911 - Criminal brief:

Sun Mar 10 22:59:25 2002

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Criminal brief: I accuse President Bush, Richard Cheney,
Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz with the first degree murder of thousands
of New Yorkers and Afgans --Dick Eastman

Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 17:04:52 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This accusation made by :

Dick Eastman of 223 S. 64th Ave., Yakima, Washington 98908

I accuse President Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz
with the first degree murder in their complicity and approval of the
deaths of thousands of New Yorkers and Afgans in a criminal operation
involving the destruction of the New York World Trade Center on
September 11, 2001 and the cruise missile bombing of the Pentagon in
Washington D.C. on the same day. Their purpose was to create a
fraudulent pretext for a war of conquest against Afganistan and to
murder members of the Office of Navel Intelligence in the Pentagon who
they knew would discover and expose their conspiracy where these loyal
military personel to survive to investigate the New York murders.

I call on the legislature of the state of New York to pass a resolution
calling upon the Congress of the United States to commence impeachment
proceedings at once so in order that the Senate may remove these
murderers so that they can be tried for mass murder in the State of New

Below you will find three pieces of evidence that together completely
expose the "cover story" of the named accused.

If there was no airliner involved in the Pentagon attack, then it would
be impossible for the Secretary of Defense, the Assistant Secretary of
Defense, the Vice President and the President of the United States not
to know about it.

I call upon all American citizens to do you duty and assert yourselves
in demanding that the procedures called for in our laws under such
circumstances to bring about justice and the apprehansion of these mass
murders be undertaken at once.

Sufficient proof:

All of the above accused must be aware that an airliner did not collide
with the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Clearly a remote controlled
jet fighter, capable of skimming the ground as it approached the target
was used. The airliner was too big, to clumsy, not carring sufficient
combustables to produce the effects shown below. There is not way that
these facts can not be known by the above accused.

Not even a space rocket blowing up on the launching pad has that much
explosion per volume of rocket as that tiny looking plane hitting an
office of concrete, desks, papers, file cabinets, computers, people --
the results should have been closer to a big auto crash than to the
powerful incendiary bomb we saw

I went to

and from there to their Flight 77- Pentagon page.

They show the series of four shots -- the first one
before any explosion. In that shot there is a square
pedestal on the Pentagon lawn and immediately above
that is visivle a long somethwhat indistinct long whitish shape
-- that is missing from above the pedestal in the subsequent
shots showing explosion. They provide a detail (photo enlargement)
of this section of the larger image. (Although in the distance shot it
is easier to see (interpret) a flying object of some kind.

At any rate something is visible right above (and far behind) the pedestal
-- indistinct but definitely there in the first shot and gone in
the later shots.

Interpreted as a plane -- this must be flying about twenty feet off
the ground and horizontal. Only a crusie missile can hug terraine
like that or advanced war palnes. An amateur pilot would fly in
from higher up and dive on the Pentagon -- air turbulence at those
low altitudes is too great for an airliner piloted by slow human
reactions to do it reliably -- and the perpetrators are obviously
smart enough to want to maximize chances of success (minimize chances of
error) I say cruise missile. (Especially given the too-big
explosion. DO you think that all THAT energy is needed to
push an aerodynamic plane to Los Angeles -- look at that
intense heat envelope - look at that damage!!

A crusie missile would be vaporized by its own super intense
explosion -- as happened here. We've seen big planes crash
and burn on takeoff -- nothing like release of energy here.

An airliner when it impacted would not explode like that --
that kind of energy was not released by the wtc crashboming
planes, notice. Note too that when a plane or anything hits
a concrete wall there is compression -- the plane is squeezed
tail into nose -- but also and necessaryily -- there is also
tension (the sides are squeezed out) -- some of the middle section
should have popped out sideways and up and down at collision as well as
"accordianing" (flattening) back into front.

It was a cruise missile or an F-16 aircraft loaded with explosives that =
was flown by remote control functioning as a cruise missile.

What ever happens to America now depends upon acts of responsibility and =
acts of cowardice on the part of the people.

DE March 10, 2002

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