Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Health Care Update:  Bush, Cheney and Health Care
Ed:  The elections are approaching.  Let our vote make a difference for
those retired and our troops on active duty.  Once again, Pete draws blood.
By Pete Peterson, Health Care and Veterans Affairs Editor
Web Site: http://members.tripod.com/MHCRG

George W. Bush picked Dick Cheney as his running mate last week.  I hope
this is good news regarding our lost health care, our wounded military and
our confused country.

Choosing a VP candidate who's pre-TRICARE and pre-concrete bullet may be
good news for all of us.  Let's hope so.  As the last SECDEF with an
abundance of tactically and technically proficient senior officers on hand,
Cheney could help Bush select a SECDEF who could regain some of our lost
war-fighting skills.  A solid SECDEF appointment could return a measure of
personal dignity and honor to our troops.  That is, if George W. Bush
listens to him.  Although there was a lot of touchy-feely going on even
then, we hadn't yet gone COO-coo over the issue.  The military had not yet
been emasculated.

Like many of you, I just want to believe in something.  Dick Cheney, from
the early 90s, is certainly an improvement over what we've got now.  After
all, that was the last time our troops were allowed to do their jobs - with
live ammo and without sociograms.  They were even allowed to win their war,
something my generation can't brag about.  As a VN vet, the Gulf War troops
returned some of my lost pride, until the current administration tarnished
it again.

Cheney surely knows that TRICARE - "The HMO that goes to war" doesn't fit
combat or military needs and that soldiers worried about their family's
health and welfare have lousy attention spans.  Their lack of attention to
detail could get them and others killed, in training and in combat.  The
troops didn't have TRICARE debt when Cheney was SECDEF.

Back then, many retirees and their dependents were more than willing to see
active duty physicians at MTFs many miles away so the Docs' could keep their
skills sharp.  In the process, retirees stayed healthy.  They made a day
trip out of it.  It was also a visit "home" for many, a way of staying
connected with the larger military community they are a part of.

It was, of course, also a period of transition due to BRAC that resulted in
many retirees and dependents being shut out, but it wasn't as bad, or
ridiculous, as it is now.

We hope that if Bush/Cheney are the people's choice, the dug-in Republican
leadership in congress will not think they've bought additional cover and
concealment with the new administration.  The needs of the troops (past,
present, future) have to be addressed with sterner stuff than what has
passed the congress these past 7 1/2 years.  Unfortunately, Cheney's party
hasn't made a difference in our lives lately, and they seem reluctant to do

A return to dignity and honor, and HEALTH will go a long way to returning
feelings many of us have almost lost - that we were once somebody and were a
vital part of keeping our country free.  We were an integral part of our
nation's history.  We should never end up third or fourth on the government
health care priority list, nor should we be viewed as guinea pigs for what
could be part of MEDICARE later, as some Democrats have proffered.  Our
military must be second to none.

There's more to the heart and soul of this country than the latest DOW
report, employment figures or CBO estimates.  The US Military has always
been the bearer and repository of this spirit, even in sadder times.  We
hope (and pray if you like) for a return to more than just a glimmer of what
we once were, but a full return to the pride we once felt before we became
"too expensive" for the government to care about.

I would suggest to the Bush/Cheney campaign that from now until November,
they pay attention to the mail they get from retirees and vets, and not
ignore it as they have been doing.  It could make a difference in their
success or failure to get in office.

Congress/ DoD:  Fix TRICARE now!
GI HUMOR - Rules of Engagement in Today's Military
Ed.:  Some of this might not sound funny to many of you.I think they teach
the scenario at Ft. Leavenworth.  From multiple sources.
Scenario: A Staff Sergeant is walking down the road to a port a potty and is
confronted with a 10 year old boy in enemy territory pointing a gun at him.

-  The soldier will stand fast, request permission to fire from his company
commander and remain in a non-aggressive posture,

-  The company commander will call the battalion commander by secure line
and request permission to fire. The Battalion Commander will forward the
request (in writing) to Brigade G-3 who will call division and speak to a
SSG in the G3 shop.

-  Once the G3 has returned from town, he will immediately start working on
a slide presentation in power point to present to the CG on COA 1-4.  The
slides will first be briefed to the Chief of Staff and will be sent back for
multiple revisions.  After 11 different versions have been completed, the
Chief of Staff will finally approve the slides.

-  The CG will be presented the slide presentation and will call Corps to
ask the corps commander for permission to fire. The corps commander will
immediately place a call to JAG.

-  The corps commander is briefed by JAG, accepts his staff's proposal that
the soldier should fire back, but has to call the Army commander to get
permission. The Army commander asks the corps commander to fax him all the
information he has on the incident and he will get back to him.

-  The Army commander finally receives the slides and says he will have to
call the Army group commander for permission to fire.  The Army Group
commander listens to the Army commander then tells him that he will have to
call the Pentagon to get permission to fire.

-  The Army Group Commander calls the Pentagon and speaks with the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs.  The Chairman wants to know why some know-nothing
Captain from a division in theater is faxing a 200 page slide presentation
to him and the president.  The Army Group commander tells the Chairman he
will find out.

-  The Army Group commander calls the Army commander and asks why Captain
Know-Nothing is faxing slides to the Pentagon and the White House.  The Army
commander calls the corps commander and asks the same question.  The Corps
commander gets personally involved and calls directly to the division's G3
shop and asks to speak to CPT Know-Nothing.  CPT Know-Nothing is a bad OER
and is reassigned to sewage control in a prisoner of war camp.  The Army
group commander informs the Chairman that the problem is resolved.

-  The Chairman tells the Army Group commander that he will get back to him
after he holds a meeting with all of the service chiefs.  During the
meeting, the Air Force and Navy Chiefs decide they want a part in this
decision now code-named "Operation Return Fire."

-  After consulting with PAO, the Chairman agrees to allow the Air Force to
send two tactical fighter wings and a B-2 from Diego Garcia.  The Chairman
allows the Navy to send in 2 carrier battle groups and a Marine division.
On top of all of this, the Chairman tells the service chiefs that the Army
will send in two more brigades of mechanized infantry and an armored cavalry
regiment.  Furthermore he will ask the Secretary of defense if 500,000
Reservists and National Guardsmen can be called up.

-  The Chairman takes all of these proposals to the Secretary of Defense who
agrees and tells the Chairman to prepare a briefing for the President.  A
colonel stays up for a week straight preparing briefing slides (on power
point) for the President's briefing.  The day of the briefing, the computer
network goes down in the White House and the Colonel who worked his butt off
to set up this briefing loses the command he was going to take over this
summer and is forced to retire because "he should have known."

-  Following an oral briefing, the president approves Operation Return Fire,
but first he wants to get "eyes on the target." Seal Team 6 is dispatched to
the area.  Upon reaching the location where the soldier reported the
contact, they find the decomposed body of a dead American PFC, still
clutching a hand mike to his ear, looking as if he is waiting for a response
to whatever question he asked.

-  An autopsy reveals a blood alcohol level of 0.002 and the soldiers SGLI
payment to his family is cancelled.
Ed.:  WWII, August 1944/France.  One man with one machine gun makes a

If you know of any MOH recipient who is hospitalized or has passed recently,
please write James H.  Also, if you would like more info on MOH recipients
and their stories, please email James H at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Army, Company G, 350th Infantry, 3d
Infantry Division. Place and date: Near St. Jacques, France, 30 October
1944. Entered service at: Strunk, Ky. Birth: Strunk, Ky. G.O. No.: 30, 14
April 1945.

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above
and beyond the call of duty near St. Jacques, France. At 11:30 a.m. on 30
October 1944, after his company had lost 55 out of 88 men in an attack on an
entrenched. full-strength German company of elite mountain troops, Pvt. Ross
placed his light machinegun 10 yards in advance of the foremost supporting
riflemen in order to absorb the initial impact
of an enemy counterattack.

With machinegun and small-arms fire striking the earth near him, he fired
with deadly effect on the assaulting force and repelled it.  Despite the
hail of automatic fire and the explosion of rifle grenades within a stone's
throw of his position, he continued to man his machinegun alone, holding off
6 more German attacks. When the eighth assault was launched, most of his
supporting riflemen were out of ammunition. They took positions in echelon
behind Pvt. Ross and crawled up, during the attack, to extract a few rounds
of ammunition from his machinegun ammunition belt.

Pvt. Ross fought on virtually without assistance and, despite the fact that
enemy grenadiers crawled to within 4 yards of his position in an effort to
kill him with hand grenades, he again directed accurate and deadly fire on
the hostile force and hurled it back. After expending his last rounds, Pvt.
Ross was advised to withdraw to the company command post, together with 8
surviving riflemen, but, as more ammunition was expected, he declined to do
so. The Germans launched their last all-out attack, converging their fire on
Pvt. Ross in a desperate attempt to destroy the machine gun which stood
between them and a decisive breakthrough. As his supporting riflemen fixed
bayonets for a last-ditch stand, fresh ammunition arrived and was brought to
Pvt. Ross just as the advance assault elements were about to swarm over his

He opened murderous fire on the oncoming enemy; killed 40 and wounded 10 of
the attacking force; broke the assault single-handedly, and forced the
Germans to withdraw. Having killed or wounded at least 58 Germans in more
than 5 hours of continuous combat and saved the remnants of his company from
destruction, Pvt. Ross remained at his post that night and the following day
for a total of 36 hours. His actions throughout this engagement were an
inspiration to his comrades and maintained the high traditions of the
military service.
For Article Submissions:  as a rule of thumb, please try to keep article for
possible publication to 750 words or less.  Please make every editing effort
not to exceed these guidelines and SUBMIT IN WORD FORMAT, if possible!

R.W. Zimmermann
We've had numerous requests from troops in different branches of the
military to establish this link so that we will all know how "all you
others" talk that talk. Please see below:
***** BOOK SALES *****
Hack's books About Face*, Hazardous Duty*, The Price of Honor* and The
Vietnam Primer can be found at www.hackworth.com. They make a great addition
to any library. We are offering them at special SFTT price.
Defending America Newsletter: Administrative Volunteers:
R.W. Zimmermann, Chief Editor, President of SFTT, Mine Detector and "Gunner"
David H. Hackworth, Spirit Guide, and undisputed Y2K Expert
Bill Rogers, Senior Assistant Editor and SFTT Vice President
Kate Aspy, Contributing Editor and Oracle
Barry "Woody" Groton, Chief TECH DROID and Medicine Man
Ed "Edgar" Schneider, Copy Editor, Man of Letters and gentleman:
Kyle Elliott, Book List Editor and Most Over-worked
James H., MOH Editor and NCOIC
Defending America


NOTE:  The following list only includes the two primary assistant editors
for each service or special area.  Please refer to our WEBSITE  --
www.sftt.org, for the complete listing.
ALL Letters and Articles for considered publication should be submitted to
one of our brave, resolute and caring volunteers.

U.S. Army:

Tig Dupre, Civil-Military relations, weapons expert and Senior Editor

CPT Scott Key, Armor, Generalist, Assistant to Chief Editor

Robert L. Duecaster, Legal

U.S. Navy:
Mark Crissman, Naval Aviation, Generalist and Senior Editor

Pat Nisley, Navy Generalist and XO

John J. Vanore, Surface Warfare, Reserve and Intelligence issues

U.S. Air Force:
Paul Connors, Senior Editor, AF Historian, Grunt experience, Procurement and
AirCrew issues

Sean Fermat, Fighters, WSO, Weapons, C&C, Generalist

U.S. Marines:

Maj. Gordon Todd, USMCR, Communications & Tech., Small Arms Training, Senior

Capt A. McRae, Marine generalist

US Coast Guard
Tom Grabowski

Department of Defense
Mike St.Clair  Acquisition and Quality Assurance

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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