-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from;
A CIA Saga of Betrayal
by Rodney Stich & T. Conan Russell (C) 1995
ISBN: 0-9648005-0-0

Hallmark Publishers
POB 10587
Reno, NV 89510

Order from:
Diablo Western Press
PO Box 10587
Reno, NV 89510
PO Box 5
Alamo, CA 94507

 [This is an excellant book. If you would like some understanding of what is
possible and how the "spooks" work, check it out. There is much more
information and 70 plus pages of exhbits. Posted for research purposes only,
no commercial use is extended.]


This highly detailed and documented book describes the life of a CIA agent,
and a highly secret CIA proprietary. Disavow describes how this agent, Ron
Rewald, was sacrificed when the CIA cover was blown by a Honolulu television
reporter. It describes the impact of this type of work on the agent and his
family; the various covert activities engaged in by the CIA; the logistics
and secret funding source of a typical CIA proprietary corporation. Thousands
of secret and confidential documents were available to the authors in the
preparation of this book. Disavow is a true story that sheds light on the
dark and festering disease growing out of CIA headquarters at Langley,
Virginia. The facts have serious national implications.

  The main character in the book is Ronald Rewald. The main CIA proprietary
was the Honolulu-based Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham and Wong
corporation (BBRD&W). This secret CIA operation had offices in 17 countries,
and was staffed by many deep-cover CIA personnel.

  Rewald grew up in the Midwest and was recruited by the CIA while in
college. The CIA made him the head of this corporation, and as its chief
officer he had many successful covert operations. He lived the life that CIA
spies only dream about. But when the CIA cover was blown, the Agency made him
the scapegoat, denying any relationship with him or its secret operation.

  The CIA funded the corporation and its subsidiaries, and Rewald's
compensation, through various CIA fronts and proprietaries, including law and
public relation firms. The company engaged in various forms of intelligence
activities, some of which could have embroiled the United States in serious
military and political crises.

  The Rewald story was front-page news for three years in Hawaii during the
mid-1980s. It was considered by some to be the biggest media event in
Hawaii's history, second only to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

    The saga described in these pages commenced with described in these pages
commenced with the 1983 exposure of this deep-cover CIA operation. A Honolulu
investigative television reporter focused on BBRD&W in 1983 after receiving a
tip from Chinese intelligence. This attention threatened to expose far-flung
CIA activities. The CIA reacted by putting into motion a standard procedure;
disclaim any relationship to the company or to the agent it put in charge.
The Agency exercised its influence over the U.S. Department of Justice to
charge Rewald with criminal offenses, and then, with the help of federal
judges, stripped him of defenses guaranteed by the laws and Constitution of
the United States.

   After the CIA's cover was blown, the spy agency said they never heard of
Ron Rewald, and that they had no part in BBDR&W's operations, despite
thousands of their own documents otherwise.

   The CIA conspired with the Justice Department, which falsely charged
Rewald with federal crimes. With the help of federal judges Rewald was denied
the most elementary defenses under our form of government. The federal judges
denied him the right to use an attorney of his choice, and instead, assigned
an inexperienced lawyer who had just graduated from law school, who had never
before tried a case, and who had not even been admitted to the bar. The CIA
obtained a court order sealing company records and barring anyone, including
Rewald and his attorneys, from discussing CIA activities.

  During the trial, the judge refused to allow Rewald to introduce government
documents that showed Rewald was a CIA agent; that showed that BBRD&W was a
CIA proprietary; and that showed the source of CIA money that funded the
covert operations.

  Assisting in this sham prosecution by the CIA and Justice Department,
covering up the fact that Rewald was not a CIA agent and that BBRD&W was a
CIA proprietary, federal judges unlawfully barred the introduction of
thousands of CIA documents, In this way, the judge aided and abetted the
fraud and perjury by Justice Department employees.

   Knowing that Rewald was innocent, and the victim of a sham Justice
Department prosecution, the federal judge sentenced him to 80 years in prison.

  Among the many world-wide stories exposing the hoax were many print and
broadcast media reports: CBS reporter Barry Peterson said, "Rewald was a
covert agent for years," An article in The Sunday Times of London by James
Barnes stated. "The CIA ordered an agent to kill Rewald," CBS anchor, Dan
Rather, described the Rewald CIA story "intriguing and important."

  San Francisco Chronicle wrote: "The CIA had only slight involvement with
the Honolulu investment firm, highly-placed reporters said, That was a lie!
Pointing to the firm's extensive intelligence ties, three CIA station chiefs
listed as connected to the company, among dozens of other CIA agents

  This story is an indictment of powerful agencies of the United States
government. This scandal happened despite the many government and
non-government checks and balances, and despite its alleged dedication to
human rights. It happened because people chose to remain ignorant about
government affairs.

  Here, then, is the true story of a CIA agent and his betrayal by people in
positions of trust.


             Col. Igor Prelin, KGB
pp. v-vii
from chapter fifeteen


  When the BBRD&W cover blew to the four winds, alarm bells went off in the
nation's capital.

        The sun was just coming up over the Potomac River as John Mason,
overweight and out of shape, hurried down a long corridor, puffing and out of
breath. Sweat glistened in his balding gray hair. He stopped in front of a
door marked William Casey, Director.

   A secretary showed him into a conference room. Through the windows was a
view of the Potomac, now a shimmering ribbon under the rising sun. Dark woods
surrounded the CIA Headquarters at Langley, Virginia. Of course, Langley
really does not exist. There is no Langley, Virginia. It's not listed on any
map. The Agency has its own zip code, 20505, but that's in the Washington,
D.C. post office.

   A huddled group of somber faces greeted Mason, who tried not to display
his nervousness. William Casey sat at the head of the conference table,
slouched in his overstuffed chair. His sagging build, that of a man who had
known little physical labor in his nearly 70 years, along with his
almost-gone white hair, made him look more the part of a doddering, retired
banker, complete with gravy stains on his tie, than the all-powerful mumbling
Director of Central Intelligence. In fact, it was said that rumpled Stanley
Sporkin, general counsel of the CIA, was a Casey favorite because he was "the
only guy who drops more of lunch on his necktie than Casey."

   Sporkin was also among those awaiting Mason at the conference table, along
with John Stein, the Deputy Director for Operations(DDO) a low-key veteran of
nearly 30 years with the CIA and a former deputy station chief in Cambodia
and Libya; and George Pau, the Central Cover Staff Chief.

  Mason nodded politely as each of the others were introduced by Casey.

  "Okay, John, give us the news," mumbled Casey. "Just a brief rundown on LP
Chairman's activities on behalf of the Agency to date should suffice."

   Mason squirmed in his chair, then cleared his throat. "This is a brief
overview and not necessarily in order of occurrence, or importance."

   The others prepared to take notes while Mason explained that Ron's work
was centered mostly in the Foreign Resources Division and to a lesser degree
in the Domestic Collection Division. On the table in front of each of the CIA
officials was a copy of a brief history of Ron, which they perused as Mason

   "He was recruited in college during the 60's and did an exceptional job in
the MH Chaos Operation directed at college dissidents," the CIA agent
reported. "He penetrated several dissident organizations," he continued. "He
may have become disillusioned with the CIA, and drifted away from the Agency
until 1978, when he was contracted by DCD Station Hawaii. He traveled to
China, both before and after normalization filing several well received
reports," the CIA officer explained.(40)

  Mason paused, caught his breath and noted the others' dour expressions. He
then continued: "In 1979, through a $27,000 bribe, he acquired the plans and
blueprints for Japan's super-secret High Speed Surface Transport, or HSST,
which was a half-billion dollar research project of the Ministry of Railways
and Japan Air Lines. The Agency had been unsuccessful in other attempts to
acquire this intelligence," Mason said. "Through Bishop Baldwin, an
agency-funded proprietary cover, he sold M-60 tanks, armored personnel
carriers, laser sighting devises, and other sophisticated electronics to
Taiwan. All these items were restricted by law, since normalization with the
mainland," Mason indicated.

  The CIA official skipped and skimmed a few paragraphs and then a told of
how Ron debriefed an Afghan rebel after the Soviet invasion, in exchange for
asylum and immigration assistance.(41)

   The CIA is constantly soliciting information from its agents on the health
of foreign leaders, especially when they visit the United States. CIA agents
arrange to obtain samples of hair, feces and other bodily fluids so they can
be analyzed back at Langley for health problems. Agents on the scene are also
tasked with obtaining negotiating positions of these foreign leaders before
arms, or trade talks begin. Stations plant bugs in hotel rooms, or tap
telephones to find out what is being talked about. The Office of Technical
Services supplies cameras, lock-pickers, installs bugs, and any other
supplies needed by agents in the field to carry out their assignments. Still,
the most important ingredient for any operation's success is the courage and
resourcefulness of its agents. Usually, a break-in is directed by the local
station chief, the directorate of science and technology supplies the bugging
devices and other technical paraphernalia needed to do the job, the tools of
the spy trade. Not every CIA officer is big on bugging. It takes a tremendous
amount of time to plan an operation, and can be extremely risky, and
oftentimes yield very little in results. In CIA parlance, they are called an
"Audio Op." Bugging and wire taps also have their limits.

   You have to be able to make an installation, and worry about the other
side finding out. You need a listening post, someone monitoring it, or at
least changing tapes. The tapes have to be transcribed and translated. Often
the data is marginal and not worth the cost, effort and risks. One agent in a
key location can often tell you more in five minutes than all the taping.
Laser beams can be aimed at buildings and used as well. The only way a laser
communication can be intercepted is if a receiver is placed in the path of
the laser beam.

  "Did we give him political asylum or assistance," Casey asked of the Afghan
  George Pau quickly answered, "Yes, sir, he's now in California I believe."

  "With Rewald's assistance," Mason continued, "we penetrated the Marcos
regime and monitored millions being salted away around the world.(42) The
same was true," he added, "of Suharto in Indonesia. In fact," he added, "the
Agency had planned to install Rewald as Consul General of Indonesia."

   "When?" Stein asked.

   Mason thumbed through his overview to a final page, stating, "It was
supposed to be next month." He then continued, "During the Falkland War
Rewald was sent to Argentina, where he was successful in assessing
Argentina's ability to meet it's financial obligations as a result of the
war. He also uncovered," Mason said, "an American supplier of sophisticated
weaponry to Argentina, through the Far East, Exocet missiles, Sir. While
using his polo playing cover in Chile," he added, "Rewald was detained by the
military junta there, meeting with President Pinochet's top general and came
away with an offer to acquire Santiago's largest bank, in addition to a
significant bribe."

   Casey shook his head but remained silent, a small smirk creasing his lips.

   Mason continued, after drawing a long breath, stating that prior to the
West German elections, Rewald and other agents were briefed at Bishop Baldwin
and returned with detailed intelligence, meeting all Agency requirements to
the letter.(43)

   Mason continued, "As Chairman of Bishop Baldwin, Rewald filed a major
report on capital flight from Hong Kong. This black project," he said, "was
designed to drain capital before the 1997 reunification. It was off to a
great start," he continued. "Rewald has given interview on capital flight to
Asia Week, Far East Economic Review, The Asian Wall Street Journal, USA Today
and reports in Pacific Business News, plus several television and radio news
reports in China and the new territories."

   "Rewald also placed agents in the governments of Sweden and Greece," Mason
continued. "He had dealings with Indira Gandhi through her son, Rajiv, to
sell India military hardware. In this regard," he said, "Rewald set up
offices in the old Russian embassy in New Deli. These dealings were marked by
many bribes and kickbacks," he added. "Rewald helped to set up off-shore
banking in the Cook Islands and established a trust company in Guam, which
was trying to pattern its system after the Netherlands Antilles' tax and
financial policies."

  Mason continued, "Through Rewald's agency-acquired Hawaii Polo Club, he
attracted many prize targets. He set up two Arab corporations with the Crown
Prince of the United Arab Emirates," Continuing,(44) "Rewald and the Sultan
of Brunei had become partners with Filipino billionaire Enrique Zobel," he

 "Zobel had been an unattained Agency target since 1976. Rewald," according
to Mason's report. "also persuaded the Sultan to transfer more than seven
billion dollars from Britain's Crown Agents into U.S. banks. He was also
handling the laundering of funds for a number of Agency components."(46)

  Mason looked up for a response, but everyone remained silent waiting for
him to continue.
  "Rewald worked with former Cambodian President, Lon Nol,' Mason said,
"writing several gray propaganda editorials on Nol's behalf. He requested for
Lon Nol arms to fight the Khmer Rouge, which was turned down by the DDO.
Rewald's cover was also used to fund many operations, including the aborted
Operation Lazerus seeking to find missing POWS.(47) Rewald was forced to halt
this operation because of security breaches by military personnel."(48)

  Mason said, "As you all know, Rewald wanted to retire in September of 1982,
but was persuaded to stay on. Since many of his developed assets were
returning dividends, he could not be replaced easily because of the nature of
the personal relationships of trust he had cultivated on the agency's behalf.
I guess that's all that's really relevant." He then added, "Except that he
had nothing but outstanding assessments from the beginning, according to
three station chiefs and one chief of base."(49)

"Son-of-a-bitch," snarled Casey to no one in particular.

Several moments of silence followed. Everyone was at loss for words.

    "Considering the length of time he was back in the Agency, I would say
that's quite enough,"
Pau finally offered.

Casey was still fuming. "Who do we have on sight?"

"Jack Rardin, John Kindschi, Ned Avary, Bob Allen and Victor Lee," Pau
replied. "Unfortunately, they all have ties with the Chairman." He then
added, "We just sent John Peyton and Robert Laprade."

"Laprade?" Stein interjected, "That senile old goat?"

Stein was met by Casey's cold stare.

  Pau explained that Peyton would be assigned to the U.S. Attorney's office
and would control the FBI, the courts, and the press. Laprade, he said, would
review the Bishop Baldwin files. Both were CIA attorneys. Peyton had a
background in military intelligence and was chief of litigation for the

"Can we control this or do we extract the Chairman?" Casey asked.

Stein said there was far too much media attention for "an extraction."

"Besides," he noted, "Rewald's not talking. His handlers and case officers
feel he is strong. They have a high degree of confidence in him."

   Pau added that he felt they should hold off, since "everything in Bishop
Baldwin was well designed with plausible deniability in mind." Mason said he
was worried about "loose cannons", warning that word could get out and that
he was concerned about Avary and a few of the support staff. Mason had
everyone's attention.

 "I think we should disavow."

No one disagreed. Casey gruffly mumbled his orders: "No connection. We never
heard of Bishop Baldwin or Ron Rewald."

  Casey then stood up in a huff, then stopped and leaned on the table to face
his cohorts and to press a point he wanted to be perfectly clear.

 "I want this contained." He paused for a moment. "At all costs. It's my name
that goes on this denial. I want an update on this every morning with my a.m.
briefing, or sooner, if anything breaks." Casey cast a menacing stare, and
added, "or leaks."

  Casey left the room leaving his three underlings eyeing each other.

  Stein finally said what they were all thinking: "This is dangerous for all
of us."


It was 5:17 p.m., when his secretary buzzed Vice President Bush, announcing
that General Hunter Harris was on the line from Hawaii.

 "Good afternoon Hunter, how are you?" greeted the Vice President

 "Well George, I could be better," a tired General Harris replied. "Sir I
need your help on this Ron Rewald mess, it's being handled very poorly and we
have to help the man; we owe him a lot."

  "General, there is nothing I can do; Bill Casey has control of this one,
I'm out of the loop."

  "For Christ sake, he deserves better than that," General Harris pleaded.

  "There is too much at stake here, anything we do will just draw attention
to us all," Bush stated. "We'll just have to be patient Hunter, all of us."

  "General, I have to run, I'll get back to you when I hear something," were
the Vice President's closing remarks.
(39) Portion of Ron Rewald's secret CIA "Intelligence Resume" from agency
(40) Various agency requirements on China, provided to Ron Rewald prior to
his trip.
(41) Cable traffic on Rewald's debriefing of an Afghan Freedom Fighter. The
intervention and assistance in Afghanistan is considered one of its most
successful covert operations against the Russians.
(41) CIA Headquarters cable notifying Rewald of President Marcos itinerary
and Foreign Intelligence Information Report resulting from BBRD&W efforts.
(43) CIA Headquarters requirements on German elections and BBRD&W response.
See Exhibit Section.
(44) News article, agency requirements on incorporation of partnership
between Rewald and the Crown Prince. See Exhibit Section.
(45) State of Hawaii incorporation of partnership between Rewald and
Philippine banker
Zobel, involving the Sultan of Brunei as a silent partner.
(46) CIA cable traffic from Station Chief to Headquarters, regarding funds
passes to and
from BBRD&W involving covert operatives and operations.
(47) Headed by Colonel James "Bo" Gritz.
(48) CIA report filed by Rewald on MIA/POW mission proposal and funding
requirements to agency headquarters.
(49) Station Chiefs assessment on Ron Rewald to CIA Headquarters, Langley.

pp. 212-218

from chapter twenty


 In Washington, the Rewald affair was drawing its share of attention Congress
and the media were beginning to break stories that were injurious to the CIA
and its director, William Casey, who was hopping mad by now. His vindictive
side would soon show itself.

  CIA Chief Counsel, Stanley Sporkin told a Congressional investigator that:

 "Ronald Rewald is a guy gone bad."

After speaking to Sporkin and three other CIA officers about the
Rewald-BBRD&W affair, the Congressional investigators wrote in their report
that they believe:

  "Kindschi continued to handle Rewald even after he allegedly retired from
the Agency," and that, "this was a covert operation handled out of
headquarters at Langley. "

   Sporkin, the report recalled, said that "The Agency is into to damage
control. "

  The print media was soon addressing the explosive story. The Wall Street
Journal's New York City office received a warning from an anonymous caller
threatening to kill one of its reporters if he doesn't leave Hawaii and drop
the story.

  Since the passage of the Intelligence Identification Protection Act of
1982, which makes disclosing identities of covert agents a crime journalists
have tread carefully in covering such stories. Still, many professionals did
take on such stories.

  The Agency attempted to intimidate Washington Post columnist, Jack
Anderson, into revealing his sources regarding stories he wrote about the
Agency's involvement with Rewald and BBRD&W.

  Gary Shepard of ABC covered the Rewald story. He received threatening phone
calls and his apartment was burglarized twice during the fall of 1984.

  Peter Jennings of ABC's World News Tonight, on September 19 and 20, 1984
presented a special two-part report on the Rewald story, exposing much of
what Rewald did in his work for the Agency. The report also stated that the
CIA had hired Scott Barnes to assassinate Rewald.(59) ABC credited its own
extensive investigation with uncovering the story. They went so far as to
broadcast an on-camera interview with Scott Barnes, the proclaimed assassin,
who told the whole story.

  William Casey and the CIA's lawyers immediately attacked ABC, who refused
to budge from its story.

  Defense attorney A. Brent Carruth also appeared on camera. He was
representing Richard Craig Smith, the accused spy. Smith had maintained his
innocence, claiming he was a deep-cover CIA agent, which of course, the
Agency had denied. Smith had maintained his control officer was CIA-FRD Chief
of base Charles Richardson and his cover company was Bishop Baldwin. Denying
all the allegations, CIA Director William Casey called ABC Chairman Leonard
H. Goldenson to complain. He also brought other Agency allies into the arena.

  Accuracy In Media was countering the continuing effort of some right wing
groups in the United States to defend Nugan Hand Bank after its collapse.
Accuracy In Media wrote that Nugan Hand Bank was really an honest but
hard-luck banking organization that had been maligned by anti-military press.
Like they had done for Nugan Hand Bank before they went about their job of
spreading disinformation for the agency trying to counteract anything that in
any way might be offensive to the CIA. Their newsletters were far-reaching in
influential circles all over the world. Accuracy In Media said Bishop Baldwin
was merely a fraud case involving a career criminal investor con artist and
they blasted ABC for representing the case to the public as being more than

   ABC, in response to Casey's complaint, arranged three meetings between ABC
News executive David Burke and Stanley Sporkin, the CIA's General Counsel.
They were demanding that Jennings retract that portion of his report that
claimed the CIA had tried to kill one of its own agents. Sporkin was adamant
in his claim that it was against the law for the Agency to be involved in
assassinations, by Presidential Decree. In the middle of this meeting, an ABC
secretary interrupted with a copy of a wire service report that had just come
in while the meeting was in progress. She handed it to David Burke. It
announced the discovery of a CIA assassination manual that the Agency
supplied to the Nicaraguan rebels, and goes into it in great detail. The
meeting ended abruptly. A short time later, on World News Tonight, Peter
Jennings responded the CIA's demands for a retraction. He stated, "We stand
by our story."(60)

  On November 21, 1984, Director Casey filed a formal complaint with the FCC
charging ABC had deliberately distorted the news by reporting the Agency had
conspired to kill a U.S. citizen. Casey also stated that it cannot be true,
because it is illegal for the CIA to commit assassinations. This was, of
course, the same William Casey who as head of the Securities Exchange
Commission (SEC) was accused of insider trading and lying to Congress about
having placed his portfolio in a blind trust.

  He protected Robert Vesco, the fugitive financier, as well as Caset and
Multiponics, Inc. in 1968. CIA-Chief Counsel Stanley Sporkin had defended
Casey. Of course, William Casey had also directed Rewald to expand Bishop
Baldwin Rewald Dillingham & Wong. During ABC's battle with the CIA, ABC's
stock dropped from $67 per October 1 to $59 per share by the end of November.
In early December, Capital Cities Corporation, a media firm, made an offer to
buy ABC, and negotiations began. CIA Director Casey helped form Capital
Cities Corporation, and had been the company's attorney and director between
stints as SEC and CIA Director. He owned 34,755 share of stock in Capital
Cities worth about $7.5 million in September of 1984.


The FCC dismissed the suit against ABC, which was brought by CIA. The CIA
immediately appealed the decision in February of 1985. In March of 1985,
Capital Cities acquired ABC.(61) Soon after that, the CIA withdrew its FCC
complaint against ABC. Casey now controlled the network.

  A short time later, Peter Jennings read a statement addressing the CIA
denial of an attempt to kill Rewald. He stated, "We have no reason to doubt
the Agency's denial."

  ABC was not the only major media to run into problems with the CIA over
Rewald. Syndicated columnist Jack Anderson in Washington ran 27 straight
weeks of Rewald articles. Only Watergate received more of his consecutive
columns. When Anderson got too close to truth, through his various inside
Langley sources, he received a death threat. His way of handling it was to
write it as yet another article in his column, syndicated in over 1,000
newspapers nation-wide (but not in Hawaii, where it remained only a fraud

   The BBC out of London, put its top producer, David Taylor of its
Washington D.C. office, on the story as well. Taylor, after a thorough
investigation that stretched all the way from Hawaii to Argentina, India and
the Far East brought a film crew to Hawaii and did the story. One of the very
first fully documented and accurate stories on what Bishop Baldwin was really
about. They did it with first hand interviews and footage of many of the key
players, showing Kindschi, Avary, Sue Wilson, (who stated on camera that she
didn't like what the CIA had done to Ron). She said she knew Ron was a
deep-cover operative and that Bishop Baldwin was a CIA operation. They
included footage of Argentina and even Langley, CIA headquarters. They
interviewed Melvin Belli. A first class investigative report had been put on
film. When they returned to their Washington office to edit it all for final
production, they found that all the film canisters mysteriously contained
only blank film.

   This was a most expensive piece to film for the BBC and it was without
much debate that they decided it was too important a story to give up on.
London gave the okay for Taylor and his entire crew to return to Hawaii to
start over. When this attempt was complete, and they had hand-carried the
film all the way back to their Washington office, they found two CIA agents
waiting for them with a demand to confiscate all the film. They said the film
would be required to investigate Ron's "death."

  David Taylor, frustrated, called the BBC attorney in Washington, Joe
Califono to see if they had any choice but to surrender the tapes Califono
said "no" but they should just try and confirm that Ron had indeed "died".
Unfortunately, Ron had not been in Hawaii. He had been traveling secretly
from Belli's office in San Francisco to Wisconsin to visit his family.

  Several hours had passed before David Taylor finally reached a relative's
home in Milwaukee where Nancy Rewald and the children had been staying,
expressing their deepest sympathies at Ron death, and expressing regret at
reaching her at this time. During this time the CIA agents were growing
impatient and demanding the film.

   Nancy Rewald handed the phone to her husband, showing the CIA lying again,
as usual. Taylor realized that the CIA had almost succeeded in their trick to
quash their story. The CIA men left empty handed, and the film showed in
London and in most parts of the free; except the United States, including

   The Hawaii media had pronounced Ron guilty long before a jury was
selected. In Hawaii it always remained only a fraud case.

  In reporting on the Rewald trial, a Honolulu television reporter said,
"Today, William Casey, director of the CIA, had this to say about Ronald
Rewald claims," and then had Casey appearing on the screen reading from a
prepared announcement: "Any representations made by Rewald that he had a
relationship with the CIA is true only to the extant that he may have
assisted in a minor capacity assisting a national company in back-stopping
for a number of agents. "

 The reporter returned to the screen.

  "As you may recall, Stanley Sporkin, Chief Counsel for the CIA denied ever
hearing of Rewald or Bishop Baldwin Rewald Dillingham & Wong. He called Mr.
Rewald's claims absolute fantasy and stated that Rewald had no connection
with the CIA. "

  Barbara Tanabe continued her "special" kind of reporting on the Rewald
story. She made a trip to Wisconsin with a film crew and came back with a
"Special Report" stating, among other things, that Rewald was Polish, and had
changed his name from Rewaldski to Rewald. This was not even remotely true,
and could not have been anything but a total fabrication. She went on to
interview someone claiming to have been Rewald's high school football coach
(he wasn't, Ron's coach had passed away years earlier). This man stated that
Ron could not have played past a sophomore level of high school football and
had absolutely no talent. She interviewed a man who owned a sports store in
Milwaukee, a former competitor of Rewald, who asserted that he knew Ron was a
crook, because he always drove fancy cars, even when business was not good.

  Tanabe showed film footage of what was purported to be Rewald's old home in
Mequon Wisconsin. It was not a home any of the Rewald's had ever seen before.
Of course she talked about the personal bankruptcy he filed in the late
seventies, along with information about the franchise registration problem in
Wausau that resulted in Ron's misdemeanor years earlier. All this verified,
she stated that Ron was a career criminal and his whole life a lie, just like
in Hawaii. Her reporting was not untypical of the type of stories being done
on Ron in Hawaii, where it remained only a fraud case, less the local press
spoil a good story with the facts.

(59) Transcript of ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, special two
part report on Ron Rewald and the CIA.
(60) Follow up to Rewald's CIA story by ABC World News Tonight, Peter Jennings
(61) Newspaper account of CIA Director William Casey's "Capital Cities
Corporation" purchase of ABC.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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