-Caveat Lector-

From: Erin Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


  The Sustainable Energy and Economy Network's Bulletin on Fossil Fuel
  Projects and Development Aid

  Profiting from pollution
  International lender leads developing world toward fossil fuels and
global warming (This issue also published in November 22, 1998, San Jose
Mercury News/Knight-Ridder wire)


  THE GATHERING in Buenos Aires a week ago was supposed to be about
climate   change, but it felt more like a trade show. Instead of
focusing on how to   prevent global warming, attendees jostled to get a
piece of a lucrative   emerging market: trading in pollution credits.

  Leading the pack was the World Bank, which has become the largest
public financier of carbon-emitting oil, gas and coal projects in
developing nations. Not only are the bank's projects contributing to
climate change, but the bank is also hoping to double-dip -- by
funding fossil fuel projects in poor countries at the front end, then
reaping financial benefits from the resulting pollution.

  The consequence of this daisy chain is to lock developing countries
into a fossil fuel energy path, repeating the mistakes of the First
World rather than leapfrogging to newer and cleaner energy
technologies. And the ultimate   consequence is rapid, perhaps
irreversible, global climate change.

  The World Bank's stated mission is to alleviate poverty and promote
sustainable development. Energy consumption is a key indicator of a
nation's economic growth, so it is no surprise that roughly a fifth of
the World Bank's lending goes toward increasing energy and power supply
in poor nations.

  What is surprising is that the World Bank is doling out billions of
dollars a year for fossil fuel projects -- the single greatest
contributor to climate change.

  This is despite the bank's acknowledging that climate change is
disastrous for poor nations, and that efficiency and renewable resources
such as solar power are the best ways to serve the 2 billion rural poor
worldwide who have no electricity.

  Nevertheless, more than three-fourths of its energy loan portfolio is
devoted to fossil fuels. Since the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992,
the World Bank has spent $13.6 billion on coal mines, oil and gas fields
and fossil-fueled power plants in developing countries and the former
Soviet bloc; an additional $3.9 billion in loans and credits is pending.
And each taxpayer-backed World Bank dollar paves the way for five or six
additional dollars in private investment for such projects.

  Together, these projects will have a significant impact on the global

  Fossil-fuel burning from post-1992 World Bank projects eventually will
contribute an immense burden of carbon dioxide to the Earth's atmosphere
-- equivalent to 1.3 times the total emitted by all the world's
countries in 1995.

  Profiting from emissions
  Plan to enter market in trading pollution

  It is these emissions from which the bank now hopes to profit.

  Under a proposal that has been kept tightly under wraps, the bank
plans to enter the market in pollution credits -- estimated to reach
$150 billion in trading by 2020 -- and skim 5 percent from each trade it

  Two types of emissions trading exist under a system approved at the
Kyoto climate conference last December:

   Trades between industrialized nations.

  These nations pledged at Kyoto to reduce their emissions to below 1990
levels by 2008. Some countries have reached this goal already, so they
have the ``right'' to pollute more. They can sell that right to other
nations. The climate doesn't know the difference, or so the logic goes.

   Trades involving a specific project in which two nations cooperate.

  Under these so-called ``joint implementation'' deals, one nation gets
outside investment and allegedly cleaner technology than it could afford
alone. In return, the other doesn't have to reduce emissions as much
within its borders.

  That might be a good idea -- if it worked. But the concept behind
emissions trading fails on several counts.

  First, the rationale for emissions trading is that fossil fuels are
the only economically viable way for developing countries to get the
energy they need to grow. Yet already, the health and other costs from
burning coal in China are estimated at 5 percent of China's gross
domestic product. And hurricanes such as Mitch, which are expected to
increase in intensity with climate change, cause incalculable damage in
countries such as Honduras or Nicaragua.

  Second, emissions trading assumes energy services will ``trickle
down'' to the poor, who will then be able to use that energy for
cooking, heating or lighting. In fact, the opposite is happening.

  That's because some World Bank-supported projects encourage the export
of fuel to wealthy nations, such as the pipelines that extract oil and
gas from Nigeria and Chad. Others produce power for the urban
middle-class or for heavy industry, including energy-intensive
industries that migrate to these countries as soon as energy is
available and cheap.

  And the poor, whose energy needs go unmet, continue cutting down trees
for fuel -- which adds to the problem of global warming.

  Incentive to pollute

  Deliberate inefficiency can boost later profits

  A third problem is that early evidence shows emissions trading may
actually increase pollution, by giving parties an incentive to
artificially inflate their baseline figures.

  The World Bank already is being tempted, internal documents leaked at
the Buenos Aires conference this month suggest. The bank could
exaggerate the progress on carbon reductions by building inefficiency
into its own fossil fuel projects.

  This ``win-win'' strategy, the documents say, would have the World
Bank ``picking . . . low-hanging fruit'' first.

  Translation: Certain kinds of inefficiencies are cheap to fix, so the
bank and corporations could profit by reducing or ``capturing'' these
emissions. But that pollution would not exist if the bank were abiding
by its own guidelines for building energy-efficient projects.

  The bank estimates it can net $100 million a year from these
``low-hanging fruit'' by 2005.

  Domestically, trading in pollution credits has had similar results.
Two pioneering efforts in Los Angeles are being challenged in court by
environmental justice groups. In both cases, pollution increased as
companies raised their baselines so that they could look good later by
``reducing'' emissions.

  The Los Angeles trading had another side effect: It allowed companies
to concentrate pollution in poor neighborhoods while getting credit for
environmental efforts in other arenas.

  This ``hot spot'' phenomenon already is plaguing developing countries
like India, where energy-intensive industries such as aluminum smelters
are migrating to avoid the inevitable ceiling on greenhouse gas
emissions in industrialized nations.

  That points up a fundamental flaw with emissions trading as the United
States and the World Bank envision it: Without limits on developing
nations' emissions, and without limits on how much industrialized
nations can trade, an increase in pollution is inevitable.

  In other words, carbon trading encourages an unregulated increase in
greenhouse gas emissions globally -- the exact opposite of its intended

  Business perks

  Companies enjoy fossil fuel benefits

  So why is such a plan being pursued? For the answer, follow the money
as it goes round and round, from corporations to politicians to the
World Bank and back to corporations.

  The biggest beneficiaries of emissions trading will be large global
corporations. These are the same corporations that squawked loudly over
the Kyoto protocol, claiming it was unfair because it didn't impose
targets on developing countries. Yet they are doing brisk business
exploiting fossil fuels in those countries, thus increasing emissions,
with the aid of World Bank contracts.

  Nine of 10 energy projects financed by the World Bank benefit at least
one corporation headquartered in the wealthy Group of 7 nations.

  The G-7's collective financial muscle is extraordinary, accounting for
about two-thirds of the global economy.

  The United States, as the World Bank's largest contributor, has the
most influence over bank projects -- which it does not hesitate to use.

  One way is in contracts from the World Bank, which are big business.
For every dollar the U.S. government contributes, it gets $1.30 in
contracts for U.S.-based corporations to build projects in developing

  Many of these corporations, in turn, are members of the Global Climate
Coalition, a powerful U.S. lobbying group that aims to prevent any
action by the United States in reducing its own massive greenhouse gas

  Although polls show the American public wants strong action on climate
change, the coalition does not. Instead, it pushes ``free market''
policies such as pollution credits.

  Now, it is urging the Clinton administration to push for unlimited
emissions trading. That way, the companies could make all of their
emissions reductions in poorer countries, at one-third the cost of
creating cleaner energy here at home.

  Process rolls on

  Disaster looms worst for the poor

  And so the process rolls on, unchecked. In the past year, the World
Bank spent $1.35 billion on four new coal-fired power projects in China
alone. Sources inside the bank say the most recent China project was
pushed through in violation of a U.S. law requiring 120 days to assess
environmental impact of World Bank projects; it also violated the bank's
own less-than-stringent environmental policies.

  As we have seen in recent flooding in Bangladesh and hurricanes in
Central America, climate change is affecting the world's poorest
citizens most mercilessly, leading to homelessness, crop failure,
disease, hunger and death.

  The greatest irony is that most of the power and energy projects
financed by the World Bank in the name of increasing prosperity are
further impoverishing the poor, who desperately need energy for their
basic survival needs -- as illustrated poignantly by the Nigerian
pipeline explosion that killed hundreds of people, mostly women and
children, last month as they scavenged for fuel.

  Meanwhile, World Bank loans are lining the pockets of undemocratic
Third World regimes and the richest and most powerful corporations, many
of whom oppose any action on climate change.

  And the bank, which should be jump-starting the global market for
clean and renewable energy, is instead using our tax money to create a
self-fulfilling prophecy of rising greenhouse gas emissions, dirty
profits and rapid climate change.

  Daphne Wysham ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is a research fellow with the
Washington-based Institute for Policy Studies and author of a report on
the World Bank and climate change (available at
www.seen.org/reports.html). She wrote this article for the San Jose
Mercury News Perspective.

SEEN is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies,
Washigton, DC (http://www.ips-dc.org)

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