-Caveat Lector-


Dictionary of Key Terms for a Free and Virtuous Society
Compiled by Stephen Grabill ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Gregory M. A.
Gronbacher ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

ANARCHISM: The belief that it is possible for there to be an orderly social
order in the absence of any government. While various schools of anarchism
exist, all share the common view that a society can peacefully exist without
any state structures. Key thinkers include Karl Marx*, Pierre-Joseph
Proudhon*, Pytor Alekseyevich Kropotkin*, and Murray Rothbard*.

ARISTOCRACY: The word "aristocracy" means rule by the best. A form of
government where a few qualified elite have political power. The primary
justification for aristocracy is the imperfection of all human beings. The
best for which the masses may hope is to be ruled by an hereditary elite,
who have been bred to the prospect of power, rewarded with the privileges
necessary to make its members accept the responsibilities of office, and
have checks on its powers. Key advocates include Plato*, Aristotle*, Edmund
Burke*, and John Calvin*.

AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS: Austrian economics is a school of economic thought
founded with the publication of Carl Menger's Principles of Economics in
1871. Austrian economists believe that economics is a science of timeless
and universally true propositions regarding how human beings fulfill their
needs and wants through social cooperation given scarce resources. The
Austrian school has several identifiable tenets including methodological
individualism (see Individualism), economic value subjectivism, and strong
opposition to government intervention in the market. It is often thought to
be the economic "ideology" of conservative and classical liberal thinkers
(see Classical Liberalism). One reason for this identification is because of
its individualistic and anti-statist features. Another is due to the central
role it attributes to private property in the market system. Key thinkers
who followed Menger include Ludwig von Mises*, Eugen Boehm-Bawerk*,
Friedrich Hayek*, Murray Rothbard*, and Israel Kirzner.

CAPITALISM: Capitalism can be described as a free-market system of
economics. Economic liberty is the cornerstone of the free-market system.
Economic liberty entails freedom from unnecessary government intervention in
the market place, legal protection of private property, and the freedom to
buy and sell almost anything at any time.

Free-market thought has its origin in several sources including the work of
the French physiocrats, the late Scholastics, and the British classical
economists, notably Adam Smith. Classical economics (see Classical Economic
Theory) later developed into various schools of economic thought. Three
prominent schools include the Austrian school, the Chicago school, and the
Virginia school (sometimes called the Public Choice school). The single
defining characteristic unifying all three schools is a tireless defense of
human liberty, particularly, economic liberty. Forceful admonitions against
direct government involvement into the economy unites every free-market
economist regardless of background and theoretical viewpoint. Free-market
economists agree that, while the intentions of government may be honorable,
intervention disrupts market processes by curtailing liberty and spontaneous
development. Key thinkers include Adam Smith*, Ludwig von Mises*, Friedrich
Hayek*, Milton Friedman, Wilhelm Roepke*, James Buchanan, Gary Becker, and
Michael Novak.

CLASSICAL ECONOMIC THEORY: Adam Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations, best
represents the school of classical economic theory. Classical economists
were occupied mostly with the production of capital. These economists
determined prices for goods not by consumer demand, as we do today, but by
how much an item cost to produce (natural price theory). Because the science
of economics began about the same time as modern natural science, the
classical economists frequently employed scientific and philosophical ideas
in their writing. Key thinkers include Adam Smith*, David Ricardo*, and John
Stuart Mill*.

CLASSICAL LIBERALISM: A term used to describe a political philosophy
commonly held in nineteenth-century England and France but now undergoing a
renaissance in the United States. Classical liberals advocate free markets,
a vibrant array of nongovernmental institutions (such as civic groups,
schools, churches, etc.), and minimal tax-financed government services.
Classical liberals firmly believe that both persons and property should be
protected from physical harm. They also emphasize the strict enforcement of
contracts. Classical liberals, following Lord Acton, consider liberty to be
the highest political value but not to the point of becoming a worldview.
Examples of classical liberal thinkers include Frederic Bastiat*, Lord
Acton*, Alexis de Tocqueville*, John Locke*, John Stuart Mill*, and
Friedrich Hayek*.

COERCION: Distinguished from both persuasion and power, coercion is the use
of physical force or the threat of physical force to command another.
Generally, the coercive structures in most societies are usually political
ones with police power. In contrast, persuasion is an attempt to get another
to do what one desires by way of a rational or emotional appeal; power is a
morally neutral term indicating ability or strength.

COLLECTIVISM: Collectivism is defined as the theory and practice that makes
some sort of group rather than the individual the fundamental unit of
political, social, and economic concern. In theory, collectivists insist
that the claims of groups, associations, or the state must normally
supersede the claims of individuals. Key thinkers include Mikhail
Aleksandrovich Bakunin*, Joseph Stalin*, and Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin*.

COMMON GOOD, THE: The set of social conditions that promotes human
flourishing and individual growth in Christ. With respect to the common
good, law secures an impartial protection and recognition of basic human
dignity and human rights within society. The common good is achieved when
all members of society are permitted to participate freely in all aspects of
social life/political, cultural/moral, and economic.

COMMUNISM: Communism may be described as a social order that combines
socialist economics with collective and totalitarian politics. Not all
socialists are communists, but all communists are necessarily socialists
(see Socialism, Collectivism, Totalitarianism).

COMMUNITARIANISM: Communitarians argue that neither human existence nor
individual liberty can be sustained for long outside of the interdependent
and overlapping communities to which we all belong. Human beings are members
of many different communitiesfamilies; neighborhoods; social, religious,
ethnic, workplace, and professional associations; not to mention the body
politic. Communitarianism unfortunately tends to embrace a collectivist
attitude (see Collectivism), emphasizing the rights of the community over
the rights of the individual. Communitarians are convinced that a passion
for individual rights must be balanced with a renewed sense of social
responsibility; however, they rarely reach such equilibrium. Key thinkers
include Amitai Etzioni, Mary Ann Glendon, Robert Bellah, and John W.

CONSERVATISM: Although the term conservative can mean many different and
often contradictory things depending on the context, it is generally a
description of an outlook or disposition that is traditional. The word
"traditional" may simply refer to a political or social attitude, or to a
more or less well-defined set of political policies designed to preserve
traditions (moral, political, cultural) inherited from the past. It is
important to note that conservatives' defense of the traditional does not
simply stem from the fact that it is old, but that it is somehow true.
Conservatives support this claim by appealing either to the moral values of
Christianity or to natural law (see Natural Law). Conservatives resist
change. They stress the limits of human reason, and regard human nature to
be tainted by sin. Today's usage is often associated with such terms and
concepts as family values, the political right, and the Republican party.
Key thinkers include Edmund Burke*, Russell Kirk*, Richard Weaver*, and Leo

CULTURE: Culture denotes all of the manifestations of social life such as
customs, manners, habits of associations, dress, food and art, that are not
solely concerned with sustaining life. Culture is all those activities that
invest the world with meaning. A high degree of cultural interaction occurs
between the spheres of religion, politics, and economics. A people's
collective way of life is a manifestation of their relationship to God and
the things of God, and as such reflects the soul of the people.
Enculturation plays an important role in helping individuals come to
understand and accept the social order.

DEMOCRACY: The word "democracy" was first invented in classical Greece
(500-250 b.c.). Originally it meant rule by the people; where the people
(demos) referred to the poor masses. Today, however, two general senses of
the word may be distinguished: a procedural sense and a structural sense. In
the procedural sense democracy is no more than a method, typically by some
form of voting, for generating collective decisions and choosing rulers.
Whereas spoken of structurally, democracy refers to the particular qualities
a society must have such as popular participation, liberty and equality,
minority rights if it is to be considered "democratic."

ECONOMIC PERSONALISM: (see Personalism) Economic personalism is a new body
of scholarship that attempts to integrate the principles contained in
Christian social thought with the accomplishments of contemporary economic
science. Economic personalists seek to produce an economy that is truly
humaneone worthy of human dignity. Such an economic arrangement would have
to not only respect human freedom, individual choice, human creativity, and
the right to market initiative, but would also have to generate wealth.

EGALITARIANISM: (see Equality)

ENCYCLICAL: In the Catholic tradition an encyclical is a letter concerning a
specific subject written by a pope and addressed to the universal church.
The title of each encyclical is taken from the first two words in the Latin
text. Rerum Novarum, for instance, means "Concerning the New Things."

EQUALITY: Equality implies a sameness in some respect or manner. It may be a
sameness of opportunity, dignity, or outcome. All modern liberals (see
Modern Liberalism) and most conservatives (see Conservative) favor equality
in at least one sense of the term. Yet it is also true that equality is at
the heart of the debate between conservatives and modern liberals. This is
due to the way that the word "equality" is used in political argument. The
form of equality which all liberals and most conservatives favor is legal
equality. This simply means that all responsible adults should be treated in
the same way and have the same legal rights and responsibilities. Classical
liberals argue that equality in this sense is all that is needed in a free
society. However, modern liberals assert that legal equality by itself is
not enough. For the equality and rights of individuals to be truly
meaningful there has to be a near equality of condition meaning a roughly
equal distribution of wealth. This requires the state to redistribute wealth
because the market, if left to itself, will produce gross inequality. Key
thinkers of the conservative understanding of equality include Harry V.
Jaffa. Key thinkers of the modern liberal understanding include John Dewey*
and John Rawls.

FREE MARKET, THE: (see Capitalism)

FREEDOM: Freedom has at least four meanings. The first is a metaphysical
sense having to do with the will. In this sense freedom is the ability to
self-govern. Classical liberals speak of a second kind of freedom a notion
of negative freedom. Negative freedom is freedom from restraint and
coercion. It is linked to individualism (see Individualism) in that the
concept implies a personal or private sphere of action in which individuals
can do as they wish by being free from external restraint. A third sense of
freedom is the Christian understanding. Christians accept that freedom is
the power to choose the good. A person is only free to the extent that he
can live a life of virtue. This is contrasted with a fourth sense of
freedom, namely, license. Most modern liberals think of liberty as license.
License means the ability to do whatever one pleases with very few
restrictions and without regard to any objective moral code. An important
note liberty the right to exercise choice, free from coercive state
regulationis necessary for virtue. But virtue is ultimately necessary for
the survival of liberty. Key thinkers include Frank S. Meyer*, Leonard
Read*, and Rose Wilder Lane*.

INDIVIDUALISM: The term "individualism" has a great variety of meanings in
social and political philosophy. There are at least three types that can be
distinguished: (1) ontological individualism, (2) methodological
individualism, and (3) moral or political individualism. Ontological
individualism is the doctrine that social reality consists, ultimately, only
of persons who choose and act. Collectives, such as a social class, state,
or a group, cannot act so they are not considered to have a reality
independent of the actions of persons. Methodological individualists hold
that the only genuinely scientific propositions in social science are those
that can be reduced to the actions, dispositions, and decisions of
individuals. Political or moral individualism is the theory that individuals
should be left, as far as possible, to determine their own futures in
economic and moral matters. Key thinkers include Ludwig von Mises*,
Friedrich Hayek*, Milton Friedman, Robert Nozick, John Locke*, and Herbert

JUSTICE: According to classical political philosphy, justice consists of
rendering to each their own, their due (see Social Justice). Key thinkers
include Plato*, Aristotle*, Cicero*, St. Thomas Aquinas*.

LIBERALISM: (see Classical Liberalism, Modern Liberalism)

LIBERATION THEOLOGY: Liberation theology is primarily a Latin American
intellectual and political movement and should be understood as a reaction
to capitalism (see Capitalism) and the perceived moral flaws of Western
consumerist society. Many in Latin America attribute their poverty to the
wealth and market practices of the Western nations, particularly the United
States. Liberation theologians utilize the principal elements of Marxist
social analysis, class warfare, social resentment, bourgeois exploitation,
and the labor theory of value to criticize the economic practices of First
World nations. Marxist socialism is proposed as the Christian economic
alternative. The Gospel is seen as the good news of social liberation. The
spiritual and other worldly aspects of the Christian worldview are
downplayed in favor of the material and the temporal. The attempted
synthesis of Marxist economics with moral theology ends by reducing the
Christian message of eternal salvation to an economic calculus. Liberation
theology has transformed itself recently into a group rights philosophy
seeking the liberation of women, homosexuals, and racial minorities. Key
thinkers include Gustavo Gutiérrez, Juan Luis Segundo, and Leonardo Boff.

LIBERTARIANISM: A term used to describe a political philosophy closely
related to classical liberalism (see Classical Liberalism), yet evolving
from different philosophical roots. While there are festering controversies
among libertarians, all writers share a common commitment to the efficiency
and freedom-enhancing nature of the market, private property, the rule of
law, and the sovereignty of the individual. Libertarians evaluate political
systems on the basis of how well they respect human liberty. Liberty, for
libertarians, means that a person is free to the extent that his choices and
actions are not impeded by laws and institutions. Libertarians strongly
object to the legal regulation of immoral practices such as abortion, sale
of pornography, and drug use. They consider any voluntary, uncoerced
exchange between individuals to be acceptable. Key thinkers include Milton
Friedman, Robert Nozick, Rose Wilder Lane*, Ayn Rand*, and Murray Rothbard*.

LIBERTY: (see Freedom)

LIMITED GOVERNMENT: The idea that government is not all-competent.
Government is one social institution among others having its own distinct
sphere of responsibility and authority. The tendency of government is to
assert regulatory authority beyond its proper bounds. Limited government was
an essential idea undergirding the founding of the American republic. The
framers of the Constitution, who had experienced first-hand the tyranny (see
Tyranny) of the British monarchy, reckoned that it was imprudent to endow
one branch of government with supreme power. They reasoned that unless
authority was distributed equally among different branches of government,
fallen human nature would eventually cause leaders to become tyrants. As
Lord Acton wrote nearly a century later, "Power tends to corrupt and
absolute power corrupts absolutely." Key thinkers include John Jay*, James
Madison*, Alexander Hamilton*, Thomas Jefferson*, and John Adams*.

MIXED ECONOMY: A mixed economy is one where elements of socialism (see
Socialism) and capitalism (see Capitalism) are present. The dominating theme
of a mixed economy is statism (see Statism). Statism is manifested in the
economic sector through excessive government regulation and intervention.
Statists think that, if left to itself, the market will wreck lives, exploit
individuals, and devastate families. Advocates of a mixed economy believe
that government intervention in economic matters can successfully achieve
desired results without leading to socialism. A mixed economy is purported
to be a third way between the free market and socialist control of the means
of production. The United States is an example of a mixed economy.

MODERN LIBERALISM: A term used to describe a political philosophy with
progressive cultural and political viewpoints. Modern liberals are not
always hostile to the free market, but they do think that if left to itself
the random nature of the market will produce poverty and inequality. They
argue that state action is necessary in all areas where human welfare is at
risk, including direct government assistance, pensions, unemployment
insurance, and health care. Liberals actively lobby for social change
through political and legislative means. Their motivation for proposing
radical reforms usually stem from a perceived violation of justice,
fairness, or a sense of social equality. Today's usage is often associated
with such terms and concepts as legal activism, government regulation of the
economy, and the redistribution of wealth. Key thinkers include John Kenneth
Galbraith, Upton Sinclair*, John Rawls, Reinhold Niebuhr*, and Walter

MONARCHY: Literally government by a monarch or sovereign, such as a king or
emperor, who has supreme power over a realm. Key contemporary advocates
include Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn.

MORALITY: Morality is any intellectual system which tries to explain right
and wrong. Strictly speaking, morality deals only with the realm of human
actions and intentions. The key to understanding any moral system is to
identify what determines or acts as the standard of right and wrong. For
Christians, it is the Scripture and natural law (see Natural Law). For
relativists, it is either societal trends or individual preferences.

Religious liberals, such as Lord Acton, Alexis de Tocqueville, and Frederic
Bastiat, consider a virtuous citizenry to be an essential component of a
free society. Typically, however, secular liberals regard morality (and
religion) as an exclusively private and personal matter. It is up to each
individual to decide upon his own moral code. According to secular modern
liberals, the government may only insist that individuals refrain from
violence and theft, and honor all freely entered contracts. From the
classical liberal perspective, the objective, rational, and cross-cultural
moral norms of Christianity provide the basic understanding of virtue.

NATURAL LAW: A philosophy that understands morality (see Morality) to be
universal, objective, and derivative from human nature. Reasoned reflection
upon human nature yields rules or laws of conduct for moral behavior.
Natural law undergirds man-made positive law because it is rooted in the
nature of humankind. The natural law tradition is a theistic system. It
precludes any contradiction between revelation and reason because God, who
authored the Ten Commandments, also designed human nature. Formative
influences were Aristotle*, Cicero*, St. Thomas Aquinas*, Franciscus
Suarez*, Hugo Grotius*, Henry Veatch, and John Finnis.

NEO-CLASSICAL ECONOMIC THEORY: Neo-classical refers to a modern school of
economic thought that has sought to sever classical economic theory (see
Classical Economic Theory) from the philosophy of natural law (see Natural
Law) and to restate it in terms of strait mathematics. Distinct features of
neo-classical theory are the concepts of methodological individualism (see
Individualism) and the subjective theory of value. Key thinkers include
Thorstein Veblenx*.

OLIGARCHY: Literally government by the few, especially by a small number of
persons or families. The defective version of aristocracy (see Aristocracy).

PERSONALISM: (see Economic Personalism) Personalist philosophy analyzes the
meaning and nature of personal existence. Yet it acknowledges the mysterious
character of human existence. This recognition, however, does not eliminate
the possibility of investigating the mystery, but it does affirm that no
theory or set of insights can ever fully explain human life. The human
person is an infinitely complex subject.

A distinct feature of personalist philosophy is that human dignity and the
intrinsic value of persons are revealed in human experience. Personalist
philosophers maintain that experience ought to be the starting point for the
philosophical analysis of the person. Reflection upon experiences accents
the unique aspects of being human, namely, consciousness and freedom.
Personalist philosophers view persons as active beings with awareness of
their environment, not unmoved, abstract, or rational entities. Key thinkers
include Emil Brunner*, Pope John Paul II, Emmanuel Mounier*, Martin Buber*,
Max Scheler*, and Gabriel Marcel*.

PUBLIC CHOICE: Public Choice is a theory of politics, sometimes called "the
economics of politics," which explains and predicts political behavior on
the assumption that political actors are rational "utility maximizers,"
seeking to promote their own self-interest. This view of human beings, which
has been fruitful in explaining economic behavior, is applied to politics,
in contrast to theories which see politics as the pursuit of the public
interest. The conclusion of most Public Choice writers is that government is
much larger than people desire because the preferences of politicians,
bureaucrats, and interest groups are satisfied instead. Key thinkers include
James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock.

SOCIALISM: Socialism is an economic system in which all the means of
production (i.e., land, machinery, and tools) are held in common. Radical
forms of socialism seek to abolish private property entirely, but moderate
forms permit individuals to own and use a limited amount of goods for
private purposes. Under socialism the means of production are the property
of the community. It is the community alone that determines how the means of
production are employed. It goes without saying that in order to utilize
this discretionary power the community must set up a special regulatory body
for just that purpose. The government typically owns, administers, and
controls the common means of production. Key thinkers include Karl Marx*,
Friedrich Engels*, Karl Johann Kautsky*, Leon Trotsky*, Nikolay Ivanovich

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Social justice is a fairly recent term employed by social
analysts and theologians to refer to the Christian's social and political
responsibility to be merciful and just. Love of neighbor, concern for the
poor, and a desire to build a social order that respects human dignity are
all basic elements of Christian social justice. Social justice involves
joining together with others to change the institutions of society. The
practice of social justice means activism; it means organizing; it means
trying to make the social order better.

SPHERE SOVEREIGNTY: A principle of Reformed Christian social ethics, usually
associated with the thought of Dutch Prime Minister Abraham Kuyper*, that
identifies a number of God- ordained creational spheres, which include the
family, the state, culture, and the church. These spheres each have their
own organizing and ruling ordinances, and each maintains a measure of
authority relative to the others. Just social and political structures,
therefore, should be ordered so that the authority of each sphere is
preserved (see Limited Government and Subsidiarity, The Principle of).

STATE, THE: An extremely confusing and complicated term throughout the
history of political philosophy. The role and significance of the state in
social and political life is the single most important issue dividing
liberals (see Modern Liberalism) and conservatives. Liberals employ the
coercive power of the state to correct, what they regard, as the inequitable
distribution of goods and services caused by the market. Conservatives think
of the state as an organism that serves to maintain the unity and integrity
of society. However, if the state extends its reach too far into the
activities of individuals it will threaten the well-being of the social
fabric. Contemporary writers generally provide a definition of the state
that describes those features which distinguish it from other social
institutions. They distinguish between the state and law. All societies have
rules of some kind that regulate behavior, but the agency (state) used to
enforce the rules varies between societies. The modern state is
distinguished by the public nature of its rules, its centralized authority,
its fixed geographical boundary, and its use of coercive power.

STATISM: Generally, a program or viewpoint that looks to the state for
resolution of social and moral problems, rather than to individual effort.
Specifically, a condition where the nongovernmental institutions of a
society develop an overextended and unhealthy reliance upon political
structures for the solution of problems. Statism stands in direct violation
of the principle of subsidiarity (see Subsidiarity, The Principle of) and
sphere sovereignty (see Sphere Sovereignty). Statists believe that the
resolution to social problems should be obtained through legislative

SUBSIDIARITY, THE PRINCIPLE OF: A principle from Catholic Social Teaching
but with correspondences to American federalism (see Limited Government) and
the Dutch Calvinist concept of sphere sovereignty (see Sphere
Sovereignty)which views society as comprised of various networks of natural
mediating institutions (such as family, neighborhoods, churches, voluntary
organizations, the free press, among others). Each of these institutions has
natural functions, responsibilities, and obligations. For example, families
raise children, churches provide moral and spiritual guidance, and so on.

Subsidiarity teaches that the higher or more complex social structures (such
as government) should not interfere unnecessarily in the affairs of the
lower social structures (such as the family). Unnecessary interference from
the higher structures robs the lower structures of their natural functions.
Over time this interference can cause the breakdown of the mediating
institutions in a society. If breakdown occurs politics will replace private
association as the infrastructure of society.

Subsidiarity does allow for the interference of higher institutions in the
affairs of lower ones in situations of crisis, emergency, or when they are
not capable of being self-sufficient. However, when such interference occurs
it should be specifically focused, limited, temporary, and seek to
reestablish the institution's self-sufficiency.

TOTALITARIANISM: This is the view that any institutional separation between
the state and nongovernmental organizations (such as churches, private
hospitals, civic groups, charities, etc.) must be eliminated. Totalitarians
insist that all the major institutions of society should be directed by the
state (see Statism). Key political movements include Italian Fascism,
Nazism, and Communism.

TYRANNY: A form of government where a single ruler is vested with absolute
power. The defective version of monarchy (see Monarchy, Statism, and
Totalitarianism). Any absolute and oppresive power. Infamous tyrants include
Mao Tse-Tung*, Adolf Hitler*, and Joseph Stalin*.

VIRTUE: (see Morality)



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