UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

No. CR 92-72 CR-T-21(A)

Date: August 28, 1996

                            AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF

I, Rodney Stich,

declare This Intervenor brief, declaration, and attached exhibit is a
request for this court:

* In its sentencing decision, to eliminate any incarceration for
Gene and Nancy Tatum. Or:

* Grant to both Defendants, bail on their own recognizance, pending
and hearing of an appeal, as provided by the Bail Reform Act of 1984
18 USC Section 1976, 1977).

Further, for this court to:

* Receive evidence of serious criminal activities being perpetrated
the United States. The responsibility of this court to receive under
acceptable conditions reports and evidence of these federal crimes
under the non-discretionary requirements of Title 18 USC Section 4 to
provide a proper forum to receive such evidence. This evidence can be
provided by the Defendants, primarily Defendant Chip Tatum, to provide
open hearings, testimony and evidence of criminal activities against the
United States by federal employees and those acting on their behalf.
Defendant Gene Tatum discovered these activities while in the employ of
United States as a military pilot and then as an agent of the Central
Intelligence Agency. Evidence of these criminal activities, possessed by
Gene Tatum, is related to the decision by Justice Department personnel
charge the defendants with federal offenses, and thereby silence or
discredit his disclosure of such crimes.

* The prior refusal of federal personnel, required by law to receive
evidence, made possible the continuation and enlargement of the
and the infliction of great harm upon individual Americans, upon the
nation’s national security, and conversion of government offices into
criminal enterprises. This includes, for instance, the many airplane
crashes due to the safety and criminal violations that Intervenor and
federal investigators sought to report; the expansion of the drug
trafficking into the United States by employees of the Central
Agency, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the military, aided and
abetted by others.

* Allow Intervenor, and a number of his former CIA and other deep-cover
sources, to also provide evidence of criminal activities to a forum that
will not continue the prior coverup and obstruction of justice. The
providing this testimony and evidence should be given protection against
retaliation that could be expected from Justice Department employees,
provided with legal assistance to provide the evidence in the most
form and to protect the parties from retaliation. National security
considerations require that this information be received, and that it be
received in open hearings to avoid a coverup. The national interests,
national security, require an open hearing, and that the American public
allowed to hear the testimony and evidence. The history of judicial
coverups and obstruction of justice demands that the evidence be
under these conditions.

Defendants have suffered unjust prosecution brought about by:

Retaliation from government employees, primarily of the Justice
and the Central Intelligence Agency. Circumstantial evidence suggests
the purpose of the retaliation was to discredit and silence the
as to their knowledge of criminal and subversive activities by people in
control of the Central Intelligence Agency and those acting in concert
them. The defendants possess knowledge of extremely serious unlawful and
even treasonous activities against the United States, being perpetrated,
aided and abetted, by federal employees. Defendant Gene Tatum discovered
these activities while performing official duties for the U.S. Army (as
helicopter pilot), and as an asset for the Central Intelligence Agency.

· Defendants have provided to Intervenor facts and evidence describing
criminal activities that he witnessed while a helicopter pilot for the
Army and for the Central Intelligence Agency. This information coincides
with what Intervenor has discovered, partly as a federal investigator,
then as a private investigator and himself a victim of retaliation and
obstruction of justice by employees of the U.S. Department of Justice
people acting on their behalf.

Defendants have suffered an unfair jury judgment brought about by:

Inadequate legal counsel representation, including failure of legal
to call witnesses needed by the Defendants for their defense, despite
Defendants request to have these witnesses called. Intervenor’s
has shown that court-appointed public defenders will frequently sabotage
their client’s defenses in highly-sensitive cases where Justice
prosecutors and Central Intelligence Agency personnel wish to silence or
discredit a potential whistleblower. Intervenor has repeatedly observed
discovered that this sabotaging of defendants by court-appointed
is routine.

Intervenor’s Qualifications

Intervenor had been a federal inspector and investigator for the Federal
Aviation Administration, during which time he discovered a pattern of
criminal activities related to a series of fatal airline crashes. He
established the existence of these crash-related misconduct by official
government documents and during a four-month-long FAA hearing (EFAA20G).
These federal activities were then followed by years of private
investigative activities during which his discovery of criminal
expanded into other areas. To this day, the effects of deeply ingrained
corruption within the government of the United States, by federal
employees, plays a tragic role in continuing airline crashes.

· Intervenor seeks to meet his responsibilities under federal criminal
statutes (including Title 18 USC Section 4) and as a citizen (under
28 USC Section 1361), by reporting these serious criminal activities to
federal tribunal that could reasonably be expected to provide a forum to
introduce such evidence, and a means to have the guilty prosecuted and
impeached. Intervenor has undertaken various steps to expose, report,
eliminate these criminal activities, and has encountered criminal
retaliation from Justice Department employees and federal judges in the
Ninth Circuit.

Intervenor further seeks to reduce the harm inflicted upon two
who have been made to suffer in retaliation for refusing to carry out
additional wrongful activities for the CIA, and in retaliation for
that he would expose these wrongful acts. (Defendant Gene Tatum had
sought to report the criminal activities to his superiors in the U.S.
and the CIA, without success.)

· Starting while he was a federal investigator, Intervenor discovered
throughout these many years of investigative work that employees of
divisions of the U.S. Department of Justice blocked the reporting of
crimes, making possible their continuation and enlargement, along with
consequences in preventable airline crashes and deaths, drug trafficking
into the United States, and the infliction of other harm upon the
of the United States.

Intervenor also discovered a pattern in which Justice Department
employees/prosecutors fraudulently charged and prosecuted those who were
either actively seeking to expose these crimes, or who might do so.
Intervenor has published highly detailed and documented books seeking to
make the American public aware of these serious offenses. These books
include the third edition of Unfriendly Skies; the second edition of
Defrauding America (to be shortly followed by an enlarged third
and Disavow, the story of a CIA proprietary in Hawaii and the Justice
Department-CIA prosecution of the head of that operation when the cover
blown. Each of these highly detailed and documented books describe the
criminal activities, and the criminal retaliation and obstruction of
justice involving employees in control of the United States Department
Justice. A copy of the second edition of Defrauding America is included
Exhibit “A” with this amicus curiae brief, the purpose of which is to
the pattern of criminal and even treasonous activities by employees of
U.S. Department of Justice, the Central Intelligence Agency, and others.

Intervenor has prepared an entire chapter that has been included in the
third edition of Defrauding America that describes the criminal
that Defendant Gene Tatum discovered while a helicopter pilot for the
Army and for the Central Intelligence Agency. Especially ominous are the
involvement of a former U.S. Attorney General, members of the White
National Security Council, and associates of a former president and
vice-president in drug smuggling and drug-money laundering, including
associates of then-Governor Bill Clinton. The significance of the vast
amount of data and evidence accumulated by Intervenor is that federal
employees in control of the CIA and Justice Department are inflicting
enormous harm upon the United States which can eventually bring down the
government as we know it today.

Support For Defendants Disclosures To Intervenor

It is intervenor’s belief, based upon many years of investigative
experience as a federal and then a private investigator, aided by years
close contact with numerous sources in the CIA and other covert
that Defendant Chip Tatum:

· Served as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army from approximately 1982
1986. In 1986, he was discharged from the U.S. Army, and then performed
work for the Central Intelligence Agency after a process known as

>From 1982 to 1986, Defendant Gene Tatum flew as a helicopter pilot,
at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, with occasional temporary duty in Central
South America. During his Central America tours he carried many large
coolers from remote areas to paved landing sites, where military pilots
C-130s and civilian pilots in C-123s would take the coolers to Panama.
These coolers were fraudulently marked “medical supplies.” Tatum
accidentally discovered that the “medical supplies” were actually bags
cocaine. He occasionally made notations of these findings on the back of
the flight plans filed in flight operations. He also reported these
findings to military officers and to the National Security Council’s
North while North was operating out of the White House in Washington. He
also reported the drug trafficking to Joe Fernandez (CIA), Don Gregg
President George Bush’s National Security advisor) who, in turn, said he
would inform Dewey Clarridge. The significance of this information,
supported by other information, is that endemic corruption by people in
control of key entities in the United States are inflicting great harm
the American people and national security.

· During one helicopter trip, Defendant Tatum carried as passengers
Barr (before Barr became attorney general of the United States and head
the U.S. Department of Justice); Felix Rodriguez (aka Max Gomez, an aide
Vice President George Bush); Buddy Young (security advisor to
Bill Clinton). The group then met with General Manuel Noriega (who had
flown to the meeting by Barry Seal in Seal’s Learjet). The purpose of
meeting, at which Tatum attended, was to determine where the money from
drug operations into the United States was being siphoned off (i.e.
“stolen”). It was discovered that the drug money was being siphoned off
the Panama to Arkansas segment.

· Tatum flew several army helicopter trips from Fort Campbell to Little
Rock, Arkansas, with instructions from army and CIA superiors to deliver
containers marked “medical supplies” to a Doctor Lasater. “Doctor
appeared several times, along with a Buddy Young (security aide to
then-governor Bill Clinton) to take possession of the containers. The
“doctor” title was a sham, as the so-called “doctor” was actually Dan
Lasater, a known drug trafficker and business associate of then-governor
Bill Clinton and present White House staff member, Patsy Thomasson.

· Subsequently President Bill Clinton named Young to head a FEMA
after Clinton became president of the United States. Lasater’s top aide
Patsy Thomason, who is now head of administration at the White House
President Bill Clinton.

· After seeking to report these criminal activities to his superiors in
military and the Central Intelligence Agency, and encountering reaction
amounting to a coverup, Tatum then notified his handlers that he wanted
of the operation. He was warned that no one leaves the covert operation.

Record of Retaliation Against Former Covert Operatives Or Potential

During Intervenor’s investigative activities, including while a federal
investigator, he discovered that it was standard practice by Department
Justice employees to misuse their office to retaliate against people
seeking to report any of the criminal activities described by Intervenor
the attached copy of Defrauding America.

Intervenor has detailed and documented these findings in his two latest
books, Unfriendly Skies (which details the fatal airline crashes
with corruption that he and other inspectors discovered as part of their
official duties), and Defrauding America (which enlarges upon what he
initially discovered as a federal inspector and discovered as a private
investigator and confidant to many former CIA and other deep-cover
whistleblowers). These books were published for the sole purpose of
circumventing the massive coverups, obstruction of justice, that have
enabled an expansion of the crimes against the United States, and which
have inflicted great harm upon national security.


The immense harm that has already been inflicted upon the security of
United States, upon government institutions, and upon many innocent
Americans, is of such enormous gravity that no responsible member of any
government entity, including a federal judge, can ignore, without
himself or herself implicated.

This amicus curiae filing, therefore, is not only to obtain relief for
Defendants, but for this court to exercise its responsibility and
for the Defendants, Intervenor, and our former CIA and other deep-cover
contacts, to provide evidence of serious criminal activities that are
inflicting enormous harm upon the United States and its people.

Attached to Intervenor’s declaration and amicus curiae brief is a
declaration by Defendant Gene Tatum, describing several of the drug
smuggling and drug money laundering activities that he observed as a
military pilot and pilot in a CIA operation, and which he reported to
superiors. The reports were followed by a coverup and obstruction of
justice, despite the national gravity of the criminal activities.

The Defendants have been victimized in an attempt to silence or
them. At the very least, this court should order both of them released
their own recognizance until the termination of appeal and any other
remedies that may exist under law.

This declaration is made in the City of Walnut Creek, California, and is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed this
tenth day of August, 1996.

Dated: August 18, 1996.

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