-Caveat Lector-

When Druze and Christians get friendly, Syria gets worried
By Zvi Barel Ha'aretz 9 August 2001

The arrest of some 200 Christians in Lebanon Tuesday made the editor of a
Nahar, Jubrein Tuwani, publish an unprecedentedly harsh editorial against
the Lebanese government and its masters in Damascus. "Have we gone from a
government to military rule? Is this a military junta? If the government
claims there was a revolutionary conspiracy, then we are all
and all conspirators."

Tuwani's anger, and that of the Maronite and Druze communities is the
of a lightning operation by the Lebanese army two days after the historic
reconciliation between the Druze and Christian leaderships, whose conflict
two decades ago was a key reason for the Lebanese civil war.

Over the weekend, Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir visited Druze leader
Walid Jumblatt at Jumblatt's headquarters in the Chouf mountains. The
with its conciliatory speeches, in effect made pubic a renewed alliance
between the two groups, which share a common interest - the departure of
Syrians. The only difference between the two are in nuances. Sfeir wants
Syrians out without any preconditions, while Jumblatt is prepared to be a
little more flexible.

Such a meeting between two leaders of separate groups in the country is
always going to raise suspicions in Damascus, which fears the revival of a
large Christian-Druze bloc that won't make do with Syrian army
but will demand a full Syrian departure from Lebanon.

"We won't allow any harm to public order or good relations with any sister
country," said Adnan Adoum, the Lebanese general prosecutor, explaining the
arrests of the Christians. But his own words were enough to understand
the orders for the arrests came from. Many of those arrested (and most, as
expected, have now been released) are loyalists of General Michel Aoun, the
leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, which has been fighting the Syrian
presence in Lebanon since the end of the civil war, and of Samir Geagea,
head of the Lebanese Forces, in jail serving four life sentences for
political assassinations during the civil war.

According to Lebanese sources, the order for the arrests came from the
Syrian intelligence chief in Lebanon, Razi Cana'an, who wanted to impress
upon the Lebanese Syria's "red lines" concerning Lebanese opposition to the
Syrian occupation. Those sources say that Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik
al-Hariri was also opposed to the arrests and told Syrian officials that
arrests could serve to consolidate an anti-Syrian protest movement, turning
the Druze-Christian reconciliation into a political union.

And it's not only the Syrians who fear such an alliance. Lebanese Muslims
might regard such an alliance as a threat, and that could yet turn into a
confrontation between the Muslims on one side and the Christian-Druze
alliance on the other.

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