-Caveat Lector-

Kris posted this website, called "Cuba and World History 1492-1789", but it
covers much, much more.  I have gone through it and excerpted what I hope
shows the history of bankers financing commercial wars throughout the world.
It ends with the death of the Lost Dauphin.


The History of the World has a common theme : the struggle between those who
believe private bankers should have supremacy over the National Treasury
(Republicans) and those who think the opposite that the National Treasury
represents the people as a whole and should have supremacy over the
bankers.The supporters of the Treasury supremacy system call themselves
Monarch-ist because in their system the bankers; national or international
ones ;are not allowed to rule as a class separate from the rest of the
nation. The system of the bankers supremacy is called classicist or
Republican (rulers of the public) because the bankers separate themselves
from the rest as a class or aristocracy and rule the other class the people
to perpetuate their privileges not allowing social mobility. Banks were
called Temples in ancient times.When we talk about the temples of the
Acropolis in Athens or before in the island of Delos we are talking about
the same thing as Wall Street.The Temple of Amenti (God) in Was-et (Thebes)
was the National Treasury of the Kingdom of Kemet (Egypt).
The absolute center of banking moved from Jericho (5200) to Ninua (4850).
The Biblical war between Cain and Abel (4795) refers to the war between
Hamites of Palestine fighting Cain the Caucasians and Egyptians of Ki-
Engir. From Ninua the center moved to Uruk (3750) and to Kish in Wari
(2440). The Biblical flood is the destruction of Akkad- Wari (2154).The
center of banking moved to Kussara (Urartu ,2154) with the Altaic. Commerce
with the Indus valley began. Secularization of banking and international
trade began in 2005. Then it moved back to Ninua (Nineveah- 2030), with the
Hurrian invasion of Ashur led by Ushpia. Then it moved to Babilani (612),
then to Alexandria (Egypt, 330 BC), then to Shusha (Susa in Persia, 47 BC),
then to Alexandria (640 AD), then to Cordoba (Spain, 755), then to
Alexandria ( Egypt, 1169), then to Venice (1360), then to Amsterdam
(1605),and then to London (1712).
In the Pipin's Empire,the Hapsburg's Empire and in the Aragon Monarchy
(created by the Aznar family) the Roman Republic tradition prevailed. The
bankers of Zaragoza and Barcelona told the King of Aragon or Barcelona what
to do. The Hapsburg Empire at the beginning was called the Holy Roman Empire
because the Emperors were crowned in Rome by the consent of the Pope.The
Emperor was chosen by the Electors. The 7 electors went to Frankfurt the
center of banking each with his banker.The elections of the Emperor in
Frankfurt were a business transaction.They confused and obscured purposely
the definitions of Emperor and King. The Aragon Monarchy with their seat of
power in Barcelona Cataluna was the meager contribution of the Pipin-s to
the "Reconquista" fight against the Arabs.Aragon was not part of Castillian
Spain. They negotiated their conquests paying those Arab interests which had
been their business associates before.They also used double agents like Cid
Campeador.The Hapsburg Empire was a banker's Empire....

The wealthiest banker of Austria when the conquest of Cuba began in 1516 was
Jacob Fugger who was the banker of the Vatican State. He was the power
behind Emperor Charles 5 who ordered the conquest of the Aztec Empire in
1516.His pre eminence in banking lasted until 1550 when the Venetian bankers
became dominant in Vienna and changed Fugger's pro-Catholic policy.This was
after the expulsion of the international bankers such as Senior and their
followers from Spain in 1492.Fugger's most profitable investment was in the
silver mines of the Hartz region in the German Empire.Silver had more value
than gold in Japan and Asia . When they took silver there they bought pepper
silk and gold which had more value than silver in Europe.They exploded the
labor of the youth and the misery of over populated and ignorant countries.
Sometimes they went looking for a country where there was misery other times
they made the misery themselves with war and turmoil.Anyone who had access
to these trade routes had an advantage over the rest of society.
The center of world international banking moved from Alexandria (1169-1360)
to Venice in 1360.In 1366 international bankers from Mestre- Venice were
invited to do banking in Rialto (downtown Venice) for the first time. They
engaged in organizing this World War through their banking agents in Bruges
and London.
Columbus trip to Cuba in 1492 was part of the Hapsburg effort in search for
a route to the sources of pepper and silk in Asia.The Hapsburg bankers
financed the Aragon Crown.The Aragon Crown was more independent of Spain
then than Cataluna is today. This war brought about the Reform movement of
Luther (1516) which was supported by the King of France and Saxon nobility
who opposed the pro Rome Bavarian Hapsburg-s.Bavaria was in the trade routes
across Switzerland from Venice . These routes went north and also east to
Poland and Russia. The Silk-Pepper-War ended in a French victory and the
Treaty of Catteau- Cambresis after the bankers went bankrupt. London gave
Calais to France on January 7 1588. Charles 5 of Austria had to abdicate in
1556 and separate Austria from Spain. In 1562 Ferdinand his successor was
still paying tribute to the Turk Muslims to keep half of Hungary.
*****************The Gold-Silver War was a war of Austria and their allies
against the French Goth-s.The Gold-Silver-War featured the struggle for
independence of Netherlands against the Hapsburg-s. The world center of
international banking had moved from Venice to Amsterdam in 1605. Their
trade had become mainly sugar from Brazil and grain from Poland to
Amsterdam.There were two other cities in Europe who refused agriculture
because its low productivity.In Constantinople grain was transported by
Genoa's fleet from Ukrania and in Rome (port of Ostia) grain was also

The same banking family dynasties who had financed pirates from Bordeaux now
in Amsterdam financed Dutch pirates against Cuba in 1628.This was the second
foreign intervention in Cuba .***********************
This Gold-Silver-War was a three way war in which parties with different
ideology such as Dutch Republicans and Frank Monarch-ist-s sided against a
third opponent the Roman Republicans allied to the Austrian Hapsburg-s.The
King of France had a candidate for leader of the Dutch Republic if they ever
got their independence from Spain.Tons of Gold and Silver the Spanish
Hapsburg-s extracted from the mines of Mexico and Peru were given to these
bankers in Amsterdam in exchange for sugar from Brazil and other luxury
products from China and Hindi-a. With the proceeds of this trade the same
bankers fought the hand that fed them to establish a Republic independent of
Spain.The Gold-Silver-War ended when the Franks defeated the Hapsburg-s and
their allies. They signed the Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle in 1668 where France
got parts of Spanish Netherlands and a right for the King of France to
succeed to the crown of Spain.In 1705 the King Louis 14 of France made his
cousin Anjou King of Spain after the last Hapsburg King purposely died
without male succession.
**************The bankers Lopez Ona and Machado of Amsterdam financed the
Revolution and invasion which turned England into Britain in 1712 and placed
the present Hanover dynasty in power. This family was chosen because out of
the 60 rulers of German States the Hanover-s were the only ones that did not
like to live in Germany. They spent most of their time in Venice. Their
fortunes proceeded from the trade of sugar and black conscripts in
Brazil.The Black Sugar War was financed with the profits of selling black
Dahomey conscripts.

In 1712 the international bankers moved their center of banking to London
where it has been ever since. Cromwell took Jamaica from Spain in 1655 with
a large invasion. The same dynasties of bankers who financed pirates against
Cuba from Bordeaux and Amsterdam financed Puritan pirates against Cuba from
London and Jamaica in 1679 led by Gramont Coriander. This was the third
foreign intervention in Cuba.**************************************

After the French Revolution Cuba became the sugar supplier of America. Over
90% of the black and sugar business was controlled by the bankers of New
York City associated to London's bankers.When London demanded every state in
Europe to sign the abolition of conscription in 1811 they were just being
wily because they had passed their business of conscription to New York and
Brazil which were not going to abolish conscripts trade until 1865 and 1888.
The Bourbons founded the first University of Cuba in Havana in 1728.Cuba had
the second railroad in the world built and financed by the bankers of London
from 1828 to 1837 from Havana (Villanueva Terminal where the Capitol is
today) to Bejucal. Cuba also had the first use of steam power in the food
industry when Montalvo;of the family of the Directors of shipbuilding at
Bageles Factory; installed steam power in a sugar mill during the reign of
Louis 18.
The Romanov Czar of Russia died without male descendants and the Russian
crown passed through marriage first to a German Brunswick and later in 1762
to the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp who ruled as Peter 3.The Holstein family
were allies of the bankers of London Amsterdam and Berlin and opponents of
France and Sweden.They introduced serfdom and Russia changed sides from the
French side to the side of the bankers of Berlin. These were the same
families of bankers of Venice who abandoned Vienna and moved to Berlin where
they were offered better privileges. The Prussian-s had been against these
bankers while they were in Austria but became their lackey when they moved
to Berlin.The Prussian aristocracy became the gladiators of these bankers
until the disaster of the Great War of Mc Kinley in 1918. In this war Berlin
bankers sent the Prussian-s to war just to impose Lenin and Stalin in power
in Russia and establish a new Empire.The bankers betrayed the Prussian-s in
the middle of the war when they had already millions of casualties and the
Kaiser exiled himself under protection of the bankers.

The French nobility rebelled against the King when he ordered enough troops
to defend Poland.The nobility secretly negotiated the partition of Poland
and offered the Pole nobility meager humiliating compensations in exile in
France.When Revolution broke out the Polish nobility sided with the
). Brazil was the most profitable property of the international bankers in
London.The shipping of conscripts was controlled by the merchant marine of
Liverpool in Britain.This business had profits of 800 % on invested capital.
This spelled difficulties for France and Spain .The Bourbon Kings did not
engaged in trade of conscripts like the bankers or the Hanover Monarchs of
London. The monarchy system of nations had failed in Africa where the system
of independent sovereign-ties did not prevent this from happening.Gradis a
secret enemy of the King controlled the sugar of Haiti.

The French Army officers or noblemen were beginning to conspire and the King
decided to end the French Monarchy.He supported the establishment of the
American Republic in 1776 and waited for the degeneracy of the events which
followed.Most of the Freemason-s and the international bankers fought
fanatically for the Hanovers of London against Washington although today
they claim the opposite.For the King Louis 16 it was a way of increasing the
scope of the struggle between international bankers and treasuries to a
world reach.It was sacrificing France to bet on the control of the whole
world.It involve the hope for a new Religion since the Jesuits were
conspiring too.
The French Revolution followed the same pattern of all banker's Revolutions
.They channeled large quantities of money to corrupt Army officers.Then they
organized a military coup with a number of pseudo events in the capital to
give the suggestion they had popular support.Money was channeled to the
conspiring Army officers through three of the 14 Dukes of the Kingdom:
Berthier Gramont and Orleans a close cousin of the King.The Orleans
organized the Brissot Party which took power after the King was
deposed.Orleans and the King Louis 16 lost their lives in the process .This
they did not plan. Having been soldiers they were not cowards and they
risked their lives in their endeavor .Gramont and Berthier served as
Marshall-s of Napoleon and organized the logistics of his campaigns. They
were payed for their services with marriages to the family of the banker
Rothschild. The Pope was killed in jail to substitute him with a more
Republican Pope. When his dead body arrived in Valencia nobody would dare to
bury him fear of what the Jesuit-s who had joined the Revolution would
say.The Revolution killed 400,000 Frenchmen 17,000 of them in the
guillotine.These include the women children and men Perrier and Carrier
drawn-ed during the monarchist uprisings of Vendee and Chouan.

Louis 17

Louis 17 did not die in prison at the Temple. His father Louis 16 was
executed on January 21 the day Presidents are inaugurated in
Washington.Charges against Louis 16 were that he tried to escape.He was
already in jail at St Cloud how could he had escape in a carriage which only
did 5 kilometers an hour ?.Obviously he was taken to Varennes to fabricate
the case. Ma'Antoinette was executed on charges she taught her son Louis 17
indecent acts. How could she do this when Louis 17 was only 4 years of age
in 1789 ?. But it reflects upon the conscience of her accusers. If Louis 17
had died in prison they would have brought his 16 year old sister in jail on
the floor above to recognize the body and sign the death certificate which
still exists. None of the people who signed the certificate knew Louis 17
before they saw him in jail. These Revolutions are carried out by very
stupid people. He was substituted by a 12 year old child whose name is known
whom they had cut his tongue and they assassinated in jail.

 Louis 17 was taken out in a laundry bag on January 4 1794 to Haiti. When
Haiti's Revolution broke out he went to Cuba and then to Louisiana with some
people from Canaries islands. When Revolution broke out in Louisiana he
moved to Florida where he died in 1812.

-----Original Message-----
Date: Saturday, September 25, 1999 10:31 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: [CTRL] Cuba: Show Me The Money!

>Hmm . . . what exactly, I dunna know, but hmm . . .

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