-Caveat Lector-

Cyber-crime justifies world government
By Thomas C Greene in Washington
Posted: 31/05/2001 at 03:06 GMT

The Council of Europe, enthused by considerable American guidance and
support, has issued a proposed final draft for an international cybercrime
treaty to harmonize statutes related to electronic criminal activity,
cross-border police cooperation, and judicial policy throughout Europe and
North America, more or less along lines preferred by the United States.

Organized gangsters, terrorists and sexually-exploited children loom large
in the document, as they always do when the natural rights of innocent
adults are to be sacrificed to law-enforcement expedience.

We're accustomed to that much; what's special about this item is the
banana-republic-style contempt it exhibits towards accepted standards of
political accountability, legislative procedure and state sovereignty.

A number of crimes have got to be made both uniform and reciprocal among all
signatory countries for the scheme to work properly; thus national
legislatures will have to be made compliant.

Or, as the document puts it, signatories shall cooperate "on the basis of
uniform or reciprocal legislation and domestic laws to the widest extent

Legislative Blackmail
Call us naive, but we always imagined that legislative bodies were meant,
ideally, anyway, to be independent of national bureaucracies and responsive
to the will of the people.

The COE dispels this quaint myth. "Each Party shall adopt such legislative
and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences
under its domestic law...." a shopping list of naughty on-line behavior, the
document announces coolly.

Just like that, national and state legislatures will be expected to bring
their laws in line with approved 'international' standards; but by what
mechanism, the document's authors don't quite say.

Perhaps a combination of back-channel horse trading, political blackmail and
PR sound-bite brutality, if not an outright administrative decree, is

The list of items the COE insists must be made illegal includes unauthorized
access to a computer system; the interception of private communications (by
players other than by Big Brother, naturally); damaging, deleting or
altering computer data; producing, distributing or possessing child
pornography; and data forgery.

Signatories will be graciously permitted to require that actual harm be
demonstrated in order for sketchy computer activity to be made criminal, or
not as they see fit.

As for kiddie porn, signatories have the option of not criminalizing mere
possession, and of adjusting the definition of a minor to somewhere between
eighteen and sixteen years of age, but no lower.

Of course, the legal age of consent in some jurisdictions is as low as
fourteen. We've often wondered how it is that an individual can be old
enough to consent to engage in sexual activity but not old enough to consent
to be photographed whilst going about it. It's another of life's mysteries,

Snooping Sanctified
Now for the scary part. The COE decrees that all signatories rig their
legislative agenda to empower law-enforcement bodies to monitor, intercept,
search and seize computer data and packet traffic pretty much according to
their convenience.

When the Feds suspect that a crime may have been committed, or may be
imminent, they should be allowed to order the storage and preservation of
any data or packet traffic until they make up their minds whether or not
they have enough evidence to proceed with a criminal case.

Parties to the new scheme "shall adopt such legislative and other measures
as may be necessary to oblige [anyone in control of computer data] to
preserve and maintain the integrity of that computer data for a period of
time as long as necessary, up to a maximum of 90 days, to enable the
competent authorities to seek its disclosure."

And of course the data custodians -- an ISP, say, or a network
administrator -- must keep their mouths shut under penalty of criminal

"Each Party shall adopt such legislative or other measures as may be
necessary to oblige the custodian or other person who is to preserve the
computer data to keep confidential the undertaking of such procedures,"
we're told.

It appears that the treaty would also do an end-run around the normal
practice of obtaining a warrant before snooping.

"Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be
necessary to empower its competent authorities to order: a person in its
territory to submit specified computer data in that person's possession or
control, which is stored in a computer system or a computer-data storage
medium; and a service provider offering its services in the territory of the
Party to submit subscriber information relating to such services in that
service provider's possession or control."

'Subscriber information' can involve "the subscriber's identity, postal or
geographic address, telephone and other access number, billing and payment
information, available on the basis of the service agreement or
arrangement," the document says.

A further assault on civil rights comes from granting an automatic extension
of search authorizations which encompass systems in some way connected to
the target system, even when the secondary system is in another

And taking a page out of the dreaded UK Regulation of Investigatory Powers
(RIP) Act, the COE reckons it would be swell if law enforcement could compel
people to cough up their encryption keys on demand when they want to do some
in-depth investigating.

"Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be
necessary to empower its competent authorities to order any person who has
knowledge about the functioning of the computer system or measures applied
to protect the computer data therein to provide, as is reasonable, the
necessary information," the document says.

The treaty even offers guidance to parties where a request for data or
access to data is made across jurisdictions but no mutual agreement is in
force. The treaty itself, the COE says, can be used in lieu of other

"When there is no mutual assistance treaty or arrangement on the basis of
uniform or reciprocal legislation in force between the requesting and the
requested Parties, the provisions of this article shall apply."

States' Rights
The COE and its American advisors quite cavalierly make a mockery of state

Using the US federal system as an example, the treaty authors observe that
"in the United States....federal criminal legislation generally regulates
conduct based on its effects on interstate or foreign commerce, while
matters of minimal or purely local concern are traditionally regulated by
the constituent states."

Fortunately, these piddling state concerns needn't cause the slightest
inconvenience to federal overlords.

"This approach to federalism....recognizes that the constituent states would
continue to regulate conduct that has only minor impact or is purely local
in character," the authors say contemptuously.

For the really important stuff, which means everything the Feds happen to
care about, there's a convenient mechanism to exert jurisdiction according
to the treaty, "since the use of the Internet provides the effect on
interstate or foreign commerce necessary to invoke federal law."

So nuts to your local, provincial or state government. Merely accessing the
Internet suddenly opens you up to 'conduct regulation', as the treaty so
quaintly puts it, by a distant, multinational body of high-minded overseers
far beyond the reach of any known political mechanism of accountability.

The document overall reads like some perverse decree drafted by that mighty
triumvirate of paranoid fantasy, the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission in some world-domination

We've always prided ourselves on our resistance to irrational fears; but
after reading the COE's latest offering, we have to wonder if there might be
something to those world-government rumors after all. ®

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