-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


Anthrax: Buck Fined, Avoids Jail, Can Stay In Service

Ed.: „Anthrax ueber alles!" It looks like the Air Force tried to enforce its
military authority while still avoiding the real Anthrax issues. The Doc
ought to have the option to resign for the good of the service and until
considered safe without a doubt, the Anthrax vaccinations should be
administered on a voluntary basis, the way it is handled in Britain. And
still NO defining word from any of our political leaders! Source: Biloxi Sun
Herald, 05/23/01.

By Reni Winter

KEESLER AFB -Air Force physician John Buck will be allowed to remain in the
military and will not serve prison time for disobeying a direct order to take
an anthrax vaccine before being deployed overseas.

After 90 minutes of deliberation Tuesday, an 11-member panel of Keesler Air
Force Base officers sentenced Capt. Buck to 60 days of base restriction and
fined him $1,500 a month - almost half his salary - for 14 months. A written
reprimand will also be placed in his personnel file.

Monday, the panel convicted Buck of willfully disobeying an order from a
superior officer. He had faced the possibility of five years in prison and
dismissal from the Air Force.

"We are very satisfied with how it went," said Capt. Jim Winner, an Air Force
spokesman. "They issued an appropriate sentence we cannot quibble with."

Lead defense attorney Frank Spinner did not claim victory, however. He plans
to appeal Lt. Col. Mark Allred's decision last week that the order to take
the anthrax vaccine is lawful. Allred, who acted as judge in the case, did
not allow the panel to consider the lawfulness of the order.

"The sentence is relatively light compared to a prison sentence or
dismissal," Spinner said. "That is a stiff financial penalty."

During Tuesday's sentencing phase of the court-martial, Buck read eight pages
of unsworn testimony to the panel, explaining his decision to disobey the

"I was at the crossroads between the oath of an officer and the oath of a
physician," Buck said. "The only way I could have peace about the apparent
conflict was to do what I knew to be right as a physician and to stare down
the barrel of the gun with the courage of an officer. ... I knew that
enlisted personnel had been court-martialed before me and all had been found
guilty. I could have walked away and protected my self-interest, but I feel I
would have turned my back on my troops."

Prosecutors had asked that Buck be dismissed. For an officer, that is the
equivalent of a dishonorable discharge.

Buck's mother, Anne Works, testified on her son's behalf. She described his
achievements in school and his pride in being accepted into the Air Force.
When she finished testifying, she asked the panel for mercy for Buck. Works
was one of four character witnesses who testified on Buck's behalf Tuesday.

Maj. Bruce Bishop, chief of the emergency room at Keesler Medical Center,
described Buck's loyalty to the Air Force when he said, "I think Dr. Buck
bleeds bluer than any of the other ER physicians.

 ...Once he learned enough about the anthrax vaccine to believe it was
dangerous, well, he is the type of person who would take on a cause he
believed in. I have no doubt that he is doing this because it's the right
thing to do."

Buck's attorneys attempted to submit documents, including statements from
Department of Defense personnel and excerpts from congressional hearings,
that they said support his belief that the anthrax vaccine is an experimental
drug and is neither safe, effective nor legal in the manner it is being used
by the military.

Spinner challenged Allred's refusal to accept the documents and asked the
judge whether he was influenced by outside authorities.

"We are concerned that there have been other influences with respect to the
ruling not to allow these documents," Spinner said to Allred, who didn't

After sentencing, Spinner said the case raises questions about the
independence of the military judicial system in which judges must answer to
their superiors.

The official military position is that the vaccine is safe and the best
weapon against biological attacks. Pressure mounted to immunize soldiers to
biological agents in the wake of the Persian Gulf War.

Buck was issued the order to take the vaccine when he was scheduled to be
part of an emergency medical team deployed to Oman or Bahrain less than a
week after the bombing of the USS Cole.

He said he refused the order because he had treated patients at Keesler
Medical Center who had adverse reactions to the vaccine. Once he faced
criminal charges, he said he researched the vaccine further and became more
convinced that it is potentially harmful to troops and is not effective.

Monday, Buck's commander rejected his request that he be allowed to resign
under a general discharge, which is granted to those with only minor
infractions on their service record. It is a step below an honorable
discharge, which is given to those with an exemplary record.

Anthrax is a disease that typically afflicts animals, especially sheep and
cattle. Dry anthrax spores, which can be put into weapons, can cause death in
humans if inhaled.

Buck has become a key figure in the resistance to the mandatory anthrax
program. He and a former Air Force major filed suit May 2 against the Food
and Drug Administration and the Defense Department in U.S. District Court in
Washington seeking to end the program.


Camouflaged Couch Potatoes, and Other Short Stories

E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - Website: http://medical.militarybenefits.org

By Pete Peterson, SFTT Contributing Editor

"What happened?" some ask me. Why didn’t they fix TRICARE last year when the
pressure was on them? What good was the solution if it didn’t help everybody?
Weren’t we strong enough?

These are some of the questions still being asked six months after the FY01
Defense Authorization was signed into law. I’ll try to answer.

First, the emphasis last year was on the notion that military retirees should
get at least the same level of benefits as all other federal employees.
Freshman Congressman Ronnie Shows (since re-elected) agreed with his
Mississippi retirees and wrote a bill called "The Keep Our Promises to
America’s Military Retirees Act." Co-authoring the Bill was Charlie Norwood
from Georgia. Shows is a "blue dog" Democrat and Norwood is a Republican.
(Ed. They reintroduced HR 179 in the 107th Congress).

Someone on the Hill found a magic date of 6 June 1956 inviting. That’s the
day the law changed regarding military retiree benefits. From then on, the
issue of retirees’ ages at enlistment became a big deal. This made some
politicians happier, ‘cause it might not cut as deep into their Pork and
other social agendas. It might be "cheaper" and cost less of "their" money.

The Senate passed something called the Warner-Hutchinson Amendment (which was
never intended to pass) after a first attempt at appeasement bombed

Then, the House wouldn’t even hear the Shows’ Bill, even though over 300 of
435 of them co-sponsored it! Republicans, to a person, voted against Shows
getting a vote on his Bill.

The Senate version of the FY01 Defense Authorization Act finally went to
conference with the House and more months passed. It was so overloaded with
social engineering goodies and stuff that didn’t have anything to do with the
military. Everybody knew someone else’s hog (as in Pork) would have to be
slaughtered. Slaughter they did and now it’s history, albeit not yet fully
funded or implemented. Folks have been told to save their receipts.
Government will have to owe us on another promise.

Now to the second question. Why didn’t they try to fix TRICARE? That’s easy.
The active duty folks weren’t screaming about it (duh). Most of the angry
mail into Congress came from older retirees. So, they greased the squeakiest
wheel, throwing more money at the older age group instead of fixing the
totally screwed up system everybody is now under … TRICARE. In the process,
they "divided and conquered" the grassroots.

The grassroots are now divided by age groups – or classes: The over-65s and
the under-65s. Many "over-65s" walked away from the fight, having gotten
something. The rest, the "under-65s," were left swinging, fighting for what
the majority of retirees (and actives) still need.

Congress passed a politically expedient solution to a political problem. It
continued waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars. It got them re-elected.
It saved face for military associations who’re still selling insurance
supplements. It kept congressional friends in high profit health insurance
companies happy and guaranteed campaign donations would keep coming in. Their
most profitable accounts (government) were safe. It’s worth Billions to them.
Personal fortunes were made on health care we’ve never received.

The TRICARE bureaucracy will continue to soak up 60% of the money going into
military health care for admin and overhead, thereby avoiding really
expensive stuff (treatment) for the troops and their families, active and
retired. Some field grade and general/flag officers, whose post-active duty
career plans depend on how high they got in military health care, and how
well they played the game, were also happy.

Finally, weren’t we strong enough? No, we weren’t. Sure, some retirees
filled out "Dear Congressman" coupons provided by their associations and sent
them in, but the real work fell on the grassroots to create the pressure for
change. But, my best guesstimate is that never more than 1% of our retirees
got off their biscuit-butts in this battle. The rest were camouflaged couch

I can’t count the emails for help we got from folks. Most didn’t do anything
to help ALL of us get our EARNED benefits back. "What’s in it for me?" and
"When can I get it?" seemed to be the most frequently asked questions. They
were probably first at the trough for the new benefits.

I’ve lost faith in many retired brothers and sisters during this combat tour.
We didn’t "cover" each other very well.

If I’ve missed offending anybody, let me know. If you’re not a rock-hugger,
or one of those that’s "walked" already, I’d like to have some covering fire
for the missions ahead in 2001 and beyond.



GI HUMOR – Never in Line Again!

Ed.: This young soldier had his priorities in order.

Rated NPC – Not Politically Correct

"Well," snarled the tough old Sergeant to the bewildered Private. "I suppose
after you get discharged, you'll just be waiting for me to die so you can
come and piss on my grave."

"Not me, Sergeant!" the Private replied. "Once I get out, I'm never going to
stand in line again!"



STANLEY T. ADAMS - U.S. Army Korea

Ed.: Fix Bayonets! Infantry action in Korea, 1951.

United States Army


Rank and organization: Master Sergeant (then SFC.), U.S. Army, Company A,
19th Infantry Regiment. Place and date: Near Sesim-ni, Korea, 4 February
1951. Entered service at: Olathe, Kans. Born: 9 May 1922, DeSoto, Kansas.
G.O. No.: 66, 2 August 1951.

Citation: M/Sgt. Adams, Company A, distinguished himself by conspicuous
gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action against
an enemy.

At approximately 0100 hours, M/Sgt. Adams' platoon, holding an outpost some
200 yards ahead of his company, came under a determined attack by an
estimated 250 enemy troops. Intense small-arms, machine gun, and mortar fire
from 3 sides pressed the platoon back against the main line of resistance.

Observing approximately 150 hostile troops silhouetted against the skyline
advancing against his platoon, M/Sgt. Adams leaped to his feet, urged his men
to fix bayonets, and he, with 13 members of his platoon, charged this hostile
force with indomitable courage. Within 50 yards of the enemy M/Sgt. Adams was
knocked to the ground when pierced in the leg by an enemy bullet. He jumped
to his feet and, ignoring his wound, continued on to close with the enemy
when he was knocked down 4 times from the concussion of grenades which had
bounced off his body. Shouting orders he charged the enemy positions and
engaged them in hand-to-hand combat where man after man fell before his
terrific onslaught with bayonet and rifle butt.

After nearly an hour of vicious action M/Sgt. Adams and his comrades routed
the fanatical foe, killing over 50 and forcing the remainder to withdraw.
Upon receiving orders that his battalion was moving back he provided cover
fire while his men withdrew. M/Sgt. Adams' superb leadership, incredible
courage, and consummate devotion to duty so inspired his comrades that the
enemy attack was completely thwarted, saving his battalion from possible

His sustained personal bravery and indomitable fighting spirit against
overwhelming odds reflect the utmost glory upon himself and uphold the finest
traditions of the infantry and the military service.



The Medal of Honor is the highest award for valor in action against an enemy
force which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services
of the United States. Generally presented to its recipient by the President
of the United States of America in the name of Congress, it is often called
the Congressional Medal of Honor.



If you know of any MOH recipient who is hospitalized or has passed recently,
please write James H. Also, if you would like more info on MOH recipients and
their stories, please email James H at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


For Article Submissions:

1. Try to keep articles to 700 words or less. SUBMIT IN WORD FORMAT, if

2. Submit your piece to one of our subject matter experts who can assist you
in pre-editing prior to final publication decision, unless you feel strongly
that your issue is so hot that Zimm needs to see it personally and
immediately. SFTT is not trying to duplicate a rigid chain of command with
titles and perks.

Ralf W. Zimmermann

Defending America Newsletter Volunteers / SFTT Contacts:

Ralf W. Zimmermann
Editor in Chief / SFTT President and Tank Commander

David H. Hackworth
Spirit Guide, Soldier, Author, Columnist

Barry "Woody" Groton
Chief Information Officer - TECH DROID and Medicine Man

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Commo Commando - Server Side Signals

Ed "Edgar" Schneider
Copy Editor, Man of Letters and Gentleman

James H.
Medal of Honor Editor and NCOIC

Jim Leach
News Research Snoop

Pat Hays
Zimm’s Right-Hand Grammar Guru

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