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From:                   New Jersey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Sun, 30 Mar 2003 16:20:21 -0500 (EST)
Subject:                !b_a_Act: [P] Contempt for this War
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There is REAL CONTEMPT for this war

Washington has expressed and demonstrated it's contempt for the United
Nations more because it could not get a separate resolution to attack
Iraq. Most of the support the U.S. has had in the UN it has paid for, but
even traditional alliances have broken down. The Pakistanis have been very
critical of the U.S. and so has Turkey. Syria's President Bashar al-Assad
says he hopes that George Bush will not be successful in Iraq and the U.S.
is putting pressure on Syria by accusing it of sending night vision
glasses to Iraq and warning it not to.

Both George Bush Senior and George Bush Junior USED the UN to get it's
way and when the UN does not provide it's approval GWB the second ignores
the other members of the Security Council and demonstrates his contempt
by attacking Iraq and accusing the UN of being irrelevant. It is only
relevant when it bends to the George Bush's will.

"With all the fervor about the righteousness of the UN resolution (Gulf
War I), we rarely heard about the U.S. refusal to abide by the World
Court's decision regarding reparations for Nicaragua. Nor did we hear
about the UN resolutions condemning the 1982 Israeli occupation of
Lebanon, or its current occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Most
striking, however was the fact that the December 1889 U.S. invasion of
Panama was almost never discussed. The fact that the UN General Assembly
condemned the invasion and that the United States vetoed two Security
Council resolutions condeming the U.S. invasion did not enter the
discussion about the UN in the Gulf. It was as if the UN only mattered
when it supported U.S. interests. When it did not, the UN did not have to
be ridiculed; it simply was ignored." [William Hoynes, "War as Video
Game", an essay in "Collateral Damage" (edited by Cynthia Peters), 92]

Assad of Syria does not believe the U.S. and Britain will be able to
control Iraq even if it does win - anymore than it could in Lebanon where
when it retreated after the bombing of the Marine barracks or Afghanistan
where Taliban are still very much alive and well and Warlords are still
vying for influence and popular resistence to the U.S. and to the U.S.
supported president of Afghanistan is evidenced by regular acts of
organized terrorism activities.

Two Special Forces soldiers who were killed this month (March - 2003) and
at least three wounded when armed Taliban motorcyclists attacked their
reconnaissance patrol in the southern Helmand province of Afghanistan. Hit
and run tactics are being employed in Afghanistan as it is now in Iraq.

A water engineer with dual Swiss and Salvadoran citizenship who worked for
the Red Cross was also killed execution style in the Uruzgan province. We
don't see it reported regularly in the media as it once was but the fight
in Afghanistan by coalition forces against local groups and the Taliban
has not abated. Just last week Norwegians flying F-16s dropped
laser-guided bombs about 50 miles to the south of Kandahar in support of
U.S. Special Forces and Afghan soldiers against about 100 (suspected)
Taliban and al-Qaeda who attacked them.

   "We expect them (the American POWs) to be
   treated humanely, just like we'll treat any prisoner of theirs ... If
   not, the people who mistreat the prisoners will be treated as war
   criminals."  [Said George Bush at Camp David]

I'm curious George. Does that mean that those Taliban prisoners who were
tortured to death by U.S. soldiers would also be treated as war criminals?

Unless I'm mistaken, which I'm not, you ordered the aggression against
Iraq. You attacked them. They did not attack the United States. They were
not connected in any way with those you accused of hijacking air planes
and flying them into the Twin Towers and Pentagon. Your bombing is killing
Iraqi civilians and they never did anything to you. Should we ask Iraqis
who lost husbands, wives, children in those bombings how they feel about
the "Rules of Engagement" and the Geneva Accords?

You object to the showing of American POWs on their television.
Interestingly that same morning American media showed Iraqi prisoners with
their hands tied and made to sit on the ground in full view of television
cameras. When the Iraqis did the same you called it a violation of the
Geneva Accords.

      "The POWs have been
   shown on Arab, American and British television stations. But, as the
   spokeswoman of the International Committee of the Red Cross (I.C.R.C),
   Nadu Doumani, said, the showing of the POWs on television violates
   Article 13 of the Geneva Conventions, which says POWs should be
   protected from public curiosity. The unanswered questions posed by
   Article 13 - in its assumed magisterial disposition are: What is the
   just definition of `curiosity'? Who defines it? Is it Bush, Blair or
   Saddam?  Because of the aggression against Iraqis, Article 13 ought to
   be tolerant of certain informed infractions. Although, it is true that
   those who crafted Article 13 were never that clairvoyant to foresee
   such obvious falsity that could lead to an unjust aggression, it is,
   nonetheless, imperative they should retire to their chambers and
   reflect on all possible unjust future war situations - including what
   is left of Bush's "axis of evil" - Iran and North Korea - and loosen
   it up with some provisos, in a transparently liberal fashion, to
   accommodate some informed extremities." [Nduka Uzuakpundu, "Victims of
   unjust aggression" (March 30, 2003) - Vanguard Media (Nigeria)]

   "In the face of the offensive against the Iraqis, Article 13 is
   indefensible. It is archaic and unrealistic. If war is not about
   propaganda - propaganda that, in some instances, is steeled by the
   footage of POWs and laboriously stuffed body bags, of what relevance
   is Article 13?. For now, Article 13 should be rested. Here is an
   unjust war for which, in fairness, the Iraqis should be allowed to
   press their case by any means within their reach. As it presently is,
   Article 13 is akin to an unjust crusade to tamper with press freedom,
   just in case any newspaper naughtily publishes the truth with
   supposedly an unjust intent to embarrass a public officer. It is
   morally offensive and unjust to crave a veil - as Article 13 seeks, in
   every material particular, to do - for the faces behind an unjust
   aggression. Iraq is enough as an unjust war milieu for which it will
   be more tolerable to beam the faces of POWs, than those of lifeless
   victims. If war has nothing attractive to offer, Article 13 ought to
   be ambitious enough to ban it. By implication, there will be no more
   POWs - and the I.C.R.C. will be saved the discomfort of some
   television stations exposing legal combatants to curiosity.
   Regrettably, Article 13 is, unjustly, about making the media one of
   the countless casualties of the war." [ibid]

 I think it is pretty clear George that there is real contempt in the world
for your war of aggression. You can ignore the millions of voices of
contempt and protest but the record cannot be erased from history and when
these crimes are prosecuted the world will hold you and your right wing
(chicken hawk) administration responsible for the death, destruction,
suffering and terrible carnage.

 Hank Roth

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