-Caveat Lector-

  Well, here it is, the 144,000 that Revelation speaks of, and this
information isn't even from a "Christian" source...


Hebron settlers promised expansion
ISRAEL'S Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has promised Jewish settlers
that he would expand settlements in the occupied West Bank to compensate for
the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Hebron, still the subject of
negotiations with the Palestinians.
According to Israel television, the pledge was made during a private meeting
between the Prime Minister and leaders of the ***144,000*** settlers. "When
the army vehicles pull out of Hebron, the mobile homes will pull into the
settlements," the television reported. About 450 militant Jews live in the
centre of Hebron among 120,000 hostile Palestinians. The potential for
violence in the city holy to both Muslims and Jews has been growing.
Yesterday Yitzhak Mordechai, the Defence Minister, reported to the Cabinet
that the atmosphere there was "very tense".
Political sources said that Mr Netanyahu's new offer was an attempt to
defuse the chance of an explosion of Israeli-Arab violence. Talks on the
Hebron pull-out are expected to resume in earnest when Dennis Ross, the
American special envoy, returns to the region next week.
Yediot Ahronot, the Tel Aviv daily, quoted Mr Netanyahu as telling the
settlers: "I will personally see to it that all the delays in your expansion
plans (are remedied) and I will make sure that the approved decisions are
implemented on the ground."
The Palestinians consider settlement construction one of the greatest
threats to the already ailing peace process and the United States calls it
an "obstacle to peace".
Last night the left-wing Israeli pressure group, Peace Now, said: "The
Israeli public should note that hundreds of millions of shekels from the
Government's budget are about to be invested in new apartments, the
expansion of settlements, in caravans and outrageous allocations to 3 per
cent of the population."

                    (o o)
 Jamie Stopforth
 Williams Solution Center

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