-Caveat Lector-

Christian Coalition bias case growing


St. Petersburg Times, published March 8, 2001

WASHINGTON - A former white employee of the Christian Coalition charged in
federal court Wednesday that he was fired for refusing to eavesdrop on
black employees who are suing the organization for racial discrimination.
Trent Barton, 31, a former congressional aide and Gulf War veteran, said in
an interview that he thinks Christian Coalition director Roberta Combs
ordered his dismissal Feb. 28 for sympathizing with the black employees.
"I believe they have a lot of factual information on their side," Barton said.
Barton and two black former Christian Coalition employees filed a lawsuit
in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Wednesday accusing
the evangelical organization of discrimination and retaliation.
Their complaint comes after a Feb. 23 lawsuit by ten current employees, all
black women from the coalition's remittance/data entry department.
The women allege they were prohibited from entering the front door of the
coalition's Capitol Hill-area offices. The employees say they were told to
enter the back door but were not given key cards to unlock it, forcing them
to pound on the door for entry.
The lawsuits said Combs made statements that black staffers would wear out
an oriental rug in the reception area if allowed to come and go through the
front door.
Combs also allegedly said "she did not want important people seeing the
'girls' from remittance/data entry in the reception area."
Furthermore, the black employees say they were segregated from whites in a
break area because Combs thought they were "talkative and waste too much
time in the kitchen."
In the suit filed Wednesday, former employee Samantha Henson said Combs
"became uncomfortable" when she and another black employee joined office
prayer gatherings.
Henson stopped attending the prayer meetings because she felt unwelcome.
Soon thereafter, black employees stopped receiving notice of the meetings,
the lawsuit said.
On Feb. 27, four days after the first lawsuit was filed, Combs prepared a
memorandum denying that the coalition had a policy against black employees
entering the front door, according to the second complaint. Also that day,
Combs issued key cards for the back door to the black staffers, the suit said.
Barton, the white employee, said he was hired as a lobbyist in December but
spent most of his first month helping to organize a Christian Coalition
inaugural dinner celebrating the election of President Bush.
He says in the lawsuit that Tracy Ammons, a consultant to the coalition who
is Combs' son-in-law, asked him on Feb.  22 to eavesdrop on the black
employees' conversations.
When "Barton told Tracy Ammons that he was unwilling to spy on former
employees," Ammons searched Barton's office, the suit said. Ammons phoned
Barton at 10:30 p.m.  Feb. 28 to dismiss him, the suit said.
Ammons then told Barton that he was "a good Christian," the suit said.
Barton took the comment to mean "that any support for the racial
discrimination lawsuit would be contrary to Barton's religious and ethical
beliefs," the suit said.
Combs did not return phone calls Wednesday.
But in a statement to the Washington Times last week, she said: "This
pro-family organization, one of the most effective in the nation, is
committed to fighting religious bigotry and defending expressions of faith
in the public square, and we view any act of discrimination as morally
The suits seek a combined $39-million in compensatory and punitive damages,
an amount that will be virtually impossible to recover from the financially
strapped coalition.
A settlement seems more likely, since the coalition may not want to risk
going to trial in the District of Columbia, a city that is predominantly

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