-Caveat Lector-

Here's some family information about the Vanderbilts who "owned" Chauncey


By 1829 Vanderbilt decided to go on his own and entered the competitive
service between New York and Peekskill, where he had the first of several
encounters with Daniel Drew. Vanderbilt won by cutting rates to as low as 12
1/2 cents, which forced Drew to withdraw. Next he challenged the Hudson
River Association in the Albany trade. After he again cut rates, the
competition paid him off to move his operations elsewhere. Vanderbilt opened
service to Long Island Sound, Providence, Boston, and points in Connecticut.
The vessels offered the passenger not only comfort, but often luxury. By the
1840's he was running more than 100 steamboats and his company had more
employees than any other business in the United States. Vanderbilt is given
credit for bringing about a great and rapid advance in the size, comfort,
and elegance of steamboats which were considered "floating palaces". In 1846
he launched on the Hudson the finest boat yet seen by New Yorkers and named
it for himself.

By the time he was 40, Vanderbilt's wealth exceeded $500,000, but he still
looked for new opportunities. During the California gold rush of 1849,
people traveled by boat to Panama, by land across the Isthmus on muleback,
and onto steamers to the Pacific coast. Vanderbilt challenged the Pacific
Steamship company by offering similar service via an overland route across
Nicaragua, which saved 600 miles and cut the going price by half. This move
netted him over $1 million a year. In the process he improved to some extent
the channel of the San Juan River, built docks on the east and west coasts
of Nicaragua and at Virgin Bay on Lake Nicaragua, and made a twelve-mile
macadam road to his west coast port. He began construction of a fleet of
eight new steamers and the route was two days shorter than that via Panama.
He greatly reduced the New York-San Francisco passenger fare and garnered
most of the traffic.

He made money so rapidly, that in 1853 he announced that he was going to
take the first vacation of his life. He built a sumptuously appointed steam
yacht, The North Star and embarked for a triumphal tour of Europe. Before
going abroad, Vanderbilt resigned the presidency of the Accessory Transit
Company, and committed its management to Charles Morgan and Cornelius
Garrison, who, during his absence, manipulated the stock and secured control
of the company. By shrewd buying he won it back in a few months. However,
the Nicaraguan government rescinded the company's charter on the grounds
that its terms had been disregarded, and issued a new charter to a rival
group. He sold controlling interests to the Nicaragua Transit Company, which
failed to pay him. In a famous incident, he told them that the law was too
slow; rather, he would ruin them. He did this in just two years by running
another group of steamers.

In the 1850's he dabbled in the Atlantic carrying trade competition for
passenger service between New York and France with the Cunard and Collins
lines. He built three vessels, one of which, the Vanderbilt, was the largest
and finest he had yet constructed. It was an unprofitable venture, however,
and at the beginning of the Civil War he sold his Atlantic line for $3
million. He retained the Vanderbilt, which he fitted up as a warship and
turned over to the government. It has been claimed that he intended only to
make a loan of the vessel, but it was interpreted as a gift.

Vanderbilt liked making money more than spending it. One of the few
purchases he was willing to make was his Staten Island mansion, the only
place he felt truly comfortable. The New York City elite snubbed him, saying
he was a rich but hopelessly vulgar man.

Nearing the age of 70, Vanderbilt decided once again that the wave of the
future was in another direction -- building a railroad empire. He first
acquired the New York and Harlem Railroad, in the process again defeating
Daniel Drew. He next acquired the rundown Hudson River Railroad, which
Cornelius wanted to consolidate with the Harlem. Again Drew attempted to
sell the stock short, defeat the consolidation, and make a substantial
profit. But, as before, the Commodore won the battle by buying every share
Drew sold, thereby stabilizing the price.

Vanderbilt acquired the Central Railroad in 1867, merged it with the Hudson
River Railroad by legislative act, and leased the Harlem to the new company.
He spent large sums of money improving the lines' efficiency and then
increased the capital stock by $42 million (which was a stockwatering
operation of magnitude) and paid large dividends. In the first five years,
he is said to have cleared $25 million.

Vanderbilt finally hit a snag in 1867 when he attempted to gain control of
the Erie Railroad, then in the hands of his old adversary, Daniel Drew.
Again Vanderbilt bought all the stock offered for sale, but this time Drew
threw 100,000 shares of fraudulent stock certificates on the market, which
Vanderbilt continued to buy. Drew and his cohorts fled to Jersey City to
avoid prosecution and bribed the New Jersey legislature to legalize the
stock issue. Vanderbilt, tottering on the brink of failure, lost millions on
the coup but fought back. Although the illegal stock was finally authorized
by the legislature, Vanderbilt lost between $1 -$2 million and forgot the
Erie. Upon the insistence of Vanderbilt's son William, he extended his line
to Chicago by acquiring the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroads, the
Canadian Southern, and the Michigan Central thereby creating one of the
greatest American systems of transportation.

Vanderbilt's influence on national finance was stabilizing. When the panic
of 1873 was at its worst, he announced that the New York Central was paying
out millions of dividends as usual, and let contracts for the building of
the Grand Central Terminal in New York City, with four tracks leading from
it, giving employment to thousands of men. He saw to it, however, that the
city paid half the cost of the viaduct and open-cut approaches to the
station. By 1875, his New York Central Railroad controlled the lucrative
route between New York and Chicago.

Vanderbilt was never known for philanthropic activities. His only
unsolicited contributions were $50,000 for the Church of the Strangers in
New York City and $1 million to Central University, which then became
Vanderbilt University. Upon his death, he was the richest man in the United
States. Cornelius Vanderbilt left the bulk of his fortune - $95 million - to
his son William.

A footnote to the Vanderbilt fortune: William Vanderbilt is remembered for
his remark, "The public be damned," when asked by a reporter whether
railroads should be run for the public benefit.

Brewer, Thomas B., Vanderbilt. (1973) McGrawHill Encyclopedia of World
Biography (Volume V). Chicago: McGraw-Hill, Inc. pp. 80-81

Entrepreneurs and Inventors, Vanderbilt, Cornelius. (1994) The Grolier
Library of North American Biographies (Volume 3). Danbury, Connecticut:
Grolier Educational Corporation pp. 213-216

Malone, Dumas, Editor, Vanderbilt, Cornelius. (1964) Dictionary of American
Biography (Volume X). New York: Charles Scribner's Sons pp. 169-173

Vanderbilt. (1988) Academic American Encyclopedia. Lexicon Publications,
Inc. pp. 518-519

Vanderbilt genealogy:

Sophia Johnson  (direct descendant of Adam Brouwer, who sailed in 1641 to
Brazil in the ship Swol as a soldier in the service of the West India
Company.  He came to New Netherlands in
 1642, for when he took the Oath of Allegiance in September 1687, being
 then a resident of Brooklyn, he made the statement that he had been in
 this country for 45 years.  He settled first in New Amsterdam where he
 bought a house and garden lot from Hendrick Jansen, blacksmith, on 21
 February 1645.  On that some day he had given a power-of-attorney to
 collect money due him from the West India Company, which he repeated on
 21 September 1646.  At his wedding party on 21 March 1645, Domine
 Bogardus criticized Director Keift.  Together with Isaac de Forest, Adam
 Brouwer built and operated at Gowanus a flour mill on land patented 8
 July 1645, to Jan Evertse Bout.  The will of Adam Brouwer Berchoven of
 "Bruckland" was dated 22 January 1691/92.  He left his wife Magdalena
 his entire estate. http://www.crocker.com/~jcamp/ab.html#1)

married - CORNELIUS "Commodore" VANDERBILT , a descendant of Jan Aertsen van
der Bilt, who had emigrated to this country from Holland around 1650.
[Cornelius thought he had a better solution for reaching California in 1849
from the East Coast – Nicaragua. The San Juan River runs along the border
with Costa Rica for 119 miles and then empties into Lake Nicaragua. One
Hundred miles long and 50 miles wide, the western shore of Lake Nicaragua is
only 12 miles from the Pacific Ocean. Why not shorten the route to
California by using Lake Nicaragua and the San Juan River? In 1851 he formed
the Accessory Transit Company and paid the Nicaraguan government $10,000 for
a charter to cross the country. Vanderbilt personally piloted a small
steamboat up the San Juan River to test the route (which many locals said
couldn’t be done). He had the river cleared of obstacles, placed a steamboat
on Lake Nicaragua, and built a road from the west shore of the lake to San
Juan del Sur – a port he constructed on the Pacific coast. Vanderbilt’s
route was 600 miles and 2 days shorter to California and cheaper – he
immediately slashed the prevailing fare of $600 to $400. His two competitors
were subsidized by the U.S. government to the tune of $500,000 to carry the
mail to California. Vanderbilt not only cut fares, he offered to carry the
mail for free! Eventually the fare dropped to $150 and Vanderbilt still made
money. After some political machinations involving some crooked subordinates
and the American adventurer William Walker, Vanderbilt lost control of his
Accessory Transit Company, switched his steamships to the Panama route,
regained his Nicaraguan interests, and, finally, was paid by his subsidized
rivals a fee of $672,000 (of the $900,000 subsidy) a year not to operate a
steamship line on the California route.

Cornelius' son, William H. Vanderbilt's son, George, married Edith
Stuyvesant Dresser.  Their daughter, Emily Thorn Vanderbilt, married William
Douglas Sloane.  Cornelius, Jr.'s daughter married Harry Payne Whitney, and
his son, Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt, married Gloria Laure Mercedes
Morgan; their daughter was "little Gloria".

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