Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets? -- Part II: The Dumb Blondes

by Carol A. Valentine
Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
Copyright, February, 2002
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes.
This article soon to be available at:
See Part 1 at or

February 25, 2002 -- With so much controversy swirling around NORAD's
untimely response on 9-11, have you considered that maybe NORAD did
not respond at all?

Have you considered that maybe the American generals who claim to
have been in charge that day are lying, and that others were
directing events? * (See Footnote)

Have you considered that maybe the American generals are just the
dumb blondes, the pretty faces, sent out to decorate the 9-11 front
desk, sent out there for us to oggle?

I've considered those things.  Allow me to share my considerations with you.

*  (Footnote: It has just been revealed that the late "American"
journalist Daniel Pearl was an Israeli citizen.  This news was
revealed by the Israeli press; the American press knew the truth, but
kept the news secret at the request of Pearl's family.  See Mark
Bruzonsky's  "PEARL WAS ISRAELI CITIZEN," February 23, 2002.
Bruzonsky cites Ha'aretz.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]><

***   Meet The First Dumb Blonde: Richard B. Myers   ***

On September13, 2001, the Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
showed up to the Senate for his confirmation as Chairman.  The man's
name is Richard B. Myers.  And yes, the Senate did confirm his
appointment.  He is now the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Myers was commander of NORAD from August, 1998 to February, 2000
before becoming Vice Chairman of JCS.  You can read background on
Myers at:

Even though emperors-clothes gives no source URL for its document, I
have relied upon
for a record of the question and answer period during Myers September
13 hearing.  I have backed the emperors clothes file up at:

***   Myers Was "Deeply Involved" In Military Response To 9-11 ***

The Washington Post reported Myers' appearance in its September 14
article, "Fighter Response After Attacks Questioned."  According to
the Post, Myers "was deeply involved in the military's [9-11]
response this week from the outset . . . "

Given that Myers was a past commander of NORAD, was  Vice Chairman of
the JCS on 9-11 and had been "deeply involved" in the military
response, and given that the hearings occurred just two days after
the attack when people were both outraged and puzzled at NORAD's
non-performance, Gen. Myers might have anticipated he would be asked
some questions.

Hey, no problem.  Just tell the truth, right?  Shouldn't be hard,
especially because Myers is on speaking terms with NORAD's commander
(Ralph E. Eberhart), and was on the phone with him after the New York

Military people, quite properly, are sticklers for precision.  You
can't run an army with soldiers who rendezvous "sometime around
noon." The military keeps precise military time.  Military actions
are recorded in meticulous detail, in logs and reports which are
reviewed and studied.

So knowing the military's precise ways, and knowing how puzzled and
outraged folks were that NORAD didn't show, you'd think Myers would
arrange to have NORAD logs faxed over to him so he could give the
senators the facts.   When was NORAD notified?  When did the jets
take off?  After all, there were just a handful of jets involved in
NORAD's response, right?  We are not talking about a big deal, just a
page from a log.

And even if his fax machine wasn't working, surely Myers could have
called over to Eberhart, asked for a few details, and jotted the
information down on some index cards.  And even if Myers was too
busy, we know he has gofers who could have done the job for him.

But guess what?  Myers arrived at the hearing without faxes, without
logs, without index cards.  He came with his memory . . .

Even so, Myers' memory should be pretty good.  You don't get to be
Vice-Chairman of the JCS if you have Alzheimers.   And the big event
happened just two days before.

Sen. Levin made this timid inquiry:  "General Myers, just a very
brief request. When I asked you what time it was that the FAA or the
FBI notified the Defense Department after the first World Trade --
the two crashes into the World Trade Center and you indicated you
didn't know the time.  Could you ask someone on your staff to try to
get us that time, so that we will have that either before this
session here or for executive session?"

Imagine that.  Levin asked Myers when the DoD was notified of events
at the WTC, and he didn't know.  Well, OK, Levin used the phrase
"DoD" rather than "NORAD," but let's not split hairs.  We all wanted
to know what went wrong with NORAD on September 11, why they did not
show up, and here is Levin obviously trying to find out why.

Realize that NORAD is not only a military organization -- it is an
intelligence organization, commanding sophisticated electronic and
satellite surveillance equipment, and even clocks and wristwatches.
NORAD knows what time they were called on 9-11, and who called them.
It's all in the logs.

***  NORAD Scramble: Story Number One   ***

Again, Sen.  Nelson:  "You said earlier in your testimony that we had
not scrambled any military aircraft until after the Pentagon was hit.
And so, my question would be: Why?"

Myers:  "I think I had that right, that it was not until then. I'd
have to go back and review the exact timelines."

Right.  Myers could not remember this vital piece of information even
though he was "deeply involved" with the military's response that
day, and even though most anyone would anticipate  the Senate might
be interested in the details of this huge military catastrophe.

Myers agreement that the NORAD jets were sent aloft "after the
Pentagon was hit" does not tell us much.  The Pentagon was hit at
9:40 a.m.  Did NORAD scramble its jets at 9:41, 9:45, 10:00, or noon?

Allow us to assist Gen. Myers.  The Pentagon was hit at 9:40 a.m.  We
will express Myers' statement this way:

Story Number One:  NORAD jets were (allegedly) sent aloft some time
after 9:40 a.m.

***   NORAD Scramble: Story Number One Again  ***

Sen. Nelson made another pass and asked why, after the WTC was hit,
military aircraft were not scrambled when the two more aircraft
(Flights 77 and 93) went off course.  After scampering around a
little, Myers pulled the same bad memory routine:

" . . . if my memory serves me -- and I'll have to get back to you
for the record -- my memory says that we had launched on the one that
eventually crashed in Pennsylvania.  I mean, we had gotten somebody
close to it, as I recall.  I'll have to check that out.  I do not
recall if that was the case for the one that had taken off from
Dulles. "

Very interesting comments: The plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was
Flight 93.  As you will see, when NORAD issued a press release on
September 18, it made no mention of sending a defensive jet to Flight
93.  However, witnesses in Pennsylvania on September 11 reported
seeing a military jet near Flight 93 and burning debris falling from
the sky.  During September 11 TV coverage, Flight 93 was reported to
have been shot down by a military jet (more below.)

Return to Myers' words:  " . . . if my memory serves me . . . "
Nelson and his co-conspirators allowed Myers to get away with it.  No
one said: "General, are you serious?  You turn up at your
confirmation hearing after a military disaster like 9-11, and you
don't have the basic facts at your fingertips?" But never mind.  This
is America, we're the greatest nation on earth, and we love dumb

Still, something had been established:  Twice now, Myers did not
dispute Story Number One: No military aircraft were scrambled until
after the Pentagon was hit (9:40 a.m.).

***   NORAD Scramble: Story Number One Enhanced   ***

Sen. Nelson then played the tough-guy and expressed incredulity that
no jets were scrambled sooner.  In response, Myers exhibited his
rhetorical skill by changing the subject.

Myers said: " . . . after the second tower was hit, I spoke to the
commander of NORAD, General Eberhart.  And at that point, I think the
decision was at that point to start launching aircraft."

Again, notice that Myers did not refer to NORAD records.  Again, the
senators were not given an exact time the NORAD aircraft took off.
Once again Myers relied on his conveniently unreliable memory.  But
let's add this last Myers utterance to Story Number One:  NORAD
decided to scramble its jets sometime after 9:03 a.m. but did not get
them up until sometime after 9:40 a.m.

Story Number One enhanced:      NORAD (allegedly) decided to scramble
after 9:03 a.m.
          NORAD jets were (allegedly) scrambled
after 9:40 a.m.

*** "I Don't Know That Time"   ***

Look at more faulty memory by searching for these words, uttered by
Myers, in the text of the hearings: "At the time of the first impact
on the World Trade Center, we stood up our crisis action team. that
was done immediately.  So we stood it up.  And we started talking to
the federal agencies.  The time I do not know is when NORAD responded
with fighter aircraft.  I don't know that time." About now most of us
would be wondering if Myers was out on the golf course when it all
happened, and hadn't had time to catch up before he dropped in to see
Levin and the boys.

***   NORAD Didn't Know What to Do   ***

Myers made an excuse for NORAD's non-performance this way:  ". . .
it's not just a question of launching aircraft, it's launching to do
what?  You have to have a specific threat.  We're pretty good if the
threat's coming from outside.  We're not so good if the threat's
coming from the inside . . . "

In Part I, we discussed NORAD's interception of hijacked aircraft,
but let's revisit the subject.  You can read FAA/NORAD regulations
(FAA Order 7610.4, Special Military Operations, Effective Date
November 3, 1998) at:
(You may want to download for safekeeping, as we did.)

See Chapter 4 (4-8-1, 4-8-2):  "NORAD has a requirement to
flush/disperse interceptor and E-3 aircraft to initiate early attack
against a hostile force . . . "

You may want to read Chapter 7 of the above-cited FAA Order, which
deals with the escort of hijacked aircraft.  In addition, read the
discussion of military interception of civilian aircraft in "Mr.
Cheney's Cover Story," by Bykov & Israel.  Look at the discussion of
how NORAD jets force troublesome aircraft to land.

In fact, NORAD tested and  practiced its hijacking routines
regularly.  Six weeks after Gen. Myers claimed NORAD didn't know what
to launch, the NORAD commander, Gen. Eberhart appeared before this
Committee, and said NORAD practiced its hijacking routines "day in
and day out." By the context of the remarks, it is very clear he is
talking about NORAD practices prior to September 11, 2001.

I don't know about you, but I just don't buy it.  I don't buy that
Myers would sincerely show up to his confirmation hearing without
records, without faxes, without logs, without index cards, and then
claim he could not quite remember.  I don't buy that NORAD didn't
know what to launch or what to do or which end was up.

But I do suspect no defensive jets were launched at all that day.

***   The NORAD Press Release   ***

Five days after Myers went to see the Senate, NORAD issued this press release.

Note in that version of events, the FAA notified NORAD about Flight
11 at 8:40 a.m.  NORAD order jets to scrambled  at 8:46 a.m..  Jets
were in the air at 8:52.  We now have two stories:

Story Number One:   NORAD decided to scramble after 9:03 a.m.
                   NORAD jets were scrambled after 9:40 a.m.

Story Number Two:   NORAD was notified at 8:40 a.m.
                NORAD ordered scramble at 8:46 a.m.
                 NORAD jets were scrambled at 8:52 a.m.

Story Number Two (as contained in the NORAD press release) is almost
the exact reverse of Myers' story on September 13.  Myers said  that
a jet was sent to Pennsylvania and reached Flight 93), but no jets
were launched until after Flights 11, 175, and 77 had crashed (New
York and Pentagon crashes).

Look at the facts/factoids contained in the NORAD release.  Very few,
very simple.  NORAD got the jets up in about six minutes.  Yet it
took them a week (September 18) to get the press release out. Wonder
why it took so long to be issued?

***  Meet The Second Dumb Blonde: Ralph E. Eberhart   ***

Now let's turn our attention to the testimony of Ralph E. Eberhart,
the commander of NORAD on September 11.  Gen. Eberhart testified
before the Senate Armed Services Committee on October 25, 2001, six
weeks after Myers appeared.  You can find background on Eberhart at:

You can find a transcript of the October 25 question and answer period at:

Now let's see what Eberhart said about the NORAD scramble.

***   NORAD Scramble:   Story Number Two Again   ***

Eberhart did not hand out the NORAD September 18 press release to the
gathered senators.  Perhaps he did not have it on him, but why not?
He should have anticipated he'd be asked about details.

Sen. Allard asked Eberhart " . . . And how was the FAA interacting
with NORAD in that whole situation, starting with that first plane
that you deployed heading toward New York City?"

Eberhart:  "Yes sir, The first flight I think was American flight 11.
The FAA, once they notified us and we issued a scramble order almost
simultaneously to the first crash, tragically.  That flight of two
[sic] out of Otis Air Force base, out of Cape Cod  . . ."

This Eberhart account checks out with the NORAD release, or Story
Number Two.  But here is Eberhart, ostensibly the commander of NORAD,
saying, "The first flight I think was American Flight 11."  Six weeks
after this military catastrophe, Eberhart says "I think" the first
plane to hit the WTC was Flight 11?  Does that sound like a commander

***    Don't Notice The Obvious  ***

The Command, Control, and Communication center of the US is
Washington, DC, home of the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon.
Washington DC is the most obvious military target in the US.  The
strategic importance of Washington DC is so obvious that In 1994 and
1996 novelist Tom Clancy published two bestsellers in which
malcontents purposely crashed jets into the Capitol building, killing
members of Congress and the President.

Once NORAD knew the WTC towers had been attacked, simple prudence
demanded the immediate dispatch of protective air cover over
Washington D.C. and surrounding areas.  The skies should have been
filled with fighter jets from nearby Air Force bases, including
Andrews Air Force base, just 10 miles away.

But NORAD did not send protective cover; it left the Washington DC
area wide open even though the country was under attack.  Thus Flight
77 had a clear shot at the Pentagon.

*** Don't Ask the Obvious   ***

How often have you known congresscritters to be unconcerned with
their own skin?   Not often.  Yet none of the senators questioning
Myers or Eberhart uttered a peep about NORAD treating them like
sitting ducks.  No senator asked Myers or Eberhart this obvious

"General, why didn't you people immediately send jets from Andrews to
protect Washington DC skies as soon as you knew we were under attack?
Don't you care about the safety of your government officials?  Don't
you people in the military read Tom Clancy?"  These would have been
among the first questions asked -- had the Senate hearings been
anything more than a charade.

***  Eberhart The Casual   ***

More on Eberhart's casual approach to 9-11.  We've already heard him
saying:  "The first flight I think was American flight 11." Here are
is words about the Pentagon crash:

"I think it's 77 that crashed into the Pentagon."

Or how about Eberhart's reference to Flight 93:  "Now the last flight
was a little bit different.  I think it's flight 93 -- United
Airlines flight 93 in Pennsylvania."

Eberhart continued:  "At that time we were trying to decide,
initially, if that flight was going to continue west and if there was
some other target for that flight. Was it Chicago? Was it St. Louis?
And what might we do to launch an aircraft to intercept it?"
Launching interceptor aircraft is NORAD's job, of course.  See
earlier discussion.

Sen. Allard asked: "So FAA knew before it deviated its flight pattern
that it was hijacked."

Eberhart responded:  "Yes. What we really knew is it was headed west,
sir. It dropped off their radar scope. So it was headed west . . . "

Flight 93 left Newark bound for San Francisco.  It should have been
headed west.  So it dropped off the radar screens while it was still
on course?  Note that Eberhart did not say that the transponder was
turned off, he says it dropped off the radar scope.   What would
cause Flight 93 to drop from the radar scope while it was still on
course?  None of the flight paths shown in the USA Today, Time, or
Newsweek depict Flight 93's drop from the radar screens.

And not one senator expressed any curiosity.  They were not supposed
to ask real questions, and they obviously knew it.

I don't believe Eberhart was truly "in charge" of NORAD on September
11.  He does not walk, or talk, or quack like a commander.  He can
scarcely recall which planes flew into which targets.

Nor do I believe the senators were sincere in their inquiries that
day.  If the senators sincerely believed Eberhart was sincerely
speaking the truth, they should have recommended he be tested for
Alzheimers, retired immediately, and put into a nice nursing home.

The senators don't want truth to come out.  For if it did, the
pretext for the war against Israel's enemies would be undone.  That's
not what senators are paid to do.

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