-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 23 January 2001
Federalist #01-04.brf

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Monday marked the 28th anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade
declaration that unborn children are nothing more than political
fodder. Tens of thousands gathered in Washington for a solemn ceremony
to remember the 40 million children whose lives have been sacrificed
on the altar of convenience.

In addition to changing hearts about children yet to be born, we must
also reach out to the mothers and fathers of aborted children, that
they may have an opportunity for repentance and healing, and know love
and respect for the life that was, so that they may fully love the
life that is! Post-abortion trauma is an adverse reaction to abortion
that may take years to emerge and manifests as depression, emotional
distress and self-destructive behavior. If you have had an abortion
and are now suffering emotionally, you are not alone.

For information on post-abortion trauma, contact Healing Hearts
at -- http://www.healinghearts.org/

For additional information on post-abortion syndrome, contact the
Elliot Institute
at -- http://www.afterabortion.org/

To permanently recognize the loss of an aborted child,
contact the National Memorial For The Unborn
at -- http://www.memorial-unborn.org/

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"Adore God.  Reverence and cherish your parents.  Love your neighbor
as yourself, and your country more than yourself.  Be just.  Be true.
Murmur not at the ways of Providence.  So shall the life into which
you have entered, be the portal to one of eternal and ineffable
bliss." --Thomas Jefferson


"As long as our government is administered for the good of the
people...as long as it secures to us the rights of person and of
property, liberty of conscience and of the press, it will be worth
defending...." --Andrew Jackson, father of the Democrat Party


"By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is
established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and
beautiful treasures." (Proverbs 24:3)

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know
that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and
character, hope." (Romans 5:3-4)

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."
--Romans 12:9

"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck,
and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these
little ones." (Luke 17:2)


"Abortion is Murder in the womb.... A child is a gift from God. If you
do not want him, give him to me."  ++  "I feel the greatest destroyer
of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct killing of the
innocent child...."  ++  "Please don't kill the child. I want the
child. I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted and to
give that child to a married couple who will love the child, and be
loved by the child."  -- Mother Teresa


One of President Bush's first official acts was to reverse a Clinton
executive order and reinstate a prohibition on the use of U.S. tax
dollars to support international "family-planning" groups providing
abortions. The following is an excerpt from Mr. Bush's message to
those gathered on the Ellipse for the beginning of Sanctity of Life

"Two days ago, Americans gathered on the Washington Mall to celebrate
our nation's ideals. Today, you are gathered to remind our country
that one of those ideals is the infinite value of every life. I deeply
appreciate your message and your work. You see the weak and the
defenseless, and you try to help them. You see the hardship of many
young mothers and their unborn children, and you care for them both.
..  We share a great goal: to work toward a day when every child is
welcomed in life and protected in law. We know this will not come
easily, or all at once. But the goal leads us onward: to build a
culture of life, affirming that every person, at every stage and
season of life, is created equal in God's image. The promises of our
Declaration of Independence are not just for the strong, the
independent, or the healthy. They are for everyone -- including unborn
children. We are a society with enough compassion and wealth and love
to care for both mothers and their children, to seek the promise and
potential in every human life. I believe that we are making progress
toward that goal. I trust in the good hearts of Americans. ... All of
you marching today have never tired in a good cause. Thank you for
your conviction, your idealism, and your courage. May God bless you

And a word from Norma McCorvey, "Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade, who now
runs a pro-life ministry in Dallas. "I think we all have the same
dream: We'd like to see Roe v. Wade overturned." For more information
on Sanctity of Life Week, please visit these Web sites.

American Family Association

Care Network

Roe v. Wade at 27

African American Family Association

The Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List

Pregnancy Centers Online

Pro-Life -- Anti-Violence

National Right To Life Committee



"Men who break their oath to defend the Constitution and attempt to
undermine it are exactly traitors. These men should be tried for
treason. But that won't happen, will it? Treason and blasphemy were
once considered unspeakable sins in this country. Men were loyal to
their country and respected their Creator. First we stopped respecting
God's Name and soon after, we stopped being loyal to our country. The
source sin, the one that leads to all the others, is the sin against
God. It is the sin that leads to death.  Death of a man, death of a
country, death of an ideal. We are sinking into a morass of death; we
are up to our very eyeballs in it.  Abortion, euthanasia, violence for
entertainment -- all spiced with occasional arcade game murders of
foreign nationals by our out of control government. As if government
sanctioned killing is somehow trivialized by its inclusion in a fabric
of homicide woven together by the entertainment media, the news media
and the amusement arcade." --Michael Peirce


"What rights you have, or whether you have any rights at all, depends
entirely on whether you are deemed 'progressive' (up to date) or
'reactionary' (attached to tradition). The  'progressive' forces want
to destroy freedom, yes, but their real goal is the destruction of
normal life itself. That's why they attach a sacramental importance to
abortion as well as to the filthiest couplings imaginable." --Joseph


"I believe with all my heart that standing up for America means
standing up for the God who has so blessed our land.  We need God's
help to guide our nation through stormy seas.  But we can't expect Him
to protect America in a crisis if we just leave Him over on the shelf
in our day-to-day living." --Ronald Reagan


"We define a set of fairly simple catechisms, the first part of which
is we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights.
These rights include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Government exists to secure these rights, not to deliver happiness."
--George Will


"John Ashcroft's public ordeal is almost over, and a good thing, too.
He promised to reinvent himself to bipartisan specifications, to leave
Roe v. Wade alone, to learn to hate guns and obey all laws dear to
Democratic hearts. ... Maybe with an evenly divided Senate boiling in
a climate of ideological intimidation and partisan terror, this is the
only way a man of conscience and character can assure himself of
confirmation by a Senate infested with moral frauds.  It's
nevertheless enough to make an honorable man throw up, and a pity he
can't throw up on Chuck Schumer and Teddy Kennedy (who probably
wouldn't notice)." --Wes Pruden


Bill Clinton left the White House Saturday, but not before pardoning
or commuting the sentences of 140 convicts -- some of whom are
profiled below. To understand why Clinton would set a record for
pardons, consider another record set by his administration: 33
Clintonistas have been convicted of criminal activity, while 122 have
pleaded the Fifth Amendment or fled the country to avoid testifying.

Of the pardons, Clinton said, "The word 'pardon' is somehow almost a
misnomer. You're not saying these people didn't commit the offense.
You're saying they paid, they paid in full."

A prime example of someone who paid in full is billionaire Mark Rich,
whose former wife gave $1.3 million to the Clintonistas after her
husband fled to Switzerland to escape his conviction on 50 counts of
wire fraud, racketeering, trading with the enemy and evading more than
$48 million in income taxes -- crimes that could have earned him more
than 300 years in prison. (Just think, Rich's back taxes -- if only
collected -- could have paid for Robert Ray's investigation of

And a sampling of others, according to the Associated Press:

William A. Borders Jr., the once-prominent Washington attorney and
former president of the National Bar Association, was convicted of
conspiracy along with then-U.S. District Judge Alcee L. Hastings in a
Miami racketeering case. While Hastings was acquitted, Borders was
sentenced to a five-year prison term and disbarred. Borders was also
held in contempt of court for refusing to testify during Hastings's
criminal and Senate impeachment trials.

Henry Cisneros, former housing secretary during Clinton's first term
before moving to Los Angeles to run Univision, the nation's largest
Spanish-language television network: In 1999, Cisneros pleaded guilty
to a misdemeanor after a four-year, $9 million probe into charges he
lied about payments to a former mistress.

Donald R. Clark, sentenced to life in prison in 1991 for his role in a
$30 million high-grade marijuana ring: Clark was one of the leaders in
a conspiracy to grow and sell "Myakka gold," an especially potent
marijuana grown on a 600-acre former sod and watermelon farm leased by
Clark in Myakka City, near Sarasota, Fla. More than 25 people,
including Clark's sons Duane and Gary, were indicted in the drug ring.

Roger Clinton, Bill Clinton's half brother, who pleaded guilty in a
1984 case to a charge of conspiracy to distribute a single gram of
cocaine, was sentenced to two years in prison, served more than a
year, and testified in other trials. The prosecutor was Asa
Hutchinson, who later was a U.S. House manager in Clinton's
impeachment. Bill Clinton told Hutchinson later that the drug
prosecution was "the best thing that ever happened" to his half

John Deutch, CIA director from May 1995 to December 1996, stored and
processed hundreds of files of highly classified material on
unprotected home computers that he and family members also used to
connect to the Internet, according to an internal CIA investigation.

Patricia Hearst, the newspaper heiress was kidnapped by radicals in
1974 and convicted of joining them in a San Francisco bank heist.

Billy Langston, sentenced to 30 years in prison in 1994 for conspiracy
to manufacture PCP: His sentence became a symbol for groups opposed to
mandatory federal sentencing standards.

Susan McDougal was a partner of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton in the
Whitewater land development in northern Arkansas. She was convicted of
misusing proceeds from a federally backed loan and was jailed 18
months on a contempt of court citation for refusing to testify against
the Clintons before a Whitewater grand jury.

Samuel Loring Morison, employed at the Naval Intelligence Support
Center in Suitland, Md., from 1974 to 1984, was convicted of spying
for leaking intelligence photographs in 1984 to Jane's Defence Weekly,
a British military magazine. In a case that matched First Amendment
issues against national security concerns, Morison was the first
person convicted of espionage for furnishing classified data to a

Robert W. Palmer, a Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to a felony
count of conspiracy to file false appraisals for Madison Guaranty
Savings and Loan of Little Rock, which was owned by James McDougal, a
former business partner of President Clinton. He was sentenced to a
year of home detention.

Stephen A. Smith, a University of Arkansas communications professor,
pleaded guilty in a Whitewater case to a misdemeanor count of
conspiring to misapply funds from a federally backed business loan of

Christopher V. Wade, a Whitewater real estate agent, admitted hiding
assets in a bankruptcy case and pleaded guilty to bankruptcy fraud and
submitting a false application to a bank, though the charges against
him were not related to the Whitewater development.

Garran Dee Barker, one of many Arkansas pardonees, convicted of
conspiracy to commit bank and wire fraud.

Harlan Richard Billings was convicted of conspiracy to possess with
intent to distribute in excess of 1,000 pounds of marijuana.

William Robert Carpenter was convicted of possession of marijuana with
intent to distribute.

Philip Vito DiGirolamo was convicted of conspiracy to import
marijuana, willfully subscribing to a false tax return.

Peter Welling Dionis was convicted of conspiracy, importation, and
possession with intent to distribute hashish.

Peter Bailey Gimbel was convicted of conspiracy to distribute cocaine.

Martin Joseph Hughes was convicted of aiding and abetting the
falsification of union records, aiding and assisting in the submission
of false tax records, making false statements to a government agency.

Daniel Wayne Keys was convicted of possession with intent to
distribute marijuana.

Larry Ray Killough was convicted of unlawful distribution of
prescription drugs.

Pierluigi Mancini Alpharetta was convicted of possession of cocaine
with intent to distribute.

Edward Francis McKenna III was convicted of possession with intent to
distribute anabolic steroids.

Andrew Kirkpatrick Mearns III was convicted of conspiracy to
distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine.

Philip James Morin was convicted of distribution of cocaine.

John Russell Raup was convicted of larceny of government property and
wrongful possession of marijuana.

David Ronald Chandler, at one point, was in line to be the first
person executed by the federal government since 1963. He was convicted
in 1991 of running a drug ring that trafficked marijuana from the
foothills of northeast Alabama and was condemned to death for ordering
the murder of an associate-turned-informant.

Dorothy Marie Gaines was convicted on conspiracy to possess with
intent to distribute, and possession with intent to distribute,
cocaine base.

Kemba Niambi Smith was convicted on conspiracy to distribute and
possess with intent to distribute cocaine and cocaine base, conspiracy
to engage in money laundering, making false statements to an agent of
the United States.

Jacob Elbaum was one of three men convicted in January 1999 of
stealing tens of millions of dollars in federal grants and loans to
finance a fictitious yeshiva in Brooklyn. The other two were also

Arnold Paul Prosperi, a college friend of Bill Clinton and a
fund-raiser for him, was convicted of filing false tax returns and
scheming to steal millions from a client.

Melvin Reynolds, a Chicago Democrat, resigned from the House after
being convicted in 1995 of having sex with a teenager. He had more
than two years left to serve on a 6 1/2-year federal sentence imposed
after being convicted of lying to obtain loans and of illegally
diverting campaign money for personal use. He had previously served 2
1/2 years of a five-year state sentence for having sexual relations
with an underage campaign worker.

MEMO to Webster Hubbell: Sorry, you didn't make the cut!


George Bush's Inaugural Invocation

George Bush's 1st Inaugural Speech


Capitalist Conservatives' summary of the Clinton legacy:
Gennifer Flowersgate
Vince Fostergate
I Wonder Where Those Whitewater Billing Records Came Fromgate
Joycelyn Eldersgate
Paula Jonesgate
Federal Building Campaign Phonecallgate
Lincoln Bedroomgate
White House Coffeegate
Drug Dealer Donationsgate
Buddhist Templegate
Web Hubbellgate
Blame Kenneth Starrgate
Right-wing Conspiracygate
Lewinsky Jobsgate
Kathleen Willeygate
Los Alamosgate
Juanita Broaddrickgate
Bomb the Aspirin Factorygate
Eleanor Roosevelt's Ghostgate
Hillary's Memoir Advancegate

This Week's Leftoons:

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