
One shouldn't have to take a whole server down for more than a day just to
make a copy of the email traffic of all the newsgroups and email lists a
server supports...a copy can be made while the server is up and functioning
normally...even if the server WAS brought down for such a function, it
should only take a couple of hours at most to make a copy of the data on
the system...

In any case, I'm not worried.  Everybody on the Internet should know by now that I'm a revolutionary.  If the FBI just learned about this, it isn't for lack of my repeated attempts to inform them.  :-)

In fact if the system is run properly, Yahoo's computer department should
be making a full system backup on a weekly basis, so there should normally
be a full system copy available at any time, albeit perhaps a few days

I think they use a running back-up system through a RAID array, but I'm not certain.

Now if they wanted to install software that would MONITOR all email traffic
to those newsgroups and email lists and flag those containing what are
determined to be 'hot' words (ala AOHell), that would be another matter
entirely -- the server WOULD have to be brought offline and kept offline to
the general public as the new software was installed and tested...a process
that WOULD take a better part of a day to complete...

You will have noted, I'm sure, that Yahoo routinely goes down for such periods under the guise of "system maintenance."

Edward   ><+>

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only one problem.

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