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David Rockefeller Speaks
satire by Victor Thorn

Breaking News: Late last night, President George Bush admitted to “The Economist” magazine that not only did he and other members of his Cabinet know about the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, but that they also allowed them to happen so that American oil companies could further maximize their profits in the Middle East and Caspian Region of Turkmenistan.

Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense, confirmed this startling revelation to the Washington Post by saying that the airplanes in question were never actually hijacked, but were flown via remote-control into the each skyscraper and the Pentagon while military jets were ordered to “stand-down” until this atrocity took place.

In another part of the world, Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, held a press conference in Harare, Zimbabwe where he confessed that the AIDS virus did not happen ‘accidentally,’ but was rather created by the World Health Organization in unison with rogue elements of the United States military in order to deliberately kill tens of millions of innocent people (or ‘useless eaters’ as they are called behind closed-doors). Annan further elaborated by saying that this genocidal program will continue indefinitely until “enough of the herd has been thinned.”

While this startling news unfolded, CBS Evening News Anchor Dan Rather broke into regularly scheduled prime-time programming to announce that the very foundation of American society – our right to a democratic vote – has been declared null-and-void, and that the American people have been bamboozled for the past twenty years via “Votescam.” In other words, Rather said matter-of-factly, every President in recent memory has been ‘selected’ beforehand by a group of hidden Controllers, while the process of voting at the ballot boxes has been nothing but a ruse.

While all of these events took place, Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, sat before Congress under the glare of television cameras and laid it all on the line. He said in no uncertain terms that the Federal Reserve is a privately-owned, for-profit corporation, and that his international banker bosses laugh until their stomachs hurt every day over the tax system they’ve created to pad their already overflowing pockets. Greenspan even went so far as to quote a Rothschild family member as saying, “The people of America, and indeed the world, are dumkopfs (idiots). They slave away at OUR companies and make US rich; then before we throw them a few scraps via their paychecks, we take our money first. Hell, we don’t even take it … we STEAL it … anywhere from ¼ to 1/3 right off the bat. They don’t even see it. And every year we raise their taxes and take even more! And what do they do about it? Nothing. They don’t even fight back.” All of the congressmen laughed uproariously as they left this session and hopped into their limousines, which took them to fancy steak and lobster houses.

George Tenet, CIA Director, got into the act by telling syndicated radio talk-show host Mike Gallagher his agency will increase its black-budget drug-trafficking practices while the FBI at the same time bolsters it War on Drugs. In other words, he said that while the CIA keeps bringing drugs into the country, the Justice Department will keep throwing the users into jail. He even said that President Bush might bring back Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” program for good measure.

As this news flashed across computer screens the world over, David Rockefeller sat in a plush European boardroom with members of the Rothschild, Morgan, Warburg, and Bronfman families. And even though the above-mentioned revelations were highly damaging to the ruse they had perpetuated for decades, none seemed worried.

Mr. Rockefeller began with an air of superiority. “Why should we be concerned? Do you know what everyone on the Internet is going to do?”

“What?” one of his shadowy cohorts replied.

“They’re going to tap out a message on their keyboards, then rifle it off into cyberspace. Then someone else will read it, post it on a message board; and continue tapping away. Hell, we rammed two jets into the World Trade Center, and now they know the truth about what we’ve done! THEY KNOW THE TRUTH! It’s the same as when we blew-up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City and made Timothy McVeigh our fall-guy. But what are they going to do? Send more messages on their silly computers! It’s a riot. Plus, we’ve also admitted that we actually STEAL their money via taxation, that we CREATED the AIDS virus to kill them off, that their votes DON’T matter, and that we’re going to start shipping their sons and daughters off to another Vietnam War in Iraq to DIE so that WE can make more profits for our energy and drug cartels. They all know the truth now … there’s no more doubt about it – and what do they do? Sit in padded chairs in front of their computer screens and type out messages to each other. It’s like: “Hey, George, guess what. The government really DID know about the World Trade Center attacks, and they let it happen anyway. Now I’m going to see if I can find any information about the UFO’s out at Area 51.””

“Doesn’t it trouble you, though, that there are so many people on the Internet finding out the truth?” another man blurted.

“Why should it?” Rockefeller smiled. “None of them are doing anything about it. Hell, they can read fifty articles a day. What do we care as long as none of them do anything about it? I laugh my ass off at all of them as they’re tap tap tapping away. Why do you think we pushed this whole Internet idea on them anyway? To keep them secured to their screens and physically isolated from each other. It’s hard to revolt against us when they’re all sitting in front of a monitor.”

“But David,” a senior Rothschild official interrupted. “What if they start getting organized?”

“Then,” Mr. Rockefeller sighed, “we have problems. But the good thing is; we control some of the most well-known ‘alternative’ news sites on the Internet. They’re nothing but front-groups that give the appearance of being legitimate, but in reality they’re nothing but plants.”

“There’s so much information on those sites, though,” another man objected.

“That’s true,” Rockefeller said wryly, “but information is useless unless it’s followed by action. I don’t give a damn if they know every secret in creation … a lot of them already do! But as long as they don’t do anything, let ‘em keep passing their little articles back and forth.”

“I agree,” a stern-faced woman chimed-in. “But there’s recently been talk about an independent Internet news and action group called WING – World Independent News Group – that’s bringing all of these news services and websites together en masse so that they can actually challenge the mainstream media that we control.”

“In all reality,” Rockefeller responded, “this is currently the biggest challenge to our authority that exists in the world today. And if you want to know the truth, it would be so easy for them to pull-off. All they have to do is get a growing movement of regular, everyday citizens to see through our smokescreen, and in no time the illusion would be over. Once Americans; and people of the world in general, have lost utter faith in the credibility of our mass-conditioned media, we’ve lost the game. At the time being, most everyone questions the media, but they still tune-into CNN and read Time Magazine. What a bunch of dupes. But if a viable alternative presents itself that is above and beyond the lies that we tell … in other words … if they tell the truth and expose us on this WING site – it’s all over. And here’s the clincher. The other night we listened into a telephone conversation between Victor Thorn and a well-known reporter, and she said that she couldn’t believe that ANY of the alternative sites wouldn’t want to be a part of this movement. And guess what. The everyday people who read Thorn’s ideas are adamantly in agreement with him. But it’s a few of the crucial alternative websites that aren’t lending their support by informing their readers. And do you know why? Because they’re the ones we control. They’ll keep churning out articles and posting them on their sites, but when it comes to taking action, all of a sudden these sites are strangely silent. Why? Because they work for us! The techniques we use with these ‘alternative’ sites are the same ones we use in the mainstream media! We marginalize, we refuse to act, we alter and distort, and we refuse to run material or cover stories by certain people. I mean, why don’t more of these cyberspace people see through our ploys? It’s so clear, and the tactics we use are older than dirt. We’re blatantly screwing them in the guise of providing ‘secret’ knowledge. But all-in-all, these ‘traitor’ sites keep people inactive, and inaction is our greatest ally. It’s only when people stand-up and ACT that our power is threatened. All they’d have to do is ask themselves, which sites aren’t promoting WING, then they’d have a starting point to figure out who the ‘plants’ are.”

“And what do you expect in the future?” an aged European man inquired.

“Nothing but the same old shit!” Rockefeller beamed. “I mean, look at these people. I’ve been waiting for them to rise up and REVOLT for years now, but they just keep sitting around letting us crap on them. We raise their taxes and they do nothing. We allow their Trade Centers to get attacked; then lie about it afterward, and they still do nothing. Now we plan on sending their children into war, and they sit back and take it. If I were them, I’d be out in the streets in a heartbeat with torches and guns ready to string us up by our feet! We just keep shitting on them over and over and over again … but they don’t react. Why? C’mon, put up a fight!” Rockefeller roared, swinging his fist in the air. “We’re going to kill your damn kids again. That’s all war is anyway – one slave class killing another slave class for us – the ELITE CLASS. Then we make more money, gain more control, and steal more money out of their paychecks. It really blows my mind how they can allow us to steal their money; especially when we don’t pay any taxes at all. We’ve figured out years ago how to get around that nonsense.” Rockefeller took a deep breath and concluded, “Anyway, that’s where we currently stand. We’re still firmly in control, and if the people keep tap tap tapping on their keyboards and sending articles around, then nothing will change and the status quo will prevail. But if they decide to truly organize and stop putting up with our lies, we’ll be out of business before we know what hits us!”


Please contact every online news site and organization that you know of and urge them to run the following WING article:


It’s crunch-time, folks. Do you want to take back your country, or are you content with the status quo where things will only get worse?

Let me know your thoughts on this matter, and please, contact every news group you know and tell them to help us spread the word.

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