-Caveat Lector-

from http://www.millenngroup.com/repository/cometary/lee.htm

One of the great joys of operating The Millennium Group web page is the people
who seem to show up out of no where that are instantly recognizable as kindred
souls in the pursute of Truth In Science. James B. Ervin fits that category.

Here is the rapidly unfolding story of comet C/1999 H1 (Lee).


Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 22:12:28 -0400

Hi Earl,
I have been receiving and reviewing your electronic newsletter for roughly
3-1/2 months now. I am very impressed with the content of your material. So
much so, that I now feel a real need to avail myself of your staffs brain
pool. This, in regard your knowledge of Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee).
Why? Because this comet is beginning to raise eyebrows in certain circles.
Therefore, I would sincerely appreciate your take on the following set of
questions. I hope you can, or will, provide me with a few sound theoretical
1. This comet will pass relatively close to the Earth during the time period
of mid September through early November, according to its current ephemeris.
What factors or perturbations are there that could bring this comet much
closer to Earth than now indicated?
2. When C/1999 H1 (Lee) enters its perihelion phase around the Sun on July 11,
1999, could a Coronal Mass Ejection or Solar Flare alter its course? If so, by
what degree?
3. Thus far, this comet has exceeded all pre-plotted magnitude estimates.
While I have read that this is not unprecedented, I'd like to understand why
this is so. Can you explain this to me?
4. On June 16, 1999 C/1999 H1 (Lee) will pass to within 1 Degree of the Moon.
Astronomically speaking - what distance is meant by 1 Degree.
5. I have heard that C/1999 H1 (Lee) will pass through a newly discovered
polar asteroid belt. Is there any truth to this rumor? If so. Where is this
asteroid belt located?
Please respond numerically.

Best Regards,

James B. Ervin


Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 20:46:34 -0700

Dear James:

We're just getting up to speed on Comet Lee so I'll need to pow-wow with my
associates. In the meantime can you tell me how long you've been following the
action and where?

Earl Crockett


Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 17:07:31 -0400 (EDT)

Hello Earl,

For reasons that are purely personal, I have been following reports on C/1999
H1 (Lee) since its discovery in mid April. This, because I believe there is
ample evidence to suggest that it will pass much closer to Earth than
originally anticipated in early ephemeris plots. Especially, if H1 Lee is hit
by a Coronal Mass Ejection during its perihelion passage.

Initially, my concerns were raised when I noticed there were conflicting
ephemeris plots posted at the IAU (Minor Planet Center) and at the Japanese
astronomy website: http://www.astroarts.com/

So, I decided to plug the ephemeris numbers into Astroarts online orbital
simulator. When I did so, I was shocked to discovered that H1 Lee has a high
solar (northern) passage over the Earth around November 6/7.

This, of course, begs several questions, not the least of which are:

Why isn't this comet's close passage being reported in the media?

What happens if the orbital ephemeris is altered by an un-anticipated Solar
event? ect,ect ...

Thanks for your quick reply,

James B. Ervin




Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 02:38:45 -0500


I have done some initial work on this (am working through the night) and holy
** batman** this is looking serious! How long have you known about this Comet
(Lee) ? Because this could be the comet that proves the electrical discharge
nature of comets I want to be very precise and screen anything going on the
page regarding "predictions".

Fasten your seat belts,

Jim McCanney


Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:42:30 -0700

Dear James:

I forwarded your email to the group last night and Jim McCanney stayed up all
night calculating. The bottom line: He's very very concerned about what he
calls a big "curve ball" inbound that could wind up having devastating
consequences here on Earth, and if certain factors come into play like the
location of the other planets and the moon it doesn't even have to come that
close in distance. This comet is the "worst" kind in terms of its ability to
disrupt, and interact with, the solar capacitor. That is, its "orbit" is so
flat (1) that it's more like a once in the lifetime of the object pass rather
than "long period" etc. Consequently, having never interacted with the Sun
before, Comet Lee brings with it a high potential for discharging the Solar
Capacitor, and I would personally add that it may in fact already be
responsible for the very weird actions we have been seeing from the sun over
the last several months; ie the appearance that something has been "pulling"
energetic charges away from the Sun in the opposite direction of Earth
producing large CME's/flares that for the most part have had little
electromagnetic effect here on Earth. All of this is to say that after one
evenings look see Jim thinks that the "raised eyebrows in certain circles" are
very justified. So here's the problem in a nut shell: In order to get a handle
on the probable Earth/Solar System affects of Comet Lee, Jim would need access
to all of the existing orbital data from day one onward, and then access to
the super computers that run the orbital solutions for comets along with the
programmers that know how to operate the systems. With this he would then run
somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 20 different solutions based on his
plasma discharge theory for comets which as you've already surmised would have
the comet collecting material like a giant vacuum cleaner rather than
sublimating off ice particles per the dirty snowball model. This "collecting"
will slow down the comet as it slowed down Hale-Bopp which caused Yoemans at
JPL to recalculate the< orbit some 47 different times; and the more space
plasma materials collected, and the slower the speed, the tighter the orbit
and the closer to Earth Comet Lee will come just like H-B.

And several more things need to be pointed out: There is a strong planetary
alignment between Earth, Venus, Moon, Uranus, and the Sun in the August 22, 26
range which is within the window of an ecliptic crossing for Comet Lee, along
with what astrologers call a "Grand Square" that is an alignment at ninety
degrees to the Earth-Sun line of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. And
August/September are known months of high Sun activity along with being the
peak hurricane season in the Caribbean. And if that weren't enough Earth's
orbit position will be smack in the middle of the Sun's tail at that time. All
of this has the potential of increasing the electromagnetic reaction between
the Solar Capacitor, Comet Lee, the other planets, and Earth. And in case you
are not familiar with our atmosphere discharge theory of cyclonic storms, the
mention of the hurricane season was simply to say if things charge up over
this comet then we could expect a very bad hurricane season indeed; which may
turn out to be the least of our concerns.

Now to the reality of things: We have about as much chance as a snowball in
hell (one of my father's favorites) of getting any kind of cooperation from
Marsden at IAU/Harvard, or Yoemans at JPL/NASA. These guys would literally
rather die than have their precious "dirty snowball" comet theory be
disproved, and it would, and maybe will be, if Jim can get the resources he
needs. NASA will simply not allow it to happen as was so graphically evidenced
by the outright lies, and deceptions they used, and are still being used, on
Hale-Bopp. The fact that lives might potentially be saved with this
information will have no effect whatsoever on the NASA/NSA/NSC bunch. That you
can count on 100%.

If you have any ideas about how we could come up with the resources needed, we
sure would be happy to listen. In fact Jim's ready to jump on an airplane at a
moments notice; that is, as long as he doesn't wind up in a NASA cage
someplace. I'm also more than curious about the "certain circles" mentioned.

Standing by,

Earl L. Crockett

PS: Have you noticed that Marsden left out the ephemeris dates for Comet Lee
between June 21 and August 10? Looks like the fix may already be on.


Subject: Orbital hanky panky

Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 22:42:02 -0500


I have checked as many sources as I can and the orbits vary so wildly that it
is unreal. I bet this comet is moving all over the place, and is simply
"fooling" the standard programs that are used to calculate orbits with the
given number of sightings. They are all over the board on this, and it will
need some very serious analysis to weed out the truth. This is truly a lawless
comet, and with the erratic brightening happening it is certain to be far off
course every day. This already says something about its internal composition,
and I think Earl may be right that the mysterious sun flaring we have been
scratching our heads about for the past 6 months just found its source in this
comet. This could be a doozy! August is now looking like a time for the first
possible trouble.

Jim McCanney


Subject: Numerous alignments

Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 23:13:07 -0500


That Astroart site is great. Although they have what appears to be an
incorrect orbit (ie Comet Lee descends below the ecliptic too far out ) but
there are some major alignments coming up including a rare Earth, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn alignment in April, 2000. Just a Jupiter alignment can be
bad news but this can extend our tail if they connect all the way to about 15
to 20 AU, and including the already existing current sheets from both those
giants. That could be a very rude April fools joke . Remember the "killer
electrons" from Jupiter that we heard about from NASA. This one could be
severe in the wake of Comet Lee. I can get a lot done now with better
information but we still have incorrect orbits. I get the feeling that we will
not see anymore truthful data come out on this comet from NASA or JPL. I bet
this thing is wildly off course, and that they have already locked down the
hatches just like they did on Hale-Bopp. Here we go again!

Jim McCanney


Subject: C/1999 H1 (Lee)

Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 19:45:51 -0700

Heads up troops!

Better start asking around. This one looks HOT.



Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 05:48:42 PDT


I have heard of Comet Lee, but had no knowledge that is was a threat, so I
made a quick call to my contacts in this am, and they are very reluctant to
talk with me about Comet Lee. I then went back to the source I talked with
last week and he confirmed that Lee is a problem, which has everyone just a
little upset at Marsden. At least he is catching some heat from this. The word
is Ultra tight security on Comet Lee. We need to get some fixes on this one
real quick. I am working on some things, but will probably wind up with
nothing the way things look. The Military side of NASA is running this show
now, so forget any type of cooperation. Your contact should realize this,
maybe he has some influence somewhere, old contact still in contact and so

I would consider this a serious threat, particularly since I believe now that
they have known about this situation for over a year. That's right, over a
year and possible for as long as 20 months, this thing has more than just
potential problem with Earth orbit. From what my source said and the way it
was stated, the Moon's orbit could be effected dramatically, and then it may
be absolutely nothing; all hype for the Martial Law, and the presidents quest
for power. From that I gathered the White House is in full knowledge of the
threats and is doing nothing at this point.

I will keep watch for new readiness postures of our military, but with

KOSOVO, this will be a problem. The status changes almost daily with one

unit or another.



Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 01:24:32 -0500


I've been able to pull quit of bit out even with the bad or unreliable data
available. Besides the mid 2000 alignments already mentioned what really
stands out is Sept. 6 1999. This will be a date when the Earth crosses through
the cometary orbital plane and Venus is in exact alignment. Almost spooky how
exact it is! The comet's wanderings will be primarily within its current
orbital plane and if what seems to be shaping up is true regarding the
reduction in orbit of the comet (falling inwards towards the sun and slowing
down), and given the circa August solar current sheet (solar tail) location,
coupled with high CME potential, as well as the post comet perihelion solar
increase in activity that is expected--- This entire time frame of August to
September, 1999 could be a very serious cyclonic storm, and earthquake, era as
well as general other effects such as the opening of the earth's magnetic
field to allow high energy particles to stream in to the planetary surface.
Oddly enough the lunar alignment will also favor increased potential for earth
magnetic field break down at just that time. It is almost as if someone or
something had planned this! We really need access to good data and computer
processing to determine the possible time frames, and truly locate this comet
and its historical path to help predict the future.

We have to locate the episodes of wandering and try to predict thefuture. Too
bad NASA has destroyed the Hale-Bopp data that we could really use to help
provide the correction factors needed on Comet Lee. We also have to search for
follow on comets as they usually come in multiples. We really need resources
to go any farther and this is shaping up to be very serious. There is no time
to waste, and if the past is any indicator of the future (ie Hale-Bopp) the
NASA/JPL boys already have the good data buried so deep we will never see it.
I wonder what the Hubble Space Telescope has been looking at lately? We do
need resources.

Jim McCanney


Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 07:31:33 PDT


I may repeat myself from earlier, but cannot get a fix on the exact problem at
NASA. It seems that there is two strains of thought going around at this time;
the negative approach for which Marsden seems to be getting some flack; and
one that is more popular that everyone is blowing smoke about the whole deal
and there is no problem.

You do realize that this comet is coming from a whole different approach and
there is not really any math or computer models set up to project the exact
path. They are kind of doing everything in reverse at the moment. One model
shows that the comet will continue on its path to wherever out of our system
without any type of interaction. the second model, which has everyone upset
with the planets and sun interaction. which could swing the comet back in the
direction it came from. If this is the case then we do have a problem, but not
as severe as they make out. The one degree that they talk about is still a
couple of hundred million miles from the moon completely on the other side of
our orbit and outside of it.

Apparently, Marsden saw something in is projections that caused alarm. He is
not in that much trouble with NASA, because he never releases anything without
proper authority, but what he said, I guess, that got everyone up in arms.

This is about all that I can get out of my source for now.



Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 16:51:12 PDT


I keep hitting brick walls with all my contacts. I am going to have to have a
face to face again, but cannot tell when. At this point none of them want to
meet with me. From this I get the picture that things are worse than they want
to let on. Maybe Marsden's scenario is more correct than they want us to know.
Will keep you posted.



Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:28:54 -0500


I wonder if our new friend (C/Lee) had anything to do with the recent big
solar explosion. Also be advised that we should be on the alert for a follow
on comet. These very long period comets have a high probability of coming in
multiples. (note that the direction in question may at any time be behind the
sun so we need early tracking to prevent any surprises, and a good comet
hunter will always look where he already found a comet). This is a historical
fact. They may be closely spaced in time or far apart by years. This is
explained in my three part comet paper as due to the super nova explosions
that create the chunks of matter that become the seed comet nuclei. So they
are coming at us from the site of that old explosion, and the fast ones arrive
sooner and the slower ones later, but they come from exactly the same location
in intergalactic space. So we have to get our contacts eyes open to this.

Jim McCanney


Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 00:00:00 -0500

Earl & Gary;

We always need to be cautious since some comets that were predicted to be huge
have faded, but no matter how you cut it the C/Lee will be a highly observed
comet due to its proximity in the North American summer skies. It could be as
big and bright as HB to observers, and could also develop an observable
sunward spike. It could also send discharges through space to the moon, or
Earth, proving the ancient legends about Zeus hurtling thunderbolts amongst
the planets; just like Velikovsky wrote about. Now how is NASA going to
explain inter-planetary lightning coming from a dirty snowball whose materials
would "break apart in your hand?"/ We must keep stressing the potential for
electrical interaction not magnetic. Magnetic effects are real but they are by
products of the true cause-electrical interactions. This could very well
affect our magnetic field and Earth based weather. The big key here is the
upcoming planetary alignments and that it will be the electrical plasma
alignments not gravity that will be the potential harm givers. Most critical
is the September 6, 1999 alignment of Venus, and Earth with the new Moon (with
the Moon being to the sunward side of Earth) and with the C/Lee coming over
and behind us in the non-sunward side. If the comet starts to kick up CME's in
that alignment then we should see some truly horrible hurricanes develop in
the Atlantic. I have even considered that if the comet orbit is "hooked"
enough we could see a close enough encounter that the Earth and moon could
capture this thing as a permanent new member of the earth moon system, or
worse; at it would flip out into a future collision course with us again and
again like Venus did to Mars some 4000 years ago.

More soon,

Jim McCanney


Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 01:20:37 -0500

Gary & Earl:

I think you have to be very careful about saying this could be Earth affecting
but just suggest it. We must stress action at a distance as with H-B, and how
this is predicted by the plasma discharge model. I think we have to stress
that a "hit" is not the point here because if it misses by an inch in
traditional dirty snow ball world then it's just a miss; ie mechanical. In the
plasma discharge world a miss of several million miles could be a hit in the
sense of electromagnetic interactions. The idea I think should pursue is to
relate C/Lee's appearance to what it might do to Earth's weather. Note the
Millennium Group's work on weather, and its connection to Solar electric
fields. Regarding orbits: The original orbits had the comet going far over
Earth to the North at closest approach, and re-crossing the ecliptic beyond
Jupiter. The more recent (Marsden) ephemeris has it crossing at 1.7 AU; just
about the orbit of mars. More recent information suggests it is curving per
the plasma discharge comet model much closer in towards Earth for a relatively
close (not necessarily collision) encounter with the Earth-Moon system. I do
think what is being put forth my Marsden et al now is too sensationalistic and
of course they haven't told the press yet or they have and the press has been
shut up once again. We will have to remain in "announcement mode", and see how
things develop.

Jim McCanney


Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 08:14:54 -0700 (PDT)


I don't have a problem with avoiding making any statement as to what "will"
happen. It is imperative, and by that I mean urgent that people begin to
realize that what we are saying is correct and that there are very real
threats that exist in this unpredictable universe of ours; at least
unpredictable by mainstream uniformatarian scientific standards. Unless we
start raising the flag, no one will ever see it. And there is certainly a
potential threat of damage to the Earth through the means that Jim has
described. All it would take is one good CME jolt, or connection with the Sun,
and this comet could cause unprecidented weather changes, earthquakes and/or
all of the other various things that Velikovsky as talked about. We need to
stop playing the safe game, and start telling it like it is. I think the time
for being careful has expired and we need to start issuing some warnings. We
need to start seeing the universe that we live in for what it is, and not for
what someone is falsely telling us it is.

gary goodwin


Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 08:43:18 -0400

Hey Earl,

I have been studying Nostradamus and many other prophecies, including Native
American ones for years now. One of the other email lists I manage is for
Nostradamus and prophecy scholars. A very important comet is a consistent item
throughout the various cultures... this object is supposed to arrive about
this time and coincide with a great period of troubles for mankind, including
what sounds like an asteroid or cometary fragment impact.

Nostradamus seemed especially bothered by the solar eclipse coming this Summer
(especially notable in Europe) and it sounds like he believed that something
(the comet?) would be revealed during this eclipse and that people would
interpret it in many different ways. Evidently the comet was not thought by
him to impact the Earth but rather bring something else into an impact
scenario along with the comet's bright transit by Earth. He describes this in
a very similar manner to the Bible's book of Revelation and the discussion of
"something like a mountain on fire" being cast into the sea and killing 1/3 of

With our mystery guests and a new comet that may be right on track for these
prophecies... people who have studied them are a little bit nervous these days
and will be until October. Many Nostradamus scholars believe he may have meant
September with his reference to "sept mois"... but the window watched by most
scholars is from July through September 1999.

Also of note are a number of prophecies from Nostradamus and other prophets
involving what I believe to be a direct impact from a solar flare and CME
event of massive proportions. Descriptions of "fire in the sky", "solar heat
upon the seas", oceans boiling cooking the fish in them, snowcaps melting in
an instant, rainbows being seen at night (auroras I think).

Nostradamus uses symbolic references to "Phaeton's Chariot", a myth about a
Sun chariot that was driven recklessly across the skies from India northwest
through the middle east, north Africa and Europe with the heat from this "Sun
Chariot" scorching the ground as it bumped against it, burning up the trees,
melting the snowcaps, and boiling the seas where it touches them. This
mythological journey of Phaeton in the Sun-Chariot covers the exact regions
Nosty describes as suffering from these various effects that sound like a
solar plasma event of some sort.

Hal Blondell

Robert F. Tatman
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