-Caveat Lector-


An American Story

Coming soon: Video clips of Part 2

"Leaving their villages in China, they journeyed far, with only each other
and the power of memory.... remembering families an ocean
apart...remembering how to make a home on the soil under their feet....With
spirit and strategy they fought for their place in America." -Narrator

The second part of the ANCESTORS IN THE AMERICAS series unfolds with the
arrival of Chinese on the West Coast during the Gold Rush, not as coolies
laboring in the bleak outposts of the New World's plantations and mines, but
as free men embarking for "Gold Mountain." Pushed by hard times at home,
they arrived full of hope for wealth and for an auspicious return to their

An early scene in CHINESE IN THE FRONTIER WEST: An American Story imagines a
Chinese man's departure from his wife and homeland. We see the young wife
silently braiding her husband's long queue (hair), perhaps for the last
time. Setting out, like so many others, the traveler glances back at her
over his shoulder. What does the future hold for them and their descendants?
The close-up on his face, a recurring image in the film, captures an
intensely personal moment in a new chapter of world history.

Could these Chinese pioneers, who came seeking gold, have imagined the
pivotal role they would play in building the American west? Or that they
would challenge and change laws that would eventually reshape our nation's
definition of who is an American?

How little their contribution was understood at that time...how little it is
known even today.

CHINESE IN THE FRONTIER WEST uncovers a surprising and complicated web of
relationships—economic, social, cultural and legal—between 19th-century
Chinese immigrants and other white and nonwhite pioneers who came to
America's western territories from all parts of the globe.
"Let us consider the vile coolies, who like craven beasts work the goldmines
only to return to their native land and bring no profit to our state." -
John Bigler, California governor 1852- 1856

The film's narrative reveals the strength of these American ancestors, who,
upon arrival, met with unremitting suspicion and hostility, yet managed to
sustain their embattled community and culture, and help build a nation.

The Chinese were the first nonwhite foreigners who arrived en masse of their
own free will, unlike shackled African Americans, who were brought as
slaves, or Native Americans, who were decimated in their own land. Yet like
these other non-white peoples, Chinese immigrants were prevented from owning
property or becoming citizens. They were also subject to violent attacks and
new laws enforced only against them, such as the Foreign Miner's Tax.

Despite this treatment, we see how during the three decades encompassed by
the film (1850-1882), Chinese labor became an essential underpinning in the
developing economy. In taxes from gold mining alone, the Chinese contributed
up to 50% of the state's total revenue by 1860. In addition to working on
the transcontinental railroad that eventually linked the frontier west to
markets back east, Chinese laborers hand-built aqueducts to transport water
and timber, bridges and flood-control levees, and some of the first wineries
in the state, where they carved the storage caverns and constructed massive
stone buildings.

The Chinese also reclaimed swamp land and transformed the Sacramento delta
into one of the world's great farming lands. By 1870, three quarters of the
agricultural work force at every level in California were Chinese.

"As it turned out, California's economic development in the 19th century
could not have been accomplished without the Chinese. And I can say this
- Professor L. Ling-chi Wang

Many of their contributions can still be seen today in rural California, as
the film shows. Yet, their contributions are missing from most historical
records, such as photographs of the building of the railroad and standard
textbooks on the development of the west.

None of their contributions were perhaps more long lasting and significant
to all Americans than their struggles to advance civil rights for themselves
and the immigrants that followed.

Denied the basic right of citizenship, the Chinese forged an alternative
route to becoming Americans: they relentlessly pursued their rights in
America's courts. They turned to the justice system precisely because they
understood and believed in the American promise of equality and freedom.

"People always say, well, the Chinese always cling to their culture, that
they never assimilated, they never really learned about America... but in
terms of resisting discrimination against them, they very much assimilated.
>From the early 1850s, they started making use of the American judicial
system when such a system did not exist in China."
-Professor Sucheng Chan

As a mostly male community that had organized itself to survive, Chinese
workers sent money back to China, to their wives, families and villages. But
their collective well-being in America was repeatedly attacked through
ordinances, acts and court rulings designed to make life more difficult.
These included the 1854 Foreign Miner's Tax and the 1862 Police Tax, as well
as court decisions such as People vs. Hall, which cast them as inferior to
whites and denied them the right to testify against any white person, even
an accused murderer.

It was natural for them to ante up a portion of their earnings to fight
these discriminatory laws. They hired seasoned lawyers and challenged almost
every law or court case enacted against them, sometimes with great success.
The hundreds of cases they brought in the 19th and early 20th centuries
helped establish legal precedents across life's broad spectrum, from
livelihood and education to immigrant rights and citizenship.

"It's hard to think of a single law perceived by the Chinese as
discriminatory, that they did not challenge in court."
-Professor Charles McClain

And what about Chinese women? As the film shows, Chinese women customarily
did not leave home. Furthermore, the frontier hardships and often violent
discrimination suffered by Chinese men in America were hardly promising
conditions for family life. Records suggest about one third of the early
Chinese arrivals were married, even though the ratio of men to women in the
Chinese community was at one time as high as 27 to 1.

In the resulting largely male, so-called "bachelor" Chinese community in
America, a few Chinese men saw a business opportunity and imported Chinese
women whom they pressed into prostitution. While prostitution was a general
feature of the frontier west, the existence of Chinese prostitution gave
Congress an excuse to pass the Page Law in 1875, specifically aimed at
preventing Chinese women—including family members of Chinese immigrants—from
entering the U.S. Not until 1970, almost 100 years later, following the
major overhaul of immigration laws in 1965, did the Chinese community
finally achieve a normal gender ratio of one man to one woman.

Towards the end of the film, we ask: What if Chinese women had been
permitted to come and they could have had families? How would this history
have been different?

Standing on a coastal stretch not far from Monterey, historian Sandy Lydon
shows us a "Chinese America that might have been." He explains that here, in
1853, Chinese men and women built an American community of Chinese families,
where women comprised over 40% of the population, and mothers, children and
grandparents were all part of the social fabric.

Where other pioneers saw Point Alones as useless economically, the Chinese
envisioned and built a thriving export industry of dried abalone, abalone
shells, seaweed, dried fish and squid. They were able to succeed because
white Americans at the time were not interested in fishing occupations, and
they lived in the midst of a more tolerant Hispanic community. Although the
Chinese were displaced by the turn of the century, they still managed to
build families of three generations standing, and to create some wealth from
uninterrupted entrepreneurial resourcefulness.

"And so we basically extended the promise of the American dream to a much
wider range of human beings than the founding fathers may have had in mind."
-Professor Sucheng Chan

By the late 1800s, centuries of seafaring and labor migration had led these
resilient immigrants from South China to build a new home in a new land,
despite the intense discrimination they faced for many years to come. As
scholar Sucheng Chan notes, through their determined collective efforts,
they not only helped build the frontier, they also challenged our nation to
"make the word 'American' more international in scope, to encompass people
from all parts of the world."

But the struggle of Asian immigrants for their rightful place in America was
far from over, as we see in the next program.

The series continues with Part 3 - CROSSING THE CONTINENT, CROSSING THE
PACIFIC (to be completed in Fall 2000)

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