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To: El Shrubbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CheneyWatch: sighting reported: may be stuffed, half-dead, or else
 clone/double seen
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x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

CheneyWatch: sighting reported: may be stuffed, half-dead, or else
clone/double seen

A reader reports having just sighted the HEAVILY-unavailable bin cheney
in an economic powwow with other global-governance/NWO/CFR/Illuminati
elitocrats of the Bush Int'l Crime Empire.

Bin cheney probably only gives the appearance of being "alive". Most
likely, he's being kept in this semi-functional condition fro public
viewing, by means of drugs, electricity, implants, replaced parts and
radio-controlled commands.

It could also be that bin cheney is dead, and his stuffed carcass was
propped up in a chair, with movements controlled by wires, etc.

On the other hand, it could really be a fully-functional living "being"
that was sighted: HOWEVER, whether or not this was the "real" bin cheney
is open to some SERIOUS question; considering the fact the REAL bin
cheney had one ticker in the grave a YEAR ago, and had been carrying
around a MASSIVE amount of dead weight to tax a weak heart with, from
all those hi-calorie cannibal barbecues.

We'd say if it WAS an actual LIVE being that was sighted, it was almost
certainly a replicant, clone  or double of Dick "Mengele/Angel of Death"
bin cheney.

Remember just HOW MANY "Osama/USAma bin Ladens" there are running around
the world these days!!

From: UN News Monitor
Subject: A message for Top View

Date: Tue Jan 8 00:58:18 2002

Dear Top View,
I hate to have to tell you this but I just witnessed your old friend
Dick(head) bin-Cheney alive.

He was with the Traitor-in-chief baby bushladen, sitting across the
table from alan redspan in an economic meeting.

I am pretty sure bin cheney was alive but I didn't see him talk.
However, he was blinking his eyes.

Of course they could have had him propped up there for show.

He must have crawled out from under his rock to make a showing just for you.

I feel quite sure his spies are keeping tabs.

Personally, I enjoy you guys' posts about the evil satin worshipping
bas-TURD. Keep up the good work, Top View.

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