-Caveat Lector-


Voyage to the New World

Coming soon: Video clips of Part 1

"Today and for over two hundred years, Asians have been a part of the life
of the Americas. How did these many people get here? What was it like for
those who came first? What would they tell us, if they could speak?" -

Most people think of Asians as recent immigrants to the Americas, but the
first Asians--Filipino sailors--settled in the bayous of Louisiana a decade
before the Revolutionary War. Asians have been an integral part of American
history since that time.

COOLIES, SAILORS AND SETTLERS explores how and why people from the
Philippines, China and India first arrived on the shores of North and South
America, and it portrays their survival amid harsh conditions, their
re-migrations, and finally their permanent settlement in the New World.

The film travels across oceans and centuries of time to trace the globally
interlocking story of East and West--from a village in Guangdong Province
and Spanish military barracks in Manila to a Chinese cemetery in Havana and
the Peabody Museum in Salem, Massachusetts, where early Asian imports are on

The first program of ANCESTORS IN THE AMERICAS introduces the "documemoir"
approach that characterizes the series. This approach stretches the
traditional documentary genre in order to represent an inaccessible past and
imagine what life was like for these early voyagers to the West.

The dramatic voice and presence of the Asian Everyman narrator represents
the Asian perspective throughout the film, capturing the first-person
perspective of those who experienced this history. In seeking out his own
story, he guides us in examining and interpreting historical records, and
his voice conveys a drama and passion often absent in conventional
historical narratives.

"Asian emigration had as much to do with developments in Europe as it did
with developments in the Americas or in Asia. Overseas migration was part of
European colonizing efforts in different parts of the world." - Professor
Sucheng Chan

In looking for the source of Asians in the Americas, the film points to
Western expansionism and the self-serving idea that the "white man's burden"
was to "save" the barbarian masses of the world. Thus, the West colonized
much of Asia as well as the New World, a move vividly illustrated in the
film's mapping of these global movements.

"Asia was always on the Western mind," observes scholar Gary Okihiro. Both
Columbus' nautical quest for Spain and, three centuries later, Lewis and
Clark's exploration of the Northwest Passage--on assignment from Thomas
Jefferson--were journeys undertaken in search of a direct route to Asia and
with it, wealth from global trade in textiles, spices, crafts, porcelains,
silk and tea.

At the center of early trade with Europe and the New World was the
Philippines. As far back as the 17th century, Filipino sailors worked on
Spanish galleons which plied trade routes between Spain's two colonies:
Manila in the Phillipines and Acapulco in Mexico. Typically a third to half
of their crews jumped ship upon hitting port.

Some of the Filipinos who left their ships in Mexico ultimately found their
way to the bayous of Louisiana, where they settled in the 1760s. The film
shows the remains of Filipino shrimping villages in Louisiana, where, eight
to ten generations later, their descendants still reside, making them the
oldest continuous settlement of Asians in America.

"America may think immigrants always come to get something from America,
from the West, and take it away, but really it was very different....Long
before Asians immigrated, when East met West, it was the West that came to

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the Western powers, and
especially the young American republic, depended upon the "China trade" to
build their economic strength. During this period China was considered to be
very rich and powerful, while the fledgling American republic was relatively
poor and weak. The richest man in the world of that era was the Canton
merchant Houqua, who earned his fortune on nothing more than trading in
Chinese tea.

In a Massachusetts museum we see a vast display of paintings, porcelains,
furniture, textile and silver work made by skilled Chinese craftsmen for the
world's markets. In the collection made for the U.S. market is the set of
china engraved with "J" for Thomas Jefferson.

Merchants from America and China enjoyed cordial relations for some time,
but these golden years did not last. Of the commercial trade items between
China and the West, tea became the most important, as its popularity grew
throughout Great Britain and the thirteen colonies. The British imported far
more tea than they could export goods to China, creating a trade imbalance.
When the trade deficit grew devastatingly large by the 1830s, England, with
help from some well-known Americans, began growing and smuggling opium from
India—which was under British control—into China, where it was sold to pay
for tea.

"Great family fortunes were made from the opium trade. Their names read very
much like a who's who in America: the Cushings, the Cabot family, Delano, as
in Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Perkins, as in the Perkins Hall at Harvard."
- Professor Dilip Basu

As Chinese opium addiction grew to catastrophic proportions in the early
19th century, China's government moved to bring the illegal trade to a halt.
In the film, we see a broad plaza which leads to the museum where China's
struggle against the opium trade is commemorated. After appeals to Queen
Victoria yielded nothing, the presiding Imperial Commissioner confiscated
and destroyed more than two million pounds of opium found in the western
warehouses at Canton.

For this, the British went to war, concocting an excuse with which American
leaders, including former U.S. President John Quincy Adams, fully concurred.
These Opium Wars, begun in the 1840s, resulted in debilitating losses for
China. Ports previously banned to foreigners were forced open for trade and
Western presence, and Hong Kong and Kowloon were annexed by Britain. The
most immediate consequence was China's devastating loss of control over the
emigration of Chinese, which resulted in their large-scale shipment as
indentured laborers to the Caribbean and South America.

After the abolition of the African slave trade in the British empire in the
early 1800s, there was a shortage of labor in the New World. South China
became the West's favored destination to find replacement laborers to export
to their New World colonies. Britain also exported laborers from its own
colony, India. More than a quarter million Chinese and half a million Asian
Indians were shipped to the New World between the 1840s and 1870s under a
"new system of slavery" where Asians replaced African slave labor.

We meet Lau Chung Mun in Guangdong Province, China, who tells how his
grandfather and two great uncles were "bought and sold like pigs" to work in
Cuba. Villagers were lured, kidnapped, tricked with worthless contracts, and
loaded onto coolie ships modeled on African slave ships, suffering the same
"middle passage". Their bare chests were painted with letters to mark their
destinations: "P" for Peru, "C" for Cuba, and "S" for the Sandwich Islands

"We labor 21 hours out of 24 and are beaten....On one occasion I received
200 blows, and though my body was a mass of wounds I was still forced to
continue labor.... A single day becomes a year.... And our families know not
whether we are alive or dead."
-Testimony of Chinese plantation laborers, China-Cuba Commission Report,

Upon arrival in the sugar plantations of Cuba or in the toxic guano pits off
the coast of Peru—where they faced brutal exploitation without rights, and
worked long hours, lashed and shackled—the lives of the "indentured coolies"
differed from that of slaves in name only. It was unlikely that they would
ever see their homes again. As awareness of the conditions grew, many new
workers resisted. The records tell of frequent mutinies on the ships.

The exploitation of coolies became so well known that the Chinese government
sent representatives to Cuba to question the coolie workers directly. The
China-Cuba Commission Report in 1874 preserves for posterity the testimonies
of the workers who bravely gave witness to their inhumane treatment and

"There was no peace....One voyage in every 11 had a mutiny....Bands of us
threw ourselves upon them: Release us or we will burn the ship! We have
nothing to lose....Thirteen times we succeeded and gained our freedom." -

In Cuba today we also meet descendants of those who stayed and brought
generations of countrymen to Cuba. Among the early coolie laborers were
those who fought alongside Cuban plantation laborers in the uprisings to
achieve liberation from Spain in the late 19th century. We see a Cuban
monument to the "Chinos mambises," memorializing the "brave Chinese" who
fought in that insurrection and remained to make new lives on the island to
which they had been unwillingly brought. We see racially mixed
Afro/Spaniard/Chinese Cuban people in the streets of Havana today, and
Spanish/Chinese names on the tombstones of the large Chinese cemetery in

Asian Indian coolies, facing similar hardships, were taken from their home
areas in coastal Calcutta and Madras and sent to the plantations of other
British colonies: Trinidad, Jamaica and British Guiana. We hear the
plaintive songs of the departing Asian Indian coolies, and see how the
villagers of a fishing town set up clay gods in the sand facing the ocean to
beseech protection for those who went to sea.

"We survived, took root and made a home."- Narrator

Some descendants of these Chinese and Indian workers later re-migrated north
to the United States. The film takes us to New York, where numerous
Indo-Guyanese have settled, forming a large community in Queens. We also
meet Fabiana Chiu, a 4th generation Chinese from Peru, whose ancestors
possibly labored in Peru, loading ships with the toxic guano that fertilized
the farms of the world.

As an Atlantic port city, New York also received some of the first Asian
arrivals in the early 1800s, long before California's Gold Rush. Sailors and
traders of the China trade became part of the port culture that formed in
this city teeming with immigrants. We learn that many Chinese men in NY took
western names and married Irish women, and see how the American popular
press took note of these pairings, with their mixed-race offspring.

By program's end we have come to understand that the earliest Asians arrived
in North America by many routes: via Mexico, South America and the
Caribbean, and finally, to California, during the Gold Rush. The film
concludes by showing a young Chinese man preparing for the voyage to
California's "Gold Mountain" in the mid-1800s.

Almost simultaneously with the arrival of coolies in the Caribbean and South
America this "Gold Mountain" hopeful will arrive by another route in another
part of the Americas. He is full of expectation, believing he will return to
those who await him. Unlike the coolies who came before him, he will not
lose control of his destiny. He is determined to be a free man.
The series continues in Part 2 - CHINESE IN THE FRONTIER WEST: An American

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