-Caveat Lector-

Child evacuees died in war 'propaganda ploy'

A new book claims exodus was due to exaggerated fear of bombing deaths.

Amelia Hill
Sunday July 8, 2001
The Observer

As the last days of peace ebbed away in 1939, more than 3.5 million children
were taken from their homes as part of the largest mass movement of people
ever seen in Britain.
A new book is now questioning whether the evacuation of so many five- to
15-year-olds was a necessary evil or the over-reaction of a British
Government with ulterior motives.
'The evacuations were planned against a series of hugely exaggerated
estimates of the potential effects of the German bombs,' said Stuart Hylton,
author of Their Darkest Hour: The Hidden History of the Home Front 1939-1945
'The sub-text to this was the political battle being fought by the fledgling
Royal Air Force to retain its independence as the third armed force,' he
Other war experts have supported Hylton's claims. 'The overseas evacuations
were an absurd scheme, hopelessly confused, ridiculously ambitious and part
of a British policy to woo the USA to fight against Nazism,' said Mike
Fethney, an evacuee and author of The Absurd and the Brave, an account of
the evacuations.
According to official, pre-war calculations, more than 100,000 tons of
German bombs would be dropped on Britain in the first two weeks of the war
alone. In fact, less that 65,000 tons were dropped throughout the entire
The likely impact of the bombing was also wildly misjudged: official
calculations were that that every ton of bombs would result in 50
casualties, whereas the true figure turned out to be nearer one casualty per
'The Government was scared that, if the people were subjected to enough
bombing, they would demand peace at any cost,' said Hylton. 'This was the
context in which the idea of evacuation evolved.'
Evacuation plans were developed by the Government in secrecy, with very
little consultation with local authorities or families. 'Many of the
mistakes that were made might at least have been identified, if not
necessarily overcome, by obtaining these views,' he added.
While the years of evacuation were the happiest in the lives of many poor
inner-city children, for thousands they meant physical and sexual abuse,
severe neglect and deep unhappiness.
The Children's Overseas Reception Board (Corb), drawn up in June 1940 by
Geoffrey Shakespeare MP to coordinate the evacuation of 275,000 children,
was considered to be the jewel in the crown of the Government's evacuation
But far from being welcomed by the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill
strongly resisted the scheme, only letting it slip through after he was
distracted by news of France's surrender, brought to him in the Cabinet Room
as the evacuation scheme was being presented.
John Capel was five when he died of exposure after the ship on which he and
his 12-year-old brother, Derek, were being evacuated was torpedoed by a
German submarine.
The tragedy, which brought the Corb programme and all state-sponsored
overseas evacuation to an abrupt end, convinced Capel that the scheme was
little more than a propaganda tool.
'Parents were manipulated by the Government into believing evacuation was
the best thing for their children,' he said. 'But it was more or less a
propaganda ploy to pressure other countries to help us.'
The ship on which the Capel brothers were travelling, the City of Benares,
was 600 miles into the North Atlantic when its Navy escorts turned back to
Britain, unable to accompany the ship further because of a lack of seapower.
'We woke up to a deafening bang and the walls and ceilings collapsing around
us. All the lights went off and the ship was lit only with the blue
emergency lights,' said Capel. 'I was split up from John and mine was the
last lifeboat to leave the ship.
'I remember people shouting, bodies floating and a sea so rough we couldn't
save them. As we watched, the tail end of the ship went down, still with a
few lights blazing,' he added.
Only 12 of the large number of children aboard the Benares were rescued, and
by the time Capel's lifeboat was picked up eight days later the six boys
were suffering from frostbite, trenchfoot and malnutrition. 'We had been
given up for dead,' said Capel. 'It was only later I discovered that John
had died from overexposure and been given a sea burial.'
Martin Parsons, Britain's leading authority on evacuees and the author of
three books on the subject, rejects Hylton's claims. 'Evacuation was
certainly not a knee-jerk reaction by the Government, and if you look at it
in terms of lives saved there's no question that it was a success,' he said.
'That's not to deny that there were hidden agendas on the part of the
Government and, although it saved lives, one has to look at the experiences
of some of the evacuees and ask; at what cost?'

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