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Date sent:              Sun, 14 Nov 1999 08:06:25 -0500 (EST)
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Jason Dunlap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of Jon Locke)
Subject:                [illusions] Center of Attention newsletter #118
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This is an excerpt from the latest issue of Center of Attention newsletter,
one of the most
up-to-date news and comment of its kind.

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We hope you enjoy this thought provoking issue #118

Center of Attention newsletter
Twice, Monthly newsletter about UFOs Angels, and the NWO.
The Ascension of Earth.

Phone/fax:  408 448-8046

4231 Mountcastle Way, San Jose, CA.  95136
Directors:  Jason Dunlap, Barbara Bane, Wayne Nicholas
Center of Attention newsletter #118
Nov. 1999

UFO Intelligence Apparatus
Part III
by Jason Dunlap

In the past two issues, I showed how a vast, technologically advanced,
network of government sponsored agencies and personnel, have evolved into a
giant UFO Intelligence apparatus.  I believe the term "apparatus" is more
appropriate than agency, or Cabal.  It's more like a thing, a loosely,
flung-together contraption, controlled by the many arms of the
"octopus-like" arms of the power-elite.  The Apparatus operates for the
benefit of an elite agenda to dominate and control the world population.
The first thing to truly understand is that there really is a relatively
small group of people that use their vast wealth and resources to fulfill
an agenda of world conquest, which they and their ancestors have been
committed to for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

At this time in history, the elite are in possession of awesome, advanced
alien technology that gives them an unbelievable advantage over the
resources available to anyone who might oppose their agenda.  The price
these fools have paid to be given absolute control is to be subservient to
the advanced beings that gave them the technology.  They'll be kings, but
will have to run things the way the "evil empire" wants them to.  They
don't really believe that will be a problem, however.  They look at it as
an inevitable initiation into a great Galactic Brotherhood.  They consider
being Planetary Kings an honored place in the vast working of galactic
society.  Their true destiny, amounts to nothing more than prison camp
turn-coats.  The beings they are dealing with, intend to use the humanity
of Earth as a mere resource of food, labor and amusement.

The UFO Intelligence Apparatus includes certain departments in every
secret government agency.  Most of the people involved, unwittingly
cooperate with the hidden agendas of the power elite.  This includes the
military of every country, the national security agencies of every country,
and the United Nations.  To this end, every conceivable means to control
the activities, and behavior of every person has been developed.  They have
secret weapons capable of awesome destruction.  They developed mind control
technology to sway the emotions, and thoughts of any targeted person or
general area.  On the political side, agendas for population control,
depopulation, genetic and ethic selection are being fulfilled using
technology developed from alien provided information.  Recent reports, from
reliable sources within the darkest corners of government, confirm beyond
any doubt that human cloning has been taking place for some time, that the
goal of producing a "perfect soldier" is a reality.  People have seen these
beings, they are humans, only they still don't act exactly as their
creators would like, but they are working on it.

MK-Ultra is only one of many hundreds of mind control projects.  Like all
of them, the hope is to come as close as possible to instantly turn any
person into a mindless automaton, at will, to kill and/or control anyone,
anywhere, by merely thinking about it.  Those in power believe Heaven on
Earth can be a reality when they succeed at this!  That's how crazy they are.

HAARP is another scientific endeavor with evil overtones.  HAARP is a huge
antenna array, located in Alaska.  It is capable of transmitting incredible
amounts of energy into the atmosphere.  A book by the name, "Angels don't
Play this HAARP" goes into great, scientific detail about the HAARP project
and many of its malevolent objectives.  The bottom line is that HAARP is
most likely capable of controlling weather, causing earthquakes, and
beaming mind control signals into everyone's brain!

The most insidious of all the plots against the good of humanity is
Operation Blue Beam, and the other associated support projects.  In a
nutshell, the purpose of Operation Blue Beam is to deceive the masses into
believing benevolent aliens have arrived and will lay the foundation for a
new world, built roughly along Biblical lines, as the "new millennium.

In order for it to work, however, an elaborate plan of conditioning the
general population is necessary.  For decades, the UFO Intelligence
Apparatus has been orchestrating this elaborate plan, that accomplishes the
following ends:

First, by keeping all government involvement with aliens secret, including
denying their very existence, serve to set apart a segment of the
population that is informed and impossible to dupe, as wackos, weirdos, and
anti-social misfits.  These people, (you and me), will be those who will be
ignored by the general population when we try to reveal the truth of this
malevolent plot.  All that's in place now, and continues to operate

The objective is to have an accepting population that will easily be
controlled, in the end.  They also don't want this na-ve, controlled
population to "freak" or become unpredictable, so it is necessary to have a
"controlled" release of information that will allow the ordinary citizen to
eventually accept the reality of aliens amongst us.  This must take place
before Operation Blue Beam can be activated, yet it must be "spun" in such
a way as to have the masses respond and believe as the controlling elite
desire.  The final episode of controlled information release was started
about two years ago, and could be completed within a few months from now.
It could also extend beyond 2000 and culminate in undeniable evidence
somewhere around 2003.  This is pure speculation on my part, of course.

Timing is of the essence, but nothing is left to chance.  The best time
for the aliens to arrive would be when the world is in great need, so as to
give the impression that the aliens are our saviors.  World-wide disaster,
war or any other world-wide disruption will suffice.  The time could be
close, what with the possibility of an asteroid or comet impact and the
consequences of Y2K looming in the near future, not to mention world wide
tensions that are instigating terrorist attacks of a significant nature.
Couple that with the numerous reports concerning truckloads of signs that
warn, "This Town Under Martial Law", and the constant string of rumors
about so-called emergency training exercises by the military in major
population centers, it isn't difficult to imagine that implementation of
Operation Blue Beam or its equivalent is very near.

In conclusion, aliens, answering to the "evil empire" intend to take over
the world under the guise of being our saviors.  They will set up a new
world government that will place the power-elite conspirators as ruling
authority and inevitably force humanity to follow their alien agenda of
being a resource for Galactic Kings we know nothing about.  This cannot be
accomplished, however, without the willing collaboration of the prevailing
authorities of Earth.  To attempt to forcefully take the Earth, the evil
empire would have to face the invincible power and authority of a host of
benevolent ET civilizations that have yet to make a significant appearance.
 The benevolent powers that have the good of humanity as there primary
objective have been acting as a protective shield against any blatant moves
against us, but these same powers are well aware that these evil beings
have crossed the line several times, and now it is only a matter of time
before Divine Intervention is going to change the whole playing field.

Most of what I have shown you and explained has a very negative
connotation, and in many respects must seem hopeless.  I don't believe
there is a need to feel hopeless, however.  Quite the contrary, in fact.
One thing I think we must accept is that the defensive resources Earth has
to work with are useless compared to the technology of the alien forces.
This is the least of our worries, however.  It is the psychological
infiltration into the recognized power and authority of Earth that is the
enemy.  There are forces on our side that will not allow the full force of
alien technology to be used against us, but the willingness of the military
and political forces of Earth to collaborate with the enemy forces the
benevolent alien agenda to be withheld.  I don't believe it is necessary
for all the good citizens of Earth to overthrow their governments, take
over the militaries, and completely revamp the world government before any
help will arrive.  If this is the case, then things are truly hopeless,
because the resources of citizenry are about as effective against modern
militaries as our military is against the alien empires.  What we do need
to do is to express in our deeds, intent, and heart, that we want
deliverance from domination by these aliens.

Much of the rhetoric of the newage and new spiritual leadership encourages
us to accept that we do not need to be saved, and we don't need any outside
help.  They continually claim we are powerful beings and we can solve this
ourselves.  I believe this is a wrong approach.  Yes, we are potentially
powerful beings that may have the mental and spiritual resources to thwart
an enemy as strong as the negative alien forces, but we are nowhere near
being able to muster what it takes to realize this potential.  We need more
training, and guidance and there isn't time to achieve what is necessary.
Another part of the newage rhetoric is the accusations that we are getting
what we deserve, that we are all responsible for polluting the planet, and
are guilty of everything that is wrong with the world.  The acceptance of
this guilt-trip is touted as the only way we will be able to free ourselves
from evil domination.  I disagree strongly with this position!  Only a few
are responsible for much of what is wrong with the world and by convincing
the rest of us that we are as guilty as they, it amounts to a declaration
that we deserve nothing more than domination and control by the evil
empire.  This evil that wants to dominate us intends to use our admission
of guilt as the justification to annex the Earth and the human genome as
part their greater empire.  In essence, their argument is that humanity is
not deserving of Heaven or Free-Will and therefore should be remanded to
the custody of the evil empire.  Fortunately, it ain't gonna happen that
way, but there could be a rough road ahead.

The forces of Light are as much involved in our situation as the evil
ones.  They just keep a very low profile.  Things beyond our imagination
are already in place to help us gain our freedom, and there's much more to
come.  This whole scenario is manifesting in very Biblical way, basically
following the metaphors of the Bible and other religious writings.  There
are forces of Light, Angels, and even Lords and Gods that are intimately
involved in our spiritual and physical evolution.  We are coming to an end,
but before that, we must experience the consequences of cooperating with
evil intentions, how lying, deceptions, greed, lust, and corruption are the
fruits of such cooperation and lead to our destruction.  We are surely at
the time of false prophets, and the arrival of deceitful forces that will
fool the whole world.  So many of us have still not "got it"!  When most of
us decide that we intend to forsake these practices, then the forces of
Light will arrive to challenge and defeat evil.

My prediction for the future is that we will soon be hearing from prophets
of the Light, and the differences will be so profound to the nonsense we've
been getting it will be unmistakable.  Soon, there will be those who will
tell us what is about to take place, give us warnings and instructions on
what to do and they will be 100% right, 100% of the time.  We are soon to
told about the Kingdoms of God, and made promises of help and support that
will not leave us wanting.  The evil empire relies on continual deception
and brainwashing of their forces.  This will soon end, as the forces of
Light begin to awaken those who have been deceived within the secret
governments.  The entire foundation of the so-called New World Order will
begin to crumble, as those well trained forces, with access to their
awesome weaponry and technology turn against them.  Operation Blue Beam
will be an utter failure and they will have to resort to force and martial
law.  The power-elite will find that they won't have enough cooperation at
the lower echelons to pull of their coo. The only thing they will be able
to do is create as much destruction as possible and leave.  The powers of
the Kingdom of Light will arrive to minimize their destructive departure,
and a new age for humanity will begin.

I know that much of this sounds like a lot of positive thinking with
little or no evidence to back it up, but if I've gained any powers of
discernment, then this vision of the future is likely.  What is necessary
now is to forsake evil behavior and exercise loving intent, and prepare as
if it were so.  I do not believe that taking up arms against our
government, or assassinating those who are responsible is what must be
done.  It is more important that you do what you can to become more
spiritual, more loving, and to prepare places of sanctuary and safety for
those who will be closer to the action than you.  Admonitions to store
supplies, head for cover, and the like are going to be more important than
engaging in armed conflict.  It is time to head for the hills, I think, but
not as a herd of frightened cattle, but as pathfinders and organizers of a
better future.

I've exposed the nature of the evil corrupt conspiracy to sellout humanity
about as clearly as I can.  I feel it is now time to seek out information
and supportive evidence that the benevolent plan of salvation is becoming a
reality, more than to go over the details about conspiracies, cover-ups,
and such.  I think more and more, in the future I intend to give
information on how to prepare, how to change yourself psychologically and
spiritually and how to resist this evil in effective ways.  I hope to find
the true prophets, and report on what they say.  I don't expect much, I
just prepare for the worst, and expect the best, and continue on.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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