-Caveat Lector-

>From >>>www.consortiumnews.com<<<<<<<<<<<<<
June 18, 1999
Falling Between the ‘Crack’

By Robert Parry

Though the CIA publicly has admitted wrongdoing in the Nicaraguan
contra-cocaine scandal, Congress has put the controversy back behind closed

The House Intelligence Committee conducted a secret hearing on the CIA’s
report on May 25, and the panel has no current plans for a public session.
While public hearings could still be called, sources close to the committee
predict only that a report will be issued containing the panel's final

Given the Washington press corps' disdain for the contra-cocaine issue and
the Republican control of Congress, chances for any tough conclusions appear
slim. In the present environment in Washington, there is scant incentive for
the committee to dig deeply or to put the scattered contra-cocaine admissions
into any fuller context.

I asked one committee official why Congress had put the contra-cocaine
hearings behind closed doors after the CIA issued a declassified report last
fall. Why was Congress acting more secretively than the CIA?

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, responded that a closed
hearings gave the members a chance to "step back and look at what they'd be
interested in without having to worry about classification." If the hearing
had been open, the official said, some of the committee members’ questions
might have been deferred to a separate closed session.

Citing the panel's secrecy rules, House Intelligence Committee members --
both Republicans and Democrats -- refused to respond to my calls about the
May 25 hearing.

The panel also rebuffed Rep. Maxine Waters’s request to sit in at the
hearing. Waters, D-Calif., has championed efforts to bring the contra-cocaine
facts to light and has criticized what she has perceived as unjustified
secrecy in the process.

Asked why Waters was barred, the committee official said normal procedures
were followed, denying access to members of Congress not specifically
designated by the leadership to attend classified oversight hearings. "It's
not how the committee does its oversight," the official explained.

The committee official said the purpose of the hearing was to have a "formal
presentation" of the contra-cocaine reports by the inspectors general for the
CIA and the Justice Department. The House committee has been conducting its
own separate review since summer 1996 when a series in the San Jose Mercury
News reignited interest in the contra-cocaine issue.

Former CIA inspector general Frederick Hitz, who wrote the two-volume CIA
study, was in attendance along with the current CIA inspector general Britt
Snyder. Justice Department inspector general Michael Bromwich also was there,
the official said.

Both the CIA and the Justice Department issued reports last year, denying
that the federal government willfully colluded with contra operatives to
smuggle cocaine into the United States.

But the reports contained broad admissions that the CIA knew about the
contra-cocaine smuggling, obstructed criminal investigations and
systematically covered up evidence that might have been politically harmful
to President Reagan's pro-contra policies.

The major media's handling of last year's disclosures, however, so readily
accepted the superficial spin of the press releases that the historically
devastating admissions were largely missed.

On Oct. 8, 1998, when the CIA released Volume Two of the internal
contra-cocaine investigation -- with detailed admissions of wrongdoing --
most big newspapers downplayed the disclosures or wrote nothing at all.

In large part, the neglect seemed to stem from the refusal of the major news
organizations to acknowledge that they had missed -- or mis-reported -- one
of the worst scandals of the 1980s. During the CIA-backed war, the major
media often ridiculed investigators and journalists who took the
contra-cocaine allegations seriously.

The big newspapers dug themselves in deeper when they lambasted Gary Webb,
then of the San Jose Mercury News, for a series in 1996 linking contra
cocaine to the crack epidemic that devastated black inner-city neighborhoods
in the 1980s.

After a decade of relegating contra-cocaine allegations to the inside pages,
the major newspapers finally played the controversy on page one, but only to
attack Webb. The Washington Post, The New York Times and the Los Angeles
Times all insisted that the contra-cocaine smuggling was minor and could not
be blamed for the crack epidemic.

As the government investigations unfolded, however, it became clear that
nearly every major cocaine smuggling network used the contra operation in
some way and that the contras were connected -- directly or indirectly --
with possibly the bulk of cocaine that flooded the United States in the 1980s.

Much of that evidence existed prior to the CIA-DOJ inquiries. Sworn testimony
before an investigation by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., in the mid-to-late 1980s
also revealed that the contra-drug link dated back to the origins of the
contra war in 1980.

Then, Bolivian drug kingpin Roberto Suarez invested $30 million in various
Argentine-run paramilitary operations in Latin America. The Suarez money
financed the so-called Cocaine Coup that ousted Bolivia's elected government
in 1980, according to one Argentine intelligence official, Leonardo

Sanchez-Reisse testified that Suarez’s laundered drug money also was used to
start the contra operation in Central America. Argentine intelligence
officials, fresh from their own “dirty war” against leftist dissidents, moved
to Honduras and began training the remnants of the Nicaraguan National Guard,
which had been defeated by the Sandinista guerrilla army.

In 1981, President Reagan ordered the CIA to collaborate with the Argentines
in building up the contra army. According to the CIA’s Volume Two, the spy
agency learned about the cocaine connection almost immediately, secretly
reporting that contra operatives were smuggling cocaine to South Florida.

By early 1982, CIA director William J. Casey negotiated a secret “memorandum
of understanding” with Attorney General William French Smith, an agreement
that spared the CIA from any legal responsibility to report drug trafficking
by its foreign assets.

Also, by the early 1980s, the Bolivian connection had brought the Colombian
Medellin cartel into play. During a crucial period from 1980-82, Bolivia's
Cocaine Coup government provided a reliable source of cocaine for the
fledgling cartel.

Top-level Medellin cartel figures soon picked up on the value of interlocking
their operations with the contras. At that juncture, Miami-based anti-Castro
Cubans played an important role, representing the Medellin cartel inside
contra operations, especially those base in Costa Rica.

Many of the anti-communist Cubans also had longstanding ties to both the CIA
and to Mafia-connected drug networks inside the United States. U.S.
government agencies again secretly reported on the work of Frank Castro and
other contra supporters who were seen as Medellin cartel operatives. But no
action was taken.

Other times, Reagan’s Justice Department stubbornly ignored eyewitness
evidence of the problem.

In 1986, Wanda Palacio, an FBI informant inside the cartel, testified that
she witnessed Jorge Ochoa's organization loading cocaine onto planes
belonging to Southern Air Transport, a former CIA-owned company that flew
supplies to the contras for Oliver North's White House operation. Despite
impressive corroboration, the Justice Department rejected Palacio’s testimony
in 1986.

Another contra-cocaine connection ran through Pananamian strongman Manuel
Noriega, who was recruited by the Reagan administration to assist the contras
despite his reputation as a major drug figure. The CIA worked closely, too,
with corrupt military officers in Honduras and El Salvador who were known to
double as cocaine traffickers.

In Honduras, the contra operation tied into the vast cocaine-smuggling
network of Juan Ramon Matta Ballesteros. His airline, SETCO, was hired by the
Reagan administration to ferry supplies to the contras.

Though based in Honduras, the Matta Ballesteros network was considered one of
the top Mexican smuggling rings and was implicated in the torture-murder of
DEA agent Enrique Camarena.

All told, these huge drug networks -- in Bolivia, Colombia, Panama, Costa
Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and Miami -- accounted for rivers of
cocaine inundating the United States during the 1980s. All of them, to some
degree, exploited President Reagan's defensiveness over the contra war to
protect their drug smuggling.

Most damagingly, the CIA-DOJ reports made clear that the CIA and other Reagan
administration agencies repeatedly disrupted official investigations that
threatened to expose the contra-cocaine connections.

In 1984, the CIA intervened to curtail the so-called the Frogman Case in San
Francisco. When prosecutors planned to question contra political figures in
Costa Rica, CIA lawyers approached the U.S. Attorney’s office in San
Francisco and convinced the prosecutors to drop those plans. The CIA feared
the interrogations might prove politically embarrassing.

Other DEA investigations of CIA-controlled hangars at El Salvador’s Ilopango
airport were stopped as well, by the CIA and the U.S. Embassy. In the latter
half of the 1980s, the CIA frustrated congressional inquiries by withholding
crucial evidence about connections between the contras and the Medellin
cartel, and about contra operatives who had been convicted of drug

Though last year's government reports did not highlight these incriminating
facts, the reports did acknowledge them. The reports added reams of
corroborating evidence, as well.

For instance, the reports noted that a senior contra official, Frank Arana,
worked closely with lieutenants in the Matta Ballesteros network and that
U.S. law enforcement had its own evidence implicating Southern Air Transport
planes in the drug trade.

The CIA also knew that the contra-cocaine taint implicated contractors
working directly for the CIA and for President Reagan’s National Security
Council. But that evidence was concealed or released too late to be used
effectively by official investigations. [For details about the contra-drug
evidence, see Robert Parry's new book, Lost History.]

As the CIA's Volume Two reported, one station chief explained why the spy
agency looked the other way on the contra-drug trafficking. "There was
derogatory stuff [about the contras], but we were going to play with these
guys. That was made clear by" CIA director William Casey and Latin American
Division chief Duane Clarridge.

Despite all the new evidence, the GOP-controlled House Intelligence Committee
appears unlikely to put these pieces together in a way to give the public a
clear look at the big picture. No one should expect a strong indictment of
the Reagan administration for tolerating drug trafficking in the 1980s.

But one committee official insisted that the panel would probably not give
the CIA a clean bill of health, either. "I didn't hear any member say,
'there's nothing here. Let's move on'," the official said.

Overall, the official said the committee supported the work done by the CIA
inspector general. "We believe the unclassified version was a good piece of
work," the official said.

The official added that the panel was putting the finishing touches on its
own assessment of the controversy. “We are nearing the end of the
investigation,” the official said. “But we still have some things to look

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