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Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.aidaparker.org/bh/Fonda/Death/">Death,
Prisons and the Correlation of Forces</A>
We have the power to free ourselves, and are deceived to feel helpless…

Death, Prisons, and the Correlation of Forces

LET ME BEGIN by making it clear that I do not anticipate our being able to
face the government's armed forces in open battle; I mention this not to
discourage my fellow militiamen, but to focus our attention on what is
possible. Just because we can't defeat them in battles like Yorktown does not
mean that we are unable to accomplish the militia's mission, which is to
preserve liberty. Only if the militia is completely destroyed (which is to
say if our people's will and character are destroyed) will the government be
free to manifest its totalitarian vision of social control. Fortunately, we
do not have to even engage the armed forces, let alone defeat them! To
explain why this is so, I will need to demonstrate a correlation of forces.
Consider that about a million white men die every year in the USA. Think
about it; that's approximately as many as have died in combat in all
America's wars! Those of us who have grown old in sullen anger could bring
down this tyranny in a season, if only we would resolve to invest our
inevitable death with significance by forthfaring in
        honorable combat. If our men will embrace their fate, and die
fighting, rather than wasting away under medical torture!
How many of our men will rise to this occasion of our people's mortal peril?
It is hard to say, on present trends and evidence, but we can begin the
analysis by considering two groups: gun owners and racists. While it is true
that those groups overlap to an unknown degree, they can be considered
separately, and I will begin with the gun owners.
The oppressors are committed to disarming the public, and it is probably
because they rightly fear resistance to their social control programs and our
vengeance! Certainly, many of "our" women fear punishment for their treason
against the white race; their perfidy is such that blacks and they are spoken
of as "wimmen and minorities". The words cut like a knife in the back, and
their hysterical attacks on "racism" are designed to keep us psychologically
neutralized until we can be made helpless. Because we are politically
helpless already (being outvoted


by that unholy alliance on any important issue) those who fear our vengeance
are certain to attempt disarmament.

They are going about it in small steps, and anyone can see (from places like
California) how it will be done; at each step the gun owners retreat. But the
criminals will keep their guns, and (even if disarmed) black gangs with
"only" fists, clubs, and lighter fluid will terrify disarmed whites. I think
a lot of whites will hide guns, and even though some will give in to
"amnesties" there will still be a lot of them left to take away: eighty
million Americans own 230,000,000 guns! We all know people who say that they
will shoot it out when the alphabet armies come for theirs; I hope and
believe that some of them will have the courage to live up to that intention.

I think it is reasonable to suppose that at least ten percent will hide at
least one or a few guns for self-defense in some all-too-imaginable
emergency. That would make around a million gun "criminals", and even if a
lot of those lost their nerve and gave in to "amnesties", it is realistic to
suppose that at least 500,000 would hang tough. While I doubt that the
government can realistically expect to do that well, even "success" means
that they will have infuriated nearly a third of the population by making
them helpless!

A high percentage of those who
        remain armed will be old men who don't feel they have much to lose
anyway, and the government probably wont dare try to root them all out.
Instead they will make some highly publicized raids against a few
unfortunates, followed by new amnesties and so on. I don't know how many
agents will get their just desserts in that process, but it is bound to be
some number more than are "getting some" now. Because the men who resist
disarmament are a selected group of hard-cases with a bad attitude, I think
we can assume that they will cause at least as many police casualties as are
currently inflicted by economic criminals.

Then let's consider the multitude who only get put in jail. The "war on guns"
will put more white men in jail than the drug laws have, and there are
currently two million prisoners, about half of them white. The government of
this "land of the free" already locks up more people (and for longer terms)
than any other nation, or all of Europe: 25% of the world's prisoners are in
American jails! More people want guns, simply to protect themselves from
"multi-cultural society", than use drugs, and the government is more afraid
of guns than drugs! They wont dare let a gun "criminal" go back to work with
a high-tech leg iron on for control, the way they let hapless pot smokers pay
for their own oppression. And once those gun owners have had a little
experience with life in jail, they

will all be racists, whether they were to begin with or not.

Before considering the role that racially conscious white men will fulfill,
lets consider those drug "offenders" that control freaks are producing in
such copious numbers. Over half a million a year are arrested for drug
offenses; about half the 2,000,000 prisoners are doing (mostly long) time for
same. No doubt most current militiamen think of such people as "the enemy",
and I agree that many of them do represent all that is wrong with our
society. But a hell of a lot of them are just young white people who smoke a
little pot and sold some to their friends so they could buy in more
economical quantities. Or they raised a few plants to keep from having to buy
from the kind of scum you think of when you hear the term "drug-dealer".

Eighty percent of drug arrests are for marijuana, and the majority of
offenders are young white men: not black coke and heroin dealers! Think about
those young whites in prison for victimless drug crimes. They probably grew
up considering themselves "hip": wearing T-shirts bearing pictures of black
sports figures, absorbing MTV values, and being brainwashed by the media
opinion makers. Now the government (elected and empowered by blacks and their
moms) throws them into a cage, unarmed, with the worst thugs the cops can
        We ought to think of the war on drugs as a militia conscription and
re-education program!

Scores of thousands of hardened and embittered young white men are being
"graduated" from the prisons every year, and society wont let them have good
jobs or (re)enter the middle class. As the government locks up more and more
militiamen on "hate", thought and weapons crimes, we will have a cadre in
prison to recruit, indoctrinate, and educate these embittered young white
men. The militiamen will naturally form self-defense cliques and the
frightened "fish" will beg to be let in. While I am sympathetic to the
victims of the drug war, the brutal truth is that the cause of liberty is
best served by letting it go on: the government is operating a press gang for
us! Every year tens of thousands of these young white men, inspired by our
vision of a society free from government intrusion and control, will be
turned loose on MTV culture; that ought to keep the agent armies busy! If
they help us fight for liberty, then they are (or will be) worthy
compatriots. I have noticed that those who turn up their noses at this idea
are the same ones who are too pious to do anything but wait for the Second
Coming. Consequently their opinion really doesn't matter to those of us who
are determined to keep a real world fit to live in. We are in, and currently
losing, the struggle for liberty and our people's existence; we must use all

our assets. In any event, within a few years there will be thousands of gun
criminals graduating from the prisons, and surely no one can doubt that they
will be worthy of recruiting! In fact, our descendants will judge anyone
imprisoned for constitutionally protected or natural behavior, that doesn't
become a resistance fighter, as a coward.

There is one more group of criminals that need to be considered. There are
currently very few young white men who are literally driven into crime by
economic desperation, but that is already changing, and the fallout from
NAFTA is going to make it very much worse. The inverse relationship between
economic opportunities and criminal involvement is too well established to
deny. While we may believe that "poverty is no excuse", and know some "poor
but honest folks", that last phrase tells a story. This cliche reveals that
even in the good old days it was understood that poverty tended to drive
people to desperation and dishonesty. The "but" in that phrase means that
such a person is honest in spite of the pressures of poverty.

So leave aside the moralistic attitude that people should just try harder
when times are tough, and look at the situation realistically. If the economy
(particularly new job creation) gets any worse, ever-larger numbers of people
will be drawn into crime.
        And while our economy is creating wealth for the elites, it is not
producing many new jobs for young white men frozen out of college and middle
class jobs by quotas and affirmative action. The jobs they might have fallen
back on (to be poor but honest) are now going to immigrant laborers, or have
been "set aside for the women and minorities" who couldn't fake their way
through to a degree in women's studies or black history.

Worse still, the bad effects of NAFTA aren't even evident yet; if anything we
are getting a false prosperity from the first stages of it. For instance,
selected retailers are prospering from it, and machine tool manufacturers are
doing well. But anyone with a little foresight can see that those machines
will be used to make goods to be sold in competition with American producers.
And the treaty lets immigrant workers steal your job with protection from
state and federal laws; soon our working conditions and pay scales will be
"competitive" with Latin America's. Jane Chablis will be so satisfied; Joe
Six-pack will be too poor to pay attention, and all the American workers
still employed will be job-scared robots. It's ironic what the labor movement
has done to itself by siding with socialistic government!

We have to realize that under such conditions, many white youths that turn to
crime are simply rebelling, and it is altogether fitting and proper that they
should do so.

The militia should save these young men from the misdirection of criminality
and show them how to express their understandable anger at the government
through militia action. The bottom line is this: the government is going to
forge an army of hard-cases, and then release them, because only one in
twenty will die in jail. And all but the worst of the faggots and cowards
will come out of jail as die-hard (literally) racists.

It was hard to estimate how many gun owners would be brave enough to die in
combat, but we can make a lot better estimation with regard to the racist
ex-cons. The "three strikes" laws will infuse our men with desperate courage,
and suicidal bravery will become commonplace! Even first offenders may have
two strikes on them by the time they are released, since they will probably
have to defend themselves from rape. Even though a white prisoner is only
defending himself, whenever a black inmate gets hurt bad enough to need
medical treatment, the white man is going to get charges put on him.
Naturally, the black(s) will lie about it, and the white prisoner is almost
sure to get convicted of assault; even if they run the time concurrent, it is
still another strike!

So a white man released into the society of the near future will know that,
if he is ever taken alive again, he is doomed to spend the
        rest of his life in a hell-hole. No one will want to face going back
into prison after living through one term, but statistics show that more than
half will be arrested and re-convicted. The ones who become militiamen
probably wont submit to that attempted re-arrest; they know the government
will be afraid to ever let them out again. I believe that a new manly
paradigm will emerge, of fighting to the death when faced with capture. I am
predicting that it will be characteristic of these ex-con militiamen to
obdurately resist surrender: they will prefer to die fighting. Some will
merely inflict one casualty and be gunned down; that alone will be enough to
break the cops' spirit. But many of them will go out like Platt did in Miami.
He was mortally wounded in the opening fusillade of a roadblock shootout with
the FBI, but before he bled to death he counterattacked and seven agents were
shot! This foreshadows the kind of fighting that will be done by men with
nothing left to lose and a desire for vengeance on those who have so reduced
and oppressed them.

The mercenary alphabet armies that guard our tyrants are currently
pro-active. They are accustomed to so little resistance that they are eager
to break down people's doors to terrorize or murder them in the name of "law
and order". They are excited by doing it, and look for opportunities.

There is a lot of money in it for them: "legally" in confiscations and
forfeitures, and illegally in thefts, shakedowns, and all sorts of scams. We
need to make them dread to break down some citizen's door! The main role I
see for crotchety old farts like myself (who have had enough of this tyranny
and racial oppression for one lifetime, and no intention of submitting to the
indignities of imprisonment) is to make that sort of "swat team raid" cost too
 many government casualties to be sustained.

Life in this politically correct MTV culture is a joyless thing for the white
racist man; we get our face rubbed in filth wherever we turn. We can take no
pleasure in any entertainment: it is all poisoned and africanized. If we try
to make friends with some woman we are most likely going to be rebuffed when
she finds out we are "evil racists". We are denied jobs and opportunities of
every sort, then fired or penalized on the whim or accusation of any
self-righteous bitch. Everywhere we go we have to bear the sight of wanton
women destroying our heritage by throwing themselves at blacks. We are
subjected to an endless, shrill abuse at the hands of women we only want to
be affectionate towards. By the time we grow old our natural kindness is
rendered out, and our hearts grow hard and full of bitterness.
        When you are young, ambitious and optimistic, you hope that things
will work out: that you will be one of the lucky ones who salvages a decent
life amid the ruins. But everyone gets old, and we are all born to die! Even
if you were lucky and did have a good life, you've had a belly full of it all
by the time you are old. Then you get to look forward to a case of prostate,
colon (or some other) cancer, or you have a stroke and lay there drooling
with a tube stuck up here and there. Maybe you are lucky enough to just have
a heart attack, but even that is no better than getting shot. Getting shot is
probably the easiest way to die that you could ask for, and to go out
fighting for liberty is a really noble thing. Very few men die in honor these
days, with a sense of assurance that they are "bound for glory" and the
company of other honorable men. I am predicting that a cohort within that
million white men who die every year will dedicate themselves to honor and
liberty! Those old hard-cases will send many a pig to hell, and they will
break the spirit of the benefit soldiers who serve the tyranny of "wimmen and
minorities". How many would they have to kill to accomplish that? Consider
that the American public wouldn't sustain an average of 100 casualties a week
in the Vietnam war era, and this time all the casualties, on both sides, will
be Americans. All the collateral damage and friendly fire will occur in the
land of the big PX.

It is commonly assumed that forces in the offensive must have a three to one
numerical superiority, and that they will take casualties in a proportionate
ratio (at least in the initial assault). The government will always have to
be on the offensive, while the militiamen need only defend themselves, but
may attack when it is to their advantage.

If our resistance fighters can maintain a three to one kill ratio, only 25 of
our men per week, out of a million a year, would be enough to bring this
tyranny to an end! And those three enemies don't have to be cops: black
"suits", authority figures, and breeding age women; traitors and politicians;
media opinion makers etc… are all suitable targets of opportunity. We don't
need Time magazine to tell us who's shitting on us: we can recognize some of
those assholes on sight. I believe this is already starting to happen and
they are concealing it from the general public; that's why they are so
desperate to censor us off the internet. They realize white men are starting
to fight back, and will surely win if we can't be kept divided and feeling
        They can't declare victory and come home from this war, and soon the
politicians will want to call it off, but there wont be anyone for them to
negotiate with, nor do they dare give us liberty! Because they have driven us
into leaderless resistance, there will be no leaders respected enough to
command us cease; the traitors who counsel such will be assassinated.
Eventually the politicians who survive will preside over a vast war-zone
where only a local superiority of force is of consequence, and they will live
in the fear they now inspire! The multicultural empire will balkanize into
ethnic enclaves, and one or more "white homelands" will manifest in
consequence of our people's will to survive.

The struggle will forge our will and harden our determination, while the
government forces us to fight. It reminds me of what "Chesty" Puller said
when he was told that the marines were completely surrounded by several
Chinese divisions:

"They'll never get away from us now"! if only we
Embrace Our Fate!

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 Copyright ª 2000 The Blackhelicopter Chronicles
Internet Pages by Jennifer Logan
Page created on: Sun Mar 12 15:40:13 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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