Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


26 July 2000

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO

SITREP from the President

Hack's Column:
The Price of Overreacting

"From my Position" -- On the way!"
Article 1 - Waste without Vision

Big Picture:
Article 2 - Recruiting: Pentagon Fears Billboards' Impact on Retention
Article 3 -- This Isn't Your Father's Boot Camp Anymore

Voices from the Field:
Article 4 -- US Medal Bazaar - Reality Check by an Aussie Comrade
Article 5 - Specialty Badges for outstanding Accomplishments
Article 6 - Women Issues - We served proudly Too!
Article 7 -- And.more on Perfumed Princes and lowered Standards
Article 8 -- Bucket-Head Marine speaketh - Response to 21st Century Soldier
Article 9 -- Health Care Update:  Bush-Lite, Rudy's Recruiters, Janet goes

G.I Humor:
Article 10 -- GI HUMOR - Security Crackdown at Los Alamos

Medal of Honor:
Article 11 -- GREGG, STEPHEN R., France 1944

1.  Main topics:  1) Defense waste - the leadership connection 2)
Recruiting/retention 3) Women issues 4) Perfumed Princes 5) Quality of

2.  FLASH!!!!

a.  Tell us how COO training and other extraneous requirements impact your
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b.  If you had a chance to meet the next president, what would you tell him
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Commo check complete! -- "LOAD SABOT and DRIVER MOVE OUT!"

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT
Hack's Column
The Price of Overreacting
By David H. Hackworth
Last year a soldier was murdered, and now the homosexual lobby and the
touchy-feely crowd want a head served up on a pike. A head that's presently
attached to one of our country's finest combat leaders, Maj. Gen. Robert T.

Since Barry Winchell, a homosexual private, was beaten to death as he slept
in his barracks, Clark's been under fire.

The headhunters say Clark, then the commanding general of Fort Campbell,
Ky., permitted a climate of homophobia. Some hold that Clark was just as
responsible for Winchell's death as the moron who beat him into purple pulp.

But Clark didn't swing the bat. It was swung by an ignorant, drunken,
teen-age soldier who's now serving a life sentence.

Sure, Clark was in charge of the base -- and therefore was responsible for
all that happened there.

But it's flat nuts to think the general would ignore standing orders from
the president on down or to say he had a clue about what was going on in
Winchell's squad room or 150-man rifle company.

Fort Campbell has more than 50,000 soldiers and civilians, and billions of
dollars of killing machines and other gear. And much like any small city,
there are houses, schools, a fire department, etc. -- all in Clark's domain.

Besides functioning as the base's two-star mayor, Clark ramrodded the 101st
Airborne, a top fighting division with operational missions all over the

Then there was his 18-hour, seven-day-a-week regular work schedule that had
him supervising the training, discipline and readiness of 23,000 warriors --
making sure they could be on their way to a hot spot within hours after the
whistle was blown.

Holding Clark responsible for what happened to Winchell is like a police
chief being nailed for the actions of a couple of sick teen-agers who
suddenly go shoot up a high school full of kids.

Last week, investigators gave Clark and his commanders a clean bill of
health. The report rightly concluded that a climate of homophobia didn't
exist at Fort Campbell.

There's no Army cover-up here. This was the only such killing on an Army
base in years -- with almost a million soldiers in our total Army force.

The report did find Winchell was harassed at the grunt level, and that a
senior sergeant didn't send this info up to the top. Under the "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell" regs, anti-homosexual hazing is forbidden. The top kick --
appropriately -- was fired for not doing his duty.

Why Winchell didn't go to the inspector general remains a mystery. The IG
would have had a report on Clark's desk within 24 hours. His reputation
alone as a caring and squared-away leader would have guaranteed an end to
Winchell's hazing minutes after the CG got the word. And bet your boots the
perps would have been properly smoked by this no-nonsense leader.

Perhaps Catch-22 prevented Winchell from sounding off. Under the present
Don't Ask, Don't Tell guidelines, there's a good chance he'd have been on
his way out the front gate for outing himself if he'd told the IG he was

Having served with the 101st "Screaming Eagles" for four years, I know Fort
Campbell and neighboring Clarksville, Tenn., well. I graduated from college
there, and I'm in frequent contact with scores of local folks -- both
civilian and active and retired military. Even the mayor's an old pal. All
say that under Clark, there was never a climate of homophobia on the post,
and that he's a top soldier.

Insiders say that had this murder not happened, Clark would have been a
shoo-in to take command of the Airborne Corps, and he'd already be wearing
his well-earned third star. Sadly for our country, he's now marking time as
a staff weenie in the Pentagon.

If his career becomes toast over this isolated incident, it will be an
injustice to a great soldier and provide another example of why serving
sergeants and young officers quit the service.

They'll ask: Why give up so much to get there, just to be sacrificed to
groups that have an agenda and don't understand the military?

Who will guard America and lead our kids in the next shootout if we lose top
war leaders like Clark and all the sergeants and captains who are now
***The End
Http://www.hackworth.com is the address of David Hackworth's home page. Sign
in for the free weekly Defending America column at his Web site. Send mail
to P.O. Box 5210, Greenwich, CT 06831.
© 2000 David H. Hackworth
Distributed by King Features Syndicate Inc.
ARTICLE 1 - "From my Position" -- On the way!"
Waste without Vision
By R.W. (Zimm) Zimmermann
President SFTT

Can we regain some control over political and military leaders who could
remind you of the mad and inbred noblemen that ruled France under Louis XIV?
For personal gain and perks they are spending us into oblivion and invent
policies and personal legacies that will damage national security and our
financial welfare.

For reasons of irresponsibility, the Army just lost $ 900 million worth of
equipment, including major components such as guided missile systems,
helicopter parts, night vision devices and remote controls.  The losses were
discovered at a time when the Army plans on wasting more money by issuing
every new recruit a laptop computer for on-line college courses and is
trying to reinvent itself as a light strike force at the cost of billions.
It isn't much different with the other services.

To make it all well, the House approved a record $ 289.6 billion defense
budget, billions more than quick draw Bill Clinton requested.  It includes $
400 million in F15 fighters built in Missouri, home state of Richard
Gephardt and $ 460 extra millions for the LHD amphibious assault ship,
produced in Mississippi, home of Majority Leader Trent Lott.

The bill excessively provides for Bosnia, Kosovo and the undeclared wars
against Saddam Hussein and our "Drug War" that supposedly 'isn't a war
because if it were, we would demand total victory' (says Barry McCaffrey).
Millions spent for missions that have no end in sight and are "administered"
by folks without vision for a realistic end state.

At the same time that we are blowing billions on defense, everything about
our military and our country's values is headed south.  The casualties
include education, veterans' benefits, medical care, the arts and
non-welfare social programs for the poor and the elderly.

What's wrong here?  It is that our leaders have little or no long-range
vision and believe that money wasted on pork produces a nice trickle-down
effect that can fix everything and feed the poor.

If you just take a closer look at most major military installations, you
would cry at the waste of money without impact on readiness.  Here is where
billions could be saved in the long-term.

Fuel for useless field training that is excessively long and doesn't
accomplish anything.

Exercises that are ill-timed and catch units during critical personnel
turnover cycles and don't train anyone to proficiency.

Superfluous pre-command course classes that feature free AAFES sandwiches.

Changes of Command and "NCO changes of responsibility" that cost thousands
for the benefit and ego of a handful of Princes.

High-dollar repair parts thrown into waste dumpsters.

Costly coins and medals for mediocre accomplishments.

Family outreach and fitness centers which are rarely used.

Sensing sessions, command climate surveys and family support group drills
conducted by contractors that do nothing but check the block on someone's
requirement sheet.

Procurement of equipment that won't do the job, such as a truck that can't
carry a tank power pack or radio equipment that is so sophisticated that
average Joe operator will quickly break it, thus forcing a new costly

Planting grass where the previous post commander had rocks so that the next
Prince can seed rocks.

Buying signs that display the warm and fuzzy Consideration Of Others (COO)
word of the month.

Building modifications for Perfumed Princes' castles that include $ 300 k

But the waste continues because most programs are the brainchildren of
leaders without vision.  Good ole boys who weasel through the promotion
gates by winning popularity contests with lots of superficial programs,
signs, paint and blind compliance.  Their useless spending covers for their
lack of a clue of what to do with all that power all of a sudden lavished on

Unfortunately, whenever you think you've seen rock bottom in the greed game,
the big boys dig deeper.  While the House approved another Roman military
spending plan, members took care of themselves too.  They approved a $
3,800.00 cost of living pay raise which amounts to 2.7% of their current
$141,300.00 annual salaries - quite a bit of money for part time work by
folks that you rarely see in their seats when watching C-SPAN.

Is there a way to stop the waste and madness?

Vote the crooks out and tell them to take their general officer protégés
with them.  Demand term limits, and insist that your hard earned defense
dollars are spent on real readiness.  Exercise your right to choose in
November and beware of the many false prophets.

© R.W. Zimmermann, LandserUSA
Recruiting: Pentagon Fears Billboards' Impact on Retention Crisis
Ed.:  I think Mr. Cohen's concerns are justified.  If veterans are beginning
to recommend that young Americans not join the services under the current
TRICARE and NOCARE conditions, our political leaders might get the message.
While care for veterans is too expensive, no one seems to see a problem with
another Congressional pay raise and money spent on more Star Wars gimmicks.
Let Congress know how you feel!  Write, call or fax them.  Sooner or later
they will talk to us.
By David Eberhart, Stars and Stripes Veterans Affairs Editor

SAN ANTONIO-Defense Secretary William S. Cohen wants to know why the
National Veterans Organization (NVO) has put up highway billboards in Texas
blasting this message: "Thinking about a military career? Think again! The
government does not honor its promises to veterans!"

"It seems that our billboard graphic is turning up as a screensaver on
Department of Defense computers all over the world," said NVO director Doug
McArthur after a phone call late last week from Col. Curtis Taylor in
Cohen's office.

Cohen reportedly was concerned that the billboard message could aggravate
the military's recruiting and retention problems. Calls to Defense
Department and other officials had not been returned as this story went to

McArthur said he "spent over an hour on the phone" with Taylor "addressing
all of the major issues that the NVO has in its agenda. I covered health
care, claims processing, USFSPA*, concurrent receipt and several other

Taylor "was totally ignorant of the issues that veterans are complaining
about," McArthur said. "He mentioned that our signs have hurt the DoD's
recruiting efforts and he wanted to know how to encourage veterans to
support recruiting efforts instead of discouraging them."

McArthur said Taylor "assured me that he was going to talk to [Deputy
Secretary of Veterans Affairs] Hershel Gober as well as the White House that
same day."

McArthur added that he told Taylor that recruiting problems would get worse,
"if I have anything to do with it, unless I see some real positive efforts
by the government to change the way veterans are treated."

"I was polite with him, but very determined to convince him that he 'ain't
seen nothing yet' as far as billboards go if we don't see some positive
results soon. He sounded very concerned."

McArthur said "high-ranking local Army officers and the Secretary of
Defense's office contacted us" after the NVO started posting signs in the
Albuquerque, N.M., area starting in January 1999.

The Virginia Pilot reported recently that military retirees in Virginia
Beach, Va., have raised $5,500 and rented a billboard reading, "Military
Retirees Fought for Freedom, Now Congress Denies Earned Healthcare. Show
Your Support. Call Your Congressman." The Virginia Beach veterans,
organizing mainly over the Internet, hope to place a billboard ad with
similar verbiage in every state by fall.

"It wasn't ambiguous," said Paul Hamaker, vice president of the Coalition of
Retired Military Veterans. "We were clearly promised health care if we
served 20 years or more."

When retirees turn 65, they are dropped from the military health care system
and must rely on Medicare. While they can seek care at military hospitals,
retired veterans are not priority and often get shut out.

The defense authorization bill approved July 13 by the Senate includes an
amendment by Sen. John Warner, R-Va., that would allow TRICARE to supplement
Medicare coverage. The Senate now must reconcile its version of the bill,
including a $42 billion retiree health care plan, with the House version,
which does not include a similar amendment.

At a recent roundtable discussion at the Pentagon with Deputy Defense
Secretary Rudy de Leon and others, recruiting officials discussed what the
DoD calls its five most pressing recruiting issues: access to high schools,
spouses' quality-of-life programs, youth attitudes toward the military,
recruiting on college campuses and local versus national media advertising.

* The USFSPA (United States Former Spouse Protection Act) contains
provisions for divorcees to garnish the retiree wages of military veterans.
More information is available at www.militarydivorceonline.com.)
This Isn't Your Father's Boot Camp Anymore
Ed.:  Are recruit training standards getting lowered?  You bet you bottom
Dollar.  Unit commanders, screaming for warm bodies to fill their marginally
ready units, force the recruiting pipeline to accept any willing and barely
able applicant.  Unfortunately what our news people are lamenting about
today, has been going on for years.  High unit turnover rates (often
30%/quarter), combined with low reenlistments and lower quality entry level
soldiers, make many a commander believe we are trying to put together the
"Volkssturm" for the final effort.  Excerpts from a 19 July USA article.
By Dave Moniz, USA Today

  FORT JACKSON, S.C. - Surrounded by old black-and-white photographs of
stern warriors whipping recruits into shape, Col. Mick Bednarek recalls the
way boot camp was not so long ago.

"It used to be, the drill sergeant would say, 'If you're good enough to come
into my Army, then you have to get past me.' "

Many never got past the Army's fearsome gatekeepers. They washed out and
returned to civilian life after a brief and sometimes painful introduction
to boot camp. But today, says Bednarek, a training brigade commander and
24-year Army veteran, virtually anyone who makes the effort can get through
8-12 weeks of basic training.

In fact, the Army has designed a raft of programs to help woebegone trainees
graduate, from remedial military drills to special courses for those with
marginal English language skills. There are courses for recruits who arrive
too flabby and need a gentler training pace, and courses to calm the fears
of trainees who try to quit the Army in the first week.

Because of that newfound ethos, the Army's largest basic training site has
experienced an unprecedented drop in recruit failure. As recently as
December 1998, 23% of Fort Jackson recruits flunked out of basic training.
By the end of this year, the recruit failure rate here is expected to be 10%
or lower.

The sudden drop is part of a military-wide trend playing out at rifle ranges
and recruit barracks across the country. Commanders at Marine, Navy and Air
Force basic training sites say they, too, are graduating recruits who in
years past would have been discharged without a second thought.

Some critics, however, question whether the four services, which put about
200,000 recruits through boot camp each year, are sacrificing quality as
they struggle to attract and keep young men and women in a wickedly
competitive job market.

.. "It's a great paradigm shift. Now, it's gonna be tough, but we'll assist
you in meeting the standards as long as you don't give up on yourself,"
Bednarek explains.

The new philosophy has become an official part of Army training doctrine.
Known as "insist and assist," the idea is to demand that all recruits meet
graduation standards while assisting stragglers in ways never before

And it's not just the Army. The other military branches have also taken a
new approach within the past two years.

"A drill instructor should not give up on a recruit - we don't leave our
dead on the battlefield," says Brig. Gen. Stephen Cheney, commander of the
Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island, S.C. "I would phrase it this
way: Drill instructors are there for inspiration. The proclivity to drop a
recruit is not there anymore."

One of two Marine boot camps (the other is in San Diego), the legendarily
tough Parris Island has cut its failure rate for male recruits in half, from
20% to about 10% in the past two years.

Female attrition there has also plunged, from 29% in 1993 to 18.8% last year

The Army's failure rate for all basic combat training fell to 8.7% as of
May, down from 13% in 1998.

The same trend holds for the Navy and Air Force, although the decline in
recruit failures isn't as sharp. While the Navy dismissed 17.1% of all
recruits last year; this year it is failing 15.2%.

The Air Force's overall failure rate of 8.3% this year is down slightly from
8.9% in 1999.

The services defend their new methods and deny they are lowering the bar for
marginal troops. In fact, all four branches say they have recently made
basic training more rigorous, adding exercises such as the Marine Corps
"Crucible," a 54-hour endurance test that involves sleep deprivation and
long marches.

."We realize we are in the development business. People develop at different
rates," says Lt. Col. Bill Gallagher, a basic training battalion commander
at Fort Jackson.

In decades past, poorly performing recruits were almost always gone after
the first several weeks of the two to three month basic training process.
Today, the Army will rehabilitate injured soldiers sometimes for months at a
time - and focus intensely on giving poor performers a second and even a
third chance to shoot rifles or do pushups.

Sgt. 1st Class Robert Wright, who trains Army recruits at Fort Jackson, says
recruits who screw up deserve a second chance. "My problem is giving
soldiers third and fourth chances. What kind of soldiers do they make?"
Wright asks.

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Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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