-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:32:32 -0400
To: Gunsafe members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Democrats in sheeps' clothing

More word that the Democrats at the national level are trying to switch sides on the 
gun issue.    They'll do anything to acquire power.  In view of their history - 
including Al Gore's flip-flop from an NRA ally in the 1980s to a Clintonista in the 
1990s - we don't believe them.  Any "contract" can be broken fast, with a majority.


                                             Democrats Forging Their
                                             Own Contract With
                                             America to Close "Culture

                                             By MILES BENSON

                                             c.2001 Newhouse News Service


                      INDIANAPOLIS -- Seeking to close a "culture gap" between their 
                      and millions of voters, moderate Democratic leaders are writing a
                      manifesto for the 2002 elections that includes affirmation of 
the right
                      to own guns and the importance of religion, fiscal 
responsibility, a
                      strong national defense and the role of fathers in their 

                      "It would be our version of the Contract With America," said Al 
                      founder and chief executive officer of the Democratic Leadership

                      The group concluded a three-day conference here Tuesday on how
                      to change perceptions of their party as too liberal, too reliant 
on big
                      government programs, generally hostile to people of religious 
                      and particularly hostile to white males. Participants included 
some of
                      the party's best-known members, among them 2000 vice presidential
                      nominee Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, Senate Majority
                      Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton 
                      New York and Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe.

                      The Democratic "contract" is being drafted by DLC President Bruce
                      Reed, who was the White House domestic policy chief in the final
                      years of the Clinton administration. It unashamedly steals a 
page from
                      the Republican political play book.

                      In 1994, the GOP's Contract With America established a unified,
                      overarching theme for Republicans running for Congress in every 
                      of the country. It pledged them to support tax cuts, smaller
                      government and a list of initiatives tied to other conservative 
                      with strong support among mainstream voters. The strategy
                      succeeded. Republicans seized control of the House of
                      Representatives, which they have held ever since.

                      Reed confirmed that work on the Democrats' document has just
                      begun. He acknowledged that it would include language supporting
                      gun rights, a dramatic shift in emphasis for a party whose 
                      have often led legislative battles to enact new gun control laws.

                      McAuliffe, in his remarks to the DLC conference, agreed that it 
                      important for the Democratic Party to get the gun issue "right." 
                      meanwhile, said that 48 percent of voters in the 2000 election 
                      guns in their households, and many feared the Democrats would 
try to
                      take them away.

                      Democrats should "promote responsible gun ownership rather than
                      pushing for sweeping national gun control legislation that 
raises the
                      specter of an ultimate ban on private gun ownership," DLC leaders
                      wrote in a new report.

                      Another part of a Democratic "Contract with America," Reed said,
                      would involve federal efforts to encourage absentee fathers to 
                      their responsibilities to children.

                      Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, DLC chairman, pushed the idea in his
                      keynote address to the conference, urging party leaders to back
                      policies based on mainstream American values, among them that "we
                      do right by our children, and we do right by the mothers of our

                      Asked later what he had meant by that, Bayh said he was talking
                      about men who abandon children they father. He said the problem
                      was recognized in particular by "prominent African-American 
                      who came together to say this was a terrible plague not just on 
                      community but on the rest of society and really is the next 
great civil
                      rights issue."

                      "`We have a lot of men who do the right thing and take 
                      when they bring kids into the world, but we have an alarming 
                      who do not," he said. "It's been increasing in recent years with
                      adverse consequences to their children and to the mothers of 
                      children. When men walk away and aren't providing financially, 
                      providing support emotionally when they can, this makes the job 
                      mothers much harder and has consequences to taxpayers."

                      DLC members also said they would work to improve the party's
                      reputation among church-going voters, who have tended to prefer
                      Republican candidates.

                      "We have too often dismissed and disparaged the importance of 
                      in American life and made the faithful feel unwelcome in our 
                      particularly if they are open and outspoken about their 
religion," said
                      Lieberman, who made history as the first Jew on a major party
                      presidential ticket.

                      DLC policy experts spelled out their view of the dilemma facing 
                      party in an analysis distributed at the conference, which said:

                      "To put it simply, many voters fear that Democrats are either 
hostile or
                      indifferent to people of faith, married people with kids 
                      stay-at- home moms), those who serve proudly in the military, 
                      who own guns for self-protection or hunting, and perhaps even 
                      males as a group. This perception is often reinforced by the 
                      belief that Democrats are excessively bound by allegiance to 
                      and advocacy groups that do not share mainstream values in one
                      respect or another.

                      "To be sure, some positions on cultural hot-button issues -- a 
                      right to choose, civil rights and equal opportunity, and 
tolerance and
                      inclusion for gays and lesbians -- represent fundamental values 
                      moral commitments that dictate policy positions that are not 
                      universally popular. So be it. It would be outrageous for 
Democrats to
                      respect the values of cultural conservatives by renouncing their 

                      "But there's no principled reason that Democrats should accept 
                      charge that they are anti-military, anti-traditional family, 
                      or anti-Second Amendment, or that they are aligned generally with
                      morally corrosive forces in our society."

                      The Democratic "Contract" would also deal with fiscal 
                      including a call to tie future scheduled tax cuts to strong 
                      performance, Reed said. Similar proposals were resisted by 
                      Bush and rejected by the Republican-controlled Congress.

                      Bayh said he would introduce a bill next month to trigger a 
roll-back of
                      future tax cuts if federal surpluses drop. Bayh said he has 
                      from Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, who co-sponsored so-called
                      "trigger" legislation with him this year.

                      Organized in 1984 after a presidential election in which the 
                      lost 49 out of 50 states, the DLC has struggled to reposition 
the party
                      in the strategic political center, where most national elections 
are won
                      or lost. But the ascendency of the DLC political philosophy has 
                      coincided with the decline of Democrats as a majority party in
                      Congress, and liberals and some in organized labor believe that 
is no

                      DLC leaders nonetheless remain convinced that the American 
                      landscape has changed greatly in recent years, requiring the 
party to
                      modernize and moderate its left wing to remain competitive in an
                      electorate increasingly dominated by suburban middle-class 

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