-Caveat Lector-

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: "Eva Lyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DU weapons - radioactive soldiers?
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:47 PM

David, thanks for forwarding the Weapons inspection team mail to
Rep Kucinich.

The following is material I have just send to our Prime Minister.

We must keep actively involved in the interest of humanity,
like Sai Baba says.

Cheers, Eva


Dear Prime Minister;

The following two articles must give us pause in sending our young men and
women into these contaminated areas, whether to fight or keep the peace.

There is enough evidence that conditions like the Gulf War syndrome are at
least in part due to the radioactive material faced by our personnel. You
will agree that the enclosed articles paint a disturbing picture. Will our
soldiers come back like so much living, breathing "toxic waste" that cannot
be decontaminated, and will affect the health and welfare of those near

I think Canada should refuse to send soldiers to any "theater" where DU or
non-DU radioactive munitions are/have been (or will be) used. I would
certainly refuse to serve in such places, and would not want my kids to
serve there. Have our military planners no conscience at all?

Some of these young people will plan families. Will we just stand by while
they produce kids with gross deformities? Will the radioactive servicemen
contaminate their existing kids? Their partners?

Please read these articles carefully, and before we send anyone anywhere,
either to the Gulf, Afghanistan or the Balkans, let's make sure they will
not be walking through radioactive dust.

If enough of US' allies refused to send their forces to support wars where
these munitions are used, I think the Americans would stop using them.

Sincerely, Eva Lyman


It's dirty, and it's deadly. When you coat a shell with it, it slices
through armoured plating as if it was cheese, turning tanks, buildings and
bomb shelters into exploding incinerators. It causes cancer among people who
breathe its dust, or touch it. It causes horrible birth defects among the
babies of pregnant women who breathe it or touch it. It causes a host of
chronic ailments and sicknesses among returning troops.

It was used by the US army in Iraq, in Kosovo, and Afghanistan. The United
Nations wants a worldwide ban on it. The US plans to use it again, in its
war on Iraq.

What is it? It's a waste product that arises during the production of
enriched uranium for nuclear weapons and reactors. It's called depleted

It has a radioactive half-life of 4.5 billion years. The Earth is 4.5
billion years old. This means that the cities, battlefields, and locations
where depleted uranium is used will be radioactive and remain radioactive
for the next 4.5
billion years.

That's as long as the Earth has existed. That's twice as long as the entire
evolution of life on Earth. Seventy times longer than the time since the
dinosaurs became extinct.

Depleted uranium is extremely dense; that's what makes it capable of slicing
into heavily armoured vehicles. That's why the American military likes it.

In the Gulf War, in 1991, the US army fired off a million rounds of depleted
uranium, totalling 300 tons. In Baghdad, where they thought they were
attacking a secret bunker, they sliced into it with depleted uranium and
incinerated 800 women and children who were hiding in a shelter. Along the
"highway of death", outside Basra, in southern Iraq, they incinerated every
tank, every soldier.

Along that road, the shell-holes in the blown-up tanks are 1000 times more
radioactive than the background. The desert near the vehicles is 100 times
more radioactive.

70% of the uranium burns on impact, turning into as a fine ceramic dust of
depleted uranium oxide particles which gets blown on the wind, and washed
into the groundwater. In the Basra region, there has been a 100-fold
increase in uranium in the groundwater.

And then there's the birth defects.

Children born with fingers missing.
Children born with legs missing.
Children born with parts of their face missing.
Children born with their eyes missing.
Children born with grossly deformed skulls.
Children born with enormous distended bellies.
Children born with no hands.
Children born with no genitals.
Children born with no skin over their bellies.
Children born with open holes in their backs.
Children born whose bodies are beyond words, in their pitiful awfulness.

There has been a 10-fold increase in such birth defects in the
Basra region since 1988. I have seen the photos of these children.
You can see them for yourself at
http://www.web-light.nl/VISIE/extremedeformities.html. But be
warned - these photos are not for the squeamish, and may give
some people nightmares. They are also at

There has also been a 17-fold increase in cancer in southern Iraq
since 1988, and a sudden increase in childhood leukemia.

That was Iraq. Then there was Afghanistan.

The data is still sketchy, but tests on residents in Jalalabad have found a
level of uranium in the urine of residents that is 400% to 2000% higher than
normal. The contamination is also present in Kabul.

A scientific team from the Uranium Medical Research Centre that went to
Kabul in September 2002 found that people who had been exposed to debris
from the US/British precision bombing were reporting pains in their joints,
back and kidney pain, muscle weakness, memory problems, confusion, and
disorientation. Members of the team began to complain of the same symptoms.
They found that 25% of new-born infants were suffering from congenital and
post-natal health problems that appeared to be associated with uranium

So what happened to the US and British troops who were exposed to the same

It's hard to sort out, because the troops who served in the Gulf were
exposed to a cocktail of injections and chemical and biological hazards, as
well as depleted uranium. But the symptoms are telling.

There were 700,000 US troops who served in the Gulf War in 1991. 50% were
black or Latino. Many were women. 260,000 have applied for medical benefits.
159,000 have been awarded disability allowances. Many are probably on low
incomes, who cannot afford expensive medical insurance.

They call it Gulf War Syndrome; nobody in the military wants to talk about
it. The returning troops are suffering from reactive airway disease;
neurological damage; cataracts; kidney problems; lymphoma; skin and organ
cancer; neuropsychological problems; uranium in their semen; sexual
dysfunction; and birth defects in their offspring. Birth defects are turning
up four times more often in the children of those who served in the Gulf
than normal. (see www.chronicillnet.org/online/lifemag.html)

That was Afghanistan. Now a new war on Iraq looms. A new round of death. A
new nightmare. Unless we stand together, work together, pray together, and
call out together to stop it, and to outlaw depleted uranium forever, as the
United Nations has recommended. Four and a half billion years.

Afghanistan: The Nuclear Nightmare Starts:
Born Soldiers: Birth Defects from Depleted Uranium in the Gulf?
International Action Center's Depleted Uranium Education Project:
Iraqi cancers, birth defects blamed on U.S. depleted uranium. Seattle Post
Intelligencer: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/iraq2002/95178_du12.shtml
National Gulf War Resource Center: http://www.ngwrc.org/Dulink/du_link.htm

Written and compiled by Guy Dauncey,
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Author of Stormy Weather: 101 Solutions to Global Climate Change.
Editor of EcoNews.

-------------next article

Afghanistan: The Nuclear Nightmare Starts
By Davey Garland

When questions were asked in the British parliament a year ago
about whether depleted uranium (DU) weapons had been used in
the military strikes on Afghanistan, "It is not being used at present"
was defense minister Geoff Hoon's reply.

A few days earlier, Hoon had been similarly vague on the issue, assuring us
that: "No British forces currently engaged in operations around Afghanistan
are armed with depleted uranium ammunition. However, we do not rule out the
use of depleted uranium ammunition in Afghanistan, should its penetrative
capability be judged necessary in the future."

The defense minister played his cards close to his chest, no doubt
having been informed that DU or other uranium weapons were being
used by the United States (and no doubt British) forces to penetrate
the caverns of Tora Bora and other targets (including civilian ones),
especially in the vicinity of Kabul.

The refusal of the Ministry of Defense to fully admit that dangerous uranium
weapons may have been used in Afghanistan and the conflicts in the Balkans
(Bosnia and Kosova), when evidence shows the contrary, illustrates just how
sensitive the government is to the possibility that its use, or its
collusion in the use, of weapons of mass destruction may be discovered.

This is not just because thousands of innocent civilians will suffer due to
radiological (and heavy metal) poisoning, but also because the government is
prepared to send British troops and aid workers, possibly for a long
occupation of the war zones, ill-equipped and vulnerable to contamination.
When the Afghan crisis began, many of us believed that a great amount of
DU/dirty uranium would be used to achieve the US-British campaign
objectives, both to penetrate the opposition's hideouts in rocky terrain and
to test new weapons systems (dirty uranium or dirty DU contains radioactive
contaminants, such as plutonium isotopes, derived from spent fuel from power
reactors). The amount used in Afghanistan might have exceeded the several
hundred ton's of DU/dirty uranium used in the 1990-91 Gulf War and the
Balkans conflicts.

Startling report

A startling new report based on research in Afghanistan indicates that our
worst fears have been realized. The study, produced by the Uranium Medical
Research Centre (UMRC), points to the likelihood of large numbers of the
population being exposed to uranium dust and debris.

Dr. Asaf Durakovic, a professor of nuclear medicine and radiology and a
former science adviser to the US military, who set-up the independent UMRC,
has been testing US, British, and Canadian troops and civilians for DU and
uranium poisoning over the past few years. His findings confirm significant
amounts in the subjects' urine as much as nine years after exposure.

Two scientific study teams were sent to Afghanistan in the aftermath of the
conflict in 2001-02. The first arrived in June 2002, concentrating on the
Jalalabad region. The second arrived four months later, broadening the study
to include the capital Kabul, which has a population of nearly 3.5 million
people. The city itself contains the highest recorded number of fixed
targets during Operation Enduring Freedom. For the study's purposes, the
vicinity of three major bomb sites were examined.

It was predicted that signatures of depleted or enriched uranium would be
found in the urine and soil samples taken during the research. The team was
unprepared for the shock of its findings, which indicated in both Jalalabad
and Kabul, DU was possibly causing the high levels of illness but also high
concentrations of non-depleted uranium. Tests taken from a number of
Jalalabadd subjects showed concentrations 400% to 2000% above that for
normal populations, amounts which have not been recorded in civilian studies

Those in Kabul who were directly exposed to US-British precision
bombing showed extreme signs of contamination, consistent with
uranium exposure and with some types of chemical or biological
weaponry. These included pains in joints, back/kidney pain, muscle
weakness, memory problems and confusion and
disorientation. Many of these symptoms are found in Gulf War and Balkans
veterans and civilians. Those exposed to the bombing report symptoms of
flu-type illnesses, bleeding, runny noses and blood-stained mucous.
The study team itself complained of similar symptoms during their stay. Most
of these symptoms last for days or months. The team also conducted a
preliminary sample examination of new-born infants, discovering that at
least 25% may be suffering from congenital and post-natal health problems
that could be associated with uranium contamination. These include
undeveloped muscles, large head in comparison to body size, skin rashes and
infant lethargy. Considering that the children had access to sufficient
levels of nutrition, the symptoms could not be due to malnourishment.

Durakovic and his team have searched for possible alternative causes, such
as geological or industrial sources, or the likelihood of Al Qaeda having
uranium reserves. But the uranium found is not consistent with the "dirty
bomb" scenario proposed by the US (in which stores of radioactive materials
might explain the findings), nor is it connected to DU, or an enriched
uranium-type dust that has been found in Iraq and Kosova.
The only conclusion is that the allied forces are now possibly using milled
uranium ore in their warheads to maximize the effectiveness and strength of
their weapons, as well as to mask the uranium, hoping that it may be
discounteded as part of any local natural deposits.

However, marked differences between natural uranium and the uranium used in
the metal fragments found in Afghanistan was uncovered with the use of an
electron microscope, which revealed the presence of small ceramic particles
produced by the high temperatures created on impact. This method of
disguising uranium would benefit governments that are under pressure from
the growing anti-DU lobby.

Repeated warnings of this possible contamination was sent to both the
British and Afghan governments in April by scientific researcher Dai
Williams in her report, "Mystery Metal in Afghanistan". Warning were also
sent to the UN Environment Program, the World Health Organization and Oxfam.
All have ignored them and failed to conduct their own investigations.


Present information and studies stressing the growing mortality rates
amongst young children, especially the new born, indicate that malnutrition
and other social causes cannot be the only attributable source of this
phenomenon. This is confirmed by health specialists, international observers
and a few brave officials from local hospitals who are convinced that this
rise in illnesses and malformation are due to uranium/DU weapons.
In October, Durakovic spoke on al Jazeera television, claiming that the
amount of DU/uranium used in Afghanistan far exceeded that of past
conflicts. He also warned that if the scale of the attacks in Afghanistan
was matched or exceeded in a forthcoming war in Iraq, then the consequences
would be of appalling proportions for both civilians and military forces

This scenario has substance, if the $393 billion defense authorization bill
that Congress approved recently is taken into account. More than $15 million
was assigned to modifying bunker busters bombs to nuclear capable, quite
apart from uranium being added to conventional and bunker buster systems.s.
Money was also invested in other weapons of mass destruction, including
thermobaric and electromagnetic weapons.

The anti-war movement must oppose radiological and other weapons,
as well as
research and access to the source materials. Many of us have seen the
heart-wrenching pictures of deformity and death in Iraq, and know of the
growing cancer wards in Bosnia and Kosova, not to mention the 80,000
American, 15,000 Canadian and thousands of British, Australian, French and
other troops! who are suffering a painful existence from Gulf War Syndrome
plus the growing number suffering from a Balkans equivalent.

Davey Garland is a coordinator of the British-based Pandora DU Research
Project. Source; Green Left Weekly, Issue of December 2002.

-------end fwd post

*global peace now breaking out*

David Crockett Williams, CLU, BS
Chartered Life Underwriter
Bachelor of Science, Chemistry
Tehachapi, California, USA

For the direct cause of true peace
with harmony among all life and free
natural abundance as paradise on Earth
via a Cybernetics-Psybernetics-Saibernetics
Systems Program from the future called Torahk.

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Stop the weaponization of space, instead exploit
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------- End of forwarded message -------
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

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