-Caveat Lector-

October 3, 2004

Freedom Without Fear


A Historically True Story of the <Income Tax>!

by Drunvalo Melchizedek

In these times of great worldwide turmoil, a 90 year old American conspiracy
may not seem too important relative to some of the things that are going on
today, but when you realize that this incredible criminal conspiracy is
touching the lives of almost everyone in America on a very personal level,
we believe that it is now time to know this truth and to change it, for if
we don't change it, our United States Constitution is in great jeopardy.

When America realizes the nature of what our government has done to its
citizens over the last 90 plus years, it may take a very long time before
trust is reestablished, but it will heal, if we make the right decisions.
This story will be hard to believe at first because it is so outrageous, but
we can prove and document every word we say in or out of a court of law. Of
this there is absolutely no doubt.


Most people who become involved with the tax system do so when the IRS asks
for an examination or audit of their records. In my case, however, the IRS
didn't really care about my records. They were attacking me politically
because of an article written in the Spirit of Ma'at Ezine about President
Bush and a lie that he told the world. We proved Bush was lying, and they
didn't like that, so the IRS was sent to shut down the Spirit of Ma'at's web
site. (www.spiritofmaat.com)

If it had not been a political attack, I would have gladly cooperated, since
I have paid all my taxes and all tax forms have been filed on time. I have
no IRS problem on that level whatsoever.

But because it was political, I began to ask around about some form of
defense to fight them. I knew that what the government was doing by sending
the IRS to stop my 1st Amendment rights to freedom of speech, was illegal
and criminal. This is easy to prove in a court of law, for it has already
been determined in previous court cases.

I told a friend of mine, a Native American medicine man, about my situation
and he introduced me to a man named Wayne Bentson. According to my native
friend, Mr. Bentson is on the List of Who's Who in the world as "The person
who knows more about income tax and the Internal Revenue Service than anyone


Mr. Bentson is a quiet man of 73 who was a Marine in Korea, with a wall full
of decorations and medals. He may be getting older, but he's still a fighter
who fought for his beloved country in the fifties and today fights for its

In the early 70's, Mr. Bentson testified for now Chief Justice William
Rhenquist, and that testimony brought down the wrath of the IRS, which was
violently opposed to the nomination of Justice Rhenquist to the Supreme

He was forced into fighting the IRS just as I was. Mr. Bentson took the IRS
threats very seriously, and began to read all of 26 USC, 26 CFR (the
regulations), several additional Titles, including 5 USC, 27 USC, 31 USC, 42
USC and 48 USC, plus several IRS and Department of Justice (DOJ) manuals.

So for almost thirty years, the IRS has been trying to put Mr. Bentson in
prison, but they have been unsuccessful because he knows the law
exceptionally well. After many decades of study, Mr. Bentson can now
actually see the whole truth behind the IRS. He is one of the few people in
the world, who doesn't work for the US government, that holds this


"I was indicted two and a half years ago for "willful failure to file" and
"conspiracy". But the indictment, rife with its own violations of law and
other additional frauds, failed to identify the return I was supposed to
file and there are approximately 300 types of returns. They still, after two
and half years of investigation and communication, will not tell me which
form I supposedly conspired with others not to file. They basically have
arrested me and are holding me without telling me what my crime was. This is

In court Mr. Bentson submitted evidence that shows that the IRS is a
fraudulent and illegal conspiracy on the American people. He sited the law
precisely with his great knowledge of the income tax law and the IRS has no
way to disprove his evidence.

"To avoid simply giving up and looking stupid, which has huge legal
ramifications, the DOJ filed several motions with the court for an
extensions of time in which to prepare for trial, using the same "we are not
ready" excuse. Hence, two and one half years has passed since the original
indictment and the IRS is still delaying, and I still don't know what it is
I have done wrong."

The DOJ and IRS know that if they actually go to trial, it will be over for
the IRS. The DOJ/IRS have boxed themselves in with this man. This man is the
source of the following amazing information."


The following story is Wayne's understanding of the secret history and the
IRS tax law that is far beyond what is normally taught to us in our public
schools regarding the 16th Amendment. It is the same story that the
government has no way to honestly refute for it is the truth, and will be
proven in the following discussion.

But realize that the so-called "income" tax is far more complex than
presented in this story. For example, income tax is only a few chapters
published within the Internal Revenue Code, 26 USC, and yet Mr. Bentson had
to study many related documents to get a full understanding.

To be sure, there are far more examples where the government is lying,
committing fraud, criminal conspiracy and coercion within the IRS. And if
the IRS wants, we can show that too. But this is enough for you to "see"
this great fraud against the American people.


Before the United States of America was born, Britain was one of the most
powerful countries in the world. Their military power was justifiably feared
everywhere on the globe, and even at home in jolly olde England, this power
was feared just as much.

Why? Because the British government devised a plan to control their own
population using this awesome military/police power. It was so simply. They
created the seemingly ordinary "income tax". And through this income tax, if
any British citizen did not pay his or her taxes, or even if the government
failed to approve of what these honest citizens were doing or saying, the
government could use this "income tax" law and their military force to stop
that honest Citizen by putting them in jail. Sound familiar? From jail,
there was nothing the Citizen could do. There were no more unapproved
speeches, and no unapproved written words. It was so simply, and so very

As time when on, the British government used this power of income taxation
so ruthlessly, that many citizens chose to leave their home country of
England and leave in mass to escape this terror.

The discovery of America was the perfect answer. British citizens left to go
to America in groves to get away from their own brutish government and the
manner in which the monster called "income tax" was being utilized.

Britain was originally a place for harboring freedom but because of the fear
of governmental control created by the "income tax", Britain became an
island prison that darken the soul of FREEDOM.


When the United States of America won the war against Britain and created
the Constitution of the United States of America in 1776, it was stated in
Article I, Section 9, Clause 4: "No Capitation, or other direct Tax shall be
laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before
directed to be taken." This original law was intended to keep individuals
from ever being directly taxed on their income.

They didn't mean for just a short time - they meant forever and ever because
in their wisdom they knew that the Citizens of the United States would lose
their FREEDOM the moment the "income tax" was applied. They knew clearly
where this would lead: to oppression, undue control and fear - the very
thing our forefathers came here to get away from.

The history of direct "Income Tax", even though it was illegal, went through
many changes, mostly because of war and the need for revenue to fight these
wars. The first "illegal" direct income tax was passed by the Senate because
of the War of 1812 but it was never implemented. The first full year of an
"illegal" direct income tax was in 1862 but the entire tax was repealed in

Then the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 5-4 decision, declared in 1894 income tax
unconstitutional because it was a direct tax and could not be assessed
according to state population. This became known as the "Dred Scott decision
of government revenue", and now it was crystal clear that the direct income
tax was definitely illegal according to the US Constitution.

In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt said that an income tax would be "a
desirable feature of federal taxation". But, after two years it was realized
that the income tax could not be created because it was illegal and would
require a constitutional amendment.

In 1909 two different income tax bills were written even though both were in
direct violation of the Supreme Court's ruling of 1894. At one point the two
bills were combined and presented for approval, but Senator Nelson Aldrich
delayed the vote until he could speak with President William Taft. The two
agreed that the only way to solve the situation was to propose a
constitutional amendment - the 16th Amendment - that would allow "an income
tax without equal apportionment among the states".


Again it was war that brought the threat of direct income tax to the
American people. Earlier, on July 5, 1909 the 16th Amendment was introduced
to the Senate and House and was passed, but now the states had to vote to
approve this 16th Amendment by two-thirds for it to become law.

The exact wording of the 16th Amendment, referred to as the Amendment XVI,

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from
whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and
without regard to any census or enumeration."

It was clear that the states did not want this law for in 1909 when the
several states voted, only one state approved it. That state was Alabama.
Interestingly, it was not until February 3, 1913, almost four years later,
that supposedly two-thirds approved the 16th Amendment.

Realize that in 1912 and 1913 it was becoming more and more apparent that a
world war was brewing and that it was about to affect the United States of
America directly. (The First World War began in 1914) But the United States
did not have the money to create a significant and necessary military force
to defend itself. Tax money was derived mostly from customs, duties and
excise tax and the government had no way of simply getting its citizens to
purchase more goods to create more taxes. They had to find a way to create
large amounts of money quickly so the 16th Amendment that had been pending
before Congress, was ratified and signed by the President of the United
States just before the First World War. This was all based on the "supposed"
legal passing of the 16th Amendment by a two-third vote of the states.

However, what is not known in our history is that in fact the several states
overwhelmingly voted down this 16th Amendment seemingly bringing it all to
an end. But no, it was just the beginning.

When the US government realized that the states voted down the 16th
Amendment, the government decided to push forward, and illegally and
criminally changed the states' voting results so that it appeared that the
16th Amendment had passed successfully. Please understand that it was a long
time ago, before instantaneous communication, email and television, and no
one knew the difference, except for a few. (Later in this article we will
prove that the 16th Amendment did not pass the two-thirds vote of the
several states).

It was publicly announced that the 16th Amendment passed, but the government
people behind the scenes knew a fraudulent and criminal conspiracy was
taking place. In their minds, I'm sure, they saw themselves as patriotic and
believed they were saving the United States and the means justified the end.
But they obviously had no idea how far reaching this illegal act would
stretch into the future.

The passing of the 16th Amendment seems so simple and forthright, even
though it was illegally achieved. But because it was illegal and in fact a
criminal conspiracy, something had to be done without the American people's
knowledge to write the "income tax" law codes around the 16th Amendment in a
secret an equally fraudulent manner to keep the government employees and the
President out of jail. Therefore, a second secret fraud was instituted
against the American people - a fraud that has been hidden from almost all
Americans until now.

You see, the president and his administration knew that the 16th Amendment
voting results were illegally changed and that the 16th Amendment was
fraudulently passed. But what they didn't know was when someone would find
out the truth. It could be while they were in office, or it could be many
years later. They didn't know. And more important to them, they didn't want
to go to prison for this crime, so they wrote the wording of the 16th
Amendment tax codes is a very special way to protect themselves. Even as the
tax codes have been amended in the years since, they are always hiding this
1913 criminal conspiracy.

In the simplest of terms, the US government wrote the wording of the income
tax codes so that the bottom line seemed to say that "a 'US individual' had
to pay 'income' tax'". It was written so ridiculously clear that no one
looked carefully into the other separate law books that were used to define
what the words "US individual" and the words "income" tax meant in the these
tax codes.


Let's explain how the fraud was constructed. In law, words can have meanings
other than what would be found in a dictionary. This is normal practice. As
long as the word is defined in conjunction with the written law, all is

For example, in the 16th Amendment the United States are referred to as the
"Several States", while in the tax codes the US Territories, US Possessions
and Washington DC are referred to as "The United States". A separate law
book exists which defines these terms.

One can see how the utilization of these definitions could easily effect how
the tax codes would read to a normal person. All references to the United
States are actually speaking about the US Territories, US Possessions and
Washington DC.

Please realize that if the 16th Amendment was legally approved by the
several states, the tax codes could have been written to mean individuals
who live in the several states, but because it was illegally approved, they
had to find a way to write the tax codes to make people like you and me
believe they were talking about us, but if fact, they had to create a
diversion. This the United States government did through criminal conspiracy
and fraud by manipulating the tax codes.


Here, in a nut shell, is what the government did fraudulently, and it may be
hard to believe. According to the present-day actual US tax codes, a "US
individual" is defined as "a US citizen residing in the US Virgin Islands!!!
or one of the other US Territories or its possessions.

We are, according to definition in these "separate" law books, "Citizens of
the Several States", (with a capital "C", little "c" means something else)
completely different than a "US individual", meaning a citizen residing in
one of the 50 states in the United States of America, and we are
"non-taxable" (except under certain very rare conditions). In other words,
the 16th Amendment has nothing to do with a Citizen of the "Several" States
residing within the 50 States except under certain rare conditions having to
do with alcohol and tobacco in the US Territories or its possessions.

Why the US Virgin Islands? Because the 16th Amendment tax codes only legally
apply to certain "income" created within the US Territories and its
possessions. It does not apply to money generated within the United States
of America (Several States) or, for that matter, anywhere else in the world.
So if the IRS says you reside in the US Virgin Islands or one of the other
US Territories then the 16th Amendment applies to you, and you could
possibly be taxable. This is the fraud or "trick" they used.

The only way they could get us to pay "income" tax was by tricking us
(legally called fraud and conspiracy) into believing we were supposed to pay
this "income" tax. Its often called the Great American Tax Fraud by those
who know. If the IRS were a normal American corporation, they would have
been indicted long ago, but because they are part of the government, these
illegal practices continue to go on just under the surface.


In the IRS tax structure every Citizen of the Several States has what is
called an IMF or Individual Master File. This file contains all pertinent
information about this "US Individual". But this file is mostly written in
code, and can only be interrupted from a secret tax book that the IRS hides
from the public. Of course, Mr. Bentson has a copy of this IRS code book and
can read and understand this code.

In my IMF, the government used the secret code of "150", which places me a
resident of the US Virgin Islands, and another code that says I earn my
money in Guam. This is absolutely not true, and of course I have never been
informed that the government placed me living in the US Virgin Islands. In
fact on my IMF they have listed my permanent address as Arizona for the last
eight years or more, which proves they know that I am not residing in the US
Virgin Islands. This probably true of your IMF as well with slight

The government knew that income tax was illegal according to the
Constitution of the United States of America because they knew the voting
results were illegally changed. The government then had to make the tax
codes read in such a way relating the "income" tax only to the US
Territories and its possessions. Can you believe it? And our government
knows this!!! President Bush knows this!

The word "income" does not mean what we think it means. "Income" is money
that is generated from within the US Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico or
America Samoa or the US possessions with very restricted conditions. There
is no "income" within the Several States by definition. If you make all your
money inside the Several States, you are not allowed to file a 1040 ever, by


Further and equally outrageous, the income Tax laws, Title 26 U.S.C.
Subchapter A, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 that pertains to the "income tax"
were repealed by the US government. (Yes, you read right) These are the very
laws (which are NO LONGER LAW!!!) the IRS still use today to collect taxes
and even put people in jail. But since the government is making billions of
dollars per day, they have decided to continue collecting this money from
Citizens of the Several States without any enforceable legal law whatsoever.

>From the Internal Revenue Code we read:

"(26,894 (I.R.C.), Subchapter B-Effective Date and Related Provisions - Sec.
7851 APPLICABILITY OF REVENUE LAWS (a) General Rules - Except as otherwise
provided in any section of this title -

(1) Subtitle A-

(A) Chapters 1, 2, 4 and 6 of this title shall apply only with respect to
taxable years beginning after December 31, 1953, and ending after the date
of enactment of this title, and with respect to such taxable years, chapters
1 (except sections 143 and 144) and 2, and section 3801, of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1939 are hereby repealed.

(B) Chapters 3 and 5 of this title shall apply with respect to payments and
transfers occurring after December 31, 1954, and as to such payments and
transfers sections 143 and 144 and chapter 7 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1939 are hereby repealed." (Underline is ours)

Chapter 1 and 2 are repealed. Chapter 1, 2, 4 and 6 are "ended" immediately
"after the date of enactment". So they are no longer law.

Sections 143 and 144 and Chapter 7 are repealed. So they are no longer law.
This means that only chapter 3 and 5 are still law at this point, which
apply to payments and transfers.


Now we can even show that the entire Title 26 U.S.C. is not positive law and
never was by reading from U.S. Department of Justice, Tax Division, (Actual
Manual and page(s) numbers will be used in court) where it reads,

"The titles of the United States Code that have been enacted into positive
law are as follows:"

(OUR WORDS) It begins with 1 U.S.C. and moves to the end. You will see that
it jumps from 23 U.S.C to 28 U.S.C, showing that 24, 25, 26 and 27 U.S.C
were never passed by Congress or signed by the President!!!! This makes
sense since they were hiding the conspiracy and knew it would be better to
never make it positive law.

TITLE 26 U.S.C. was never an "Act of Congress"!!!!


This means that any person put into jail using Title 26 U.S.C. has been put
in jail illegally and legally should be released immediately and
compensated. According to law, no person can be put into jail except under
an Act of Congress, which is a law that was ratified by Congress and signed
into law by the President. The income tax laws contained in Title 26 U.S.C.
never were.

>From Title 18, USCS section 4001 it reads:

Limitation on detention; control of prisons

(a) No citizen shall be imprisoned or otherwise detained by the United
States pursuant to an Act of Congress.

Further, it is illegal for the IRS to summons third party records without
your written consent, and the IRS is especially unauthorized to put liens on
your money or property. It is illegal for them to do so and the IRS law
clearly proves this. (We have this documentation, but are using it in court)

Citizens of the United States (Several States) have no legal requirements to
pay "income tax" or tax on any money they make in the 50 States or anywhere
in the world for that matter, unless they make this money in the US Virgin
Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico or American Samoa or one of its possessions and
(something we have not talked about) have been served a .6001 notice. This
is a legal fact, and this is why the IRS has lost (dropped or suppressed)
the last 250 plus cases that Mr. Bentson was a consultant for where this
legal information was presented. (But of course the IRS has never allowed
this information to move through court for they know that it would end the
IRS and income tax.)

You see the US government of 1913 knew that "Income Tax" was illegal, so
they made the law read in such a way that the average person would never
figure it out, and at the same time worded it in such a way that the
government would never be held liable for the original fraud concerning the
state voting results we mentioned earlier. (I know we keep saying this, but
all references to IRS law must have this knowledge to understand why the
wording is the way it is.)

The IRS is operating in the United States fraudulently when they ask you to
pay "income tax", and any IRS agent that knows the truth can go to prison if
they continue to work for the IRS. This is because the IRS is illegally
using their authority on the US Territories and its possessions on Citizens
of the "Several" States. Even the official badges that almost all IRS agents
utilize prove that that IRS agent is actually under the jurisdiction of the
Internal Revenue Service of Puerto Rico, not the United States of America.

This is the truth folks, so you might as well get used to for it is about to
be made know to the entire United States (Several States) and the world.


Further, because Citizens of the Several States (The United States) are
"Non-Taxable", and the government is receiving "income tax" illegally
obtained by fraud, another law was made so the IRS employees will not go to
jail. This law states that all money received from "Federal income taxes" is
instantly converted to a "gift". By law, we are gifting our "income" tax
money to the IRS. This makes the government safe from prosecution.

>From 31 U.S.C. we read:


31 U.S.C. section 321

(d)(1) The Secretary of the Treasury may accept, hold, administer, and use
gifts and bequests of property, both real and personal, for the purpose of
aiding or facilitating the work of the Department of the Treasury. Gifts and
bequests of money and the proceeds from sales of other property received as
gifts or bequests shall be deposited in the Treasury in a separate fund and
shall be disbursed on order of the Secretary of the Treasury. Property
accepted under this paragraph, and the proceeds thereof, shall be used as
nearly as possible in accordance with the terms of the gift or bequest.

(2) For purposes of the Federal income, estate, and gift taxes, property
accepted under paragraph (1) shall be considered as a gift or bequest to or
for the use of the United States.

When reading (2) above for clarity leave out the words "estate, and gift"
and see that it reads "Federal income taxes, property accepted under
paragraph (1) shall be considered as a gift or bequest to or for the use of
the United States.

Further, by converting the "income tax" to a gift it also does something
else. It allows the government to use your money in any way the government
sees fit because it is a gift and there are no laws regulating gifts to the
government. If it is actual "income tax" coming from the US Territories or
its possessions, then there are strict laws on how this money can be used.

The lie goes on and on. Will we change this?


A group called "WE THE PEOPLE FOUNDATION" has been legally looking into the
fraudulent passing of the 16th Amendment, and has taken the time (many
years) to go to each state and search back into the records to find the
original voting results. Once these true results were obtained, it was
proven beyond a doubt that the voting results were tampered with to
illegally to pass the 16th Amendment. In fact it did not pass. "WE THE
PEOPLE FOUNDATION" proved this to be true once and for all. Click here
http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/may2/prns/editor.htm and
http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/may2/prns/irstrial.htm to read a past
Spirit of Ma'at issue on the IRS where this is explained. Please understand
that at the time we wrote this past issue, we did not know fully what we are
discussing here.

The proof that the 16th Amendment states voting was illegally changed was
presented to the US Supreme Court in 2003, and was legally recognized as
true and correct. However, it was such a huge issue it was passed on to the
US Congress for their decision. However, Congress decided to put off ruling
on this case until sometime in 2005.


Our forefathers set up the Constitution so that all taxes would come from
purchases, such as customs, duties, excise or even luxury tax, etc. This
never included the idea of taxing income or incoming money. All governments
need money to operate, but our Constitution and the US Law at this moment in
2004 says that operating funds cannot be taken from money that a "Citizen of
the Several States" makes each year. But there are provisions in the
Constitution of the United States of America so that the same amount or more
of taxes could go to the US government, but they are collected in different
ways other than by income taxation.

During 2003, President Bush was filled in on the truth around the fraud and
conspiracy committed on the American people by the 16th Amendment that was
pending in Congress, (At least as President he should have been.) and it
obviously influenced his speeches during last year.

Bush thought that the 16th Amendment was going to be thrown out since the
voting results were illegally changed and the income tax was going to be
dropped forever. So in order to look like a hero, Bush began to talk about
rescinding all income tax laws in favor of a federal VAT tax or Sales tax.
But when Bush realized that Congress was going to delay the ruling until
2005, he quit speaking about it until just recently.

First Bush said in 2003 that a 10% federal sales tax could replace the
income tax. Then, on second thought, he increased it to 15%.

Let's think about this for just one minute. What we believe is that if the
income tax were dropped and a 10% sales tax were established, far more money
would come to the government. Why?

Besides the obvious fact that the considerable cost of collecting taxes
under the IRS would be eliminated, the real reason to establish a VAT or
sales tax is that it would be imposed on everyone who makes purchases.
However, most models that I have seen suggest that the very poor would be

Not only would "taxpayers" have to pay this "sales" tax, which would drop
their total tax by about 25%, but so would Citizens who do not pay taxes
now. This amounts to about 60,000,000 people according to IRS statistics.
But that would be only the beginning. All off shore and on shore trusts, the
wealthly - many who utilize the current tax laws to avoid paying taxes, drug
dealers and their illegal money (this is huge), and even foreigners who
visit us would have to pay this tax. This would result in a huge increase in
funds going to the US government because the tax base would be increased
dramatically. At 15% it would be astounding how much the government would
make, yet not effect the average person very much.

Another reason why a sales tax would work now in 2004, but didn't work in
1913, is because our countries buying habits have changed dramatically since
the beginning of this century. We spend vast amounts of money consuming
products today whereas in 1913 the amount of goods was much lower. A sales
tax would not have worked nearly as well. Today it would replace the income
tax. All we have to do is find the right amount to charge.

This is also why the rich have opposed the VAT or sales tax idea so strongly
because they buy more goods and would have to pay their "fair" share. At
this moment they absolutely do not have to pay their "fair" share because
Bush's tax laws are designed to help the rich. People buy products according
to how much they make. Obviously the rich purchase more, and they would pay
more. It is only fair.

Other countries, such as Germany, England and Canada use VAT tax in addition
to sales tax. The Value Added Tax taxes the vast products coming into their
countries. VAT tax is another possibility that President Bush is suggesting
separate from the sales tax.

Don't think that by dropping the income tax it will hurt the United States
of America. On the contrary, it would dramatically strengthen the United
States financially, and stop the fear that people have for the IRS.


The US Congress had on its agenda to rule on the voting conspiracy of the
16th Amendment in 2003, but for some reason said that they didn't have time.
They have now put off the ruling which was supposed to occur in 2004 until
2005. You don't suppose that the procrastinating of this ruling has anything
to do with the November Election do you? I'm sure Bush does not want to be
the President that is in office (especially right before an election) that
takes the blunt of this criminal conspiracy.


But so what if Congress makes the 16th Amendment law. The tax codes never
applied to Citizens of the "Several" States (you and me) for we are
non-taxable according to the tax codes. It only applies to resident (aliens)
residing in the US Territories or its possessions. And if Congress does
somehow approve the 16th Amendment, it would still be illegal because the
states have never approved it by a two-thirds vote. It would have to be
voted on all over again.


In 1918, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the 16th Amendment
only permitted the government to extend the Puerto Rican income tax to the
Philippines because both countries were "without enumeration". In other
words if a census was taken, the 16th Amendment was not applicable.

There are many groups who know the truth. Some of them are groups of former
IRS agents, some are lawyers, and some are like WE THE PEOPLE FOUNDATION -
vast numbers of ordinary Citizens of the "Several" States, who are simply
fighting for what is true and right. And, the effect of so many people
knowing the truth is finally about to reach out to all of America.


Then on September 2, 2004, on the night of his acceptance speech at the RNC,
President Bush again brought up the subject of the income tax again. He said
to the American people:

"Another drag on our economy is the current tax code, which is a complicated
mess - filled with special interest loopholes, saddling our people with more
than six billion hours of paperwork and headache every year. The American
people deserve - and our economic future demands - a simpler, fairer,
pro-growth system. In a new term, I will lead a bipartisan effort to reform
and simplify the federal tax code."

Notice he didn't mention that it was fraudulent and illegal even though he
knows it is. It is a good thing if he changes the law, but he still cannot
have an income tax. It is illegal. It was never approved by two-thirds of
the states. The new law would have to be written around Bush's suggestion of
a VAT and/or sales tax. And this is why the Republican Party is pushing for
a Federal Sales Tax, which seems to mystify the Democratic Party.

It is perfect timing for total tax reform because of the revelation brought
to the Supreme Court and Congress last year by WE THE PEOPLE FOUNDATION. The
illegal income tax must go! Our forefathers originally wanted and demanded
this in our constitution. If we have to go to the Supreme Court and
Congress, we will. But even in US courts there is an IRS problem you need to
be aware of.



To show how corrupt and above the law the IRS is, there is an IRS "law" on
the books that is constantly and secretly used that will absolutely blow
your mind. The IRS, by their own law, can go to a United States judge, talk
to them about your case, even before the case is filed, and bribe them by
saying that if they get a conviction in your case, they will pay them up to
$5,000.00 US dollars and that it will be in pure green cash.

>From the Internal Revenue Manual 'Handbook of Delegation Orders' Page
1229-91, Exhibit 2 Cont. (7), Delegated Authority to Other Personnel

"Are Delegated Authority to: Approve monetary awards and exceptions to
monetary award scales up to and including $5,000 for any one individual or
group, and incur necessary expenses for the recognition of contributions.
(Our underlines)

For the Position of: 1. Employees under their jurisdiction, including field
employees engaged in National Office projects (except centralized positions
as defined in IRM 0250 and positions centralized to Executive Resources
Board); and contributions of employees of other Government agencies and
armed forces members." (Our underline)

Read carefully, "and contributions of employees of other Government
agencies", such as judges. Obviously "armed forces members" are not part of
the IRS also, and the IRS can bribe them too.

Further, if you try to show this law or talk about this law in front of the
jury, or ask if the judge is accepting money from the IRS, the judge will
not allow this information to be presented to the jury. Amazing but true!
One of our attorneys has seen this happen several times.

This means that our right to a fair trail is subverted in a tax related

Do you think this could not possibly be true? Let's read from an IRS
Memorandum dated Feb 26, 1973. It is to: Participants in Conference on Tax
Rebellion Movement. From: Regional Commissioner Western Region, Subject: Tax
Rebellion in California. It was received by the Intelligence Division, Los
Angeles, California on Feb 27, 1973. The following is from the minutes of
February 9, 1973. We have a full copy on file.

"Mr. Croasmun, (Regional Commissioner) reported on his discussions with
Assistant U.S. Attorney Couris and Judge Crocker, Fresno, (California) and
of their interest in enforcement of the law in tax rebel cases. Mr. Hansen
commented on the problem of federal judges appearing to be anti-IRS based on
a belief that IRS is "highhanded". Mr. Howard reported on a change of
attitude in federal judges in San Francisco after he met with a number of
them and discussed the gravity of the Tax Rebellion Movement and the
importance of giving prison sentences as deterrents."

In other words, the IRS is talking with the judges in secret convincing them
to give prison sentences as deterrents to tax rebels. This is against the
Constitution of the United States since the IRS is the one suing these "tax
rebels". And from the Handbook of Delegation Orders, this law allows the IRS
to actually give the judges money (cash up to $5,000) if they convict the
"tax rebel" and give him a prison sentence.

We must change this! This is so wrong it is ridiculous.


Since all the proof regarding the 16th Amendment voting results was put on
hold by Congress and the review of this subject could be suspended for many
years, WE THE PEOPLE FOUNDATION now has a class-action suit filed against
the US Government asking for the government to show precisely in the tax
codes where Citizens of the Several States (the United States) have to pay
income taxes on their labor (income). This is something the IRS has refused
to do simply because they cannot.

Nowhere does this information exist, because the government long ago knew
the 16th Amendment was fraudulent, so they only made the tax codes read to
include the US Territories and its possessions. There are no tax codes
saying that you and I have to pay taxes on our labor (income) and the
government knows this. For this reason, the government will not come forth
and show this law, which they are required by law to do. All they will do is
remain silent and continue to illegally collect tax from American citizens.

To join this class-action lawsuit go to http://www.givemeliberty.org/. It is
free join, and you could help to change the way the US government relates to
its citizens. Also reading this website will open your eyes about the war
that is going on between the IRS and the American people.

I believe the reason that President Bush made the above quoted income tax
statement at the RNC, is because of this class-action lawsuit with over 3000
people involved and about 15,000 more joining. He had been silent for
sometime about the income tax after Congress in 2003 didn't seem to have
time to address the issue, but started speaking about it again just recently
after the WE THE PEOPLE FOUNDATION class-action law suit was filed on July
19, 2004. I doubt if it is a coincidence.


On July 19, 2004, to open this lawsuit, there was a meeting in Washington DC
with hundreds of citizens from all over the United States. The IRS was
supposed to be present to answer questions from the people about the tax
codes and to show the law which states that we are supposed to pay income
tax - questions the IRS has been refusing to answer and the "law" the IRS
refuses to reveal. It was televised on C-Span with over a million people
watching, and broadcast on radio with over 500,000 people listening, but the
IRS, as usual, refused to make an appearance obviously out of fear. What can
they say. What they are doing is illegal and they know it.

At an IRS conference on Sept 16, 2003 concerning tax "scams" and tax
"evasion", the lead tax reporter for the New York Times, David Cay Johnson
directly and specifically questioned IRS commissioner Mark Everson about
what laws require Americans to pay income taxes. Mr. Everson evaded his
question by saying that the answers are being given through the court
system. This is a lie. Mr. Johnson replied to Mr. Everson by saying,
"There's no law that requires us to pay taxes. People are tricked into
paying taxes."


We are going to join the WE THE PEOPLE FOUNDATION class-action lawsuit, but
this is only one of the actions we are going to take.

In addition, we are going to attempt to initiate another class-action
lawsuit against the IRS and the government based on a different point of
law. The IRS tax codes have one especially vulnerable point. By simply
obtaining the IMF of each person in the lawsuit and showing that they do not
reside in the US VIRGIN ISLANDS, and they are not making their income in the
US Territories, it would expose this government fraud and the IRS would have
to place the people in this class-action lawsuit in a non-taxable category
for the rest of their lives. Hopefully this would lead to the changing of
the income tax laws of America.

But, after a great deal of thought, it has been decided, in addition to the
two cases above, to follow Michael Moore's example of dealing with powerful
government agencies, to create a major Hollywood documentary proving this
article beyond a doubt and to get it on American television and possibly in
the theaters for all of America to see, as well as the whole world. This is
our primary goal.

Once America know the truth, the rest will be easy. Bush or whoever is
president will have to respond and stop this fraudulent collecting of income
tax from Citizens of the "Several" States. We already have one major
Hollywood studios that is extremely interested. Michael Moore will also get
his chance to be part of this too because of the IRS's illegal threat on the
Disney Corporation.

If you would like to help in some way, either with funds, time or expertise,
especially if you're a good tax attorney please email us. We will talk to
each one of you personally.


I am so sure, so positive, so absolutely certain that the above statements
are legally true and correct, that I challenge and even dare the Internal
Revenue Service to prove that this article is not true.

I know they cannot do this, but let's see if they can. Since the IRS is
supposed to know their own law, it should only take a few minutes or perhaps
a day to gather up the evidence to disprove this article. So let's give them
20 working days. That's what the IRS gives us. Plenty of time! But if they
do not answer in 20 working days, then all Americans will know this article
is true and factual and the IRS is in a criminal conspiracy with the
American people. The IRS will admit it by being silent.

If after 20 working days the IRS does not respond, then we give you the
permission to send this article anywhere you wish or to post it on any web
site. Especially send it to our Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen.
Many of them already know of this IRS fraud, but when they see this article
pouring in, it will put pressure on them to act. Send it to the media and
let them realize the truth so they can let Americans know. If you have
friends or loved ones in jail for tax evasion, send it to them. Boy could
they use this information. Send it all over the web so everyone finds out
the truth.

America we love you. Don't be afraid of the IRS, they are the ones that are
in the wrong. Fear is what keeps the IRS alive. Let's finally have FREEDOM

In Love and Service,
Drunvalo Melchizedek

The Spirit of Ma'at Ezine


(We will show the more important legal points and the actual law and where
to find it to prove what we are saying, but in many cases we will only refer
to the law because we are going to hold it back for when/if we enter US
court. But we have all the evidence.)

Copyright (c)2004 Drunvalo Melchizedek
All Rights Reserved

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