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full story of what really happened in Arkansas, how it was covered up, and
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their cause. (296 pages. Published April 1999)
Order your copy today! | See other books/videos for sale.

Covert White House Operation in Northern Ireland
Former Intelligence Operative Reveals Airplanes-for-Food Scheme


While in public mediating as a neutral arbitrator between the two sides of
the conflict in Northern Ireland, the White House has run a covert operation
aimed at supporting one side financially.

That revelation was made last week by a former intelligence operative who
was asked to join the operation in 1997. L.D. Brown in his new book
"Crossfire," released last week, recounts how that offer was made to him at
2 a.m. on a bus in the English countryside by an intelligence operative by
the name of T. John McBrearty.

"He would fly in food to the former Soviet states and in return he would
receive airplane parts. At times, he said, he would receive entire airplanes
like an intact Sukhoi-29 fighter which he said he had flown to Ireland where
he maintained an office," Brown writes of McBrearty, who proceeded to
outline who was behind the operation:

"You know L. D., we could use a man like you in this operation," he said, as
I was now leaning toward him to catch every word. Going deeper, he asked me,
"You know what a proprietary is don't you?" I knew that after I had flown on
the airplane trips with [Barry] Seal and the subsequent Iran-Contra hearings
that proprietaries were the cutout fake airline companies C. I. A. set up to
facilitate their business. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, or
maybe the gun to go off. Here I was in the middle of the English
countryside, alone with a guy who had obviously been sent by the C. I. A. to
get me involved in another operation--and Bill Clinton was involved in some
The connection to Bill Clinton and the White House would become more obvious
to Brown through the names of some involved in the operation, including
Clinton financial backer Jackson Stephens:

I would soon learn that it would also be an attempt to keep me out of the
country. John said I would accompany him on airplane trips out of the
country as well. He told me he would soon be flying to Brazzaville, Congo
with a load of food for example. "You've heard of Southern Air Transport?"
he asked, again knowing my answer. "Sure, in Florida," I answered, familiar
with S. A. T. having been a C. I. A. proprietary. "Well, I fly some of these
airplane parts to Florida. You know, Jack Stephens buys some of them, and we
go on from there." He was referring to Jackson Stephens the billionaire
Clinton supporter at whose house I had met John Glenn. But there was more.
"L. D., a lady by the name of Nancy Soderberg is involved in this. She works
for Clinton as an adviser on Northern Ireland," he explained, as the
machinations of how the operation worked began to unfold. John told me of a
plant that makes electronic equipment in Ireland near the border with
Northern Ireland. Being familiar with the 'troubles' between the Northern
Protestants and the Catholic Irish Republicans, I realized what he was
saying. The goal was to provide employment to the Irish near the border who
were sympathetic to the Irish Republicans. The money made from the airplane
trips would fund these activities. He told me Soderberg would soon be
leaving her position and would be focusing on the operation.

Nancy Soderberg was at the time deputy staff director at the White House
National Security Council.

But McBrearty had a more immediate role for Brown: "I want you to call James
 Carville and work with him to get the intelligence agencies off our ass."

L.D. Brown, who at the time was studying for a Ph.D. in England and was
looking for a job, considered the offer for a while and stayed in contact
with McBrearty. Brown consulted friends, some knowledgeable in the field of
intelligence, for advice. They warned him of potential hidden motives for
getting him involved in the operation. Through those consultations, however,
part of the story leaked to the press causing Brown to fear potential
consequences to him and his family. R. Emmett Tyrrell, editor of the
American Spectator, wrote of a $300,000 offer to L. D. Brown from the
Clinton administration, without revealing details of the offer.

Those details have not been revealed until the release of Brown's book last

[L. D. Brown's book "Crossfire," released Friday of last week, is available
from http://crossfirebook.com (not available in bookstores).]

Marvin Lee can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Published in the Apr. 26, 1999 issue of The Washington Weekly. Copyright ©
1999 The Washington Weekly (http://www.federal.com). Reposting permitted
with this message intact.
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