-Caveat Lector-

The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
1 Northumberland Avenue

Tel:    020 7872 5434
Fax:    020 7753 2848


Date of Publication: May 2001


When Smith College's Dr Eric Reeves demands an end to the Sudanese oil
project, his poorly-informed campaign attempting to interfere with
economic investment in Sudan brings him into direct conflict with the
other countries within the Horn of Africa region. Reeves has, for
example, in the past challenged the following comment made by one of the
petroleum companies involved in Sudan that "[i]ncreasingly, Sudan is
becoming a relative source of regional stability". (1) With an unbounded
arrogance unsupported by reality, not only does Dr Reeves apparently
believe that he knows what is in the best interests of the Sudanese
people, but that he also knows more about Sudan, and its involvement
regionally, than the governments and peoples of the Horn of Africa.

Dr Reeves' claims about events within Sudan have already been devastated
His allegations that the Sudanese government has displaced all the
population around the oil fields, "orchestrating a ferocious scorched-
earth policy in the area of the oil fields and pipelines" (2),
including, for example, claims in July 1999, that "[h]uge swaths of land
around the oil fields and pipelines are presently cleared of all human
life and sustenance" (3)  were comprehensively disproved by satellite
images taken of the areas in question and scientifically analyses by
Geoffrey John Oxlee, one of Britain's leading experts in the field, and
a  former head of the United Kingdom Joint Air Reconnaissance
Intelligence Centre Mr Oxlee stated: "there is no evidence of
appreciable human migration from any of the seven sites examined." (4)
To the contrary, he further stated that analysis revealed that "once the
sites were developed, then people did come into the area, and in fact it
looked as if people developed around the oil sites rather than going
away from it." (5)

Dr Reeves' claims about Sudan within its region are similarly easily
disproved. Possibly as a result of prejudice or simple naivety, Dr
Reeves chooses to ignore the simple fact that Sudan by any measure has
become a source of regional stability economically and politically. All
Dr Reeves need have done was follow some of the international news
agency reports on Sudan in recent months. Given that Dr Reeves claims to
have approached Sudan "with the eyes of a professional researcher",
claiming "[l]ong hours and days of assiduous reading, archival
retrieval, and real-time communications with Sudan experts in and out of
government" (6) his inability to find relevant material is puzzling. He
has either not been professional enough to find searingly relevant Sudan
articles published by first-class international news agencies such as
Reuters and Agence France Presse, or he has seen them and has not had
the intellectual courage to address material contradicting his thesis.
Dr Reeves' credibility as a commentator has already been extensively
questioned in "The Return of the 'Ugly American': Eric Reeves and
Sudan". (7) His partisan myopia with regard to Sudan, and its position
regionally, is once more clear for all to see.

Dr Reeves seems to have missed the Agence France Presse report in
February 2000 headlined "Sudan Heading for Improved Ties with
Neighbours". (8) Sudan has, over the past three years, emerged as an
economic and political leader of its region. This has culminated in its
hosting of the Eighth Heads of State summit of the regional
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) body in November 2000.
Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir was elected Chairman of the Assembly
of Heads of State and Government of IGAD at the November meeting. IGAD
comprises seven eastern and central African countries, Kenya, Ethiopia,
Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Uganda and Somalia. In addition, on 12
February 2001 President al-Bashir was also elected  Chairman of the
Community of Sahel-Saharan States (COMESSA or CEN-SAD). COMESSA is  a
body which brings together sixteen north African states. Its members are
Sudan, Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco, Chad, Eritrea, Tunisia, Libya, Somalia,
Mali, Niger, Senegal, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Mali and
Chad. The Secretary General of the Organisation of African Unity, Salim
Ahmed Salim, also attended the COMESSA summit. (9)

Sudan additionally plays a central role in another regional African
grouping, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. It has
additionally been at the forefront of establishing a free-trade area
under the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). COMESA
transport and communication ministers met, for example, in Khartoum in
October 2000 to address crucial issues such as the implementation of
regional air, road and railway transport. (10)

Sudan's relations with Egypt are at their best since the 1980s. (11)
The two countries have established a very constructive regional
relationship. Until Sudanese independence in 1956, Egypt and Sudan had
essentially been one country. Egypt still looks on Sudan as its
hinterland, and has long been concerned about the unity of its
neighbour. (12)  The Egyptian foreign minister, Amr Moussa, has stated:

"There's now an openness in Sudan's government. It is prepared to listen
and negotiate and reach a vision for a new Sudan that accepts all
opposition factions." (13)

The warmth of Egyptian-Sudanese relations were summed up by the Egyptian
foreign minister on the occasion of President Bashir's state visit to
Egypt in 1999: Moussa stated that "Egypt sees al-Bashir as the head of
the Sudanese state and as a representative of his country". Egypt and
Sudan were bound up, he said, by "eternal, special, historical, and
future relations". (14) The Egyptian Assistant Foreign Minister, Mustafa
al-Feqi, has also stated that Egypt and Sudan have reached agreement on
economic, trade, industrial, agricultural, cultural and consular
cooperation. Egypt has dropped the requirement of an entry visa for
Sudanese travelling to Egypt. (15) It has vigorously thrown itself into
finding a peaceful solution to the Sudanese conflict, outlining a peace
plan designed to secure a comprehensive political settlement of the
Sudanese conflict. This peace initiative called for a permanent cease-
fire, and a national peace conference. Sudan immediately accepted the
Egyptian-Libyan proposals. (16) Feqi also stated with regard to the
Libyan-Egyptian peace initiative:

"We are launching this mediatory initiative on consent by the legitimate
government and the northern and southern opposition...I believe that if
they sit down together at the negotiating table, the two sides will
certainly reach agreement." (17)

Sudan and Egypt have also formed a joint business council, made up of 40
members (20 from each side) to encourage private investment and trade
exchanges between the two countries. (18)

Sudanese-Ethiopian relations are also very warm. In May 2001, Sudan and
Ethiopia signed economic and political cooperation agreements including
the envisaged establishment of a free trade area between the two
countries. (19) It was also announced in November 2000 that Sudan will
be exporting oil to Ethiopia, and that an oil pipeline linking the two
countries was being considered. (20)  In December 1999, Ethiopia and
Sudan agreed to open to traffic the road linking Azezo, Metema and
Gedarif. Some 118 of the 175 kilometre road linking the Ethiopian-
Sudanese border to Gedarif has already been completed, as has 50 of the
187 kilometre road from Azezo to Metema. (21) March 2000 Sudan and
Ethiopia stated that their countries' ties were "now much stronger" than
they were in early 1990s. The two governments announced that they had
signed agreements on cooperation in political, security, trade, roads,
communications, agriculture and other spheres. (22) Work also began in
May 2000 on the Doka-Gallabat road link between Sudan and Ethiopia. (23)
Additionally, plans have now been made to link Sudan and Ethiopia by
rail. (24) The railway will link Port Sudan on Sudan's Red Sea coast
with Ethiopia's southern-most town of Moyale. (25)

Sudan's relationship with Eritrea has also normalised. In January 2000,
Eritrea and Sudan resumed diplomatic relations with each other. (26) In
October 2000, the Presidents of Sudan and Eritrea pledged bilateral
cooperation in political, security, economic and cultural fields. (27)
And, in May 2001 Sudan and Uganda announced the restoration of
diplomatic relations after a six year break. (28)

It is a matter of record that Sudan has worked hard to address conflicts
within the region. The Sudanese government mediated during the Eritrean-
Ethiopian conflict, and the new President of Somalia has publicly
thanked Sudan for the role it has played in rebuilding Somalia and
supporting peace and stability within that country. (29)

It is clear that Sudan has established a leadership role for itself
within its region. For Sudan to be at the heart of regional groupings
such as COMESSA, COMESA and IGAD clearly underlines the role it is
playing in securing political and economic stability within northern and
eastern Africa. Political moderation and common sense have triumphed
over failed American attempts at regional destabilisation. Several years
of building up closer political, diplomatic and economic relationships
with its neighbours have resulted in Sudan's presidency of IGAD and
COMESSA and its close involvement within COMESA. It is also evident that
the Organisation of African Unity, as well as most of the international
community, have noted the changes within Sudan, and Sudan's new
relationships regionally. This leadership role has been a success for
Sudanese and regional diplomacy.

The picture of Sudan as a destabilising influence that distant
commentators such as Eric Reeves seek to present is in stark contrast to
the reality. Sudan has become a source of regional stability. The very
economic boom that has accompanied oil production in Sudan also serves
to economically stabilise the region. Yet this is the very stability
that Dr Reeves has sought to undermine. The obscenity of a well-fed,
middle-class white academic arrogantly stating that poor black and brown
Africans should not be able to develop their economy, either nationally
or regionally, and that they should continue to live in poverty and
famine, is all too obvious.


1       Eric Reeves, 'Who is involved...?', 14 February 2001, Web Posted
on [EMAIL PROTECTED] at 17:27:55 + 0400.
2       'Investors Fuel Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan', 'The Catholic New
Times', Toronto, 31 October 1999.
3       Eric Reeves, 'Silence on Sudan', 'The Chicago Tribune', 29 July
4       'Talisman Energy Says Study Disproves Sudan Allegations', Dow
Jones Newswire, 18 April 2001.
5       'Talisman Fights Back on Sudan Displacement Claims Releases
Aerial Images', The Financial Post, (Canada), 19 April 2001.
6       Statement by Dr Eric Reeves before the U.S. Commission on
International Religious Freedom, Washington-DC, 15 February 2000
available at http://www.uscirf.gov/hearings/15feb00/professor_reeves.htm
7       'The Return of the "Ugly American": Eric Reeves and Sudan',
European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, London, November 2000.
8       'Sudan Heading for Improved Ties with Neighbours', News Article
by Agence France Presse on 21 February 2000.
9       'African Officials in Khartoum for Sahel-Sahara Meet', News
Article by Deutsche Press Agentur on 10 February 2001 at 18:21:00 EST.
10      'Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa Ministers Head
for Sudan', Times of Zambia, 18 October 2000.
11      'Sudan Heading for Improved Ties with Neighbours', News Article
by Agence France Presse on 21 February 2000. See also See, for example,
'Kuwait-Sudan End Decade of Enmity With Summit', News Article by Reuters
on 14 February 2000 at 14:23:35; and Sudan's Beshir to Make First Visit
to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia Since Gulf War', News Article by Agence France
Press on 13 February 2000.
12      See, for example, statements by Osama El-Baz, political adviser
to Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak: 'El-Baz: Sudan is the Strategic
Depth of Egypt', News Article by ArabicNews.com on 14 September 1999;
'Egypt Reiterates Backing for Sudan's Territorial Integrity', News
Article by Xinhua on 22 December 1999 at 20:22:38.
13      'Focus - Egypt's Moussa in Sudan to Discuss Peace', News Article
by Reuters on 4 January 2000 at 14:02:46.
14      'Egypt Hails Sudanese President's Visit', News Article by Xinhua
on 22 December 1999 at 20:24:41.
15      'Sudano-Egyptian Cooperation, Sudanese Reconciliation', News
Article by Agence France Presse on 20 May 2000.
16      See, 'Report: Sudan Accepts Egyptian-Libyan Peace Plan', News
Article by Associated Press on 24 August 1999 at 10:10:00; 'Sudan
"Willing" to Enter Peace Talks, Newspaper Says', News Article by Agence
France Presse on 21 August 1999 at 11:32:43; 'War-Torn Sudan Takes Step
Towards National Dialogue', News Article by Reuters on 21 August 1999 at
17      'Sudano-Egyptian Cooperation, Sudanese Reconciliation', News
Article by Agence France Presse on 20 May 2000.
18      'Sudanese, Egyptian Businesses Form Joint Council', News Article
by Panafrican News Agency on 24 November 2000.
19      'Ethiopia and Sudan Sign Cooperation Agreement', News Article by
Associated Press on 3 May 2001 2001 at 12:10:39 EST.
20      'Sudan Set to Begin Oil Export to Ethiopia', News Article by
PANA on 4 November 2000.
21      'Ethiopia, Sudan Agree to Open Roads', Addis Tribune, Addis
Ababa, 31 December 1999.
22      'Sudan, Ethiopia Say They Have Normalised Relations', News
Article by Agence France Press on 5 March 2000 at 15:14:30.
23      'Work Starts on Sudan-Ethiopia Road Link', News Article by PANA
on 21 May 2000.
24      'Ethiopia, Sudan to be Linked by Rail', News Article by XINHUA
on 8 January 2001.
25      'Railway Linking Port Sudan, Moyale in Pipeline', News Article
by PANA on 9 January 2001.
26      See, 'Sudan, Eritrea Resume Diplomatic Relations', News Article
by Panafrican News Agency on 4 January 2000.
27      'Sudan, Eritrea Pledge Bilateral Cooperation', News Article by
Agence France Presse on 5 October 2000 at 00:45:16 EST.
28      'Uganda and Sudan to Restore Diplomatic Relations', News Article
by Agence France Presse on 12 May 2001 at 09:39:52 EST.
29      'Somalia President Praises Sudan's Role in Supporting Peace',
Sudan TV, Omdurman, in Arabic on 4 December 2000 at 17:00 GMT.


European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
1 Northumberland Avenue, London, WC2N 5BW
Tel: 0207 872 5434   Fax: 0207 753 2848

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