-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/24/99 9:33:34 AM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  EIR Talks Interview 01/20/99
>  Author:   John Covici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Date:   1999/01/22
>  Forums:   alt.politics.usa.newt-gingrich, alt.activism,
>  alt.politics.british, alt.politics.democrats.d, alt.current-events.russia,
>  alt.current-events.bosnia, talk.politics.mideast, talk.politics.china
>  Please note this is a rough transcript -- I am sending it out without
>  proofreading because of its urgency.
>   EIR Talks
>   January 20, 1999
>   Interviewer: Tony Papert
>   "EIR Talks" can now be heard on the Internet. Tune in on
>  the EIR website, www.larouchepub.com. On Sundays, "EIR Talks"
>  airs on shortwave, on WWCR, at 5 PM Eastern, at frequency 5.065
>  megahertz. On Saturdays, "EIR Talks" airs on satellite at 5 PM
>  Eastern, on G-7, Transponder 14, 91 Degrees West. For further
>  details call Frank Bell, 703-777-9451, ext. 252.
>  PAPERT: Welcome to EIR Talks. It's Wednesday, January 20, 1999.
>  My name is Tony Papert, and with us in the studio today is
>  Jeffrey Steinberg, EIR's Counterintelligence editor.
>   Jeff, on two previous shows, we've spoken about the terrible
>  danger to the United States if President Clinton should be
>  convicted, and now Vice-President Al Gore become President. But I
>  know that more recently, since those shows, EIR intelligence has
>  accumulated hard evidence which actually closes the circle, and
>  makes the case indisputable, to say the least.
>  STEINBERG: Well, the fact is that, as we've been saying for many
>  years, the now-impeachment process playing out before the United
>  States Senate against President Clinton, has been from the outset
>  a foreign intelligence-directed assault on the U.S. Presidency,
>  which has no basis in law whatsoever. In other words, in the case
>  of President Clinton, there are no impeachable offenses, and in
>  fact, to the extent that any kind of "high crimes and
>  misdemeanors" were committed by anyone, those crimes were
>  committed by the people who have been working round the clock
  This reminds me of the VP of the Intl Olympic Committee yesterday claiming
that their was no bribary, corruption, or illegal acts committed by their
when in fact that is exactly how the games are obtained...by bribary,
and otherwise.  If Steinberg believes the info he puts out then I have a
bridge in
Brooklyn for sale if steinberg want to cut a check.
  The next reminder I get was from the days of Nixon when some of the
Nixon defenders were howling how he did nothing wrong, BUT even if he did
every other President did it etc  etc.
  If Clinton violated the law and committed perjury and other
illegal acts, then he should be convicted and removed from office.
  The founders gave the Senate two choices.  Either to remove from office
or not to remove from office (acquit).
   Unfortunatly an acquital  will send a message that lying under oath is OK;
1)  if it involves your personal life,
2)  if it involves your sex life or otherwise,
likewise it will send the clear message that BEFORE any person in America can
tried and convicted of any crime, we first need to
3) consult the local, state or national  opinion polls to see if we should.
Had we run
an opinion poll in LA during the OJ simpson case we probably would not have
had a trial.
4) permit the jurors of any trial in America to have personal involvement with
defendant during the trial.  If the defendant happens to be wealthy or well
the jurors could go to partys and dinners sponsored by the defendant...all the
claiming to be fair and impartial.  The OJ simpson criminal jury
would have to be considered the leading example of how a fair and impartial
should work.

5) Prosocuters would have to take into account the liberal/Democratic
definition of morality.  Which in essence is  any person who is "true" to
is to be considered a moral man.  What he does in his private life doesn't
So as long as he is true to issues, then he can cheat on his/her wife/husband,
or be a rapist, child molester and so on, all the while being a "moral man."

6) If the person  is true to issues and makes "contributions" to
society/people as a whole then no charges would "rise to the level of

7) Under the new feminist definition of sexual harrassment, if your a man, its
to expose yourself to a female staffer or otherwise, AS LONG as you stop/pull
your pants up if she says she is not interested.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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