-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date:  20 February 2001
Federalist #01-08.brf

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"'Inclusiveness,' one of today's values, is served by Presidents Day,
which renders the Father of Our Country an equal ingredient with
Warren Harding in a bland pudding of presidents." --George Will

February 22 is George Washington's Birthday. To fully appreciate this
most remarkable of our Founders, link to our Historic Docs page and
scroll down to the section featuring President Washington's speeches.

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"It is impossible to govern the world without God.  He must be worse
than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked that has not
gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligation."  --George Washington


"Let it simply be asked, 'Where is the security for prosperity, for
reputation, for life;  if the sense of religious obligation desert the
oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in the Courts of
Justice?'" --George Washington


"Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your
crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats
will brim over with new wine." (Proverbs 3:9-10)  ++  "A generous man
will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor."
(Proverbs 22:9)  ++  "He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but
he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses." (Proverbs 28:27)


"Of all the dispositions which lead to political prosperity, Religion
and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim
the tribute of Patriotism, who would labor to subvert these great
Pillars of human happiness.... The mere Politician, equally with the
pious man, ought to respect and cherish them." -- George Washington


"It is not possible to understand the actions or motives of the
leading patriots in the American Revolution without taking into
consideration their religious faith and world-view.  To a man, the
founding fathers were men who had been shaped by the morality and
theology of the Bible.  Of the 53 men who signed the Declaration of
Independence, only two, Franklin and Jefferson, had no denominational
affiliation.  And yet even they accepted the basic presupposition of a
Christian world-view."  --David J. Vaughan

"Families do shape character, and thus directly impact crime. The
empirical evidence supporting this view is overwhelming. For example,
researchers at the National Institute of Mental Heath studied
high-risk inner-city neighborhoods. They found that when kids grow up
in safe, stable families, only about six percent of them will become
delinquent. Contrast that with kids raised in unstable, one-parent
families: Ninety percent of them will become delinquent. Clearly, it's
not poverty or race that is the chief cause crime; it's the lack of
moral training during morally formative years.... Most Americans don't
know about the connection between family and crime -- which is why the
Church must issue a wake-up call. Our children deserve better than to
be surrendered to settings that prepare them for a life of crime. The
only institution than can provide this crucial moral training is the
fragile, but irreplaceable, family." --Charles Colson


"Racial charges by many black politicians, civil-rights spokesmen,
self-appointed black leaders and guilt-ridden whites are just plain
nonsense. [Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Kweisi Mfume, the Black Caucus,
et al.] get away with them because we're ill-informed or are too timid
to question their assumptions and assertions. ... At one time, black
Americans didn't enjoy constitutional protections. Today, we do. As
such, the civil-rights struggle is over and won. That doesn't mean
that there aren't other problems, but they are not civil-rights
problems. If we diagnose them incorrectly as civil-rights problems,
however, their solutions will remain illusive." --Walter Williams


"The old federal republic is well on its way to becoming a monolith.
The centralization of power, the evisceration of the Constitution, the
issuing of funny money, and the expansion of the welfare state are
some of the insidious steps by which we have moved from freedom to
tyranny without realizing it. The word 'tyranny' sounds melodramatic.
Americans think their political system is immune to it. They associate
it with stereotypes of nasty dictators, forgetting the many other
forms it may take. But the authors of the Constitution recognized
tyranny as the prevalent condition of mankind and a constant danger
even to free men, especially when they forget how fragile freedom
really is." --Joseph Sobran


Worth Repeating...

Excerpts from Official Opinion 2000-9
To: State School Superintendents
From: Georgia Attorney General Thurbert E. Baker

"You have asked for my opinion whether [Georgia law 50-3-4.1] allowing
the display of the motto 'In God We Trust' in public school
classrooms, is in violation of the Georgia or United States
Constitution. You have also asked whether the 'respect for the
creator' portion of the character education program authorized by
[Georgia Law 20-2-145] and the Georgia Board of Education's curriculum
violates either the state or federal constitutional principles of
[religious freedom]. It is my opinion that neither [Georgia law
50-3-4.1] nor [Georgia Law 20-2-145] on its face violates [religious
freedom] provisions of either the Georgia or the United States
Constitution. ...

"Addressing first the issue of whether a poster may be displayed in
the classroom with the motto 'In God We Trust,' I note that the motto
appears on United States coins and currency and is recognized by
federal statute as our national motto. See 36 U.S.C. -- 186. It has
been upheld as constitutional in that context. ...

"The more difficult question is whether the character curriculum is
constitutional. Official Code of Georgia Section 20-2-145 requires the
State Board of Education to develop a 'comprehensive character
education program' for levels K-12 focusing on the students'
development of 27 character traits including 'respect for the
creator.' In August of 1997, shortly after the statute took effect,
the State Board of Education developed a policy implementing this
statutory requirement. This policy, entitled 'Values and Character
Education Implementation Guide,' explains the character trait as

"Respect for the creator: our most basic freedoms and rights are not
granted to us from the government but they are intrinsically ours;
i.e., the Constitution does not grant Americans the right of freedom
of speech, it simply recognizes that each of us is born with that
right. This is to say that the founders of the republic recognized a
higher authority, a power greater than themselves that endowed every
human being with certain unalienable rights that no government or
legal document could ever revoke or take away. In the Declaration of
Independence Thomas Jefferson names this life force that permeates the
universe and from which our unalienable rights stem the 'creator',
'nature's God', and the 'supreme judge of the world'. If we are to
respect life, the natural rights of all people and the authority which
the founders based their legal opinions on concerning our separation
from Great Britain then there must be a respect for that creator from
which all our rights flow. This cannot be interpreted as a promotion
of religion or even as a promotion of the belief in a personal God,
but only as an acknowledgment that the intrinsic worth of every
individual derives from no government, person or group of persons, but
is something that each of us is born with and which no thing and no
one can ever deprive us of.

"Although inclusion of the trait 'respect for the creator' in the
character curriculum does not have the historic acceptance accorded to
the national motto, it appears not to have a religious effect,
especially as interpreted by the State Board's 'Values and Character
Education Implementation Guide.' It does not endorse any particular
theory of creation, nor does it disparage those who do not hold a
belief in creation. ...

"In addition, 'respect for the creator' is not misplaced in ethics or
character education. In the study of comparative religion, the 'myths,
stories or theories regarding the birth or creation of the universe'
are termed 'cosmogony.' Eliade, The Encyclopedia of Religion,
Macmillan, 1987, Vol. 4, p. 94. Cosmogonic or creation myths, stories
and theories serve as a 'background and context for thinking about'
ethics or the 'proper, appropriate and right conduct of a community.'
Id. at 99. Thus, although beliefs may differ about creation, the
subject itself supports character principles and ethics.

"Based on the above discussion and analysis, it is my official opinion
that neither [Georgia law 50-3-4.1] nor [Georgia Law 20-2-145] on its
face, is in violation of the principles of [religious freedom] in
either the Georgia or the United States Constitution."


"[Gore's] appointment at one of the most prestigious journalism
schools in the country confirms what readers have known for years --
there is barely any separation between political reporters and the
people they cover. That perception will be reinforced at political
fund-raisers where Gore's title as a visiting professor of journalism
will be duly noted on the dinner program." --Editor & Publisher, the
antique media's journal of choice


"We have gone so far that it almost seems a rule, originally designed
to guard against violation of the Constitution, has become an
aggressive campaign against religion itself.  And isn't that the very
thing we set out to guard against -- domination of religion by the
state?" --Ronald Reagan


"...[I]t apparently takes an obsessive devotion to the Constitution to
actually read it before issuing opinions. Judges are essentially
government bureaucrats, and the natural tendency of all government
bureaucrats everywhere is to continually arrogate more and more power
to themselves. That's why the framers gave very little power to
judges, sharply limiting the topics on which the judiciary is
permitted to rule. That is also why judges are forever coming up with
stratagems to ignore those limits. Inventing preposterous
constitutional rights is evidently more fun than doing what judges are
supposed to do...." --Ann Coulter


"Here it is mid-February and we're still waiting for the disaster Al
Gore's friends confidently predicted if George W. Bush prevailed in
the Electoral College.  There's no rioting in the streets (the Rev.
Jesse Jackson having been busy changing diapers elsewhere). Small
children have not been lashed to their factory looms, barefoot
feminists pregnant or not have not been driven back to their kitchens
(if any), the concentration camps for gays, lesbians and blacks are
still under construction (if not still on the drawing boards), the new
president is talking in dulcet tones to Democrats and the loudest
weeping and wailing is coming from the generals at the Pentagon.  The
only visible threat to the nation's security on the eve of St.
Valentine's Day is the continuing crime wave out of Chappaqua, N.Y.,
that has overwhelmed law-enforcement agencies across the Atlantic
seaboard." --Wes Pruden

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