-Caveat Lector-


Deal Clinton Made With the Independent Counsel Was More Than
A Year In the Making;
Clinton Helped Shape 'Every Clause, Every Word and Every

 "The underbrush had to be cleared away," Ray told TIME

New York -- Friday's deal President Clinton made with Independent
Counsel Robert Ray to avoid prosecution was more than a year in
the making, TIME reports. It involved clandestine negotiations
between the warring parties in which Clinton helped shape "every
clause, every word and every comma," as one source describes it.
The agreement required compromises from both the President, who
until now had insisted that he never lied under oath, and the
prosecutor who had vowed to uphold the rule of law. The initial
crucial meeting took place in the Map Room at the White House.
Within days of Ray's swearing-in as Ken Starr's successor in
October 1999, he received a call from the President's private
lawyer, David Kendall, who'd spent six years battling Starr. Ray
and Kendall began a series of regular talks, and Ray tried to build
faith in his fairness, TIME reports in the current issue (on
newsstands Monday, Jan. 22nd). Over the next 11 months, he
closed investigations that Starr had let drag on for years: the
Whitewater land deal, the firing of the White House travel office and
alleged misuse of FBI personnel files. Ray issued press releases
clearing the President and First Lady of criminal wrongdoing--and
made sure he finished several weeks before Election Day in Hillary
Clinton's run for the Senate. "The underbrush had to be cleared
away," Ray told TIME. However, his actions only made Clinton
cockier, TIME's Michael Weisskopf reports. The President had
suffered the ignominy of impeachment and a contempt of court
finding, but now he was spinning hard, bragging in interviews that
he had defended the Constitution by standing up to overzealous
prosecutors. Ray knew he had to get Clinton's attention. In July, he
empaneled a new grand jury, and after the November election,
called in Lewinsky for questioning, increasing pressure on Clinton
to cut a deal. If there was going to be a settlement, he wanted it
before Clinton left office. About three weeks ago, he asked Kendall
for a meeting with the President, according to sources outside
Ray's office. He agreed to participate in the first negotiation of
criminal matters between a President and prosecutor. Kendall set
up the meeting and joined the discussion. Clinton agreed to
acknowledge some form of wrongdoing; the issue was what. Ray
wanted him to admit that he had lied under oath when he denied
having had sexual relations with Lewinsky; at the meeting, Clinton
wouldn't budge. The lawyers worked on language over the next two
weeks, arriving at a formula in which Clinton admitted for the first
time to giving false testimony under oath. By avoiding the word
"knowingly," the President skirted the legal definition of perjury.
With that breakthrough, the deal came together.

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