-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V2.42/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 2 Issue 42</A>
The Laissez Faire City Times
December 14, 1998 - Volume 2, Issue 42
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Clinton Agonistics

by Zola

US President-in-Weighing William Jefferson Clinton said it all depends
on the meaning of what "is" is, and I can affirm, following Maxine
Waters (D-USA) in her statement to the House Judiciary Committee, that I
too is of sound mind, but I'm not sure the President also is. According
to news reports, he blew up when his media appendage Whorealdo Rivera
quoted from Clinton's own latest neo-grovel missive on national
television, Thursday night, Dec. 10, before he--Clinton--had even seen
it. Clinton was so steamed he went wandering around Washington, D.C.,
drinking a can of diet Coke in the winter air next morning, and the D.C.
police had to block off several streets for the President's caffeinated,
but non-fattening stroll. Finally, however, he returned to the White
House dungeon, yielded to his handlers (who were standing by with
straight jackets), went on T.V. all by himself (bumping into a White
House column on the way to the Rose Garden podium), and again denied
criminality even as the House Judiciary Committee was voting out
Articles of Impeachment.

Clinton said he hadn't done anything wrong, but he was sure sorry about
it. Paul McNulty, speaking for the House Judiciary Committee, was
unimpressed: "Even in his most recent apology, the President continues
to deny the serious criminal acts of perjury, obstruction of justice,
and witness tampering he has committed and to rely on technical legal
arguments advanced by his attorneys."

But Clinton, much like a teenage boy who has had a fight with his
girlfriend and so goes tooling down the highway well over the speed
limit, had already decided the appropriate response to the House
Judiciary Committee was to put himself and his royal entourage in danger
by traveling to the Middle East, to Israel, to be guarded by 15,000
Israeli policemen, 500 of them surrounding the Jerusalem Hilton where he
and his political aide Hillary would be staying. Presumably, he left the
football--the briefcase with the Gold Codes for starting nuclear war--at
home, even assuming that his handlers had not once again removed that
little baby entirely from the reach of the president's stubby and
impeachable fingers.

Don't fear, Clinton is being well-monitored. The Jerusalem Hilton is of
sufficiently recent construction that the Mossad was able to bug all the
rooms from the foundation up. But some of the time the Clintons are out
on the move--he in a kaffiyeh, she in a yarmulke-- about the land,
rebuilding Solomon's Temple, bringing down plagues from heaven, touring
the nuclear facilities at Dimona, and lighting a
condom-and-foreskin-laden Christmas tree at the Church of the Nativity
in Bethlehem. Some ungrateful Israelis have displayed signs: "Clinton go
home." This is the second stage of the Peace Process of the Wye River
agreement, during which Clinton and Netanyahu each seek to undermine the
other's position, as they suddenly realise their personal interests are
diametrically opposed.

Meanwhile, Hillary was particularly miffed that Rep. Steve Chabot
(R-Ohio) voted for Articles of Impeachment "for the children of this
nation," claiming that he had stolen her line supporting the other side.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said, however, she opposed "Article I
of the Constitution," while Rep. William Delahunt (D-Mass) noted "this
is a capital case; this case involves the death penalty," letting escape
the fervent hope of the Democrats of what will ensue during Clinton's
Middle East peace trip. Such a capital solution would put a clean end to
this whole impeachment business, with tearful widow Hillary left to
scarf up votes of sympathy and launch her own political career--for the
children, of course.

In his Rose Garden neo-grovel, Clinton begged for "censure and rebuke,"
and hence should be gratified that impending impeachment by the full
House of Representatives could serve in both capacities, though not, of
course, as effectively as would subsequent conviction by the Senate and
removal from office. Clinton admitted it was "hard to hear yourself
called deceitful and manipulative," but anything Congress would do
"would pale in comparison to the consequences of the pain I have caused
my family. There is no greater agony." Hillary was, of course, there at
his side, the tears rolling down her face--oops, actually she was on the
opposite side of the country, in San Francisco, touring the Conservatory
of Flowers, showing (as the Associate Press put it) "no hint of any
emotion concerning the crisis back home as she basked in the goodwill
evident in this traditionally Democratic city." Pain? What pain? An
upbeat Hillary was picking out rare plants with which to decorate her
late husband's grave site, in the event Congress actually saw fit to
impose that death penalty Delahunt was babbling about.

Clinton again wagged a finger at American, evoking the "wisdom of a
poet": "The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on. Nor all your
piety, nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line. Nor all your
tears wash out a word of it." The moving finger proceeded to write out
three Articles of Impeachment, making "our Honorable President Clinton"
(as the deposition of Dolly Kyle Browning phrased it) only the second
president in history to face an impeachment vote by the full House.
Clinton's quote, of course, is from The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, a
Persian mathematician who solved a type of cubic equation. Assuming
Clinton's cite of quatrain 60 was not a coded message to Iran, he might
have also noted quatrain 13 with respect to his political career:

Some for the Glories of This World; and some
Sigh for the Prophet's Paradise to come;
Ah, take the Cash, and let the Promise go,
Nor heed the rumble of a distant Drum!

Or included quatrain 12 for himself and Monica:

A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread--and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness--
Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!

On Saturday, after the House Judiciary passed impeachment article number
4, White House special counsel Gregory Craig said that removal of the
president from office would "divide the country, gridlock the government
and defy the will of the people," apparently meaning that having Clinton
out of office would have the same effect as leaving Clinton in office.
Clinton was busily figuring out who next he could bribe or intimidate
into a committed No vote on impeachment, but his concentration was
broken by the previously planned four-day mission to the Middle East.
Lanny Davis was on hand to urge Clinton to cancel his trip, and showed
his keen grasp of the situation by telling reporters: "The only thing he
hasn't done is plead guilty to a crime. If he does that, they'll say he
should be impeached because he pleaded guilty to a crime." But Clinton
had already made his escape to the wilderness, Chelsea assisting him
aboard Marine One before dawn. Presidential aides spent the day calling
lawmakers and urging their support for the president, followed up by
queries about any future job openings on Capitol Hill. An "Impeach
Clinton" demonstrator on Pennsylvania Avenue interviewed by the
Associate Press noted that Clinton's "poor me, pitiful me, fell sorry
for me, don't impeach me" tactic only proved "that they're in a panic in
the White House."

Yes, indeed. But Clinton wasn't in a panic, according to Sen. Arlen
Specter (R-PA), a member of Clinton's Middle East delegation. "He's in
apparent good spirits. It's important to compartmentalize and he's able
to do that." Compartmentalize, indeed. As time passes, Clinton appears
more and more like one of the reported zombie products of mind control
experiments in induced multiple personality disorder.

Is Clinton of sound mind, or isn't he? It all depends on what the
meaning of "Clinton" is.


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 2, No 42, Dec. 14, 1998

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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
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Roads End

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