EU gets a new arrest warrant but safeguard is blocked

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Strasbourg
(Filed: 07/02/2002)

AN arrest warrant covering 32 crimes in the European Union was approved by the European Parliament yesterday but it blocked a habeas corpus safeguard stopping abuse of the new system by over-zealous or corrupt magistrates.

Labour and Tory MEPs voted against an amendment by Sir Neil MacCormack, a Scottish nationalist MEP and a law professor, aimed at ensuring that Britons do not languish for months or years in foreign jails but several Euro-MPs defied party whips on a point of principle.

The amendment, supported by 155 Green and Liberal MEPs across the EU, proposed a "European habeas corpus Order" curbing excesses by judicial authorities and compelling them to bring suspects to trial within 110 days or free them.

Sir Neil said the EU had muddied the waters by equating allegations with hard proof. "They seem to think that prosecutors never make mistakes. Well they do. It's most urgent that we have remedies to prevent abuses of power," he said.

Dissenting MEPs were also angered by a "Christmas coup" on Dec 27 in which anti-terrorism measures were slipped through under a technical procedure, circumventing debate in Strasbourg and 15 national parliaments.

The Dec 27 text also infuriated civil liberties groups by extending terrorism to cover "passive" support for proscribed groups and stripping out the right to democratic protest and trade union activity.

Europe's definition of terrorism includes damage to public property if the cause is to change the basic structures of society or the economic system.

The arrest warrant covers crimes from terrorism, murder, rape, swindling, fraud, counterfeiting the euro (though not sterling) to racism and xenophobia, which are not offences as such in Britain.

Coming into full force in 2004, it will enable a judge or prosecuting magistrate anywhere in the EU to order the automatic extradition of a British citizen on the basis of suspicion alone, without having to present the dossier of evidence required under the current system.

Simon Murphy, Labour leader, said the habeas corpus amendment would have caused the political deal for the warrant to fall apart.

He said suspects were adequately protected already under the terms of the warrant, which guaranteed the right to a judicial hearing in Britain before extradition and forbids states from violating "fundamental rights".

The Conservative Party voted against the amendment on the grounds that it would signal tacit support for the EU-wide warrant, which the Tories oppose as a quantum leap in judicial federalism.

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