-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Chamish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 1:31 AM
Subject: tidal wave of information

by Barry Chamish

Our previous message included some terrifying information imparted by a
former member of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff, Col. Al Cuppett. The
following snowball effect led to a personal visit by a former US Navy
submarine sailor with even more important information about, "a much higher
ranking former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff," Admiral William Owens.
Owens, a four star Admiral, high ranking member of the Council On Foreign
Relations (CFR), a Rhodes scholar, was the Vice Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff in the early 1990s. In 1990, he was a temporary Five Star
Admiral while commanding the Sixth Fleet during the Persian Gulf War.

"The last time I met him," recalls the visitor, "I caught him on his
cellphone negotiating the sale of Motorola's Irridium global satellite
network to the American government. He is now the CEO of Teledesek, a
corporation 25% owned by Saudi Arabia, which is building a worldwide
satellite-operated cellular network. He assured me that within five years,
every person on the planet will have access to the network. I expressed
deep misgivings about the likely misuse of this cellular monopoly but he
promised me, 'It'll be good for everyone. Even the poorest peasant will be
able to afford to join in. Calls to anywhere will cost about three cents."

The discussion digressed to the current use of cellphones in Israel to
locate PLO terrorists and Jewish settlement leaders targeted for
assassination. Any hit squad can ambush its quarry to within a few meters
if he is carrying his mobile phone and that has led to a huge percentage of
successful assassinations in the past year. Even if the phone is off, a
hidden passive power source can send out location signals. The fact that
Saudi Arabia is a one quarter owner of Owens' upcoming worldwide
surveillance dream, will become a nightmare for Israeli security.

"Bill Owens was the skipper of my submarine twenty years ago. All the crew
viewed him as a likeable, caring officer. He decided that he'd like to
recommend me for officer training and I agreed to take the course if it was
offered to me. Before he submitted his recommendation to Washington, he
invited me for a private discussion in his quarters.

"After a bit of small talk he asked me, 'If the US turned on Israel like it
should, would you be prepared to launch a Subroc against Israel?' A Subroc
is a nuclear tipped rocket. I told him that it would never happen. He
answered that it very well might happen. I replied that God wouldn't let it
happen. That was the end of the conversation. He dismissed me and I wasn't
recommended for officer training.

"But over time, we have kept in touch. He is not a man to tell me more than
what he thinks I ought to know. Still, he told me some things that Israelis
should understand already. The most bothersome concerned the position of
the Sixth Fleet during the Persian Gulf War. You would think it would have
been anchored off Saudi Arabia or steaming toward Kuwait. It wasn't.
Admiral Owens never took his fleet out of the Mediterranean. I asked him
why and he answered that his ships were protecting the region from enemy
interdiction in the war. I asked which enemy and he replied, 'Libya, for

Needless to say, the answer was unsatisfactory. Libya does not and did not
have the capability to tackle the allied forces patched together by George
Bush, Colin Powell and their NWO cronies. Even if it could make trouble,
the whole Sixth Fleet wasn't needed to prevent it. However, part of the
fleet was anchored off Haifa, a long way from Libya, and Iraq for that

Israel was ordered not to react militarily to Iraqi Scud attacks. The
politician in charge of the operation was Defense Minister Moshe Arens, a
member of the CFR's Middle East Advisory Committee. Every effort was made
to keep Israel a helpless sitting duck, including rigging polls to show
most Israelis were in favor of restraint no matter how many missiles fell
on them.

Arens played ball, the visitor concluded, not because he betraying Israel
but because Admiral Owens was sailing off his coast and if Israel dared
defend itself, he would have launched that Subroc against the country.
Haifa could have been flattened in a matter of seconds if Arens or Prime
Minister Shamir dared defy the CFR's Sixth Fleet Admiral, William A. Owens.

"The last time we met," continued the visitor, "he almost revealed
something just as powerful. He told me, 'If Rabin wasn't murdered, we might
have had peace. He had a special relationship with President Assad of Syria
and he holds all the cards in the region. Rabin's death put an end to our
best diplomatic shot.'

"I said to him, 'You know the convicted assassin didn't do it, and the ties
to the murder run through Peres and France?' His answer was succinct; 'I
saw Rabin's bodyguards pull back.' Then he refused to comment further.

But someone else did this week.

An Eye-Witness to the Rabin Assassination

I gave six lectures this week and reached about 1500 people. That is why a
tidal wave of new information was imparted to me. The people who spoke with
me noted the recent death of Peres's chauffeur, who collapsed while playing
backgammon with friends. One more early death of someone who got too close
to Peres. A few noted that Yigal Amir's judge, Edmund Levy was appointed to
the Supreme Court. Others observed that the country's dirty judge Meir
Shamgar released his report on the Kishon River navy cancer deaths and, as
expected, not one officer was held responsible for the agony.

And a few people donated inside information, such as:

* "The funeral director who arranged the burial of Yoav Kuriel, the Shabak
officer murdered after Rabin's assassination, was Israel Ehrlich. He lives
in Bnai Brak. He has been warned not to talk and has suffered very serious
harassment, especially at the hands of the income tax authority, as a hint
of what's to come if he speaks. But when the day comes that the murderers
are prosecuted, you have the name of the person to subpoena to testify as
to what exactly happened to Kuriel."

* "I am related by marriage to a senior Shabak officer named Reuven Gilad.
I gave him your material and he studied it for hours. He told me, "This
demands a serious investigation. I didn't know all this and that means,
neither did most of the Shabak. This isn't how my unit operates. There must
be people breaking all the rules and they should be identified and

Now the most serious incident of all; someone who was at Ichilov Hospital
when Rabin arrived had something to say. Something, extremely important.
What I could verify, assures me that I had a truthful conversation.
Nonetheless, I will add some commentary to put the dialog in context.
Naturally, I will do what is necessary to hide the witness' identity.

"To begin, there were people in Ichilov who saw what was going on that
night. One who I caught was a journalist who later became an advisor to a
well-known politician. He hid in a vent and I saw him but didn't say
anything. "Ten minutes before Rabin arrived, anyone in the ER was ordered
removed. I only saw Dr. Surkin and he objected rather violently to being
thrown out, protesting that anyone who tried it would have to kill him
first. However, he gave in and only went back after Rabin was put on the
table in there.

"He examined Rabin and while doing so, Shimon Peres, Yossi Sarid and
someone I didn't recognize stood outside in the hall. Dr. Surkin emerged
and told Peres that Rabin was too ripped up to be saved. Peres broke out in
a huge grin and started joking with Sarid."

After almost six years of research, I had never heard of Dr. Surkin, nor
did anyone place Sarid inside the hospital. So I did some investigating.
Dr. Surkin exists, lives in Raanana and is in charge of Ichilov's ER dept.
today. The information does check out.

"Then Prof. (Gabi) Barabash arrived with the journalist Eitan Haber. They
were both at the same party and drove to the hospital together. Prof.
Barabash went into the operating theater and examined Rabin. He came out a
few minutes later and told Peres that Rabin's condition had improved. "The
grin on Peres' face disappeared in an instant and he went crazy. He picked
up his cellular phone and barked orders into it. He started yelling at
people to do things. He ordered Haber to go into the ER and collect
anything that belonged to Rabin.

"That's all I saw. I was terrified I'd be noticed and I got out of there
after that."

Eitan Haber testified to the Shamgar Commission that after hearing of the
shooting, he rushed to Ichilov, ran to the operating theatre and collected
Rabin's possessions. For years I've asked how Haber would have had the
knowledge and authority to know where the theater was and actually enter
it. His arrival from a party together with Barabash answers the questions

I believe the previous eye-witness account is accurate. And I don't know
what to do about it.


My book THE LAST DAYS OF ISRAEL is available through: www.amazon.com,
www.bn.com, www.borders.com , www.booksamillion.com,
www.hiddenmysteries.com .

The new e-mail address for the 2nd edition of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin

The Hebrew and English editions are available from the author as well.

Please visit: http://www.webseers.com/rabin

All of the author's books are available by going to Amazon.com,
double-clicking books and typing on Chamish.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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