuster, New York,
     * Levine, Michael. The Big White Lie - The Deep Cover Operation that
       Exposed the CIA Sabotage of the Drug War. Thunder's Mouth Press,
     * Lynes, Barry. The Cancer Cure that Worked! Fifty Years of
       Suppression. Marcus Books, Canada, 1987. ISBN 0-919951-30-9
     * Miller, Edith Starr (Lady Queensborough). Occult Theocracy
     * Moench, Doug. The Big Book of Conspiracies. Paradox Press, New
       York, 1995. ISBN 1-56389-186-7
     * Mullins, Eustace. The World Order: a Study in the Hegemony of
       Parasitism. Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, Staunton,
       Virginia, 1985a.
     * Mullins, Eustace. The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Bankers
       Research Institute, Stauton, Virginia, 1985b.
     * Nichols, Preston B., The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. Sky
       Books, Westbury, New York, 1992. ISBN 0-9631889-0-9
     * O'Brien, Cathy. Trance Formation of America. Reality Marketing
       Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada, 1995.
     * Perry, Roland. The Fifth Man. Sidgwick and Jackson, London, 1994.
     * Piper, Michael Collins. Final Judgement: the Missing Link in the
       Kennedy Conspiracy. Wolfe Press, Washington DC, 1995.
     * Reed, Terry and Cummings, John. Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and
       the CIA: How the Presidency was Co-opted by the CIA. Spi books,
     * Quigley, Carroll. The Anglo-American Establishment, Books in
       Focus, New York, 1981.
     * Quigley, Carrol. Tragedy and Hope. Macmillan, New York, 1966.
     * Sanders, James. The Downing of TWA Flight 800. Kensington
       Publishing, New York, 1997.
     * Sitchin, Zecharia. The 12th Planet. Avon, New York, 1976.
     * Skolnick, Sherman. The Secret History of Airline Sabotage. ???
     * Still, William T., New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret
       Societies. Huntington House Publishers, Lafayette, Louisiana,
       1990. ISBN 0-910311-64-1
     * Sutton, Anthony C. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.
       Morley, Australia, 1981.
     * Sutton, Anthony C. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. Heritage
       Publications, Melbourne, Australia 1976.
     * Van Helsing, Jan. Secret Societies and Their Part in the 20th
       Century. Ewertverlag, Grand Canaria, Spain, 1995.
     * Vankin, Jonathan and Whalen, John. Sixty Greatest Conspiracies of
       All Time. Citadel Press, 1995.
     * Wilgus, Neal. The Illuminoids

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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