Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


"To know That which before us lies in daily life Is the prime wisdom."
--John Milton  {}  "At all times sincere friends of freedom have been
rare, and its triumphs have been due to minorities...." --Lord Acton
{}  "Government is the great fiction, through which everybody
endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." --Frederic
Bastiat.  {}  "I say: Know your enemy and know yourself; in a hundred
battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the
enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal.
If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be
defeated in every battle."  --Sun Tzu   {}  "Do not do an immoral
thing for moral reasons." --Thomas Hardy  {}  "Fanaticism consists in
redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim." --George
Santayana  {}  "There ain't no way to find out why a snorer can't hear
himself snore." --Mark Twain  {}  "Curiosity is one of the permanent
and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind." --Samuel Johnson  {}
"Men desire to have some share of the management of public affairs
chiefly on account of the importance which it gives them." --Adam
"A comprehended god is no god." --St. John Chrysostom


"Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is
right." (Psalm 106:3)


"There is a war being waged right now on prayer and religion by
liberals who are taking every opportunity to make America as God-less
as possible." -- J.C. Watts ++  "[The Supreme Court] disregards the
intention of the framers of the Establishment Clause, which was to
ensure government neutrality between religious factions, not between
religion and irreligion." --George Will.  ++  "Allowing students to
speak about their faith in public in their own words does not create a
government endorsement of religion. The Court has made a high school
student an agent of the state and then censored her prayer." --Jan
LaRue  {}  "This is a very, very, very, very, very -- in case you
hadn't heard so a thousand times already -- diverse society. ... The
culture of 'tolerance' isn't making us happier, it's making us more
fractious. ... The apostles of 'tolerance' seem not to know what it is
to tolerate what they disagree with or fail to understand." --William
Murchison  ++  "Decades of liberal assaults on traditional values and
institutions are bearing fruit. It appears that we will ignore the
wisdom of the centuries and find out the hard way whether our society
can survive a perverted redefinition of marriage and the
disintegration of the basic family." --Linda Bowles  {}  "The news
business frets a lot about its sins. But it doesn't fret much about
class attitudes and the homogenization of opinion in the newsroom. It
should." --John Leo  {}  "Conservatives are typically the Rodney
Dangerfields of the culture. They don't get no respect. At their best
they're elitists. At their worst they're stodgy, stiff and humorless."
--Suzanne Fields  {}  "Conservatives must judge issues by prudence and
principle, not by the shadows cast by our opponents." --National
Review  {}  "Above all, ascribe no decent motives to the federal
government. Always and everywhere, it is the enemy of truth."
--Llewellyn H. Rockwell  {}  "Mission creep is not unique to Congress.
It is endemic to all arms of the federal government...." --Bruce Fein
{}  "Relativists believe they've discovered the ultimate weapon
against the sense of right and wrong -- a hydrogen bomb for the
culture war and a doomsday machine against conscience. What is it? The
accusation of 'intolerance'." --Chuck Colson  {}  "The tragedy of
communism is precisely that it systematically and fanatically
interposes the impersonal and malignant power of the state between
every authentic human relationship so that, finally, parents and
children and even spouses cannot be truly together even in their own
homes." --Alan Keyes  {}  "There are only two economists in Congress
and hundreds of lawyers. Does that explain why the government is in
such a mess?" --Thomas Sowell  {}  "Truth has become as elusive as a
bat on a foggy night. It's enough to keep a fellow from a good night's
sleep." --Charley Reese  {}   "...[I]f we care about our remaining
liberties we must at some point draw a line in the sand and let
politicians and bureaucrats know we will not tolerate further
encroachment on our God-given rights to liberty." --Walter E. Williams
{}  "...[H]istory is one of the most rewarding of studies. If nothing
else, it can teach us about the abiding tendencies of men and rulers.
If you know something of the Roman emperors, the Clintons won't take
you by surprise." --Joseph Sobran  {}  "The path of desire is littered
with victims." --J.R. Nyquist


"Good thing George Patton didn't have the U.S. Supreme Court with him
in 1944 at Bastogne. That December Patton's troops found themselves
bogged down in the Saar with bad weather, which allowed German panzers
to attack without fear of Allied air support. Patton responded by
calling in the army's padre. Not only did he order up a prayer for
good weather, he had 3,200 copies of Training Letter No. 5 distributed
to commanders throughout his army, emphasizing the importance of
getting the men not to confine their prayers to church and services.
Though released under the signature of the Third Army chaplain, there
was no mistaking whence the order had come. 'Be assured that this
message on prayer has the approval, the encouragement, and the
enthusiastic support of the Third United States Army Commander'."
--Wall Street Journal


On the political front...

Democrat Lyndon LaRouche is suing to get the delegates he won when
garnering 22% of the presidential primary votes in Arkansas. The
Arkansas State Democratic Party is refusing to seat LaRouche's seven
delegates at the national convention.  Somehow it is fitting that
Arkansas Demos, who gave us such fine talent as Bill and Hill, now
have given a nut like LaRouche more support than he got from any other

>From the Bush campaign journal...

Bush campaign spokesman Ari Fleischer says, "The '96 platform was
reflective of a different era. It reflected a lot of contention
between the executive and the legislature. The tone of the 2000
platform will be much more optimistic, positive, inclusive."  For
example, Fleischer noting that the 1996 plank called for closure of
the Department of Education, he said, "That will be removed. The
governor does not want that department abolished." After all, the feds
have done such a stellar job managing the nation's government schools!

On the other hand, Andy Card, co-chairman of the Republican National
Convention, notes, "This is not a top-down driven document. It's one
that bubbles up from the grass roots in the Republican Party. ... It's
really not directed by the candidate from Austin."  We will let you
know if any of those "bubbles" make it to the surface.

"To renew hope in the American dream, to lift the spirit of our great
country, to meet the challenges of this new century, we must change
the tone of Washington, D.C."

Observation Points:
"Bush's present ambiguity ... leaves voters interested in these
[conservative cultural position] issues cold and despairing, pleasing
only the liberal ethnic pressure groups that will always support the
Democrats in the end." --John O'Sullivan  {}  "Bush believes that he
has to take the chance that conservatives are hungry enough to
tolerate this [move to the center]. And if he's wrong, he'll lose and
he knows it." --UVA's Larry Sabato

>From Bore2000 -- The Vice Prevaricator...

"Any state that has that kind of horrible record ought to have a
moratorium." --A fine example of Gorespeak, the strategy of straddling
an issue, in this case, advocating a moratorium on executions in some
states and not others, thus being "for and against" the death penalty
simultaneously.  {}  "I remember the system, the computer system,
breaking down and losing three days of e-mail. I remember asking them,
'What in the world happened?' and it was in the nature of saying,
'Please don't let that happen again'." --Al "Inventor of the Internet"
Gore on the "glitch" that disposed of 15 months of his e-mail sought
by congressional investigators.  {}  "For far too long some
politicians have been willing to play with the issue of choice for
their own personal political ambition." --From the man who has used
the issue in virtually every speech, though he still refuses to say
"choice" of what.

Observation Points:
"I don't know if Gore is going to win.  If I knew how to beat Dubya, I
would have done it myself." --Former Democratic Texas Governor Ann
Richards  {}  "If Gore were an American Indian of yore, his name would
be 'Al Finger-In-The-Wind.'" --One of the Washington Post
card-carrying leftists, Richard Cohen  {}  "If you listen to Mr. Gore,
(Texas) is a hotbed of Third World conditions.  He's assailed Texas
air, Texas water, Texas health and a whole host of other things in our
great state.  Come to think of it, if you listen to him long enough,
you'll come to think we were living in one of the vice president's
rental properties." --Texas Lt. Gov. Rick Perry

HILLARY! The Rodham-Clintonista...

HILLARY! urged Congress to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act,
"to send a strong message that gender-based attacks will not be
tolerated."  We suppose Ms. Juanita Broaddrick would suggest HILLARY!
start by locking up her husband.

Observation Points:
"Despite the departure of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani from the closely
watched U.S. Senate race in New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton has been
unable to open up a gap over the
Republican opposition, according to three independent polls." --CNN
{}  "Mr. Lazio is a four-term congressman. Four times he stood before
the good people of his Long Island district and asked them to vote him
up or down. That's four more times than Mrs. Clinton has run for
Congress, or for anything." --Richard Brookhiser


"I think public opinion is based on what they know at the time."
--Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle on how the "dezinformatsia
machine" keeps Sociocrats in office.  ++  On breaking the media's
stronghold on public opinion: "For the embattled denizens of the
mainstream media, there's no delicate way to put it: The Internet is
eating their lunch." --Washington Post's Howard Kurtz  ++  "If there's
any hand-wringing, it's about the loss of the national square that
newspapers and the networks once provided." --Andrew Kohut, director
of the Pew Research Center, on how other news sources like The
Federalist are doing an end run around the major print and broadcast
opinion shapers.


"And for those of you who don't know, basically, Abraham Lincoln, in
what is now the Lincoln Bedroom, signed the Emancipation Proclamation
in September of 1862." --Bill Clinton on the history of the Lincoln
Bedroom. **Now, the only thing that gets signed in the Lincoln Bedroom
are $50,000 checks to the DNC.   {}  "The Democratic Party is a party
by the people and for the people." --DNC National Chair Joe Andrew
**Touching!   {}  "But we are in the busy season of the year, where
prices generally go up a bit." --White House Mouth Joe Lockhart
explaining why gasoline in some locales is more than $2 a gallon.


"There is no state that does not have some kind of patriot activity,
some very violent, some very extreme." --Dennis Molenaar, a domestic
terrorism "expert" on those troublesome "patriots." **Exactly the same
sentiment King George III had a few years back!   {}  "It was the most
horrible thing I could possibly have done. It galvanized such
hostility. It was just thoughtless. I wasn't thinking." --"Hanoi" Jane
Fonda in the second edition of Oprah's 'O' magazine, on her infamous
1972 pose with an anti-aircraft gun in North Vietnam. **No, Jane, it
wasn't the pose. It was going to Hanoi and -- while American patriots
were being tortured a short distance away after being shot down by
anti-aircraft guns -- protesting against your country on enemy soil.
{}  From the "Village Academic Curriculum" File: The trustees of
Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, N.H., one of the nation's most
prestigious college prep schools, are following the lead of other New
England prep schools like Concord Academy and Phillips Academy by
allowing homosexual couples to serve as "dormitory parents" on campus.


"Vice President Al Gore gave a speech...saying he is concerned about
the issue of mental health. He's not alone. After Gore unveiled his
sixth new personality in one year, everyone's concerned." --Argus
Hamilton  {}  "When you come home from work, your whole life is flies
-- taping up windows, taping up doors, taping up chimneys, fly
swatters, pest strips, vacuuming, cleaning counters. You do fly work
until you go to bed." --Mr. Ervin Paulsen after damp weather combined
with hundreds of tons of chicken manure spread as fertilizer combined
to create a "fly problem" in his farming community. **George Bush will
be using that line after he moves into the "Clinton White House next
year!  {}  "...Clinton isn't a president -- he just plays one on
television." --Noemie Emery  {}  "For if there's one thing we do know
about Bill Clinton, it's that he's earned most of his enemies."
--Jonah Goldberg  {}  "Today university professors specialize in areas
so narrow and often so ideologically esoteric that their minds are as
useless as gall bladders." --R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.  {}  "The New York
Daily News says Ted Turner's involved with 28-year-old Karen Rosefeld,
[who is] younger than all five of Turner's children. Now Larry King's
wife finally has someone to play with." --Mark Wheeler  {}  Bumper
Humor: "I wish I lived in New York so I could vote AGAINST Hillary."

Night Lines:

Leno....  Some sad news. Joey and Mary Jo Buttafuoco are getting a
divorce. Now that it appears that her marriage to a lying, cheating
adulterer is over, Mary Jo said that she would take the next logical
step...run for Senate in New York.  ....  Congratulations, Steve Young
-- one of the greatest  quarterbacks of all time retired. He's the
first NFL player to end his career this year without the pleading "not
guilty, your honor." ....  At NBC, we're going up against this
"Survivor" show. We've got our own show. Apparently, a group of people
will try to survive for one month living in one of Al Gore's rental

Letterman.... Signs You Have a Lame Computer Virus: Attacks processor
by decreasing RAM by 20 megabytes -- basically, turns cursor into Ms.
Pac Man.  All the adult sites now have photos of Bill Gates. You now
have access to only 48,765 'N Sync sites. Turns computer monitor into
television that only shows CBS. E-mails your friends telling them you
actually bought one of those George Foreman grills. It's programmed to
go off sometime in the year 1963.

(**) Denotes Editor's Comment

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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