-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


Many Awards aren’t Earned

Ed.: More first hand proof that our badges and wards don’t mean much. If the
skills badges for the most critical tasks, such as marksmanship or Expert
Infantry skills are "doctored," how do we know who the real killers are? We
need a desperate reform of the circus awards or we’ll one day pay a serious
price. The first step: Force the brass to stop the statistics games and
pressures on subordinates.

By an Airborne NCO

I used to get your newsletter, but changed addresses and never sent you an
update. I always remember how helpful it was to read that I was not alone out
there in my loathing of military corruption, but now I find myself guilty of

I cannot express the sorrow that I feel when I think of myself as part of the
problem rather than the solution and I am trying to gain the courage to do
something about it. I guess I should start at the beginning and explain
myself. I am currently an infantry Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army. I
resigned a reserve commission as an infantry officer several years ago to
enter onto regular army enlisted service.

All of my career I have felt the pressure to earn the Expert Infantry Badge.
My first opportunity was after I entered active duty,and was assigned to the
82nd Airborne Division. In order to qualify to go out for the badge in the
first place you must qualify expert with your M-16 or M-4. The first time I
tried out we went to a non-computerized range, where your buddy fires and you
score him, then you fire and he scores you. You are required to hit at least
36 out of 40 pop up targets at a mixture of ranges from 50 to 300 meters with
40 rounds. The guy I scored fired expert and then he scored me expert,
although I had doubts about whether I hit all those targets or not.

During testing, I failed out during task testing and was unable to go the
following year because I was sent to jumpmaster school instead. Two years
later I went out for it again. We went and fired at 25 meter range and did
not engage the targets in the required manner, 20 rounds from the foxhole and
20 rounds from the prone. We were told to just fire all our rounds from the
foxhole at once. I made the required number of hits, but as I mentioned, not
in the manner prescribed in the manual. Again, I failed during the task

I was later transferred to Ft. Benning GA, where I hoped the firing would be
more regimented and honest. I tested here twice. The first time, my unit
didn’t want me to go to the range and shoot. It seemed that the instructors
just falsify their qualification results as a common practice. The attitude
seemed to be "everyone shoots expert anyway, right?"

Even after questioning the integrity of it, I was taken aside by my platoon
sergeant and told that I needed to just "go along with it". I lost my spine
and went along and then failed the last task I tested on. The second time
that I tested there, I had a great First Sergeant, who coordinated for me and
a fellow instructor to go shoot with a regular unit on post. We went and
fired with them. After my colleague shot expert and left, I was still having
trouble due to faulty targets and lack of practice.

After firing several times, I was called to the range tower and given a score
sheet showing an expert score that was not mine and was told by the range NCO
to take that score back to my unit. The unit I was firing with seemed to want
to get off the range no muss no fuss. I watched as soldiers would go to
firing points and shoot the targets in the lane next to them to help their
buddy qualify. I once again went along with what I was given. I breezed
through testing and was awarded my EIB. Not a day goes by that I don't regret
my decision. I wish I could go back and say no.

The pressure in the army to attend this training and earn this badge is
immense. You are expected to earn the badge as quickly as possible so that
you won't have to take the time every year to test, and so that you will have
credibility with the soldier you lead that you know what you are doing. They
want everyone to score expert so that there will be a high number of soldiers
on the testing site. They don't want you "getting out of training". The
things I have seen in the 82nd and at Ft. Benning demonstrate the willingness
of higher command to look the other way while ethics are destroyed so that
they can say that a certain percentage of their soldiers earned the badge.

The first time I stood for a class A inspection in the 82nd I was wearing the
sharpshooter badge that I had earned. The inspecting Sergeant First Class
told me I needed to go buy an expert badge, because "everybody in division
scores expert". I have talked to several fellow NCOs who think that I am
stupid to worry about this. It is very important to me to "do the right
thing". I value honesty above personal gain and it is killing me to think of
what I have done. If these things are happening in "America's Guard of Honor"
and at the "Home of The Infantry", I shudder to think of what is happening in
the rest of the Army. I am planning on removing the badge from my chest, and
asking that my orders for it be rescinded.

This is not easy for me to do because I am a husband and father of two small
children, and this will destroy my career. All I ever wanted to be was a
soldier, and at over 30 years of age, I have no options in the world outside
the military. I can only hope that my story may prevent some other soldier
from making the same mistake I did. I love the army and want to serve my
country, but I despise lying and need do what is right, and can only hope
that I can salvage something good from all this.


Tomorrow's Army, "Interact, Build Trust"

Ed.: Excellent thought on mission creep and lessons ignored.

By J. David Galland

The Chief United Nations War Crimes Prosecutor, Carla DelPonte, is not happy.
This is evidenced by her harsh criticism of the NATO led "peacekeeping
forces", for not doing enough, in her opinion, to pursue accused war
criminals in Bosnia. This very task, advocated by DelPonte, as, "current
mission", only weeks ago constituted, "mission creep". Now, wait just a
minute here, who is in charge?

While DelPonte grumbles about, "criminals, running amok, in Yugoslavia", back
at beautiful Fort Lewis, Washington, far from the fray, the U. S. Army is
honing its warrior skills by training, "to not offend". I am sorry, but this
is true. This newly engineered Army doctrine, and these redefined training
goals, are being implemented at Fort Lewis, Washington, under the watchful
eye of Brigadier General Paul Eaton. American soldiers, "are being trained to
interact and build trust with the native populations", according to Eaton.

Soldiers have always interacted with the native populations, everywhere they
have been. Some of this interaction has lead to marriage, some to death, and
some, a trip to the local dispensary. However, pleasant interaction is not
why soldiers are issued weapons, ammunition, hand-grenades, and ultimately
live a great deal of their life under the weight of a Kevlar helmet.

I wish I had a dollar for every time, during my thirty plus year military
career, that I watched, as the wheel was re-invented by some sharp, or
otherwise self-serving, military officer. Currently, as the Army strives to
re-define its role in this world, it has suddenly determined that it needs a
rapidly deployable Army division, of about 14,000 soldiers. Back in 1985,
when I was in the rapidly deployable, 7th Infantry Division, light, at Fort
Ord, California, I thought that was our mandate.

These "minuteman" soldiers could go anywhere in the world and solve any
downtrodden, "toilet bowl of a country's", problems within a mere five days
notice. What are we talking about here? Are military leaders actually so dumb
to think that a force that can be deployed to, "chase away the bad guys away
from", and will be capable of effecting political, cultural, and demographic
change, in a matter of weeks. Then the soldiers just hop on an airplane and
return to home and hearth?  If you believe that one then guess what walnut
shell the pea is under?

In reality, this translates into is another low intensity quagmire, just like
the one that led to the horribly divisive mess known as Vietnam. Remember
that one? American leaders pursued a failed political, and resultant thereof,
unsuccessful military policy in Vietnam. Doesn't anyone reflect back to the
turbulent times of the not-too-distant past? Take a minute to review the
years 1965 to 1971, while America was embroiled in Vietnam. No, it was not
just a bad dream! It really happened, I was there! That chronological period,
"65-71", of "lack of enlightenment" close to six years worth, mirrors the
calendar as to how long American soldiers, in large forces, have been mired
in what "used to be" Yugoslavia. Sound a little similar? Remember the, "home
by Christmas 1995", promises?.........."Psych"!

Clearly, this illustrates that "tunnel-vision, and memory loss" are rampant
in the military.  When I read the comments, of the deputy-commanding general
for transformation, at Fort Lewis, General Eaton, it is apparent that Eaton
has an advanced chronic case of "CRS", and I can go on to name a few more
Flag Officers, whom I have my doubts about.  General Eaton was quoted in the
Seattle newspaper as saying, "among the things this force can do is a police
action, we can respond that way if the nation should ask us". What nation?
Does this mean that if Judge Carla DelPonte wants to call 911, for example,
she just picks up the telephone and "orders-up" a mobile police force? Maybe
she could call General Eaton if the price of a Calzone Pizza skyrockets, back
in her Italian neighborhood. Sounds like it to me, and I don't like it!

The prudent taxpayer and defense analyst must ask, what justifies the
development of this force? What warrants the design and implementation of the
unique equipment the Army "thinks" it may need?  Specifically, a newly
designed light wheeled fighting vehicle! Furthermore, why is an American
military force training to "better, kick down a door and best use plastic
handcuffs". It is quite apparent that senior Army leaders want to field an,
"on-call", police force style, SWAT team that will include in its training
focus, "achieving the balance between timidity and aggression". As the same
time, the hype concept fuels the lucrative defense contractor's lust for
research and development contracts.

The new force should be, "Good-to-Go", to give those warlords,
mass-murderers, ethnic cleansers, despotic maniacs, heavy handed strongmen
and corrupt politicians, what they really deserve, in the year 2003. So we
must ask, " Who ya' gonna call"?

Don't call the eighty percent of the enlisted soldiers, who transferred out
of the 3rd Brigade, of the 2nd Infantry Division, at Fort Lewis, Washington.
They got out of the "AO", before they got caught up in this idiotic
experiment. Don't call most of the officers, who were in the unit, either.
Only forty-five of the officers remained with the entire Brigade, according
to Lieutenant Colonel Dana Pittard, of Fort Lewis. Should military leaders be
concerned about this? I can only pray -- you bet they should!


Air Force: We’re working like every Day is a Day at War

Ed.: This has been a problem for the last thirty years. We’re working people
into the ground, even when we’re not deployed into combat…and we’re driving
many good ones out. Of course, we label them whiners because we don’t want to
listen to the truth.

By a USAF SSgt

Just would like to add to the USAF NCO departure file...

I have been in the USAF since 1986. I have been stationed at 7 different
bases during that time. Three have closed, two have re-aligned, and two built

I perform emergency responses for aircraft emergencies (among other things).
Some of those responses I'd rather not remember... I have four medals awarded
for conduct "under fire" during these responses. I have three long overseas
tours (10 years). I have made NCO of the Year for my AFSC (MOS if you will)
at three different facilities. I have near perfect performance reports.

I've been recommended for an extra "stripe for exceptional performance". I
have worked joint forces at nearly all of my assignments. Two "Joint Spouse"
assignments cancelled because "USAF comes first."

My last assignment, my wife stayed TDY to parts unknown for three years. We
both volunteered for a Joint Spouse to any short tour remote in the USAF (to
be honest with you, so we could get it out of the way). They turned us down,
and sent us non-volunteer to the states.

I have worked 12 hours shifts for 14 years now, and we are currently working
an average of four on, one off. The mantra is the same, "We're under-manned",
"No money". Our duty section at my current assignment has had a $0.00 budget
for two years now. Lost one marriage, and nearly this one, because I tried to
live the "Service Before Self" crap. I work in a hanger that leaks like a
sieve. And I am still an E5...

So, this year, we are attempting to go to the Air National Guard. And the
response from some of my management? "Why do you want to throw away 15
years?" Throw away indeed... Granted, I didn't live in a foxhole, or live off
of MREs, or face potential/actual hostile fire, as did my wife, and others.
My fun meter is pegged.

To add to the insult, I had a young 2LT ask me yesterday how I liked the
USAF. What could I say? Forgive me if I whine, but enough is enough. We're
not at war, yet we insist on working our people to death like we are. With no
parts, 40 year old aircraft, and no money...

I've said my peace. Thank you for your time and thanks for carrying the torch
for us. I can only imagine how things are for my fellow service members in
the other DOD components...

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