Thanks Alexis, now we can check out more on Motorola's mind bending

"Sterman's focus is on "neuroregulation," a term that highlights the
neurological response to cognitive demands {of B-2 pilots]... ..A pioneer in
this effort is Advanced Neurotechnologies, Inc.(ANI) of Colorado Springs,
Colo. Its founder, Richard Patton, combined a personal computer, sensors,
commercial electronics, a Motorola 56000 digital signal processor and
proprietary software routines to create what he calls the "BrainLink"
system. Sensors attached to a headband--or adhered directly on the client's
scalp--detect brainwaves that approximate a traditional
electroencephalogram(EEG).Signals are amplified and converted from analog to
a digital format, then fed to a Motorola digital signal processor...."

The 1950s Secret Discovery
of the Code of the Brain:

U.S. and Soviet Scientists Have Developed the Key to Consciousness for
Military Purposes. How The U.S. Government Won the Arms Race to Control Man

A documentary with quotes by leading scientists, professionals and several
independent sources
By Cheryl Welsh, copyright
May 1998


Chapters Summarized

Main Chapters

Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID)
High-temperature Superconductors
Military and Government Research
Mind Control Technology Correlates with Victim Allegations
C.A.H.R.A. Home Page


Chapters Summarized

This book is a description of the history and known facts of electromagnetic
and neurological technology, within the framework of classified
nonconsensual government experimentation. It is presented as a list of
footnotes with brief commentary. It explains how the government, in
particular the United States and the former Soviet Union have engineered
science into a technology in order to target and control the mind and body
for political and military purposes.


Chapter One
Email from Physician For Human Rights on cancellation of a human rights
statistics project for mind control victims citing "fear for my family".


Chapter Two
A 1983 Defense & Foreign Affairs article by the editor Dr. Stefan Possony on
Soviet-US mind control technology. A good summary of the "big picture."


Chapter Three
Jonathan Tennenbaum describes development of Soviet electromagnetic weapons
and the physics and biology behind the weapons. He gives clear, concise
explanations which can be verified with the current level of scientific
knowledge. There are also excerpts from several articles.


Chapter Four
This is a list of what scientists are saying about brain research. It
describes the physics, engineering and biology that is needed to develop
mind control technology. This will explain what scientist believe it takes
to decode the brain and the level of neurological research today. Will
Russian and U.S. scientists develop neurological weapons on people or
animals? This chapter logically and factually supports allegations by
victims that brain functions and every nerve of the body can be controlled
remotely with current technology.


Chapter Five
Korean brainwashing of the 1950s is briefly described. this is a turning
point in the history of mind control. A few sample articles demonstrate that
there was a pronounced political will to support a massive effort to control
man before the Russians do, to solve the mysteries of the brain for military


Chapter Six
The history of science and military, corporations and government involvement
from the 1940s up to today. There was a massive, classified military
research effort to fight the cold war. There are many excerpts listed in
support the fact that mind control technology could be developed out of the
public eye and with the support of top officials. The top scientists of the
nation work in teams to solve specific problems, such as the government
Killian Panel, the Cybernetics Group, RAND, the secretive non-governmental
Institute for Defense Analysis and it's JASON Group and the Golden Fleece
and the Brain Research Institute. Examples are given of eminent scientists
with government funding for research related to decoding the brain.


Chapter Seven
This is an interesting and well-documented history of sensors technology,
highly classified and billions of tax dollars spent on its development
during the Vietnam War. The U.S. military and corporations then sell this
technology to Europe. There are many articles listed here which describe the
importance and funding of bionics, replacing man with electronic eyes and
ears. This is the foundation for a bureaucracy to distribute mind control
technology throughout the world.


Chapter Eight
This chapter describes the targeting of whole populations with
electromagnetic mind control. Top government officials state unequivocally
that it can be developed and there have been many rumors over the years,
reported in major newspapers. The goal of controlling man for political
purposes continues. Here are a few of the many examples.


Chapter Nine
This chapter states what the brain code is in general terms. This is a
summary of the Soviet discovery of the genetic code of the brain, how the
U.S. surpassed the Soviets and the pioneers of this amazing history.
Government mind control technology has been developed, is firmly in place
today and is in the plans for the future. It is important to match the
description of victim's allegations to the mind control technology so that
they may find a timely solution.

Editor's note. Some chapters are long, over 20 pages and include the
original material because of their importance and for documentation. The
main points of this book are highlighted and arranged with headings so that
it may be skimmed.




This book came about as a result of research for alleged victims of mind
control experimentation. Illegal experimentation using electromagnetic
weapons technology on U.S. citizens has been going on throughout the cold
war, continues today and is in use as an intelligence tool and military
weapon today. Please see CAHRA website for background information. This book
goes to the roots of the problem. It is a beginning and establishes the who,
what, why, when and where behind mind control technology. This book will put
together important facts that unfortunately, the U.S. government will never
admit until they are caught. The evidence is growing. It will be up to the
reader to put the facts together.

This book will show that scientists, governments and the military were and
are interested in finding the key to human consciousness. The military would
like to have ultimate control over humans. Scientists would like to find the
scientific basis for consciousness. Victims of government experimentation,
who can verify the sophistication of the technology know that signals of the
brain can be remotely read, decoded and that simulated brain signals can
also be sent to the victim. This book is a start on the path to describe the
scientific basis of the technology used to destroy unwitting victims of mind
control experiments. I hope that this will stimulate further research.

Most scientists agree that to find the brain code would be a tremendous
undertaking, like the Manhattan Project to develop the bomb, the space
program to go to the moon or the gene mapping program. Funding and
scientific coordination is required for projects such as this. In the 1940s,
both Russia and the United States were very interested in this topic. And if
there were a mind control arms race, as indicated by several independent
documents, the political will would necessitate a mind control "Manhattan
Project". This book will present the basic scientific theory of the brain
code as described by scientists. And it will give examples of the
development of this technology and how it could be hidden from the U.S.

Many historical facts make sense in light of this hypothesis. Why has the
United States denied the "nonthermal" theory of electromagnetic effects on
biological organisms and yet the Russian scientific literature documents
this fact going back to the 1920s? Why is there a documented history of
electromagnetic politics that leads to a U.S. cover up beginning in the
1940s? A large military project to use electromagnetic technology for
military and political purposes would be a logical explanation.

This history is barely beginning to be told. There have been rumors for
years. When the information is finally declassified, it will be an amazing
and tragic history. There is hope that a scientist who knows of this
classified situation will share this information. In a similar way, the
leaked confidential tobacco company papers by the tobacco employee was a
heroic act and will save many children's lives eventually, as the tobacco
companies are made to change their ways. As a gesture to humanity and to
save thousands of alleged victims of nonconsensual electromagnetic and
neurological experimentation, this could begin the process of dismantling
the cold war thinking that has allowed horrific radiation experimentation
and now mind control experiments.

This book starts with a small but powerful example and proves that while the
best evidence is still classified, there is still proof that the U.S.
government is conducting mind control experiments and using the technology
without consent of the target.

Next, this book will present a few representative articles written by
well-known scientists and professionals on mind control and electromagnetic
technology. The first article is by a Hoover Institute Fellow, Dr. Possony.
It is a good overview of the whole situation. There will then be excerpts
from articles on solitons and their role in mind control technology on a
quantum level.

Next there will be excerpts from papers by Jonathan Tennenbaum, editor of
Fusion magazine. There are clear physics and biological descriptions of the
mind control weapons which have been developed by the Russians. The history
of this development is described and excellent footnotes for further reading
are included. Other sources verify the premise that the Soviets have
developed mind control technology since at least the 1940s.

The next section includes excerpts from several articles and demonstrate the
interest in electromagnetic technology and the brain by scientists and the
military for over 50 years. Other articles will show that the brain's
electromagnetic signals can be remotely detected by SQUID. There will be
current articles in support of the fact that science has decoded the brain
signals so that direct communication with the brain is possible. While it is
true that this is highly classified, there are still strong indications of
this fact. Classification has been used to cover up radiation experiments
and even though there was proof, for various reasons, it was ignored. Again,
history is repeating for mind control victims. It is important to note that
the highly technical and sophisticated electromagnetic technology which is
briefly described in this section, matches the symptoms that victims have
described and documented.

This short section describes the Korean brainwashing scare of the 1950s and
how much scientific effort and money was put into behavior control
experiments by the CIA. This event would provide the political will
necessary to fund mind control research and to start the search to find out
how the Russians were brainwashing Korean soldiers and find the antidote.
The search for the decoding the brain intensified in the 1950s as several
article will demonstrate.

The following section describes the U.S. government during the 1940s through
the present time. The classification, the cold war mentality, the scientists
and their interest in brain research is well-illustrated from several
different sources. There are many research leads to follow. The science and
government relationship that exploded during World War II has had an effect
on this problem and will be briefly mentioned. The funding of scientists and
how scientists worked in elite groups such as RAND corporation and the
Jasons Group, a part of the Institute for Defense Analysis is described. Out
of the public eye, there was no accountability and no public input. A few
examples of problems are described.

There is a large section on the development of sensors technology because it
explains so well how the military has worked with scientists. The Electronic
Battlefield by Paul Dickson is one of the few books which portrays the
negative side of the military and supports his claims with many footnotes.
There are many ideas on how to work on mind control technology issues that
can be found in this book.

The newspaper articles on electromagnetic technology which can be broadcast
over populations for warfare and psychoactive effects will be listed with
excerpts. The numerous citations and excerpts are listed in order to answer
the question of how the government could technically do this and to show
that the government was interested in this technology in order to fight the
cold war.

The U.S. government has decoded the brain. This is important to know about
because there are allegations of abuse and there is no accountability or
public input. Until someone stops the U.S. government, the problem will
continue to get worse. The number of victims of government experimentation
is increasing. And all of the experts say that electromagnetic weapons are
as serious as the atomic bomb(see CAHRA website, nonlethal weapons.) The
warnings are there.

This problem has been around for years and it is highly classified but that
does not mean it doesn't exist. The many excerpts from several independent
sources are adding up to the same conclusion. There is nonconsensual
government electromagnetic experimentation and it is a tragedy that needs to
be dealt with. On a more hopeful note, this article can prove that the
mislabel of mental illness, which most victims have endured, is a thing of
the past. There is too much evidence now. That is why it is important to
keep researching, so that it will never happen again.



Chapter One

There is a problem. Here is one example of irrefutable proof.

An email from a physician from the group Physicians for Human Rights is
convincing evidence of the seriousness of this problem. It is one of the
common replies received by victims. This doctor wrote on biological warfare
and was very active in human rights issues. When asked to write a medical
report on allegations by victims of electromagnetic weapons testing
experimentation this was the reply on March 10, 1997.

"...After a lot of consideration, I've decided that I cannot undertake this
project. I have a family, and feel unable to subject them to any risks that
might result because of my involvement."



Chapter Two

The following important article was written by one of "the greatest
strategic philosophers of the 20th Century", founder of International
Strategic Studies Association, former member of Mankind Research Unlimited
and former psychological warfare expert with the Office of Naval Research.
Dr. Possony stated that mind control is feasible and militarily important.
The article is a good overview of the Soviet-U.S. race to develop mind
control technology and a precise explanation for why there is illegal
experimentation going on to this day. Here is the entire article, with its
many research leads.

Possony, Stefan.(1983,July). Scientific Advances Hold Dramatic Prospects for
Psy-Strat. Defense & Foreign Affairs. P.34.

Associate Editor Dr. Stefan Possony discusses how scientists are facing the
prospect of messaging directly into a target mind. Whither psy-war?

The history of psyops technology is about 200 years old, and it will
continue to progress. Hence it is most important to look into the future. It
is no longer really difficult to send messages to the targets; that is, the
persons who are to be influenced. The target cannot be reached if he is not
interested in the originator, nor in his message, or if his interest is
perfunctory. He is unattainable also if he is bored, and if he finds it more
pleasurable to listen to competitors, who are multiplying.

The target cannot be persuaded to listen. It is the other way around; he may
listen if he already is fully or partially persuaded, and if the program is
attractive in addition to informative, and if it helps him in his

Psyops technology is more or less in hand. Its better utilization is at
present precluded in most instances by political ineptitude and by
international opposition. The importance of better programming is recognized
as a theory, but new ideas and fundamental improvements are rare. Hence
success often is a matter of hit or miss. At this point, let us forget about
history and current events, and let us resolutely turn to the future; I want
to alert you that psyops technology may advance from communicating to direct
signaling. Some developments in this reqard are already taking place.

X-rays and gamma rays are located at the upper end portion of the
electromagnetic energy frequency spectrum. What is at the lower end? The
most important of all of nature's phenomena.

Suppose it becomes feasible to affect brain cells by low frequency waves or
beams, thereby altering psychological states, and making it possible to
transmit suggestions and commands directly into the brain.

Who is so rash as to doubt that technological breakthroughs of this general
type would not be put promptly to psyops use? More importantly who would
seriously assume that such a technology would not be deployed to accomplish
political and military surprise?

A few years ago there was much excitement about the Soviet microwave
"bombardment" of the US Embassy in Moscow. Why did the KGB, then under Yuri
Andropov's leadership, embark on this seemingly scurrilous -- and very
prolonged --effort? There was no answer to this question, except that the
KGB must have wished to harass US diplomats and cause them to worry about
their health. this theory was never convincing.

The question was raised whether the Soviets had discovered a technique of
using microwaves for psychological purposes, and whether they were
experimenting with this technique on US specialists on the USSR, unwittingly
pressed into Soviet service as guinea pigs.

Impossible, replied the State Department, the waves cannot break through the
blood-brain barrier, and thermal effects are so negligible that the body
would not be affected. Nevertheless, embassy personnel were indemnified for
health damage.

By 1979, at the latest, it was known that electromagnetic fields raising
body temperatures less than .1 degrees Celsius may result in somatic
changes. It was most surprising that such a trivial temperature rise was
having any effects, and even more astonishing that those effects were

Chemical, physiological and behavioral changes can occur within "windows" of
frequency and energy continua. One of those windows is connected with
navigation in marine vertebrates and with biological rhythms of humans.
Another is at the level of the human electroencephalogram (EEG), which is in
the range of extremely low radio and sound waves, around 20 Hertz.

Those findings remain unexplained. they seemed to require energy
amplification of the initial stimulus by some 12 orders of magnitude. No
such amplification was deemed to be feasible, and none was discovered.

Let us cut the story to the minimum. The original model, according to which
the blood-brain barrier cannot be broken, was derived from the axiom that
electromagnetic waves interact with tissue in a linear manner. However, it
turned out that the molecular vibrations caused by a stimulating
extracellular electromagnetic field are non-linear. Utterly unexpectedly,
they take the form of soliton waves which can transfer energy along long
molecular chains.

By 1982 the term "soliton" finally made it to the technical dictionaries.
Here is a definition from the 1982 McGraw-Hill scientific-technical
dictionary: "A soliton wave...propagates without dispersing its energy over
larger and larger regions of space." As I understand it, it would be more
correct to say: "A soliton wave propagates suddenly acquired energy, or
energy imparted by shock, without dispersing it."

Significance? Extracellular disturbances such as acoustic or electromagnetic
bursts can be propagated across the cell membrane. In this, non-linearities
in molecular dynamics rather than chemical kinetics are the key. Put
differently, the 12-magnitude energy deficit is overcome, not by brute
force, but by the formation of solitons.

Visualize the brain and its environment as structures of waves, and assume
that shock waves create solitons. Then imagine that modern electronics with
their flexibility, accuracy and speed are put to work.

In addition, the range of resonances probably will be increased. Hence many
frequencies, and several options for the transmission of energy across the
membranes of brain cells may become available. This may imply that the brain
cells will be reachable diversely and flexibly, and perhaps routinely.

The discovery of cross-membrane coupling may be compared to the discovery of
oxygen in 1772, which allowed the proof that phlogiston, the supposed
element of fire, does not exist. Once the phlogiston idea was buried,
chemistry and the chemical industry began their triumphal march across the

The exploration of the cross-membrane phenomenon is only at the beginning,
and it is not yet possible to anticipate practical applications. As of now a
new phenomenon has been discovered, probably. Nothing is as yet known or is
known publicly, on how the soliton can be aimed to produce desired effects.
Only a hypothesis can be stated: If the phenomenon can be utilized, this
will in due time have crucial bearing both on the body and on the brain, and
on defense.

The theory of cross-coupling was formulated by A.S. Davydov who, it seems,
published the first purely theoretical version in 1976, and followed this up
with a study on "Solitons as energy carriers in biological systems". By 1979
Davydov appeared to be linked to the Ukrainian Academy of Science.

It should be noted that Russian mathematicians were concerned with solitons
before US scientists ever got interested. It is therefore conceivable that
Davydov achieved his results long before publication, and also that the
experiments which involved the US Embassy, produced findings which led to
subsequent progress.

In the US, the pioneering work seems to have been done by Albert F. Lawrence
and w. Ross Adey, writing in Neurological research, Volume 4, 1982. the Max
Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich also discovered that cell
membranes can be crossed. Eberhard Neumann and Guenther Gerisch found that a
shock wave passing through an electric field may create ultra-quick
processes within the membrane, and that through such "jumps in the field"
(Feldsprfinge:this probably means solitons) senes can be transmitted and
cells fused.

There is a differential in the tension of the inner and outer membrane which
averages 1/70,000 of a volt. This corresponds to 70,000 volts
per(theoretical) membrane thickness of one centimeter.(The real thickness of
a membrane is0.1<-8> centimeter.)

The discovery was made unexpectedly in the course of research on electric
fields in membranes and their impact on vital processes. This research
requires measurements of events lasting not more than one nano-second(one
billionth of a second), and it suggested that solitons generally increase
the permeability of membranes. Thus, new perspectives on genetic
"engineering" were suddenly opened. Moreover, it was possible to fuse no
less than 50 cells into one supercell with 50 nuclei and one single
membrane. We might as well forego assessing this monstrous novelty.

The Max Planck Institute broke into the membrane, so to speak, either
without knowing about Davydov, Lawrence and Adey, or after learning about
them while pursuing a different goal. In either event, a fundamental
innovation, a breakthrough discovery or invention will be made several
times, at different places, and be persons working independently from one

It is futile to speculate on who stands where in a race which has barely
begun. But it can be postulated that the USSR probably has an ambitious
research program, whereas in the US, while work is being done, no
program --let alone a crash program--is in existence.

It is predictable that in the wake of Andropov's upgrading of psyops, the
relevant programs in the USSR will be given an early and powerful boost.

Future psyops will have to be planned for perspectives which cannot be
formulated before the US embarks on a major and totally novel research and
development program. Meanwhile, it must be assumed that psyops will grow
world wide, in strategic importance and in new forms.

The following report appeared in "Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily" on June
7, 1983:

On May 20, 1983 US newspapers printed an Associated Press story from the
Veterans Hospital at Loma Linda, California that the Soviets developed a
device, called Lida, to bombard human brains with radio waves. The radio
beams and expected to serve as a substitute tranquilizers, and to treat
sleeplessness, hypertension, and neurotic disturbances.

It is not yet determined whether Lida affects the immune and endocrine
systems. Lida is reported to change behavior in animals. At the present, the
device is on loan to Dr. Ross Adey, chief of research at Loma Linda. Adey
started testing the machine three months ago, and hopes to complete his
investigations within a year.

According to Dr. Adey, who repeatedly visited the USSR, the Soviets have
used the machine on people since at least 1960. The machine is technically
described as "a distant pulse treatment apparatus". It generates 40
megahertz radio waves which stimulate the brain's electromagnetic activity
at substantially lower frequencies.

Dr. Adey was quoted as saying: "Some people theorize that the Soviets may be
using an advanced version of the machine clandestinely to seek a change in
behavior in the United States through signals beamed from the USSR." No
reference was made to the protracted microwaves bombardment several years
ago of the US Embassy in Moscow.

On April 29, 1983, Associate Editor Dr. Stefan Possony, addressing the
Defense 83 meeting sponsored by Defense & Foreign Affairs, reported on Dr.
Adey's work and on the work by Dr. A.S. Davydov of the Ukrainian Academy of
Sciences. Davydov discovered how the blood-brain barrier can be penetrated
by low frequency beams and directly affect cells in the brain. Possony's
remarks were delivered to a panel studying psychological warfare. [Part of
that paper is printed below--Ed.]

In the US research on direct brain waves has scarcely begun, and the USSR
has a lead of approximately 25 years. Once it is matured the new technology
will be extraordinarily significant in medicine. It also may have major
impacts on communications, intelligence, and psychological operations, and
permit deliberate physiological impairment.

The KGB is known to be interested in the program. It is not known whether
the US and other Governments are trying to determine whether their countries
have become targets of clandestine brain waves beamed from the USSR. Nor are
there indications that work on countermeasures is being contemplated, except
perhaps in the USSR.


Editor's note. Most people have not heard of solitons. But, Dr. Possony is
not the only professional discussing solitons and mind control. Here are
excerpts from books and journals to give an overview of biological nonlinear
effects and solitons.

No author. (1979, October 27). You Cannot Be a Twentieth-Century Man Without
Maths. Economist. Pg. 107.

"Fortunately for pure scientist, most of the problems of basic physics and
chemistry either are (or can be adequately handled as)linear problems. It is
only in modern science--in particular, in quantum physics and gravity--that
non-linearities loom large. ...The big news in maths is that there are
recent developments which promise to make the solving of such non-linear
problems possible. ...One development concerns things called solitons. ..So
the equations of solitons are being applied to the fields surrounding
subatomic particles. A whole group of elementary particles. A whole group of
elementary particles may have been missed by the existing theories. Solitons
may also help to understand the force of gravity, which also behaves in a
non-linear way. Although Einstein's theory of relativity was a breakthrough
in understanding gravity, there is still much to be learnt about this force.
Solitons are also being used in research on climate, electronic circuits,
fusion power, nerve conduction, optical materials, superconductors and a
range of other engineering problems."

Remoissenet, M. 1996. Waves called solitons: Concepts and experiments, 2nd
ed. Springer-Verlag.

"Preface to Second Edition. ...Chapter 1 was expanded by a discussion of the
discovery of solitons in the field of electromagnetic waves and optics.

P. 1. "Basic Concepts and the Discovery of Solitons. "Today, many scientists
see nonlinear science as the most important frontier for the fundamental
understanding of Nature. The soliton concept is now firmly established after
a gestation period of about one hundred and fifty years. Since then,
different kinds of solitons have been observed experimentally in various
real systems, and today they have captured the imagination of scientist in
most physical discipline. They are widely accepted as a structural basis for
viewing and understanding the dynamic behavior of complex nonlinear

Infeld, Eryk & Rowlands, George. 1990. Nonlinear waves, solitons and chaos.
Press Syndicate of U Cambridge.

p.5. "5. A theory that relies on the interaction of a small number of
periodic modes also exists see Infeld (1981c). Solitons are special wave
pulses which interact with one another so as to keep their basic identity
and so that they act as particles. Now the soliton has come of age in its
mother subject, though in the meantime promising to be a useful concept in
many other effects. One of the first detailed experimental verifications of
soliton type behaviour was in the study of nonlinear ion acoustic waves.

"Davydov(1968),(1985) has applied some of the rules of solid state physics
to the transport of energy down protein chains. He has shown that the idea
of soliton propagation is essential to a study of chemical changes taking
place in long protein molecules. This leads to the transfer of ATP
(adenosine triphosphate) and could be the basis for an understanding of
muscle contraction. Though much may still remain to be done in molecular
biological problems it seems likely that the concept of a soliton will
remain the cornerstone of any future theory."

Chaohoa, Gu, Yishen, Li Guizhang Tu, Editors. (1990). International
Conference on Nonlinear Physics , Shanghai 24-30 April 1989.

p. 166. Ablowitz, MJ. et al. U Colorado. Nonlinear Evolution equations,
Solitons, Chaos and Cellular Automata. Acknowledgments. This work MJA is
partially supported by the NSF, O of Naval Research, & Air Force O of
Scientific Research. "Among the remarkable discoveries in applied
mathematics during the past twenty or so years, have been the concept of the
soliton and completely integrable nonlinear partial differential equations,
chaotic phenomena associated with nonintegrable equations, and the
understanding of cellular automata."

Kerner, B.S. & Osipov, V.V. 1994 Autosolitons A New Approach to Problems of
Self Organization & Turbulence, Vol 61. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Introduction. "...The properties of traveling autosolitons (pulses) and some
other autowaves were analyzed as early as 1946 by Wiener and Rosenblueth on
the basis of an axiomatic discrete model. Hodgkin and Huxley(1952) proposed
and studied a model of impulse propagation in nerve fiber; ..."

p. 110. "...there are numerous examples of active distributed systems of
highly diverse nature which may host autosolitons as well as more
complicated dissipative structures and autowaves. Such are, for instance,
chemical and biochemical reactions(Zhabotinskiik 1974: Nicolis - Prigogine
1977: Haken 1977),..."



Chapter Three

In two articles, Jonathan Tennenbaum describes development of Soviet
electromagnetic weapons and the physics and biology behind the weapons.
Following the quite long Tennenbaum articles, there are several articles on
the soviet development of electromagnetic and neurological technology. It is
difficult to get information on this topic and to know what is going on but
over a long period of time, the same facts are repeated and therefore become
more verifiable and believable. For over 25 articles on Russian mind control
see U.S. Human Rights Report Flatlands Publishing Ft. Bragg(707) 964 8326.
It is not easy to see which is disinformation, as there certainly must be on
this topic. But these are several independent sources over several decades,
stating much the same theme. And the science and military implications of
electromagnetic technology are by now well established.

Electromagnetic-Effect Weapons: The Technology and the Strategic
Implications. Wiesbaden Federal Republic of Germany Jan. 16, 1988. Executive
Intelligence Review.(Executive Intelligence Review Special Report. 317
Pennsylvania Ave. S.E., 2nd Floor. Washington, DC 20003 (202) 544-7010. Pg.
7. Michael Liebig. ..."This Special Report is meant to sketch the gestalt of
this newly emerging Soviet threat, the dimensions of which the Western
public is most dangerously unaware. There is barely any understanding in the
West of the revolutionary transformations in technology and strategy
associated with electromagnetic effect weapons."

Tennenbaum, Jonathan.(1988, Feb). Some ABCs of Electromagnetic
Anti-Personnel Weapons. Executive Intelligence Review.Executive Intelligence
Review Special Report. 317 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E., 2nd Floor. Washington, DC
20003 (202) 544-7010. Pg. 9.

Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum is on the Board of Directors of
Fusions-Energie-Forum in the Federal Republic of Germany, and an editor of
its magazine, Fusion.

"Often referred to by the misleading name, "radio-frequency weapons," The
most sophisticated new type of anti-personnel weapons now being perfected by
the USSR for use by its Spetsnaz and regular forces, uses pulses of
electromagnetic energy to disorient, paralyze, and kill human targets. Such
electromagnetic pulse (EP) weapons can take a variety of forms, including
the following: ...

Electromagnetic pulse anti-personnel weapons have many scientific and
technical features in common with the laser weapons under development in the
American and Soviet anti-missile defense programs. Both use electromagnetic
radiation, propagating at 300,000 kilometers per second, to achieve their
destructive effect. Both require compact power sources, generators of
electromagnetic radiation (e.g., lasers, magnetrons, gyrotrons, etc.), beam
radiator and focusing apparatus (e.g., optics for lasers, wave guides and
phased-array antennas for microwave weapons), and computerized control
systems In both cases also, the maximum effect of these weapons is obtained
by "tuning" or "tailoring" the output to the characteristics of the target.

The chief peculiarity of EP anti-personnel weapons lies in their
exploitation of highly non-linear effects of electromagnetic radiation upon
living organisms. Typically, these weapons employ complicated pulse shapes
and pulse trains, involving several frequencies and modulations which can
range over a wide spectrum from extremely low frequencies (ELF) into the
hundred gigahertz range. Thus, although state-of-the-art technology permits
construction of mobile systems of extremely high output power (up to 10
megawatts average power, peak pulsed powers of many gigawatts), it is not
the high power per se which determines the lethality of the system, but
rather its ability to "couple" the output effectively into the target and to
exploit non-linear biological action. While high output power may be used to
obtain range and breadth of effects and penetration into enclosures and
defenses, the minimum lethal "dose" on target will typically be orders of
magnitude less than that which would be required to kill by mere heating, in
the manner of a microwave oven.

The closest analogy to a sophisticated EP anti-personnel weapon is provided
by powerful chemical weapons, such as nerve gases having rapid, fatal
effects at extremely low concentration. In the latter case, the effect is
mediated by molecules which enter nerve synapses and other critical areas
and disrupt normal functions without massive destruction of tissue. The
poison acts on the higher levels of organization of living process.
Furthermore, it should be understood that molecules themselves are nothing
but electromagnetic configurations. That is, the molecules (e.g., of the
nerve gas) act via electromagnetic fields, by exchange of electromagnetic
energy with other molecules. Hence, it should hardly be surprising to
discover that the same effects can be induced by electromagnetic radiation
alone-without the presence of the molecules! In principle it suffices to
identify the precise geometrical characteristics of the electromagnetic
action associated with the given substance, and then just "mimic" the
molecular action by a carefully "tailored" signal. Once this principle is
understood, biophysical research can define the most appropriate pulse forms
for weapon applications, independently of any specific chemical "model."
That this is by no means a mere theoretical possibility is proven by a wide
variety of experiments on the biological effects of "tailored"
electromagnetic radiation, carried out in the West and East over the last 40
years. For obvious reasons, experiments involving lethal effects are mostly
classified. To illustrate some of the relevant research areas, we present a
couple of examples of well-documented non-lethal effects.

Since the 1950s much scientific attention has been paid, in the East and
West, to effects on the brain of 1) psychotropic drugs (LSD, depressants,
stimulants, etc.) and 2) electrical stimulation of specific areas of the
brain by implanted electrodes. Among other things, experiments showed that
minute currents induced by electrical stimulation could evoke profound
changes in brain function, similar to those obtained by psychotropic drugs,
the latter often at extremely low concentrations. This work reveal some
"deep secrets" of the physiological organization of the brain, secrets
having potentially far-reaching military implications. Since the early 1970s
a number of published experiments have shown that similar, profound
neurological effects can be induced without the "substantial" intervention
of drugs or electrodes, by electromagnetic fields applied from outside the
experimental subject. Typical of these are those of Dr. Jose Delgado and Dr.
Ross Adey. Delgado applied a slowly modulated weak magnetic field(several
Gauss, pulsed at less than 100 Hz) to the heads of monkeys via external
coils. Depending upon the precise modulation frequency used, specific
effects were induced. Thus, one frequency caused the animals to fall asleep,
and another triggered aggression, each time with very specific
neurophysiological effects on specific areas of the brain. Adey and others
have obtained similar neurophysiological effects with a modulated,
low-power, radio-frequency field, with modulation frequencies in the range
of the internal "brain waves" (EEG). Absorbed power levels were very low- on
the order of a thousandth of a watt per square centimeter.

Related experiments have shown that internal EEG waves can be entrained and
modified, demonstrating the possibility of direct information transfer to
the brain via modulated radio-frequency (RF) fields. Thus, below the
threshold of lethal effects, a certain potential for subtle psychological
manipulation by means of "tailored" electromagnetic signals cannot be

Lethal effects have been obtained at power levels not very much higher than
in behavior modification experiments. Again, it is not so much the net power
as the exact form of the applied series of pulses, which makes the
difference. One laboratory device, used in brain research, kills
experimental animals with a single microwave pulse of 1/6 second duration.

While the neurological effects of modulated RF and microwave radiation have
long been a high-priority area for Soviet research, this field has tended to
be played down or even suppressed in the West. For example, Delgado's
magnetic field experiments have gone nearly unnoticed in the Western
scientific literature, but are a featured subject in a recent Russian book,
published under the auspices of Znanyia, a cadre organization headed by top
Soviet military scientist N.D. Basov.

While we have concentrated here on the brain as a key target of EP weapons,
this is by no means the only target. The central nervous system more
generally, and vital organs, especially the heart, are all possible targets.
Moreover, a very insidious deployment of EP would be to degrade the overall
health of persons in a certain area by long-term, low-level irradiation.
There is evidence that the latter has already been tried by the Soviets in a
number of cases.

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