-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


 International Views:
 Reason Defeats Rhetoric - Switzerland’s soldiers are finally
 allowed to protect themselves in a war-zone

Ed.: A contribution from a Swiss brother in arms on the recent decision to
finally allow Swiss troops to carry arms during out of country deployments.
The article shows that many political issues and reluctant decision-making
are not only limited to our own country. A salute to all Swiss troops for
their contributions to world peace and their courage to speak out on
important topics.

By 1st Lieutenant Baches, Swiss Army Infantry

On Sunday, June 11, the Swiss decided by a very narrow margin that our
troopers serving abroad will finally be allowed to carry their personal

What may seem ridiculous, going into a war zone unarmed, actually caused an
extremely emotional and heated debate over the issue. The Swiss Army has been
involved for decades in international peacekeeping missions in places such as
Korea, Namibia and the Balkans, but apart from a small security detail were
not allowed to carry a weapon.

What is outrageous about this is the fact that the Swiss government and the
general staff wanted our troopers in the Kosovo mission to carry a weapon to
protect themselves, but the decision was put on hold by a referendum, which
was possible because it required federal law to be adjusted accordingly.

Colonels micromanaging squads and companies is already ridiculous (although,
unfortunately, becoming more and more commonplace), with this issue, we face
a situation where a whole people decides over tactical questions concerning
the extent of armament of a company-sized element.

It was actually pretty entertaining to watch self-proclaimed experts who
never fired a gun, discuss tactical issues on national TV. Many officers,
myself included, seriously considered quitting the army if the law would have
been torpedoed. A big part of the army’s new mission statement and training
focuses specifically on such missions rather than on the sole WW II/Cold War
purpose of defending our national territory against soviet tank divisions and
hordes of massed infantry, and all this preferably within our own borders.

A second issue of the referendum proposed changes that would tighten
Switzerland's links to NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) by permitting Swiss
troops to train abroad or foreign forces to conduct joint military exercises
in Switzerland. This is already the case anyway and the purpose of the law is
to cut through some of the red tape. Our Leopard II tankers have been
training in Sweden due to our lack of bases in country where tankers can
train as a battalion or even as a company, furthermore, our F-18 pilots have
been flying in neighboring France as well as in Sardinia, Norway and the
United States for years, whereas we had French tankers conduct live-fire
exercises in the alps and German tankers battling it out at our tank
simulators in Thun (ELSALEO).

Picture this extreme: opposing the bill was an unholy alliance of
nationalists led by billionaire and Congressman Christoph Blocher and
elements of the pacifist far-left! Whereas not much weight was given to the
pacifist argumentation in this particular case, the fact that the far right
was so decidedly against our government’s and the armed forces‘ policy
raised quite a few eyebrows.

The nationalist opposition’s million-dollar campaign itself was led on a very
dumbed-down and emotional level and was also criticized by Swiss president
Moritz Leuenberger as "poisoning our political climate," which it really did,
as images of military cemeteries and a picture of WO Bill Cleveland being
dragged through the streets of Mogadishu were used in Blocher’s campaign
against letting our soldiers carry weapons. I still don’t see the connection,
since we are conducting the missions anyway and it’s just a question of
whether our grunts are allowed to effectively defend themselves or not.
Ultimately, this kind of emotional argumentation was completely off target.

Mr Blocher, who is still so strongly promoting the idea of a self-sufficient
"army of resistance" was - by the way - a colonel in the reserves, commanding
a rescue regiment. I personally confronted Congressman Blocher about this
issue with the argumentation that today’s and tomorrow‘s conflicts were very
likely low-intensity conflicts and terrorism probably within our own borders
and we had better prepare our army for that mission. His answer, next to a
long string of rhetoric, was something like "Lieutenant, I just hope you
never get your war". I was amazed and a bit worried about the quality of our
selection system for field-grade officers.

Besides the obvious safety issues of our soldiers being armed, the Swiss were
also a bit embarrassed by the fact that our troops had to be protected by the
Austrian battalion they are integrated into. As much as partly jeopardizing
our neutrality touches the Swiss soul, even more so does the idea of
Austrians having to look after us.

The same Austrians were kicked out of our country by our ancestors in their
struggle for independence some 700 years ago. Switzerland may be officially
neutral, but we also do have a very proud military heritage. Swiss
infantrymen were the most sought-after mercenaries for centuries and our
medieval infantry is even credited as being the first to employ guerilla
tactics against a much stronger and better armed enemy –be that the Habsburg
knights of Austria or the armies of Burgundy. It is no coincidence that the
Pope chose Swiss troopers to be his Praetorian Guard.

All in all the Swiss army is very happy with the outcome of the referendum.
Whereas the whole issue of whether peacekeeping is worth doing is a separate
issue, it is a nation’s duty to support its troops with all means possible
once it committed itself to a mission. Any mission.


Is The Light Finally On At The Pentagon?

Ed.: Dave Galland finds hope in words from the Pentagon. Zimm says hope isn’t
a method. Political talk is cheap and mass-produced by both political
parties, especially with a Macedonia involvement looming large on the
horizon, expanding the commitments that the last regime had gotten us into.
The lights are dim at best.

By J. David Galland

After years of countless deployments, millions and millions of taxpayer
dollars spent, military units cut to the bone to support the knee jerk, "make
it happen" taskings, we finally have a leading Pentagon official who is
honest about the military.

I am specifically talking about Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz who,
this past week was quoted as saying "we want to get the military out of
non-military functions". Call it what you will… but too many American
soldiers have died on peacekeeping Duty, your most prevalent non-military

I knew it, if I said my prayers every night and watched my language; someday
a shining knight would come along. I will admit that I was starting to lose
hope, as the Army's BDU uniform seems to be morphing into a "Peter Pan Type"
fashionable leotard, in the vein of the Clinton liberalism of the past eight
years. We even had a, "Hillary's favorite General", who has since moved on
from what she termed, "this is not your father's army", Yeah! Claudia……….
Too bad it isn't!

I prayed that this pillar of common sense would come to earth and straighten
out the tail of the dragon that has whip-lashed our military into a uniformed
variant of Care International, Doctors without Borders, OXFAM, and UNICEF all
rolled into one non-confrontational military force. Our current Army, which,
according to General Paul Eaton at Fort Lewis, Washington, is training the
new "International Rapid Deployable Force" to strike a balance between
timidity and aggression, may very well finally be saved, or, at least on the
right road to salvation.

Our new # 2, official at the Pentagon has further asserted, "U. S military
forces should focus on fighting wars and leave peacekeeping duties to Norway,
Canada, and other nations". On a personal note, I can nominate a few other
countries for this mission who are not readily distinguishable, in my view,
as "globally military significant". What's up with the Polish Army these
days? Maybe the Swiss, yes………….great, The Chief War Crimes Prosecutor can
give her own soldiers, from Switzerland, a task. I hope that they are not all
out of hairnets for field duty under their helmets.

I, for one, am sick and tired of seeing photographs of American soldiers, in
newspapers and magazines, putting the finishing touches on sandboxes in
Bosnia, birthing clinics in Montenegro, and setting up chiropractic
adjustment tables in the foothills of Laos. Soldiers, and their family
members in Germany, and in other locations, have to wait long periods of time
for medical care due to staffing shortages. These shortages are caused by the
philanthropic misuse of our Combat Service Support assets in America's
attempt to create a perfect world. This has to stop! I never saw any soldiers
pulling teeth and erecting swing sets in East Boston when I was a kid. We
sure could have used a few distractions to the "in-town - less than positive
influences" that seemed to surround us, and for which American soldiers have
been routinely dispatched for the past eight years.

"The trouble with peacekeeping missions, and commitments, is that they never
seem to end". There is great merit to this statement by Mr. Wolfowitz. Take a
look at Korea and, as well, our two-decade presence in the Sinai. United
States' participation in peacekeeping missions, and missions other than war,
received energetic focus, as did some other issues, from our Clinton
administration. In what, I can succinctly describe as a "severely out of
focus view" of what the military force of the strongest nation in the world
ought to be doing; Cohen and Clinton spread ill-trained and improperly
equipped American soldiers around the world, like watery mustard at a weenie
roast. Naturally severe mission creep prevailed. Commanders, who actually
believe that infrequent static patrolling of a town in Bosnia constitutes a
challenging tour in a combat zone, don't know what they are doing or what
they should be doing. This is evidenced in the assertions of General Eaton,
again, in his description of training soldiers to better kick down doors and
use plastic handcuffs.

Yes, it is true, American soldiers have played an indispensable role in
peacekeeping in the Balkans, but Wolfowitz asserts, "let's figure out how we
can play our part within reason". A fitting analysis and comprehension
indeed, Mr. Wolfowitz. You are in a unique position of leadership, now
continue to lead Sir!

We, out here in the field, like what we hear. Your position is the substance
of my most ardent prayers. I can only hope that the fighting force, that we
are supposed to have, will get behind and lend support. Hoooooaaaah! Sir!


The Sergeant’s Corner

How Officers Shouldn’t Be!

Ed: A Sergeant’s story about an officer in the days of the Inner German
Border (IGB). Although this happened in the 70s, we’re still fighting the
same leadership deficiencies.

By Ken Howes
Former U.S. Army Staff Sergeant

When I was in an intelligence unit in Europe in the 70s, they used to shift
officers into and out of our unit. We had a nitwit Captain, a West Pointer,
who invented various eyewash projects for us. Hi s main goal was to take
advantage of us or sabotage our military records and then to move on.

His last day, he said to one of the warrant officers in the unit, "Well, Pat,
I guess I know all there is to know about the border." As soon as he: was out
the door, Pat said, "Well, he knows all he's ever going to know about the
border." Pat had it right.

A few months later, this captain, now in an armored cavalry unit, was
appointed by the regimental commander to be its border operations officer.
The commander requested a briefing. Suddenly, this captain who had never
missed an opportunity to shaft me is on the phone to me asking me to put
together a briefing that he could present to the commander.

I don't remember what exactly I said to him, but I agreed to do it and
reminded him about something he had done and asked that he remedy it. He did.
So the commander got a briefing prepared by someone who actually knew
something about the border--me. But of course this captain was the one
presenting it and appearing knowledgeable, when the only knowledge he really
had was regurgitated info from a Staff Sergeant who knew about the border and
could write a good briefing.

I heard that he later went on to be a professor at West Point and wonder
whether he produced officers as shallow and two-faced as he was. Probably so!

I don't think he'd have lasted two months in a unit commanded by Hack, or in
one commanded by another officer born in the same area where he was
born--Erwin Rommel.

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