-Caveat Lector-

  Online Article


This article was printed in Exposure Magazine Volume 5 Number 6 (FEB-MARCH
99) and is protected under copyright laws.

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Ethno-Biological Genetic Warefare
By David M. Summers
Journalist and editor of Exposure Magazine

"Truth is a very powerful weapon against those who try to conceal it.." --
Margaret Thatcher, speaking Dec 3, 1998 at the National Institute of Public
Policy in Washington,D.C.

As we reflect over this past century, the evils committed in the name of
nationalism and religion have reached an all-time high. Now the "Ethno-Bomb"
is here...a manufactured biological bomb which determines the difference
between Caucasians and Negroid, as well as both Semitic groups (Jews and
Arabs). Just how far is mankind prepared to go before he advances himself
into oblivion?

This is the age where bullets and pea-shooters are out the door, and the
new-age of weaponry has arrived...something more deadly than laser guns and
more sinister than Big Brother himself!

In modern times, the ability for ethnic and religious groups to "get along"
is at breaking point, possibly more so than ever before in human history.
This century alone has seen more bloodshed in the "name of God and country",
than during any other time period the world has ever known.

During the course of the Second World War, millions of people were
innocently slaughtered because of race, religion, and for their political
affiliations and beliefs. Since that time, the Socialist, Communist and
Brotherhood controlled press has launched numerous massive campaigns to disc
redit those who question either the perpetrators and/or the victims of past
war crimes. Attention needs to be drawn to the hypocrisy and double
standards coming out of the controlled press, and also that of western
military intelligence.

According to intelligence reports from Britain and the USA, it was recently
announced that the State of Israel is working on a biological weapon which
will define between Arab and Jew. This weapon is designed to target victims
by their ethnic origin and their genes, although there are only few
similarities between the two groups, (as both are of Semitic origin). This
new "breakthrough" in biological and genetic warfare has already been
compared to the very barbaric methods of the former socialist party of
Germany (the Nazis), and is being projected as a "proper" response to Iraq"s
threats of chemical and biological attacks.

London's 'Sunday Times' (which has spoken to some of the official sources in
Israel), recently stated: 'In developing their 'ethno-bomb', Israeli
scientists are trying to exploit medical advances by identifying distinctive
genes carried by some Arabs, then create a genetically modified bacterium or
virus. The intention is to use the ability of viruses and certain bacteria
to alter the DNA inside their hosts.

The scientists are trying to engineer deadly micro-organisms that attack
only those bearing the distinctive genes'. It is extremely complicated to
try and match the 'right destructive virus' to attack 'the right gene'. The
morality and ethics of this sort of warfare must be questioned.

Counteractive Propaganda

Time and time again Israeli and Jewish pseudo-geopolitical lobby groups,
(and not all Israelis are Jewish), have jumped up and down, ranted and raved
with accusations of 'Nazi', 'anti-Semite' etc., at the slightest word
against them. This often happens when a powerful member of their group is
targeted for investigation by researchers. Meanwhile as this occurs, many
around the world are getting fed up with these antics and the downright
demoralising and more often than not, untrue statements.

What the Nazis did to the Jews is frightful and horrifying, in fact in many
cases the crimes are unforgivable. But we should likewise not forget that
the Jewish people were not the only targets of the Nazi war machine; forget
not the Gypsys, the Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, Freemasons, political
dissidents and the like. The Semites were certainly not the only ones who
suffered during the second world war. People from nearly every corner of the
globe suffered.

While the 'not-guilty' current generation of Germany still pay 'blood money'
for the crimes of Hitler to groups (of whom many are already based in Wall
Street), the Australian's veterans and their families cannot even get an
'apology' out of the government of Japan for atrocities committed against

Many other nations are in the same boat as the Aussies...so why the fuss?
The facts are that most countries who do not promote a dogmatic 'we are
better than thou' attitude end up with zilch. It is true that an apology is
a start, but money and apologies will not bring back the dead. An apology
for the murder of tens of thousand of Palestinians and Israelis from both
sides would not go astray.

The removal of the right-wing religious extremists (such as the Likud) out
of the Israeli parliament would be one of the best initial moves that could
be made. The damage being done to the region and to Israel's now tainted
reputation by Likud is getting difficult to resolve. It is difficult to
grasp that a group of men (the Israeli parliament) who claim to be acting in
the 'name of God' and who claim to be 'God's chosen?, have the audacity to
continue to remove local Palestinian people from their homes, more often
than not by blowing them up. Any complaints about it in the west are sorted
out by the very defamatory 'Anti-Defamation League' in the USA and the
'Anti-Defamation Commission' in Australia.

Another name for this intelligence arm is the B'nai B'rith, who often have j
ournalists holding key positions within major press centres throughout
western nations. Their job is to keep the lies circulating and to nip truth
in the bud.

A good example of this was the recent publication of Exposure Magazine's
name in The Bulletin as an 'extreme right-wing organisation'. The
information supplied to The Bulletin by B'nai B'rith, 'forgot' to mention
that it is only Kelly and I who run this publication and that anybody who
knows us personally, knows we are far from being 'extreme right-wing'. They
also 'forgot' to mention that Kelly is of Jewish decent.

Selective Genocide

Scientists who work along with the extreme right in Israel are now in the
proceeds to create the most evil and diabolical weapon ever...using the very
funds given to them in compensation for crimes committed by other nations.
(The State of Israel exists for the most part on funds from other nations
and has very little if any natural resources).

The 'Ethno-bomb' program is based at the biological institute in Nes
Tziyona, which is the main research facility for Israel's clandestine
arsenal of chemical and biological weapons.

One scientist who works at the facility stated that 'the 'Ethno bomb' is a
very difficult task due to the Semitic origins of Jews and Arabs'. Not an
easy task if this program backfires (not unlike most biological weaponry),
as it could end up wiping out many Jews as well as Arabs. And it will be the
companies who designed the thing who will have to pay compensation then!

If former Nazi Germany must pay for her crimes, then we can safely assume
eventually Israel and South Africa will have to pay for theirs too!

The scientist continued: 'They have, however, succeeded in pin-pointing a
particular characteristic in the genetic profile of certain Arab
communities, particularly the Iraqi people. The disease could be spread by
spraying the organisms into the air or putting them in water supplies'.

The concept of an 'Ethno-bomb' reflects the research during the apartheid
era performed by South African scientists and revealed recently during the
hearings before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which looked into
the various crimes committed by officials against humanity.

Outrage has already been provoked because of the comparisons drawn with Nazi
scientific research conducted at Auschwitz. Even within the Israeli Knesset
(Parliament), some members have spoken up against the studies stating that
such a weapon is 'monstrous and should be denied'. Other experts felt that
the research into an ethnically targeted weapon was feasible, but getting
the thing to work had huge logistical problems.

Racial Weapons

In 1980 a special team in South Africa headed by Dr. Daan Goosen of the
chemical and biological warfare plant, claimed he and his colleagues were
ordered to develop a 'pigmentation weapon' which would target only black
people - a weapon which discriminates against the colour of one's skin. The
Israeli research is no different and is just as racist, basing it's
discriminatory killing power on the composition of one's genes.

Dr. Goosen said, 'the concept of spreading this manufactured disease was to
distribute the virus in beer, maize or even vaccinations', yet he also
claimed that he never managed to get the project off the ground.

Last year a top secret Pentagon document warned 'that biological agents
could be genetically engineered to produce new lethal weapons'. US Defence
Secretary William Cohen, was quoted during one press conference as stating
that he had 'received reports of countries working to create certain types
of pathogens that would be ethnic-specific'. Other intelligence agencies
have also made it known that Israel was among the countries that Cohen was
referring to.

'Jane's' a magazine which keeps a close and careful eye on world military
affairs and hardware, recently gave more support that the rumours about
Israeli classified research into ethic warfare are well founded. In the
piece published by Jane's it confirms South African sources as stating that
'Israeli scientists have used some South African technology to develop an
'ethnic-bullet' to be used to determine the difference between Jews and
Arabs'; and that 'Israelis discovered aspects of the Arab genetic make-up by
researching on Jews of Arab origin...especially Iraqis'.

An investigation and a report is due to released soon by the BMA (British
Medical Association), an organisation which has become extremely concerned
about the lethal potential of genetically based biological weapons.

Vivienne Nathanson, who has instigated the BMA's study involvement said:
'With an ethnically targeted weapon, you could even hit groups within a
population. The history of warfare, in which many conflicts have an ethnic
factor, shows us how dangerous this could be.'

Another source from Britain's biological defence establishment said
recently, 'that such weapons were possible' and that; 'We have reached a
point now where there is an obvious need for an international convention to
control biological weapons.'

The world may remain horrified (and rightfully so), after the South African
Truth and Reconciliation Committee detailed the planning of ethnic
biological weapons designed to murder blacks and leave whites alone. Now,
factions in Israel are creating their own ethnic weapons, designed to cull
Arabs and preserve Jews.

Barbaric Insanity

If there has ever been a blatant undertaking to create another 'final
solution' since WWII, then this is it! This insanity produced under the
guise of''science' and so-called 'technology', is nothing more than a
barbaric murderous attempt to remove innocent humans from the face of this
earth. We all have a right to live! This earth is home for just one very
large group of souls... we call them human.

The very idea of 'ethnic biological' warfare using genetics to determine who
is the enemy and who is not, comes under the act as a crime against
humanity. The scientists who have and are still working on this type of
weapon should be removed permanently from their jobs along with all the
guilty parties in cohorts with the project.

This draconian and barbaric research serves not to unite mankind, but to
divide under the name of religion. Moses and Mohammad would be appalled by
their so-called extremist followers if they were alive today. Jesus Christ,
Buddha and Krishna, I am sure would be feeling the same way. And although I
cannot speak for God Almighty...I am certain that he/she would call down all
the wrath of heaven against these sorry scientists who survive under the
pretence of being human.

The one thing that religion has never learned in all its history is the way
of love...not the conditional love preached from pulpits around the world (I
will love you...IF.....you do this or that), but love for humanity as a
whole, no matter what they believe or who they choose to worship. I
certainly am not a religious person...as I have not found one group who
truly espouses love. The truth is as you perceive it to be or as you like to
interpret it to be!

Iraq - UN - USA

When we look at Iraq, there is no difference to any thinking , rational,
ethical and moral mind, between the threats of Saddam Hussein and the
actions of the United Nations, Israel and the United States. All three have
a history of crimes against humanity. The Israelis ridicule people to death,
the UN starves third world countries by denying much needed aid and then
bleeds them dry of their natural resources (which could be sold on the
world-market)...and the US just bombs the hell out of anyone who says 'no'
to the administration.

The Israelis commit genocidal atrocities each day against the Palestinians,
the Americans against the natives there, the Australians have done it to the
Aboriginals and the list goes on and on.

I quote The Sunday Times as follows: 'It is constantly claimed that Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein could be only weeks away from completing the
construction of offensive biological weapons mounted on Scud missiles.
Israel was hit by Scuds during the Gulf War and fears it would be the prime
target.' Now this second half of the quote is very misleading. According to
many researchers both within and outside the military, Scud missiles are
very unreliable and are extremely difficult to attach bio-weapons to. Even
if Iraq could do this (and they have had seven years to do so), then why
have they not done it?

It would be wise to keep in mind that every day during the Gulf War, the
images of Patriot rockets shooting down Scuds live on CNN and NBC was
nothing more than a global arms sale. The beneficiaries of the entire
murderous event were the arms dealers often working in cohorts with MI5,
MI6, CIA and the Mossad. (Incidentally, in Hebrew 'Mossad' means 'by way of

It is now well documented after the fact, that hundreds of thousand of Iraqi
people died and that billions of dollars were made in weapons sales. Not
one, not a single Scud missile, was shot down by a Patriot rocket during the
entire Gulf War. The entire episode was to sell missiles at rock-bottom
prices to all the allies involved. The war was a con and a farce.

During the war, Iraq was accused of murdering babies in hospital incubators.
Try to remember those images of a young Kuwaiti girl in tears on global TV
telling that story. Next time you remember it, don't forget she is the
daughter of a Kuwaiti prince. Likewise do not forget the U.S. bombing of the
baby milk factory supposedly set up as a nuclear weapons plant...after seven
years research, it really was just a baby milk factory! A 'genuine
intelligence mistake', or a blatant go at the Iraqis jugular?

You the good people need to wake up! Now seven years down the track, the
international foreign debt is just too high to count and the arms trade is
at an all-time low. The one question left to ask is....when will the next
war be and who will be singled out as the new enemy of the world?#

References: Leading Edge International Research Group: Mad Scientists Follow
South African Lead in Ethnic Weaponry? The Sunday Times: Uzi Mahnaimi and
Marie Colvin [The Australian, November 16, 1998] U.S. had role in S. African
biological warfare, witness alleges South Africa -- Dr. Wouter Basson, the
general who headed the top-secret project from its inception in 1981, said
that U.S. intelligence officials were not surprised when told that his
researchers had explored using cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy and other street
drugs as "incapacitates" on enemies of the apartheid government.

The revelations came on the last day of public hearings before the main
committee of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, when Basson, who had
been dodging questions for months, commandeered the session for nearly 11
hours. The steely-eyed general aggressively refuted claims by investigators
and witnesses that he was apartheid's "Dr. Death", the mastermind of a
sinister plot to silence black opponents of the white regime through
clandestine chemical and biological means.

"I did many things, but not one of them was illegal and not one of them led
to the death or bodily harm of a single person," Basson said. "I was part of
the ordinary defence force that had to support the government of the day."
Basson said Project Coast, as the weapons program was code-named, had no
offensive capabilities, despite testimony by former government scientists
that they had been instructed to develop "gadgets" that kill or maim people.
The creation of such cloak-and-dagger items as peppermint chocolates laced
with cyanide, cigarettes contaminated with anthrax and whiskey spiked with
weedkiller were for training purposes only, he said, and were no different
from teaching aids used by militaries worldwide.

Notes, written in Afrikaans and made public at the truth commission
proceedings, say Air Force officials encouraged him to develop joint
"medical projects" with the United States, while other top military and
defence officials extolled the virtues of chemical weapons.

"He feels that chemical warfare is an ideal strategic weapon because
infrastructure is preserved together with facilities and only living people
are killed," Basson wrote of a conversation with Maj. Gen. William S.
Augerson, who was deputy assistant secretary of defence for health resources
and programs but has since retired from the military.

In another notation, Basson recorded that Augerson said he wondered if the
incidence of typhoid, cholera and other diseases during the war in Vietnam
were the result of "bio-manipulation" by the Soviet Union. In an eerie echo
of that speculation, Basson now stands accused by former Project Coast
employees of ordering research into cholera as a weapon of mass destruction;
Basson dismissed the possibility as absurd.

Basson is scheduled to appear in court on charges of conspiracy to murder,
obstruction of justice, fraud and other alleged wrongdoing related to his
tenure at Project Coast until he was forced out in 1992.

The Detroit News  Anyway
People are unreasonable, illogical, and
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people may accuse you
of selfish motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you may win false
friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today may be
forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable.
Be honest and transparent anyway.

What you spend years building may be
destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People who really want help may attack you
if you help them.
Help them anyway.

Give the world the best you have
and you may get hurt.
Give the world your best anyway.

Meditations From A Simple Path
by Mother Teresa

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